Crater Research

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I would only believe in Aliens if i shake hands with them and they take me and my GF to Copacabana for free...;)


If they give me their Technology so that i can become a Nobel Laurette for free and get the money off it... (I am an egoist pal,remember,this is a tough world where dog eats dog(disturbing thoughts in my head))

But the real flinching thought is: what would happen to believers is indifferent or Sceptical people stopped arguing with them and stoppped taking interest in their arguments...?Now thats where I draw the line.

Now i cannot understand also in relevance to this thread,is the poster same as that Backslash one that uses a typical we cadence,to express his opinions in Grandiloquence?...;)

After extensive research (12 seconds), I've come up with an alternative to the CraterChains Theory. I call it the Explain Anything Theory (EAT).

Ever see a movie called "Teenagers From Outer Space"?

That movie explains everything. For Example:
  1. Crater chains: alien teenagers bouncing their nuclear-powered cosmic basketball.
  2. Abductions: alien teenager pranks.
  3. UFOs: alien teenagers doing "donuts", etc. in the atmosphere.

I'm looking forward to other "researchers" fitting other phenomena into a "Unified Explain Anything Theory (U-EAT).
There is no evidence of it you MUST be telling the truth!

Norval take note! His theory clearly describes the interactions to create such chains.

Keep up the good work bob! And watch for those rakes!
One question about craters that I don't see being asked is:
Where is Eugene Shoemakers notes?
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Um...I'm guessing his wife has them. Ever asked her?

Also your pig latin sucks. But since I'm not a child anymore I guess you have an advantage as only children speak in pig latin anymore. Others would just come out and say what they wanted to.

Persol is right.
lol, I thought he was trying to rap. Anyway, children don't even speak pig latin anymore.
The volcano’s of Mars, with Olimpus Mons being the supposed largest so far discovered in our solar system, probably did put out a very large amount of ash. Much of it is evidenced in photos according to scientists. Your idea of possible remains as was found here on earth holds merit. But there are indicators from the blasts in Japan what may be more expected. With probable strike after strike, not much would remain I would imagine.

Grins at FieryIce, nice shot.
As I mentioned previously in another post, Nuclear weapons were first develop and used because they created relatively little structural damage after a certain radius, but had a larger effective kill radius.

I suppose that brings up another point, Current war's (and past wars) fought on this planet alone tend to show either that conquers attempt to take the position they attack, or torch a citidel to the ground.

If there was life on that planet in every nook and cranny like there is on earth, don't you think they would have wiped out a small area and put ground forces down to take over the control of the planet rather than outright laying waste to it? Afterall what spoils would you receive from destroying a planets populous and turning them to dust?
Fiery said:
Asway away itbay ofway idesay interestway, ifway Mrsay.
Oemakershay orway amilyfay ecomebay ervousnay aboutway eirthay
ealthhay ecausebay ofway isthay estionquay orway ifway eirthay
ealthhay ecomesbay anway issueway atway allway enthay eway
illway owknay eyondbay away easonableray oubtday ywhay andway
away ongstray ideaway ofway owhay.

He's saying, loosely translated, that if Eugene Shoemaker or anyone remotely related to him is ever injured or dies again between now and the end of time, then our Fiery will consider this proof of the existence of aliens that bomb planets in long, narrow patterns.

So... um... has disclosure happened yet?

EDIT: Grammatical
Stryderunknown said:
If there was life on that planet in every nook and cranny like there is on earth, don't you think they would have wiped out a small area and put ground forces down to take over the control of the planet rather than outright laying waste to it? Afterall what spoils would you receive from destroying a planets populous and turning them to dust?
Even more so, they didn't lay waste to an entire planet. They laid waste in straight lines according to this theory.

They have yet to even attempt and explain why this is a good tactic.
Good thinking Stryder, yet still in the box, try thinking interplanetary war here. A much bigger picture. The smaller crater chains are probably strafing runs such as on Mars. And Phobos, and our moon. The bigger CS types of crater chains are now being discussed in the Alien War Tactics Thread. A new thread of interplanetary warfare may be in order to adequately discuss this?

