Crater Research

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craterchains (Norval said:
Wow, thank you for that great advice. I will surly follow such astute reasoning.

On second thought, have you ever had one of those?, it remains proven by SL9 and the math done by others that comets breaking up don’t make Cunningham / Smart types of crater chains. They do splatter over thousands of miles apart all over Jupiter though.

Enjoy your read over there? FOCLMMFAO

Hahaa.......go on....repeat all your lame arguments. You are making a fool of yourself.

PS: To anyone reading this thread, look through everything and judge the arguments present by Norval and everyone else. Then decide for yourself what you think represents the truth.
Hmmm... that's funny - I didn't notice that Norval actually had an argument.
Me have an argument? All I try to do is present my view point as best I can with what I have. If visual examination alone isn’t enough to cause deeper questioning, then so be it. As is mentioned above, this should be able to stand on the evidence so far presented on all the threads and sites listed and linked to. Should it be my concern about the conclusions that can be drawn when it comes to an Alien War in our solar system and it’s causes, reasons, and aftermath.

While some may stumble over the stepping stones of the paths to putting it all together, others run along it with enthusiasm and wonder. He that runs the fastest; runs the loneliest. CS Crater Chains are but a small piece of the photo journal of this Alien War.

Other investigations are proving a bit more interesting of late.
norval... just give up.

There are hundreds of ACTUAL scientists with revolutionary theories, the difference is they have something to back them up. The evidence they offer is imperfect at best but even their theories make yours look like something from the "flat earth" society.

This has been said repeatedly (without a response) but you have offered nothing beyond wild speculation and that has been the best part of your argument. You haven't even faked it well.
Give it a rest, buffy. Anyone reading these threads can come to their own conclusion regarding Norval's "theory".

Norval: Regarding aliens visiting Earth, i'd say a definite MAYBE. But for those aliens causing your crater chains, it's my opinion there isn't enough evidence for support.
I think he was getting to the point that we can argue with him all we want and just go in circles but people reading this threat we have enough common sense to see through Norval's BS. At least I think Arch was making that point.....Arch?
Is there anybody here who has posted more than once, who totaly believes this theory is hogwash?With out a doubt, total rubbish?
If so, why do you guys keep posting on this thread?
Just curious.
If someone asked me to prove the sun was shining in the middle of the wouldn't be a very long discussion.
Just curious why anyone else would carry on.
why do the "believers" continually post in science forums or vise versa? Is it the joy of a futile fight? Or the warm feeling you get when you think you're smarter than someone else?

who knows?
moementum7 said:
If someone asked me to prove the sun was shining in the middle of the wouldn't be a very long discussion.

You'd be on here arguing a lot longer if the ones you were trying to correct wouldn't listen to your evidence against a lack of theirs while falling back on crazy assumptions that they so dearly hold.
blackholesun said:
I think he was getting to the point that we can argue with him all we want and just go in circles but people reading this threat we have enough common sense to see through Norval's BS. At least I think Arch was making that point.....Arch?

Absolutely right. The only way Norval's going to get others to listen to him now is to keep repeating his "theories" like bad propaganda. We can leave this thread to others to read and judge his "theories" for themselves.
One of the most interesting pictures of Cunningham / Smart types of crater chains on Mars is this one showing clearly that the crater chains were appearing before the oceans of Mars were used to wipe and wash over most of the surface of Mars. Then afterwards new Cunningham / Smart crater chains appear again. Most Interesting I would say.

It’s not what you know or don’t know, but what you know that isn’t so, that will hurt you.
What I don't like is the smell at low tide, but I bet some form of incinerator, chemically would elimate that smell.
I bet Mars smelt bad for a while or maybe it didn't. Maybe the smell went with the atmosphere.
Maybe all that drifted back onto Mars were little round blueberries.
Ever hear of subsidence, fault lines. Those chains are created by a geological process not by B52 bombers. Trying a little to hard ha ha ..
One of the most interesting pictures of Cunningham
Apart from not providing a proper reference to the location of the images, it can be clearly seen that the crater chain crates do not have ridges around the perimeter and thus are not the result of impact or explosive force but are the results of sediments subsiding into a fault line.
Heres a question for you Norval based upon the excavation of Pompeii. As you should be aware by history, Pompeii suffered a fate of having it occupants buried under volcanic ash after an erruption of Mount Vesuvius almost 2037 years ago.

Pompeii's human statues of people caught in the ash were rediscovered in 1748.
(according to's listing of "Pompeii")

My suggestion is that if Mar's had been home to a warning alien breed, then there would be statuettes of the occupants buried beneath a layer of ash that would have turned them to rock and in essence preserved them in their day to day lives if they were unfortunate enough to get caught in the area, however the likelihood of finding such fossils in unlikely.
The funny thing is that they do look more like fault lines than your previous zoomed in photos.
Given that they are right near a volcano, I'd say they those are artifacts of seismic active...hence geologically related.
Sorry I missed the question of do you think Mars is going to contain such as that, since I guess the destruction of a world would have similar output to that of a volcano. (I got caught short typing)
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