Consumerism - Convince me to not go postal on it.

What I hate are POS components made these days made to fail after a short period of time so we gotta upgrade to new junk that'll break down so the cycle repeats. Job security I guess so we're always creating and buying new things. Sick cycle.

Too bad things weren't like back in the days when you have a checklist of items to get that'll last your lifetime. Couch? Check. Washer/dryer? Check. Speaker system? Check. Desk, chair? Check. Now we gotta buy those multiple times during our lifetimes. Stupid shoddy workmanship.

- N

I agree. But there are also the stupid ppl out there who always
have to have the latest new thing that comes out on the market. There is
absolutely nothing wrong with the stuff they have, they just HAVE to have
the new great gizmo of the moment. Then they can go into work or brag to their neighbours......Oh I just got the new @$#@$@#^$^
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I so want to check out of this system. How long does everyone REALLY think this kind of "system" can last? How long before the needs of this much vaunted economy FAR and AWAY exceed the needs of human beings? How fucking stupid I feel right now, pluged into this system and a perpetrator of consuming the planet for what. FOR WHAT I say! Just WTF IS THE END GOAL OF CONSUMER CAPITALISM. I need to know....soon.

When I say "postal", I mean in the "radical, revolutionary way" not the "Kalashnikov way".

Don´t worry about it man, the planet will take care of it... soon.
I´m just being a little optimistic there, but I feel exactly the same way as you do.
The purpose of the "consumer capitalism" is to go faster and faster; all technology is made to do things faster. But faster for what? what is the freaking hurry? Were is mankind trying to get? Now those are questions that cannot be answered, because mankind is not trying to get anywere. Mankind is only being blindly manipulated by the few multi-billionaires that want to make their lifes a little more confortable; with no conscience of the irreversible damage that is causing to the planet.
And by the way, what are you planning to do in order to "go postal" on the system?
I might join your team.
Don´t worry about it man, the planet will take care of it... soon.
I´m just being a little optimistic there, but I feel exactly the same way as you do.
The purpose of the "consumer capitalism" is to go faster and faster; all technology is made to do things faster. But faster for what? what is the freaking hurry? Were is mankind trying to get? Now those are questions that cannot be answered, because mankind is not trying to get anywere. Mankind is only being blindly manipulated by the few multi-billionaires that want to make their lifes a little more confortable; with no conscience of the irreversible damage that is causing to the planet.

Yup, glad to see someone else looking at this the exact same way as me.

The only thing is, I can't believe it is to make the guys at the top of this pyramid scheme "a little more comfortable". People don't get billions just to get comfortable, they do it for power...generations lasting power. The end goal I suspect is simple slavery. I'm actually beginning to be "ok" with that, people act like slaves all on their own. I don't think they have thought past enslaving everyone though, that's what bugs me.

If it was a goal such as the expansion of the human race to other planets, then perhaps someday in the far future, stars, I am ready for the shackles right now. If it was to reach a super charged "elite" families power level, in order to attain some kind of undisclosed new government "ideal", I might even be on board.

But this spinning the wheels bullshit does nothing for me. The great hamster wheel of "progress" churning out an ever increasing supply of useless/or useful shit that needs to be replaced inside at most, a 4 year period.

And by the way, what are you planning to do in order to "go postal" on the system?
I might join your team.

I don't know...yet. I spend far too much time thinking about it.
The only thing is, I can't believe it is to make the guys at the top of this pyramid scheme "a little more comfortable". People don't get billions just to get comfortable, they do it for power...generations lasting power. The end goal I suspect is simple slavery.

Please tell me that you really don't believe that. Or could you possibly believe that people actually work to amass billions to ....enslave.... others in the world??? Really? You actually believe that?

And Shorty puts up with that kind of shit from you?

