Could Someone Please Explain to Me: Why Would a UFO Need An Engine, Please?


I know the post was for Mr. Anonymous, but I think I can answer that. The UFO does not have an engine in the aspect that we know of. It is more like electromagnetism-maybe even static electricity-but no fuel guzzling engine!
Hey Mr. Anonymous!

Which ones would be yours? Are they all yours on that first page? PLMK! Norad out, for now.
So, are you saying you're wanted? ;) kidding

As for my parents greenhouses, no, nothing herbal, but it is funny you mentioned it because they did try pot. My father stopped because he said it made him too tired-no wonder, he drank beer on top of smoking! My mom, well she smoked it for a while and then she stopped.

So, the Bond one is yours as well? They all look nice-I say keep up the great work!

So, what is your verdict on IFO's? If, and it's a big IF UFO's are powered by electromagnetism, can they be 'cloaked'?
Hellllllooooo again.

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It would defiantly need an engine of some sort. an engine is anything that produces energy (that can be harnessed to produce motion) using a cycle that repeats itself. A UFO would use something to produce motion.
Hello Johann......

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Mr A

A few questions:

How did the craft get into our orbit in the first place? Assuming the so-called aliens came from some distance planet, how did they get their craft to overcome their own gravity and then travel light years to arrive in our orbit?

How does the craft overcome our gravity once it has been deployed from space to get back into orbit and return home?

Answer: Propulsion?
Hello Q, nice to see's you again....

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Mr Q.......?

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Mr. A

I’ve gone quiet quite simply because I’m not sure as to how to respond. In my opinion, UFO’s are Unidentified Flying Objects. If the discussion is going to lead to alien crafts, then I’m afraid there is very little to comment.

Ufology (alien crafts and beings on Earth) is open to the wildest of speculation. Most, if not all of it however, have no firm grounding in science.
Re: Hello Johann......

Originally posted by Mr Anonymous

Y'seem very certain of that, may I enquire as to why? What would it actually need this engine for?

I promiss you it isn't quite the assinine question it sounds.... Honest.



You are asking a question a have already answered in the quote you quoted me on.

I will say that they wouldn’t need an engine if the UFOs aren’t actually flying here and they are just images projected through waves of some sort.
Ermmmm, Johann.......

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Originally posted by Mr Anonymous
I do hope that clarifies why I'm actually asking, becasue, though you have answered and I'm most terribly flattered that you should take the time to do that, it isn't actually an answer to the original question as put.

Yes, I see what you are saying. Let’s see here, um. I might have changed my opinion on the fact of a UFO needing what we call an engine. In physics, humans only know physical characteristics of our known universe. The creatures controlling the UFO’s might be from another universe. If that is the case, it is possible the (harnessed energy) (producing motion) of the UFO is not comprehendible to us. We cannot even grasp what that force or technology even is because it does not exit to us. This is just a possible theory. The opposition to this theory is, if that force or technology doesn’t exist in our universe, then it would be possible that when they enter our universe, their technology will fail due to the change in the physical environment. Whatever energy they harness my not exist in our universe. This thinking is very abstract.
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