Consumerism - Convince me to not go postal on it.

A little knowledge can be dangerous. Thinking about the big picture without being able to understand the big picture will only lead to false impressions that will do more harm than good.

Part of this thread is to discuss THAT big picture. Well no one is saying just WTF the big picture is. Maybe people in power do not know or bother to know. Shouldn't they know? If they know shouldn't they let us in on the plan?

As it is now we are left to our own devices. You can sit on your ass and do nothing. Other people I hope, will get increasingly dissatisfied. I think it is happening. I could be wrong.
You're wrong.

wow! Im so glad as an all knowing being you know whos wrong and whos right...but wait! If you already know hes wrong then dont you already know the bigger picture? My god your smart you are soooo effing smart!
He's wrong that people are getting increasingly dissatisfied. That's got nothing to do with the big picture. Don't need to know the big picture to know the answer to that one.
i dont belive having an oppsing opinion to someone else makes you wrong. People as a vast majority dont want to kill our planet, while they may regularly contribute to it destroying it, I would say most do it out of complete ignorance and not out of malice. I bet if you asked most people if they would rather help preserve our planet or give it the finger most would be on the side of good ol mother earth
These are not big pictures, but know.



Our planet changes constantly. Who's to say the current changes aren't good for it? The dinosaurs certainly kept care of the planet, and look what it got them.
Our planet changes constantly. Who's to say the current changes aren't good for it? The dinosaurs certainly kept care of the planet, and look what it got them.

because the dninos didnt produce toxic waste radioactive material or plastics that dont decompose for thousands of years...derrr
Ok ok........So what do you guys personally do to help save this planet?
It's easy to talk about it, but do you do your part?

Asthma rates among children in some parts of North America are four times higher than they were 20 years ago, says a new report that examined links between pollutants and the disease of the airways.
"The air children breathe is an important source of exposure to substances that may potentially harm their health," said the report by the Commission for Environmental Co-operation.
Ok ok........So what do you guys personally do to help save this planet?
It's easy to talk about it, but do you do your part?

My work place is part of a waste recycling program, I recycle. I dont drive my car if i can avoid it. Im sure i could do more but these are things that are easy to do so I dont see why otehr people dont do them.
Me personally? Convince you someday to move up north and get the fuck out of this city.

Us moving isn't helping save the planet. What else you got?

I recycle quite a bit of house stuff, paper plastic cans glass that kinda stuff.

I could be doing more though. Sometimes doing the best thing for the environment costs more money have you noticed that?
Like you can buy products that say.......made from recycled whatever.
I find these products cost more money. I don't want to spend more then
I have to on something. If it was the same price I would buy the more environmentally friendly product.

I take things to the goodwill or have an anual garage sale. I don't like alot of my neighbours throw
good things in the garbage, just to fill up a landsite.
Have you actually checked to see which person was telling you the truth? The reason I ask is because I see refurbished and used Ricoh copiers for sale all over the internet. Ricoh 'claims' they recycle the parts (ground up parts?), but there are other companies that refurbish Ricoh copiers themselves and sell them. They have to get the used copiers from somewhere. Here is just one business: