Consumerism - Convince me to not go postal on it.

Who cares about the resources of the world? Once you're dead, you won't care. Is your concern the future of your children and their children? Or do you care about this planet - although the planet doesn't care about you.
Who cares about the resources of the world? Once you're dead, you won't care.

It's the "in" thing to do these days. Sorta' like the hippies of the 60s and 70s, peace and free love and burning bras and all that "in" thing.

What are resourses if we don't use 'em? Should we just leave them in the ground forever?

Baron Max
I can understand conserving resources for the future, and preventing global warming for our children. But, tearing an outdated machine into bits - so what? I'd rather have the newer machine. Resources are great for us! I don't think these left wing wackos have fully appreciated the benefits they receive from consumerism.
Then don't do it. No one is forcing you to work that I know of ...who forces you to work? And if they don't force you, then it can't be called "slavery".

Baron Max

If I don´t work, I have nowere to live in, and also starve. What do you call that?
Who cares about the resources of the world? Once you're dead, you won't care. Is your concern the future of your children and their children? Or do you care about this planet - although the planet doesn't care about you.

I would say its because some people dont live such a self centered exisstance that they give the finger to the world around them, and the one that will come after them.
Why not give the finger to the world? The world gives you the finger.

Does it why? does the world give a big fuck you to us on a regular basis? I would say that the world just does what it does and we are a part of it, it was here long before us and most likely will be here long after us, so why not take care of it?
The world, especially the natural world, generally doesn't care whether you live or die. It certainly will most likely make you work your ass off to survive. If the World is going to be here long before us and after us, then why should I worry about it? It apparently has better survival abilities than me.
The world, especially the natural world, generally doesn't care whether you live or die. It certainly will most likely make you work your ass off to survive. If the World is going to be here long before us and after us, then why should I worry about it? It apparently has better survival abilities than me.

because you think of the bigger picture i know its hard...but you can do it :blbl:
I can't do it. What is the big picture? You think you know - but you don't. I certainly don't know the big picture. I am just a tiny speck of space dust on this tiny rock.
I can't do it. What is the big picture? You think you know - but you don't. I certainly don't know the big picture. I am just a tiny speck of space dust on this tiny rock.

so why not have compassion and care for the enviroment that we live in? Is it just because its easier to not care?
I can't do it. What is the big picture? You think you know - but you don't. I certainly don't know the big picture. I am just a tiny speck of space dust on this tiny rock.

Maybe you don't know the big picture and maybe I don't either. Maybe you should think about the big picture and at least attempt to get a perspective on it.
A little knowledge can be dangerous. Thinking about the big picture without being able to understand the big picture will only lead to false impressions that will do more harm than good.
A little knowledge can be dangerous. Thinking about the big picture without being able to understand the big picture will only lead to false impressions that will do more harm than good.

well isnt your impression that it doesnt matter a false one then too?
That's not an impression I gained from thinking about the big picture. That's the impression I gained from not thinking about the big picture.