Counterproposal: Don't dress like a slut...

Tiassa, how does this dismiss the culpability of the rapist?

Posted by Randwolf:

What sort of concrete ideas do you propose, tiassa?

Even if it is difficult, shouldn't a frank discussion of the topic be part of boy's / young men's education? Maybe as part of so called "sex education"?

What about women? Should this topic be raised with them as they are growing up? In what context?
The deeper question that invites is perhaps a digression, but is the moral integrity of the soldiers in any given combat unit irrelevant to their efficacy?

nope. drug crazed killing machines are preferred
my ideal soldier is also a conscientious objector. he refuses to engage in actions that are illegal and whatnot. unjust wars would not even get off the ground if soldiers had some moral integrity. therefore, be careful of what you ask for

...Indeed, men at war might behave a little less appropriately, .........

i brought that shit up in this thread.... Rape Rooms In Iraq

Oh, please. What happened to "i know i care more than most. definitely more than you, buddy"?

that was quite a corker
(Insert title here)

Lepustimidus said:

Tiassa, how does this dismiss the culpability of the rapist?

It doesn't. It rushes to put the burden back onto women.

To reiterate:

• I should have made the point that you're asking the wrong question.

• Pay attention, Lepus.​
Don't ever wonder why people don't take you seriously

Lepustimidus said:

So what are you bitching about then?

Is it really too much to ask that you pay attention?
I'm sorry, tiassa, I got distracted by real life... What point are you so ineffectually trying to make now?
I'm sorry, tiassa, I got distracted by real life... What point are you so ineffectually trying to make now?


I think Tiassa finds it hard to fathom that people actually may have lives to lead, hence they can't be bothered reading his tedious and nonsencial posts.
A few ideas from an unrelated website... (

Safety Tips and Self-Defense Against Rape
The best defenses against rape take no training. They are:

-Yelling, running away and calling the police
-If you feel uneasy about someone, don't let them isolate you.
-Make a scene if you must.
-Get to where other people are.
-Use your viewer to see who is outside before you open the door.
-Never let someone in if you feel uneasy about them.
-Teach your children not to let others come into your home without your permission.
-If someone wants to use the phone you can take the number and make the phone call for them.
-Never enter your home alone if you think someone has entered illegally

A few from the women participating on the forum...

Safety Ideas to Prevent Sexual Assault
Because of what happened to me, I spend a lot of time thinking about and discussing ways to make our lives safer from sexual assault. I've never met a group of women who couldn't come up with hundreds of great ideas. Here are a few examples to get you started thinking about how to make your own life safer.

Think about how you carry your car keys. Do you hold your keys in the hand you are most likely to use to defend yourself, your dominant hand? Learn to open your car and house doors with either hand. Consider wearing your keys on a bracelet-style chain; then if you let go they won't drop.
What information are you giving out without even realizing it? Carrying your mail in plain view, for instance, gives anybody who looks the gift of your name and address.
If your answering machine says, "Hello, this is Susan," it may sound like you're a woman living alone. If it states your phone number, know that people can use that to find out where you live. Consider what you want phone callers to know about you. And then have some fun with it!

The rest of world is deluded and totally nuts, right, tiassa?
At least once in this thread I've seen the assertion that there is nothing a woman can do to reduce her odds of being raped. Would anyone dispute that agreeing to meet a man that they've met over the internet in a secluded place is a great way to increase the probability of being raped? Would anyone dispute that working as a prostitute will increase the odds of being raped over choosing to work in a legal profession?

If women insist on meeting men they've met over the internet in a public place, such as a restaurant, and choose not to work as prostitutes, haven't they reduced their odds of being raped?
Good luck with this, Tiassa's philosohpy is that no matter what a woman does, behavior does not increase the risk of rape. And, even if it does, it ought not to. (references provided upon request....)
Good luck with this, Tiassa's philosohpy is that no matter what a woman does, behavior does not increase the risk of rape. And, even if it does, it ought not to. (references provided upon request....)

I've read. Then he asks you if you've ever been penetrated yourself....
I ask the same question as I did on another thread... What happened during his (Tiassa's) childhood?
Thank God we can agree on something.
And this way we can avoid further speculation on his psychology as thinly veiled aggression. We are all too mature for that anyway, even though we are men and hardwired to be aggressive, as Madanthonywayne and Prince James assure us.