Baron Max

How to Get Ahead in Advertising

"We're living in a shop. The world is one magnificent fucking shop, and if it hasn't got a price tag, it isn't worth having. The Greatest freedom of all is the freedom of choice, and that's the difference between you and me, boil. I was brought up to believe in that, and so should you, but you don't want freedom, do you? You don't even want roads. God I never want to go on another train as long as I live! Roads represent the fundamental right of man to have access to the good things in life. Without roads, established family favorites would become elite as delicacies. Potter's soap would be for the few. There'd be no more tea bags, no instant potatoes, no long-life cream. Chewing gum would probably disappear, so would porkpies. There'd be no aerosols, no tin spaghetti, or baked beans with six frankfurters. Foot deodorizers would climax with the hope of replacement! When the hydrolized mono-sodium glutomate reserves ran out, food would rot in its packets. Jesus Christ, there wouldn't be any more packets! Packaging would vanish from the face of the earth. But worst of all, there'd be no more cars, and more than anything, people love their cars. They have a right to them. They have to sweat all day in some stinking factory making disposable cigarette lighters or everlasting Christmas trees, by Christ, they're entitled to them! They're entitled to any innovation technology brings. Whether it's ten percent more of it or fifteen percent off of it. They're entitled to one of four important new ingredients. Why should anyone have to clean their teeth without important new ingredients? Why the hell shouldn't they have their CZT? How dare some smutty Marxist carbunkle presume to deny them it? They love their CZT! They want it, they need it, they positively adore it, and by Christ, while I've got air in my body they're going to get it! They're going to get it bigger - and brighter - and better. I'll put CZT in their margarine if necessary; shove vitamins in their toilet rolls. If happiness means the whole world standing on a double layer of foot deodorizers, I, Bagley, shall see that they get it! By God I will. I shall not cease, till Jerusalem is builded here, on England's green and pleasant lands!


Let me try and clarify some of this for you. Best Company Supermarkets are not interested in selling wholesome foods. They are not worried about the nation's health. What is concerning them, is that the nation appears to be getting worried about its health, and that is what's worrying Best Co., because Best Co. wants to go on selling them what it always has, i.e. white breads, baked beans, canned foods, and that suppurating, fat squirting little heart attack traditionally known as the British sausage. So, how can we help them with that? Clearly, we are looking for a label. We need a label brimming with health, and everything from a nosh pot to a white sliced will wear one with pride. And although I'm aware of the difficulties of coming to terms with this, it must be appreciated from the beginning, that even the nosh pot must be low in something, and if it isn't, it must be high in something else, and that is its health-giving ingredient we will sell. Which brings me to my final question: who are we trying to sell this to? Answer: we are trying to sell this to the archetypal average housewife, she who fills her basket. What you have here is a twenty-two year old pretty girl. What you need is taut slob, something on foot deodorisers in a brassiere.


Our bombs will sell because they have an extra ingredient that Russia doesn't have: peace."
I agree. But there are also the stupid ppl out there who always
have to have the latest new thing that comes out on the market. There is
absolutely nothing wrong with the stuff they have, they just HAVE to have
the new great gizmo of the moment. Then they can go into work or brag to their neighbours......Oh I just got the new @$#@$@#^$^

This post actually got me to thinking (in and of itself a surpising state) what it is that makes getting something such a pleasurable activity. It doesn't even have to be something new (although new things may be better for some of us than for others). Just getting stuff--even stuff that we have no intention of using--can be enjoyable.

I don't think it's just about being able to brag about getting it, although that may play a role. I do think, though, that it does involve our relations with other people. Mary Douglas, the anthropologist, has a theory that material goods are markers for different abstract concepts and that in assembling or acquiring different goods people are really representing in a material form their values for others to see.

So for some having something new is important, while for others having an object with a history (an antique) is. Even not having something can be important. For myself, being able to tell people that I don't have a car or a cell phone is making a statement about myself and my values.

I'm afraid I may be rambling here because (1) I'm tired and (2) I haven't thought this through, but I am curious what other people might think about the psychology of consumerism (rather than the economics of it).

And by the way, what are you planning to do in order to "go postal" on the system?
I might join your team.

I am afraid that if going postal involves destroying things you might actually be contributing to consumerism by doing it. Since whatever you destroy will then likely be replaced with more stuff. Disaster is a great way of fueling the economy.
Please tell me that you really don't believe that. Or could you possibly believe that people actually work to amass billions to ....enslave.... others in the world??? Really? You actually believe that?

And Shorty puts up with that kind of shit from you?

