Could a just god punish people for their beliefs?

SnakeLord said:
Well, I would say that pretty much everyone is "attracted to the truth" when they see it.

No way. Some people are offended by the truth because they see the alternate position to be the better of the two.

Take another example The Death penalty.

Now one person will support the death penalty with much passion because they believe it to be good and proper and they will see anyone who stands against the death penalty as being wrong even evil. And vice versa those who do not believe in the death penalty will see it a evil and see the supporters of the death penalty as evil people. Now of course there is a true position in regard to the death penalty. One of these groups is for the truth the other one see's the truth as evil. No matter what issue there will always be those who support from their convictions of what is right and then there will be those who are against who have their convictions about the issue.

The issue you can't seemingly clear up is how you can consider the bible as truth. It's not a case of just looking at it and saying, "that must be true because it says so"... is it?

I have cleared it up. and no i do not believe in the bible because it says it is true, I support the bible because the message of the Bible.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Adstar said:
No way. Some people are offended by the truth because they see the alternate position to be the better of the two.

Take another example The Death penalty.

Now one person will support the death penalty with much passion because they believe it to be good and proper and they will see anyone who stands against the death penalty as being wrong even evil. And vice versa those who do not believe in the death penalty will see it a evil and see the supporters of the death penalty as evil people. Now of course there is a true position in regard to the death penalty. One of these groups is for the truth the other one see's the truth as evil. No matter what issue there will always be those who support from their convictions of what is right and then there will be those who are against who have their convictions about the issue.

There is no such thing as an absolute moral truth. morality is based on perception of environment and experience. people perceive these things and react to them differently. there is a logical argument on both sides of the issue of the death penalty, one may be borne out as more pragmatic than the other at certain points throughout history, but as far as moral truth about the death penalty, there isnt any. all you have to define moral truth with is the standards of ethical behavior that you set for yourself, based on whatever it may be that has been an experiential and environmental factor in your life, and that is about as subjective as you can get.
Take another example The Death penalty.

The moral issues concerning the death penalty do not come down to 'true' or 'false'.

Now of course there is a true position in regard to the death penalty.

Just out of interest, which side are you saying is 'true'?
If god exists, he is, at best, an immature, bipolar, arrogant child, or, at worst, a vengeful, bipolar, pyschopathic maniac.