Could you be monolithic religious & an evolutionist?

What? Huh? It's just to point out for LG that science definitely had a distinct origin. I don't give a fuck about popper.


On the other hand it seems to me that the task which science sets itself [that is, the explanation of the world] and the main ideas which it uses, are taken over without any break from prescientific mythmaking.
Just to be clear here, most of the violence in the history of the human race has been perpretrated by people with theistic beliefs. If you doubt this, consider that for all of human history 99.9% of the populace has believed in a god of some kind (as theists love to point out, 95% of the world still believes in a god, so there must be one).

And yet the maximum murders have been committed by officially atheistic regimes, inspite of the negligible presence of atheists.

What does that tell you?
Atom bomb? Atheist

Neutron bomb? Atheist
Sword? Theist
Chemical explosives? Theist
Bow and arrow? Theist
Cross bow? Theist
Guns? Theist
Cannon? Theist
Fire bombs? Theist
Trebuchet? Theist
Catapult? Theist
Assault warefare? Theist
Seige engines? Theist
Poison darts? Theist
Ships of war? Theist
Napalm-type weapons (e.g. Greek Fire)? Theist
So its politics when scientists do it, but religion when its not a scientist?

No.. It's politics when politics does it and "belief" when belief does it, (be that the belief of an atheist or religous man). Science makes it, science does not use it.

Of course, atheism cannot be a cause, especially when an atheist who thins religious nutters should not share a planet with him.

I am an atheist - I, like everyone else on the planet, was born an atheist. Unlike some I just stayed that way. Now, I believe that religious belief is the most dangerous of worldly cancers. I believe that all religious people should be shot..

(Having read that kindly pay attention to the few uses of "believe" - this is where you are making the mistake. While an atheist might go around annihilating everyone in sight, it is not atheism, it is personal belief).

And scientists who make chemical bombs are merely advancing the cause of science since they are permitted to be as unethical, as ethics is completely separate from science.

I'm afraid so. Bear in mind though that it's not being "unethical". A nuclear bomb by design does no harm to anyone. It is neither moral nor immoral, it just sits there looking stupid.

My computer is relatively harmless. By itself it does sweet bugger all. Morals do not come into the equation. If I really wanted to I could hack your computer. I could steal all your personal information, delete all your files etc etc...

The computer is not evil. Bill Gates, (its debateable), is not evil because of his computer programming. The "evil" comes in the form of those that use it.

It is scientific curiosity to make bigger and better bombs, investigate the effects of different chemicals on humans, how several poisons work, how neutron bombs can kill all people but leave most buildings standing.

Absolutely. The door swings both ways and you have to understand that not everything is going to sit well with your own personal morality but that does not hinder science and nor should it. The minute science stops to consider personal ideals everything stops. There would be no viagra, no make-up, (animal testing is bad), no anything...

From our perspective it seems so easy. Yes, I am dreadfully sorry that VX gas exists, I hate to see people succumb to the devastation of a nuclear weapon attack.. but once again that is not science. Science will show what is, nothing more... The usage of those things is left to all those "people of greatness" that James alludes to.
Sword? Theist
Chemical explosives? Theist
Bow and arrow? Theist
Cross bow? Theist
Guns? Theist
Cannon? Theist
Fire bombs? Theist
Trebuchet? Theist
Catapult? Theist
Assault warefare? Theist
Seige engines? Theist
Poison darts? Theist
Ships of war? Theist
Napalm-type weapons (e.g. Greek Fire)? Theist

Bet they were all undercover atheists.

Anyway none of these compare with the devastation that could be wrought by the atheists' bombs
And yet the maximum murders have been committed by officially atheistic regimes, inspite of the negligible presence of atheists.

What does that tell you?

I disagree with your statistics. You are stuck in the 20th century. Add up all of the "murders" committed in human history, and you will find, by necessity, that they were committed by theists.

Besides, we conscientious atheists (of which 99.9% of us are) abhor violence. The leaders you are talking about were psychopaths, theistic or not. The violence done by normal theists throughout history, under the guidance of some god, is stunning.
Here is my issue with this, and it's blatant error..

It is biblically said that 1 day to god is a thousand years to man. In saying this, what god perceives as 6 days, (creation), to us actually took 6,000 years. In saying this we end up with a serious problem.

Accroding to the same biblical writers that explained that the 6 day creation was actually 6,000 years,the flood lasted for 40 days. What they are therefore saying is that the flood from a human perspective actually lasted for 40,000 years. the water itself lasted for well over 100 years.. What these biblical writers are professing is that the water resided on earth for well over 100,000 years. These same biblical writers state that Adam lived for over 900 years... What they are stating from a human perspective is that Adam actually lived for just short of a million years.

