Crater Research

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The kids in grade school called you what you are blackholesun, a liar, and I would have to agree with their view point. They don’t seem to be as gullible as you.

Call me what you want NORVAL, go ahead and TRY it. You get the pattern I said. Or are you just afraid of doing the little "experiment"?
My experiment was with small round pebbles and a mud bank of the river nearby. Never EVER got anything like a CS type of crater chain. IF you can, make a video and post it of your “crater chain” you say you can create.

Don’t forget, that ALL have to hit at once as the scientists said they obviously did because of the lack of ejecta from one crater to the next.. ALL in a line and touching each other and be the same size. FOCL (go for it)

Hell, if you can even toss a hand full of anything and get them to all land in a row touching shoulder to shoulder. I would be impressed.


The mark of all great conspiracies is the corruption of common knowledge.
Like CS crater chains happening naturally
Don’t forget, that ALL have to hit at once as the scientists said they obviously did because of the lack of ejecta from one crater to the next.. ALL in a line and touching each other and be the same size.

Well given that even if they DID hit all at the same time, you'd still have ejecta from the other craters. I mean why the hell WOULDN'T you get ejecta? Plus the pictures I've seen that YOU provide don't should perfection in any way. They don't look uniform at from one crater to the next and they aren't in a perfect line.

PS. I don't have a video camera...kinda looks like a copout answer but I'd have to go borrow someones. I wouldn't EXPECT them to touch shoulder to shoulder. That's not what I would be showing anyhow. But I CAN get them to for a relatively straight line just by throwing the materal at a low angle.
blackholesun said:
Don’t forget, that ALL have to hit at once as the scientists said they obviously did because of the lack of ejecta from one crater to the next.. ALL in a line and touching each other and be the same size.

Well given that even if they DID hit all at the same time, you'd still have ejecta from the other craters. I mean why the hell WOULDN'T you get ejecta? Plus the pictures I've seen that YOU provide don't should perfection in any way. They don't look uniform at from one crater to the next and they aren't in a perfect line.

PS. I don't have a video camera...kinda looks like a copout answer but I'd have to go borrow someones. I wouldn't EXPECT them to touch shoulder to shoulder. That's not what I would be showing anyhow. But I CAN get them to for a relatively straight line just by throwing the materal at a low angle.

Well then BlackHole you cannot replicate CS crater chains. As has been stated over and over again, impact simultaneously, ejecta from one crater does not fall back into the adjacent crater and shoulder to shoulder.
Hold on, Craterchains. Lets go over a few points first.

1) Your main reason for believing intelligent aliens made those craters is the regularity of it. I've shown you at least one source of regular signals not made my aliens. Let me give you another example. Suppose you were to toss a die hundreds of thousands of times. There will bound to be certain portions where a string of identical numbers show up. But this is not indication of intelligence, merely randomness.

2) You said you have the math to show such craters are impossible to form by comets breaking up. Computer simulations so far cannot produce such an event. But it may be that the computers cannot simulate such events YET. Please show the mathematical proof that such events are IMPOSSIBLE, ie ZERO chance of happening.

Your point concerning the regularity of crater chains is not conclusive as proof of alien intelligence.
To convince us your theory has some merit, simply show the mathematical proof crater chains are impossible to form natually.
Blackholesun, you are going about it the wrong way. A better experiment is to toss thousands of pebbles at once.
as an object enters the surface of a planet it breaks up, the object hit at a certain projectory means it would skip across the surface, furthermore, you should really come up with an idea that isnt easily explained. This is similiar to calling fireflys magic pixies and that they elad you to the magical land of narn (when in reality you stepped on a spore filled mushroom and you were looking at fire flies)
Given that they all strike at once, whether or not they are weapons strikes or impacts, the force allows only a bit of the vertical ejecta to fall back into the craters created. The rest is blown to the sides of the crater chain except the end ones. This is normal at least in blast explosions set to blow at the same time in a line.

Of interest and note is the lack of any modern times crater strikes that we have pictures of?! Does any one know of or have a picture of a modern KNOWN meteor strike crater?

Many chains have a strike pattern of over 50 strikes in a row. A few are nearly a hundred strikes in a row. These longer and smaller ones being on Mars There are literally dozens of crater chains in a few places on Mars.. The larger crater chains so far discovered have been on the moons of Jupiter. And we have yet to fully photograph our own solar systems bodies. What more will we discover? I am sure we will discover these were not skipping stones of 40 km space rocks, scientists have all ready ruled that one out for the CS types of crater chains.

For some probability math try this thread.

The mark of all great conspiracies is the corruption of common knowledge.
That comets and asteroids have caused all these craters.
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Of course you did not use the word IMPOSSIBLE. i merely inferred from this statement you made:

craterchains (Norval said:
Get real people, the only thing that can cause this amount of crater chains in our solar system would be by intelligent beings with weapons in a great war.

