Could you be monolithic religious & an evolutionist?

The nuclear bomb.
Fairly childish, but amusing.

J. Robert Oppenheimer may have been an atheist (he certainly was a sincere, thoughtful human being) but the god-fearing, blood thirsty, religious politicians and policy makers are the ones who drove it's development. You really should stop blaming brilliant scientists for the abominations that their work is turned into by rabid theists.
Fairly childish, but amusing.

J. Robert Oppenheimer may have been an atheist (he certainly was a sincere, thoughtful human being) but the god-fearing, blood thirsty, religious politicians and policy makers are the ones who drove it's development. You really should stop blaming brilliant scientists for the abominations that their work is turned into by rabid theists.

Yes the poor brilliant atheist, "forced" into designing the "evil bomb" for theose despicable theists. Not to mention all those sad brilliant men, forced over and over to create 20,000? more of them. All the others forced into designing the naphtha bombs and other chemical weapons.

Poor sad unfortunate unhappy sincere thoughtful humane rational scientists. Led around by those evil delusional theists against the will of their superior human intellect.
Yes the poor brilliant atheist, "forced" into designing the "evil bomb" for theose despicable theists.
Yes. Exactly.

Not to mention all those sad brilliant men, forced over and over to create 20,000? more of them. All the others forced into designing the naphtha bombs and other chemical weapons.
You equate mass manufacturing (funded and driven by rabid political theists) with the work of brilliant scientists? Sad, your lack of real-world experience is.

Poor sad unfortunate unhappy sincere thoughtful humane rational scientists. Led around by those evil delusional theists against the will of their superior human intellect.
Isn't it always the way? The brilliant sensitives among us lead by the blood-thirsty and power hungry. A shame, isn't it?
Isn't it possible that God created the world (in six days) already in a stage that scientists would define at an "age of Millions of years"?
yeah it is possible, and would also make sense, I mean in the Bible it says God is light, so time would indeed be very very very different for God, as explained by Einstein, light is kind of beyond time itself
yeah it is possible, and would also make sense, I mean in the Bible it says God is light, so time would indeed be very very very different for God, as explained by Einstein, light is kind of beyond time itself

It's also possible that god created the entire cosmos so that it looks billions of years old, with galaxies in the middle of forming, supernova remnants already in place, etc.

Just like some people make brand new furniture that looks old and distressed. Maybe there are a bunch of gods and the trend in universes is for the "aged and distressed retro look".

Mindless blabbering bullshit.

It's also possible that god created the entire cosmos so that it looks billions of years old, with galaxies in the middle of forming, supernova remnants already in place, etc.

Just like some people make brand new furniture that looks old and distressed. Maybe there are a bunch of gods and the trend in universes is for the "aged and distressed retro look".

Mindless blabbering bullshit.

Why is it jibberish? The Bible DOES say God is light. And light really IS kind of beyond time itself....what jibberish is there? You're just an atheist trying to defend your atheistic faith...
Why is it jibberish? The Bible DOES say God is light. And light really IS kind of beyond time itself....what jibberish is there? You're just an atheist trying to defend your atheistic faith...
No, that's jibberish.

Light is an entity with wave-like and particle-like properties and is not "beyond time". What the hell does beyond time mean? That's complete uneducated jibberish. So god is a photon? Which photon is he? What is god's wavelength? Can I measure god with a photometer?

BTW, as an atheist, I don't subscribe to the stupidity of "faith" like you sucker theists. And also, as an atheist (as are the vast majority of scientists and engineers), I rule your fucking world! Without me and my "kind" you'd be wiping your ass with a palm leaf and dying of old age at the ripe old age of 30.
No, that's jibberish.

Light is an entity with wave-like and particle-like properties and is not "beyond time". What the hell does beyond time mean? That's complete uneducated jibberish. So god is a photon? Which photon is he? What is god's wavelength? Can I measure god with a photometer?

BTW, as an atheist, I don't subscribe to the stupidity of "faith" like you sucker theists. And also, as an atheist (as are the vast majority of scientists and engineers), I rule your fucking world! Without me and my "kind" you'd be wiping your ass with a palm leaf and dying of old age at the ripe old age of 30.

despite bringing us the latest technology for our backsides, it seems you are still unable to bring some solution on the horizon for the problems of disease, old age and death.

