Counterproposal: Don't dress like a slut...

If I (as a male) walk down a street in the bad part of town dressed in nothing but a skimpy bathing suit, or conversly, a $2,000 silk suit, am I increasing my vulnerability, am I "standing out", and are my chances of being physically accosted increased? Yes or no?

No one will touch this, will they?

i would say yes it would, depending on when and where you are. mardi gra - no it wouldn't.

So statistically speaking, 70% of women who have reported being raped know their attacker you are still clinging to the 'women stop going out scantilly clad and you'll reduce your chances of being raped' assertion?

Are you being deliberately stupid or are you just arseholes?

i'm not telling women to do anything. i think there's a tiny possibility that what you wear might affect your chances of being raped. i'm emphasizing how miniscule the difference in likelihood might be though.
So statistically speaking, 70% of women who have reported being raped know their attacker you are still clinging to the 'women stop going out scantilly clad and you'll reduce your chances of being raped' assertion?

Are you being deliberately stupid or are you just arseholes?

p.s. maybe it was a dude they knew, and when they dressed like a slut he couldn't help but rape them? like he was too turned on to control himself.

again, just a possibility, i'm only suggesting possibilities. i'll leave it to the reader to draw conclusions, just offering information in relation to a specific aspect of this discussion.
i want a synopsis of this thread. the players and arguments
i will then make it worth your while
i promise
Does anyone disagree with codanblad's #182 post?

Do you really?

Perhaps people have absolutely no control over their destinies? What a stupid proposition that would be... (of course, that leads to a discussion of determinism, I guess)
Guess "rape" doesn't warrant, like, actually reading the thread?

you ask...Does anyone disagree with codanblad's #182 post?

if you read thread, you would know

now, ignoring the bracketing, who and where is the victim in order that i be concerned? what i see is a goddamn strawman.

do it!
post a synopsis
analyze gender of posters as well
you ask...Does anyone disagree with codanblad's #182 post?

if you read thread, you would know

Slow down there, big rigger...

The important point, which I'm sure you embraced but chose not to notice...

codanblad's ]#182 - only... as in, no reference made to the rest of his post's...

So, since you're the only one to reply afterward, I fail to see how I would know that answer if I read the thread...

Enlighten me with a limerick, perhaps?
No one will touch this, will they?

Because it is irrelevant to the argument dufus!

The majority of rapists are neighbours, husbands, boyfriends, relatives, co-workers, etc. In other words - the common denominator is being KNOWN to the victim NOT victim's clothing!

Now fuck off with your pathetic women who are .......oh I can't even be bothered.
even if the victim is known to the rapist, did the victim's clothes influence the rapist's decision?

whether the rapist's motivation was sexual, or a need for power, or love of violence, or the adrenaline rush - did the victims clothes help them pick a target?

does a girl in slutty clothes appear more vulnerable? wouldn't that appeal to rapists?
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OP: Don't dress like a slut if if you don't like being harassed.

Synopsis of reactions:
1. She's "asking" for it...
Literally - desires it... OF COURSE NOT
2. It influences the "probability" of harassment....
Too inflammatory to discuss...

Debate: a discussion, as of a public question in an assembly, involving opposing viewpoints

Analogy: a similarity between like features of two things, on which a comparison may be based

So, sniffy, you ignoramus, do you refuse to debate this issue, or do your hormones simply preclude you from contemplating any possibility of similarities between a male victim of violence, and a female victim of violence?

I would suppose that your well thought out stance is simply - "Rape is bad, therefore we can't discuss it" .... therefore .... we can't entertain whether our actions influence our destinies, as it pertains to this subject?

Or, perhaps you have a much more pertinent argument that does not depend on hypotheticals?

I await your profound response...
he'd pick a park with streetlights or some form of visibility. generally moonlight and lampposts are sufficient enough,

But you said;

'hmm you know, this park is really dark at night

So, is it dark, or lit? Seems your rape fantasy needs some work. Anyway, what the person wears is immaterial, but being out at night, in a park, in the proximity of a rapist intent on committing the act, is far more the point. Think they pick and choose that much? Think nutters like 'The Yorkshire Ripper' used to watch the girls go by until the right one happened along, or do you perhaps, think it was senseless?
codanblad's ]#182 - only... as in, no reference made to the rest of his post's...

why should it? you were looking for answers contrary to his assertion.
the fact that you asked indicates you take issue with the tenor of the thread.
that in turn.......

i find it strange you consider me an antagonist.......
does a girl in slutty clothes

Just quit with the fucking judgmental comments, eh? 'slutty clothes'? For fucks sake, how many times are you going to denigrate women?

Listen you idiot, dressing in a certain way conveys no clues. Do you think women on the beach, or at the pool are in a more 'slutty' mood than when they cover up? Does wearing a bikini equal an invite to have their tits groped?


Why don't rapists frequent the beach if they like scantily clad women, eh? Why are nudist colonies/beaches rife with crime against the person?
gustav, i don't... (consider you an antagonist)

I just would like someone to actually address the issue that I presented...

Do women, or do they not, have any control / influence/ power over the probability of harassment by virtue of their behavior, specifically in the way they dress?

Let's leave all the hyper-emotionalism out of it... I tried to give an example from a diametric point of view, but everyone seems to trivialize this... Is there a valid difference?

Do women have any influence or control over the probability of sexual harassment? Does anyone have any influence over their likelihood of becoming a victim of violence? Are these valid questions?