Baron Max

LoL No Baron I actually just ignore him when he starts ranting like this.
I am always telling him to relax he gets too worked up over everything.:splat:
I am afraid that if going postal involves destroying things you might actually be contributing to consumerism by doing it. Since whatever you destroy will then likely be replaced with more stuff. Disaster is a great way of fueling the economy.

Going postal on a system, is destroying that system. Just fan firing at "consumer capitalism", I would work hard at showing that people can unplug from it more. They in fact don't need a bigger house, bigger car, more cars, new cell phone every year, new computers, new office equipment, etc. Perhaps one of the bread winners doesn't even have to work and can provide more attention to the kids, enriching the lives of themselves and their partners in other ways and basically becoming more self sufficient.

What do you suppose that would do to the economy?
Ricoh printers. I got some new machines. For those that don't know what these are - they do everything print/scan/fax/copy/wipeyourass. Office lemmings that I support require machines to do everything for them now.

Well I told the Ricoh guy I wanted to "buy out" the old machines and just pay a service contract on them(Ricoh still makes money). He told me and showed me it is cheaper for me to buy new machines. Well it was and is, price quarterly and per page used. I'm like, "what happens to these old machines? They still work GREAT!"

Answer - "Refurbished". Cool, lucky purchaser methinks...

Ricoh tech came to setup new machine and prep the old one's for pickup. There are a couple documents on the machine that the office lemmings forgot the passwords they set on them, so I ask him - are they going to wipe the memory on this machine before refurb?

Answer - " no they throw this machine in the garbage after grinding it into tiny pieces".

I so want to check out of this system. How long does everyone REALLY think this kind of "system" can last? How long before the needs of this much vaunted economy FAR and AWAY exceed the needs of human beings? How fucking stupid I feel right now, pluged into this system and a perpetrator of consuming the planet for what. FOR WHAT I say! Just WTF IS THE END GOAL OF CONSUMER CAPITALISM. I need to know....soon.

When I say "postal", I mean in the "radical, revolutionary way" not the "Kalashnikov way".

The end goal is a better standard of living than anyone else has ever had throughout all of history. Immigrate to Honduras if you want to check out of consumer capitalism. You'll learn why people risk life and limb to get to America/Consumer Capitalism.
The end goal is a better standard of living than anyone else has ever had throughout all of history. Immigrate to Honduras if you want to check out of consumer capitalism. You'll learn why people risk life and limb to get to America/Consumer Capitalism.

Someone is getting a little defensive here, are you a multi-billionaire?
The end goal is a better standard of living than anyone else has ever had throughout all of history.

Immigrate to Honduras if you want to check out of consumer capitalism. You'll learn why people risk life and limb to get to America/Consumer Capitalism.

Standard of living that is slowly killing everyone. True , in the short run it works out for those with money to affoord the standards but as time goes by the money needed keeps getting harder to get and its value lessens everyday.

In Honduras there are only two classes of people poor and rich. The poor cannot achieve what the rich have because they aren't part of the "clik" so they will do anything for money. Ask the rich to share their wealth there and they will just shoot you. That's what they do to the poor people that ask for decent wages. I wonder why America keeps supporting that kind of system? The people only want to earn money but if they aren't allowed to then they really don't want to stay there.
Going postal on a system, is destroying that system. Just fan firing at "consumer capitalism", I would work hard at showing that people can unplug from it more. They in fact don't need a bigger house, bigger car, more cars, new cell phone every year, new computers, new office equipment, etc. Perhaps one of the bread winners doesn't even have to work and can provide more attention to the kids, enriching the lives of themselves and their partners in other ways and basically becoming more self sufficient.

What do you suppose that would do to the economy?

You would really need to detroy capitalism and not just "consumer capitalism" since consumption fuels capitalism. To do so you would also need to eliminate it all over the world, since capitalism has a way of moving into any space that trys to remove it (just ask all those formerly communist countries). Finally you would need to have something to replace it with (although you could replace it with something worse that wouldn't really be a good idea).

Capitalism is the most resilient economic system developed so far. And as much as it sucks, and I agree that it does, I don't seen any end for it the forseeable future.
I don´t think we can change the whole world; all that we can do is change ourselves, and change the world around us.