Could Someone Please Explain to Me: Why Would a UFO Need An Engine, Please?

Mr. Anonymous

How about some kind of static discharge? There was an experiment done by the US back in the late 60's where they used static electricity to power this 'vehicle', but it was too erratic. May explain why some accounts, the ship bobbed and weaved!
Re: norad

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Mr. Anonymous

Whilst? UK, australian? I would assume UK. You bring up some interesting points-I LIKE IT! Let's build one!

Some of these technologies may already exist right now. I remember watching a program about area 51 and some of the strange aircraft captured on video and film. One aircraft, and I can only assume it was an aircraft being in this area, was practically making 90 degree turns-this was one of the ones caught on video tape. Another one used a really weird type of propulsion system. It seemed to have been using discharges of fuel. This was another caught on video. The discharges looked just like this . . . . . The periods are the balls of fuel used or whatever it was. Then there was a still photograph taken of a contrail which resembled a line, like a contrail, but had donuts along the contrail just like the periods I used. So, there was definitely a resemblance. Of course, the American government denied it was theirs, and the Russians did too. So, of course, someone is lying through their teeth. There was another one photographed where the photographer emphatically said that this plane made no noise whatsoever. He called it the Black Mantra/Manta, seems to be two variations of spelling-it's black, of course, like the stealth fighter/bombers. We may eventually see these contraptions like the stealth fighter the U.S. government denied having for 10 years!
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Re: Mr. Anonymous

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Mr. Anonymous

LMAO!!!! Yep, gotta be a Brit with that kind of satire! I must say Mr. A, I work for a computer firm, and I have called the UK, and damn some of those English muffins-oops-women sound very sexy! It's the accent. Elizabeth Hurley, arrrrr, that's me doing Homer Simpson over beer-now I have drool on my shirt!

Anyway, would a gyroscope be of benefit in this venture? I was thinking about it last night-remembering when I was a kid playing with a gyroscope and the force it produced. Not for power, but stability. Maybe it could be used for a negative/positive force to help propulsion, a catalyst if you will. Just a thought, but as I said, it's been so long ago since I played with these things. Any ideas?
Re: Mr. Anonymous

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Mr. Anonymous

This is true, the earth is a ball spinning very fast. It's also orbiting the sun at a velocity of 1100 miles a minute. The other things in your post; I'm going to have to digest that.

The primary reason for it is actually Inertial Stability. When you deploy a satelight on orbit it's mass is actually traveling very fast and without some form of inertial guidence soon developes the tendacy to tumble... effectively making it useless. Plus, if left unchecked, orbit decays and the thing just ends up burning when it hits atmosphere.

This I understand. But what I don't understand is how the hell you get the bold print!

If you use an old speaker magnet or some such, you can knock yourself up a simple spinning top sort of affair on which to mount it first, then once done, give it a good spin whilst on the inside surface of an old CD cover or anything non conductive.

This I understand as well. I think I will try this one, but I'll have to blast apart one, or both, of my stereo speakers. Problem is, that might get me evicted! But I can be happy knowing I have my spinning floating magnet! Just as you said, this sounds very UFO!

What do you think would cause a car's engine to quit? You know how some have had, or claimed to have had an experience where their engine quits. Is this the strong electromagnetic field given off by the UFO that causes a disruption in power supply? Damned if I can think of the word, but I'm pretty sure that there is a principle to it. Can't remember where I read or saw it though.

Thus, Gyroscopic masses don't and actually can't produce anything by way of propulsive force, which is something which always must work in one given direction in order to constrain a mass producing it to move in the opposite direction.

This I understand as well. I guess I shouldn't have really said propulsion, but it was an idea. It's been quite a while since I played with a gyroscope. If I remember correctly, getting the gyro spinning, and then grabbing one end and just trying to move it with my hand, a side to side motion, or up and down motion, that thing put out some force! I could feel it fighting me; almost as if it were trying to push it's way back the other direction. Again, it's been so long, it could have been just the action of the gyro that made it feel like it was fighting me back. It's why I mentioned it.

Yep, lucky fellow, living in the UK with those English muffins-oops-women! Elizabeth Hurley is definitely a sweetie, hotie, etc. My girlfriend, wife now, and I were watching a movie with her in it. She said that Hugh Grant was caught with a hooker. I blurted out, "What is he? Crazy?" Man, she gave me some dirty look. LOL :)

Well Mr. Anonymous, as I stated earlier, the others I will have to digest a bit. But it's an interesting subject. Why hasn't anyone else replied to this? Did you scare them off? Just kidding. Have a good one mate, as the English would say. Before I stop here, I have 2nd and 3rd cousins living in London. My grandparents-both dead now-were from England. Surname was Kemp.
Re: Mr. Anonymous

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Mr. Anonymous

Strong magnetic fields have a tendancy of interfering with the flow of electrons through such things as coper wire, induction coils, anything actually which conduct's electricity.

Yes, that is what I couldn't remember. It screws up the flow of electrons! I knew I should've listened to the physics teacher more closely!

Actually, I think y'may be right in you're initial suggestion. I do tend to actually give answers, but doing it in terms of actual applied physic's tends to put some people off for some reason or another...

The only thing I can say to that is: TO HECK WITH THEM!

I will check back later once I've gone through what your mentioned in your previous post.

Have a good day!
Re: Mr. Anonymous

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Mr. Anonymous

Nice enough part of the world, but let's face it, the climate over here merely just sucks and hardly ever swallows.

