Crater Research

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As we can all see, we have yet to see any wreckage photos of space craft about our solar system.
Two possible reasons.
1. Salvage has been good for scrap and recovery workers.
2. The photos are classified.

Or a third you so conveniently fail to add is that THEY DON'T EXIST! But of course you've already made up your mind regardless of the real truth. So you just make more shit up.
This is a little OOT but most notible Scientist I believe configure their E-mail to work on the basis of a Keyword, if the word doesn't exist within their Subjectline or Body, then the letter is either Handled by an underling or Handed directly to their Suppression robot that deletes on contact.

Rarely do scientists have the time to read the numerous essays and theories submitted to them by everyone that has the ability to send e-mail. When they do, they don't necessarily want to know what a person has to say unless they have "supporting evidence" and potentially are offering an invitation to a speech at a campus in the vacinity of the scientists thats on a topic they "might" be interested in.

As I mentioned though, If the topic is something ludicrous and either doesn't connect to their own work or blatently isn't worth hearing, they won't come to hear.
Blackholesun, it is obvious you didn't give it much thought, that tends to be the case with most pseudo-debunkers, they know a few scientific sounding terms and meanings. Yet they are unable to process the data in such matters because of their “inculcated impossibilities belief structure” as opposed to free thoughts. :bugeye:

Thus the analogy of “Can’t see the forest for the trees.”, let alone be able to recognize and tell the differences between an orchard and a forest.
Cunningham / Smart crater chains reflect the same analogous properties.

The whole idea behind discovery is the ability to “relate” with what you know. KNOWING many things gives some a far greater advantage in discovery, and many are left wondering what happened, eh? BHS?

Denial is often the best and only weapon against truth that you pseudo-debunkers have, as in this case. Denial will not make these CS crater chains go away.
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Could you for once not attack people when they point out holes in your theory?

Thus the analogy "big enough hole to drive a mac-truck thru"

You have yet to provide ANY reason why these are not special rubble piles. You also haven't provided ANY reason to think it was an alien weapon. You have 2 directions you could possibly go, and you are choosing to sit on your thumb and spin.
Again, just because you say it happened doesn't mean it did. My favorite author makes a good book by making stuff up. His is good reading. Yours on the other hand is not. You take yourself too seriously (zonabi you speech is not to protect what you like but what you don't like. You complain too much because people don't agree with you given you lack of evidence...grow up.).

We know asteroids and comets exist. We also know they can be tidally disrupted and shaped. We DON'T know of aliens...let alone an alien war in detail you believe you know.

So who makes more sense here? Almost everyone involved in this thread so far seems to know you don't. So instead of telling me to get a clue maybe you should emerge to the real world and not a land of make believe and fairy tales.
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Persol, as I told you, you are on ignore, but I want you to know that you have given me two very good analogies on two differing topics in your words. One about crater chains being like an orchard amongst the forests, and the other was a definitive method of relating our progress in space versus our progress in communications. It provides the needed clue to building a logarithmic scale.

Cunningham / Smart types of crater chains do produce some interesting “special” rubble piles, but they are not caused by them. Weapons strikes are the closest thing that can produce this kind of crater to crater alignment. That’s one KNOWN fact. It is the closest comparable known recreation of crater chains of this type.

Hundreds of photos, and again, Weapons strikes are the closest thing that can produce this kind of crater to crater alignment. That’s one KNOWN fact. It is the closest comparable known recreation of crater chains of this type.

IF, and I do say IF I am correct in what I am saying in the these are indeed weapons strikes? Well, you may be taking it way to lightly. Your choice.
Fine. And I'll continue to take it lightly until I have more than just pictures are "proof". If one day we see a tidal impact making a crater chain or an alien data repository stating that those are marks of a sloppy interplanetary war using cloaked ships and hyperdimensional warp drives then we'll know the answer. Hurray.
Persol, as I told you, you are on ignore
Wow, that's a pretty neat trick... you reading my post and all.
and the other was a definitive method of relating our progress in space versus our progress in communications. It provides the needed clue to building a logarithmic scale.
Funny that you decided to just ignore the problems with that logioc... just like you decided to ignore the problem I've pointed out with your previous technology scales.
Weapons strikes are the closest thing that can produce this kind of crater to crater alignment. That’s one KNOWN fact.
LMAO. It's FACT now? It would be interesting if you could attempt to show how 'weapon strikes are the clostest thing' and why rubble piles can't cause the same features.

Oh yeah, I forgot. It's because you're a kook... and don't both thinking.

IF, and I do say IF I am correct in what I am saying in the these are indeed weapons strikes? Well, you may be taking it way to lightly. Your choice.
Yeah. Cultists who drank the KoolAid would probably think I took the UFO's visit lightly. Thats what happens when you have an insane claim with no logic at all.
Persol, Blackholesun, could you stop being Sarcastic about the thread and lower the tone of your commentary in regards to "Kook" etc.

Norval, FieryIce, you guys aren't off the hook either, calm Down and stop aggravatingly those that you call flamers.
Ha Ha the fun never stops..
Would love to know how the new crater chains discovered on Phoebe (Saturn moon) in the last few days fit into the alien war story. he he he.. cant stop the giggles... to point those out to us? All I see is a random distribution of crater impacts over the surface of the moon. Some apprear very old and some appear pretty young. So I don't see the crater chain connection.
craterchains Weapons strikes are the closest thing that can produce this kind of crater to crater alignment. That’s one KNOWN fact. .[/QUOTE said:
No Norval, it's not a fact. FACT is that there is not a single weapon system, and has never been on Earth that can produce _craters_ of that size, in that formation.

You are abstracting terrestrial events to absurdity.
phoebe is one beat-up moon !

norval i have a very interesting article to show you !

let me search for it !
Thanks Zonabi
Yes it tied in quite well with many of the things we have already considered. Just have to watch out for the deceptions and keep pursuing the truth. We also just stumbled across a couple dozen photos at NASA / JPL that give us a few new CS types of crater chains to look at. Besides a few new pics of some of the ones we all ready have photos of. Will be posting some new pages later this summer after we run some more evidence past the pseudo-debunkers on a few forums.

Yep that is one fully beat up moon of Saturn that is for sure.
Anyone else see a problem with someone constantly pushing an idea which they can't even attempt to support?
I think the alien theory is totally absurd. The only idea I'm pushing is that crater chains are a total natural phenomenon and that to believe that aliens are conducting wars to keep us planet bound is laughable. I wanted to see how long it would take for the alien supporters to adjust their theories in the light of new evidence, stirring the pot. How embarrassing to think that people might think I support the alien crater chain theory. Cringe.
Careful there Blindman, I can almost see Bumper stickers with the quote "I support the alien crater chain theory" on it. (Theres your Funding Norval)
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