(BTW - out of curiosity, how has your life improved with the latest innovations in the "smearing" technique)
Yes. Exactly.

You equate mass manufacturing (funded and driven by rabid political theists) with the work of brilliant scientists? Sad, your lack of real-world experience is.

Isn't it always the way? The brilliant sensitives among us lead by the blood-thirsty and power hungry. A shame, isn't it?

Apparently atheism is a no balls scenario.
BTW, as an atheist, I don't subscribe to the stupidity of "faith" like you sucker theists. And also, as an atheist (as are the vast majority of scientists and engineers), I rule your fucking world! Without me and my "kind" you'd be wiping your ass with a palm leaf and dying of old age at the ripe old age of 30.

Your "kind" is kind enough to give tissue papers to wipe a$$, thereby extending the lives of theists by 60 youthful years.

Those are some of the lamest responses I've ever seen! Great!

despite bringing us the latest technology for our backsides, it seems you are still unable to bring some solution on the horizon for the problems of disease, old age and death.

Are you an idiot? Really? You think our atheistic science has progressed zero distance in these areas from the religiously-ruled world before the invention of science?
You really think we live the same short and brutish lives we lived even a hundred years ago? Man, I'd love to send you back for a good long visit.

Apparently atheism is a no balls scenario.
You seem to be saying that only women can be atheists. Why would you say such a rediculous thing sammy dear?

Your "kind" is kind enough to give tissue papers to wipe a$$, thereby extending the lives of theists by 60 youthful years.
In essecnce, yes. You're quite welcome my ignorant friend.
despite bringing us the latest technology for our backsides, it seems you are still unable to bring some solution on the horizon for the problems of disease, old age and death.

science will soon accomplish that feat. when it does, the emerging problems would be miseries like prolonged, vigorous, non-stop nonsenses.
You seem to be saying that only women can be atheists. Why would you say such a rediculous thing sammy dear?

Actually I was suggesting that to be an atheist you'd have to leave your balls at home, since with all the superior knowledge, the best they can come up with against evil theists is to build bigger weapons that kill substantially more people.

Hard to imagine a humane secular scientist sitting at his desk thinking up delayed action cluster bombs and how they can cause maximum damage to civilian populations, including children, knowing of course, that without him or others like him, there'd be very little likelihood of getting them made.
Are you an idiot? Really? You think our atheistic science has progressed zero distance in these areas from the religiously-ruled world before the invention of science?
I had no idea you were such a smart chum.
Please tell us who, when and where science was 'invented'
You really think we live the same short and brutish lives we lived even a hundred years ago?
now we are capable of being more brutish by more efficient methods
Man, I'd love to send you back for a good long visit.
How much worse could it be than present day iraq or hiroshima in 1945 or (etc etc)
Actually I was suggesting that to be an atheist you'd have to leave your balls at home, since with all the superior knowledge, the best they can come up with against evil theists is to build bigger weapons that kill substantially more people.

The best? No, not really.. Science, (not atheism), does what is possible... no matter how the world might view it. We could all fight sticks and stones for all science gives a shit - that is not why wmd are made, that is not why nukes have been made. The only reason nukes have been used is because a religious man has ordered it - but the orders of a religious man are of no consequence to science.

Although it's an impossibility, let's say that science developed a time machine. Some pagan then decided to go back in time and kill Mary before she gave birth to jesus. The scientist is not at fault, the pagan is. What you need to do is sit down and figure this into your equations. Science will do what it is capable of doing - regardless to the possible negative side effects of that discovery. It is not upto those scientists to use what they wrought.
The best? No, not really.. Science, (not atheism), does what is possible... no matter how the world might view it. We could all fight sticks and stones for all science gives a shit - that is not why wmd are made, that is not why nukes have been made. The only reason nukes have been used is because a religious man has ordered it - but the orders of a religious man are of no consequence to science.

Although it's an impossibility, let's say that science developed a time machine. Some pagan then decided to go back in time and kill Mary before she gave birth to jesus. The scientist is not at fault, the pagan is. What you need to do is sit down and figure this into your equations. Science will do what it is capable of doing - regardless to the possible negative side effects of that discovery. It is not upto those scientists to use what they wrought.

All about context, huh? :p