To some, looking at crater chains is like looking at the forest through the trees. Try comparing an orchard to a forest instead. When you see an orchard, you know some one is around.
She's Looking Out for Us
Carolyn Shoemaker
A.A.P.G., American Association of Petroleum Geologists
She is on the staff of Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff, Ariz., and a volunteer in astrogeologic studies with the U.S. Geological Survey.

Another continuing project is finishing her husband's papers and research reports. That involves working through "a big backlog of Australian crater work," gathered by them during their 13 years of field trips, she said.

She thinks the cratering work will interest petroleum geologists, since impact craters indicate a possible oil reservoir. About 25 percent of the Earth's impact craters are associated with economic resources of some kind.

"One of the things that amazed us is that Eros had so many boulders of all sizes on the surface," she said. "Eros doesn't have much gravity, so what are all the boulders doing there?"

winks at Faulty
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Well I really doubt she's on your side...given she's a scientist/astronomer In fact just to make sure email your theory to her and see if she even cares to write you back.
I suspect Carolyn Shoemaker deletes spam without even opening it... ads for penis enlargement, requests from dignitaries in Nigeria, offers of discount viagra, crater chain theories, discount mortgage rates... etc, etc.
OK, carried over from the other locked thread, Norval states some spurious reasons why these craters would be in straight lines and completely ignore the reasoning I gave as to why they wouldn't be.

Norval, one of the most important rules of combat is; don't waste ordnance or ammunition. You stated that there may not have been targgets under some craters. this doesn't make sense. This is an advanced alien civilisation, they wouldn't shoot at dirt, to maintain some mathematical progression in impacts, and to assert so is illogical.

Yes Norval modern weapon systems are capable to producing strings of craters, automatic weapons, and blanket bombing, but you have to realise that particular weapons are chosen for a particular purpose. Blanket bombing was performed to take out targets that were obscured due to foliage. Are you thinking that there was once a forest covering these craters? ;-) Automatic weapons, while releasing a string of projectiles, don't create chains. Go visit somewhere that has been torn apart by war. I have, and I saw that the fire was concentrated on weak points, doors and windows, where resistance stood and fought back. The buildings weren't sprayed evenly with ammunition, it was _aimed_.

You are a fantasist Norval. Look up from your conspiracy websites, and go see the world. See what happens for real.
I quote myself from the other thread, and also you can check back there and see that Fiery gave you an answer also, besides haven't you ever heard of "strip malls, ans strip cities"?

And, I quote myself here;
I doubt that there were any structures on the ground that was being targeted. Possibly a masked or cloaked ship near that area was being targeted. Ships that are tens of miles long and wide, some even bigger. As the craters of the larger CS crater chains are evenly spaced throughout their size range for the most part, and that the exploding fire balls (if atomic) would just meet the next or adjacent ball of fire in a line. A line of atomic fire that is tens of miles wide and hundreds of miles long. Yes, there are also the misses.
That is the problem with tactics discussions about space war, the closest thing to compare would be submarine tactics against submarines, AND against land (world) based targets. Only of a very far larger scale.

You asked;
don't you think they would have wiped out a small area and put ground forces down to take over the control of the planet rather than outright laying waste to it? Afterall what spoils would you receive from destroying a planets populous and turning them to dust?
Depends on the objective, pure and simple. As you said some objectives are to be “laid to waste”, or everything obliterated.

As we can all see, we have yet to see any wreckage photos of space craft about our solar system.
Two possible reasons.
1. Salvage has been good for scrap and recovery workers. :rolleyes:
2. The photos are classified. :cool:

That is the problem with tactics discussions about space war, the closest thing to compare would be submarine tactics against submarines, AND against land (world) based targets. Only on a far, far larger scale.
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