I'm sorry, you cannot have it both ways.
Well you're right, the Bible does say the Earth is about 6,000 years old. However, I was not addressing that, I was addressing the original post which states "Isn't it possible that God created the world (in six days) already in a stage that scientists would define at an "age of Millions of years?", I was simply answering that yes it is possible....

SnakeLord said:
Seems like it's now time to make it straight for you as well...

An "atheist" is someone who lacks belief in gods.. Period. A scientist who discovers something might be an athiest or he might be the most religiously devout person on the earth, it is entirely inconsequential to anything - because an atheist is merely one who lacks a belief in god. An "atheist" does nothing, or does everything.. it is not due to his atheism. I posed an example, (Twain), who was a serious atheist. In his case the stories he wrote would not and could not have been written if he was not an atheist but other than that you will find no discovery is ever made by atheism.
Right, so you seem to be agreeing with me....atheism or theism has little or nothing to do with scientists and their discoveries.....superliminal on the other hand disagrees...he attributes these things to atheism...yet he would quickly say that Stalin killing millions has nothing to do with atheism...
From our perspective it seems so easy. Yes, I am dreadfully sorry that VX gas exists, I hate to see people succumb to the devastation of a nuclear weapon attack.. but once again that is not science. Science will show what is, nothing more... The usage of those things is left to all those "people of greatness" that James alludes to.

All this conveniently forgets that the primary purpose of a weapon is to kill.

Would you be willing to keep a neutron bomb in your house? Seeing as its harmless all by itself?
Bet they were all undercover atheists.

Anyway none of these compare with the devastation that could be wrought by the atheists' bombs
The "atheists's bombs"!!! That's freaking hilarious sam! You should minor in stand-up comedy.

You really think that atom bombs were developed as atheistic weapons of evil? Atom bombs are just another weapons technology that grew out of the investigations into the nature of matter that the greeks initiated. The vast majority of the people on these projects were theists and "patriots". Unless you think that oppenheimer singlehandedly developed the A-bomb in his basement? :rolleyes:
superliminal on the other hand disagrees...he attributes these things to atheism...yet he would quickly say that Stalin killing millions has nothing to do with atheism...
That's right. I will say whatever best supports my position. Oops. That's been patented by theists. I'll have to come up with another approach...:p

Plus, my user name is superlUminal, not superlIminal, dipshit.
The "atheists's bombs"!!! That's freaking hilarious sam! You should minor in stand-up comedy.

You really think that atom bombs were developed as atheistic weapons of evil? Atom bombs are just another weapons technology that grew out of the investigations into the nature of matter that the greeks initiated. The vast majority of the people on these projects were theists and "patriots". Unless you think that oppenheimer singlehandedly developed the A-bomb in his basement? :rolleyes:

with its scientific research directed by the American physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer.

I'm sure that was very comforting to the Japanese victims.
Oh, right. All violence began with 20th century atheistic regimes. I forgot. Sorry.

Actually it began with atheist neoliths who first bashed in the heads of their spiritual neighbors. Very violent, some of these atheists.
I'm sure that was very comforting to the Japanese victims.
No, but it was comforting to the potentially millions of japanese and allied victims that didn't die, that the projected invasion of Japan would have involved.

Wake up sam.
That's right. I will say whatever best supports my position. Oops. That's been patented by theists. I'll have to come up with another approach...:p

Plus, my user name is superlUminal, not superlIminal, dipshit.

Right so you agree too, you just say whatever supports atheism to uphold your atheistic faith......if an atheist kills millions, its not because of atheism....if a scientist who is an atheist discovers something, it must be because atheism...the worse part is you don't even see the logical contradiction...
Actually it began with atheist neoliths who first bashed in the heads of their spiritual neighbors. Very violent, some of these atheists.
Orgub the neanderthal atheist beats his theistic neighbor Shmuba on the head? Never...
No, but it was comforting to the potentially millions of japanese and allied victims that didn't die, that the projected invasion of Japan would have involved.

Wake up sam.

Do they know how they were saved by the bomb? Have they given their thanks yet, the ungrateful b*stards?
Right so you agree too, you just say whatever supports atheism to uphold your atheistic faith......if an atheist kills millions, its not because of atheism....if a scientist who is an atheist discovers something, it must be because atheism...the worse part is you don't even see the logical contradiction...
I see all. I am an atheist after all...

I'm just trying to keep pace with the latest developments in theistic apologetics and argumentation.