So, lets be clear. In your opinion, is it impossible or possible for comets to form those chains?
heh. yup, hes got ya there norval. You're talking out of both sides of your face.

It's either impossible or it's not. If it isn't then there's a good chance it has happened, especially when you have a few billion years to play with.
Let me make a few observations.

Norval said that the craterchains were formed by nuclear explosions. What i understand from this is that aliens dropped nuclear bombs at high altitude, and when they land, they detonate and form the craters. The formation of the crater is due to nuclear explosion, not the impact. Here is a picture of a nuclear crater:

This is purely a nuclear crater, with the detonation device buried underground.
Note the lack of a central peak, and the uniform smooth slopes in the crater.

Now, compare with the images of craterchains:

Notice that the craters show a central peak. Impact, in some cases, form a central peak. This peak is formed when there is great impact, causing the contact point to be subjected to intense pressure. The contact point first compresses, then rebounds, forming the peak.

So, impacts form a central peak. Nuclear explosions do not. Some craterchains show a central peak, suggesting that impact is what formed the craters, not nuclear explosions.
Another image of the Sedan Crater


Sedan crater does have the center crater peak.
Up to a point, the more deeply buried an explosive charge is, the larger the crater it will make. Beyond this point much of the material is thrown with insufficient force to clear the crater and falls back in, reducing the final size. At the optimal crater depth though quite a lot of material actually ends up back in the crater bottom. This is an advantage for a Plowshare-type crater experiment since much of the radioactivity gets returned to the crater and buried. The radiation release (as measured in terms of I-131, the most important from human health risks) was 880,000 curies, about equivalent to a 3-4 kt atmospheric fission test.
Sedan was detonated at what was estimated to be the optimal crater depth in alluvial soil. 12 million tons of soil and rock were lifted into the air, 8 million tons of it falling outside the crater. The final crater was 1280 feet wide and 320 feet deep. The force of the detonation released seismic energy equivalent to an earthquake magnitude of 4.75 on the Richter Scale.
Operation Storax, Sun Beam, and Roller Coaster
Obviously some aren’t reading carefully?
Buffy’s asked;
It's either impossible or it's not. If it isn't then there's a good chance it has happened, especially when you have a few billion years to play with.
And Arch Rival asks;
So, lets be clear. In your opinion, is it impossible or possible for comets to form those chains?

First, there are MANY POSSIBILITIES.
Second, there are a few PROBABILITIES from study of the POSSIBILITIES.
Third, of the FEW probabilities, only one will be discovered to be the TRUTH.

In the first paragraph of this thread I stated;
We say BULL SHIT because it is next to impossible for that to ever happen in such a precise pattern.
It ain’t gonna happen any more than you will win EVERY LOTTO FOR THE NEXT 6 MONTHS, and we all know that ain’t gonna happen. Any body with a brain the size god gave a piss ant should be able to take a hand full of rocks and figure this out in about a day.
Now, is that little mater settled?

It took FieryIce and I a few days to really start to comprehend the magnitude of such research we were embarking on. We have been at it for three years now and still manage to discover a new point now and then. Like the size comparisons of CS crater chains and on what bodies they were found. NO matter what size of craters they all are equally spaced at rim to rim distances from each crater. THAT IS ODD!?!? It is also impossible for us to do that with equal accuracy with even today’s technology, delivery, and construction capabilities. Unless we place them by hand and detonate them at the same time.

For those of you that haven’t studied WAR tactics, we recommend you look at submarine warfare as a possible primmer for space warfare.

The mark of all great conspiracies is the corruption of common knowledge.
Are you getting worked up, Norval? It seems like you are. Calm down. Hey, i'm all for the truth. i'm willing to accept aliens created the craters, provided you show good enough evidence.

From your last post, i gather the main point you are trying to put across is: those craters CAN be formed by comets/asteroids. But the probability that they are formed by aliens bombarding the surface is so much higher.

Please show us your mathematical proof concerning the probabilities that led you to arrive at that conclusion.
Arch_Rival said:
i'm willing to accept aliens created the craters, provided you show good enough evidence.

I'd settle for bad evidence at this point.
And something else. FieryIce, from the information you quoted i understand the your "central peak" in a nuclear crater is formed by soil falling back and tumbling down to the base of the crater.

My question is this: If you have a crater, and you pour sand down the sides, will a prominent peak form? Likely the sand will even out at the bottom, making the crater shallower without a huge central peak, unless you are pouring sand directly on the center of the crater.
Arch Rival
One thing to note about the Sedan Crater is that it was a subsurface explosion, a tunnel dug, device inserted, filled with cememt then capped with a led plate. So put your shot gun under the surface, slightly cover it up then (somehow) fire it. Just a thought.
Remember the explosion vaporized the cememt and shot the led plate somewhere, never to be found again. Compare this to a surface or above surface test.
The pouring sand down the sides idea just isn't correct.
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