So, are you saying the climate is a spitter and not a gunker! :)

I still haven't digested all of what your second last post?, said, but I'm working on it.

So, do you really believe in UFO's, or are you just fooling with people? I do believe that there is some credence to the UFO phenomenon. I think that some governments already know the existence of UFO's. They aren't saying a thing though, and there's an explanation for that. I believe it would be total chaos if the people found out about the existence of a higher being. Ha, they would say, you're not so powerful afterall! At least, that is my suspicion.

So, do you really think that a UFO would need some kind of booster rockets to get out of earth's atmosphere? I don't think they would require booster rockets, would they? Is the Earth a negative charge? Is it positive? Or is it more of a magnetic field? Now I've heard of the magnetic field grids. Coral Castle in Florida-not sure if you have heard of it. You will find it if you do a search. The man that built this claimed he knew the secrets of the Egyptians-took it to his grave. I guess it would be a magnetic field around the planet, now that I think about it. But, why would it be of use to a UFO, when it really doesn't affect our electronics?
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Re: Mr. Anonymous

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Mr. Anonymous

I haven't forgotten about you. My computer was on the blink today. Not sure what happened, but I couldn't format c: or anything; couldn't restore a backup of a registry, not a thing. The wife was playing on it. So, that explains a lot. I'm not too impressed with her at the moment!

Let me think this through. It may be a few days before I get back, but I do have a question. How would one 'control' a craft using electromagnetism? That has bothered me for a few days now.
Hello Mr norad.....

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Mr. Anonymous

It wasn't her-it was the hard drive! Luckily I have two of them. So, another one is in order. It was old 6-7 years and they only last for about 40,000 hours, which isn't a lot of time when one looks at it. So, it really wasn't hackers or anything of that nature. I should have realized something was up when I started getting blue screens saying it couldn't write to a section etc., and I should have done thorough scan disk instead of standard. Oh well, no big deal, just a pain reinstalling things.

Your fingers might hurt, but after digesting all of this, I think my head will hurt! So, give me a few days with this one.


Re: Mr. Anonymous

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Mr. Anonymous

Thanks for the gesture of staying well. I am getting a fairly good size hard drive-80 gb. That should hold me over for a while. I do a lot of gaming as well and I do have some games that take quite a bit of space with a full install. For instance, one I have is called Schizm from Dreamcatcher. 5 disks and a full install takes over 3 gb of space! Others not as much, but still over a gig of space. I didn't really lose anything too important. No UFO blueprints or anything of that nature:)

Lost some music files, which can be replaced. The program that I use for work, but again, that can be re-installed. My flightsim is another matter. I lost everything! 500 mb of add-on aircraft, my air traffic BGL-it's Microsoft's FS2002. Pretty neat if you're into aircraft and traffic patterns, etc.

Have a good one, Mr. A. What's it like in the UK today?
Re: Mr. Anonymous

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Mr. Anonymous

Not bad, a little cool still, but all in all not bad-thanks for asking. So, you have a P1. If it's not broken, don't fix it.

I've literally spent thousands on mine. At first, it was a 200 mhz processor-got it from work, for free! Then, I decided it was time to upgrade it. Went with an AMD 450, and an AOpen AX59 Pro motherboard with a PCI video card. Diamond Mult-media 16 mb-I believe it was a v770. Then the sound on my machine would crackle and pop when I came into heavy graphics on games! So, I went to an ASUS 32 mb Riva TNT 2 m64 video card. This one did the same thing! I finally found the setting in the properties-the drop down box didn't work; so, one day I was fooling with the keys on the keyboard when I had the interface open for the video card. I hit 's' and 'strict agp' came up. Selected that, and everything was fine, but it turned me off of ASUS because their tech support didn't know a thing! Then I went to an AMD Thunderbird 1Ghz processor-went to an AOpen AK-74 Pro for the motherboard. Frame rates tripled! So, I purchased another video card; a GeForce 2 MX 32 mb. Played with that for a while-2 years, cooked my processor, to this day I still don't know how it happened. So, went to a Gigabyte motherboard GA7VX and an AMD XP1800, a GeForce 3 Ti 200 video card, and a new sound card: Creative Labs Audigy Gamer with the 5.1 speaker system. So, as you can see, I spent an awful lot on this pig-and I still don't have it to where I want it, but it's close enough for now. I'm looking at getting one of either of these cases that supports 4 to 7 fans; not sure yet, because the case that has 7 fans runs darn near close to $400 Canadian! That's too much!

you'll be fretting about finding adequate drive space all over again.....
Yep, I'll get another 80 gb-160 should be enough! I work with this fellow that has an 80 gb hard drive. He just got it about 4 months ago. He said he has it almost full, but mostly MP3's. That's insane!

And you say your commercial artist? Is it possible to post some of your stuff here, or is it too large to put here? I think you're allowed close to 2 mb, not sure exactly what the total is.

Let's hope the weather changes so that you're not stuck in the garden! ;) My parents owned greenhouses when I was a youngster. They had 7 of them. It got awfully hot in those things in the summer time. Well, Mr. A, have a good one and try to post some of your stuff here-I'd like to see it.
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Oh! my...such a long what is the final verdict? Does the UFO have an engine or it is a organic bug so that the definition does not apply? (Like a Vorlon ship...or Lexx) :D