Consumerism - Convince me to not go postal on it.


Thread Killer
Valued Senior Member
Ricoh printers. I got some new machines. For those that don't know what these are - they do everything print/scan/fax/copy/wipeyourass. Office lemmings that I support require machines to do everything for them now.

Well I told the Ricoh guy I wanted to "buy out" the old machines and just pay a service contract on them(Ricoh still makes money). He told me and showed me it is cheaper for me to buy new machines. Well it was and is, price quarterly and per page used. I'm like, "what happens to these old machines? They still work GREAT!"

Answer - "Refurbished". Cool, lucky purchaser methinks...

Ricoh tech came to setup new machine and prep the old one's for pickup. There are a couple documents on the machine that the office lemmings forgot the passwords they set on them, so I ask him - are they going to wipe the memory on this machine before refurb?

Answer - " no they throw this machine in the garbage after grinding it into tiny pieces".

I so want to check out of this system. How long does everyone REALLY think this kind of "system" can last? How long before the needs of this much vaunted economy FAR and AWAY exceed the needs of human beings? How fucking stupid I feel right now, pluged into this system and a perpetrator of consuming the planet for what. FOR WHAT I say! Just WTF IS THE END GOAL OF CONSUMER CAPITALISM. I need to know....soon.

When I say "postal", I mean in the "radical, revolutionary way" not the "Kalashnikov way".
There is no goal, just take more resources, more time, more everything to make more money......and we will never run out...thats impossible
Did you ask the tech guy why the other guy lied and said they are refurbished?

Ask a tech why a salesman lied? I might as well as my own salesmen about lying...

Meanwhile, "Bell"(telephones!?!?) wants to sell me financing for the presidents Jaguar. fukin charlatans...all I wanted was for them to fix the Proconnect line.
Now I know why I love this song sooo much, the Counterfeiters Blues have totally snuck up on me:

Corb Lund band:

he said drink deeply of the wine, my friend, breathe fully in the smoke
and eat the fish that he conjured, this is the bread that jesus broke
this is grape juice and cheap vodka, man, this isn't even wine
i'm smokin shredded cardboard, eating sawdust baked with lime
this is not the truth you tell me, but some terrible, evil joke
sounds to me like the counterfeit blues have got you by the throat

there seem to me an awful lot of charltans round here
and hustlers, cheats and anglers, fixers, sharps and mutineers
the factory and subterfuge and corporato cheat
conspire to fast reduce us to the stamping of our feet
the lords of mass producto mass product at quite a pace
it won't be long these counterfeit blues'll run the whole damn place

these notes that you've been paying with are a little bit too green
the printing's off, the ink has got a polyester sheen
your bill has grown too large and now you'll have to work it off
and your snout will have to make its way from the far end of the trough
you got suckered into tryin to make your make your money overnight
looks to me like the counterfeit blues will be doggin you all of your life

the worn out western hat i got no longer smells like horse
and i can't afford to keep one around now that rooster's gone, of course
i guess i've left it all behind me now except for when i write
and sing ancestral praises of the ones who knew that life
yes, years of rocka rolla have extracted quite a fee
maybe them old counterfeit blues have been creepin up on me

More Corb Lund:

Can't find Counterfieters blues :(
Answer - " no they throw this machine in the garbage after grinding it into tiny pieces".

I so want to check out of this system. How long does everyone REALLY think this kind of "system" can last? How long before the needs of this much vaunted economy FAR and AWAY exceed the needs of human beings?

What difference does it make to you what they do/did with the old machines?

If you're only talking about "waste", as a business, it might well have been cheaper to trash the old machines and make new ones. But, ....what difference does it make to you what they do?

Baron Max
How about "not living in a garbage-filled, toxic environment". That'd be a start.
How long does everyone REALLY think this kind of "system" can last? How long before the needs of this much vaunted economy FAR and AWAY exceed the needs of human beings?

I'd give it no more than 20 years, probably less. The whole system is dependent on fossil fuels.
Thats what I say.........who the fuk cares what your work does. Its just too
bad that we can't profit from it somehow. I guess the machine wouldn't fit in your jeep huh :bugeye:
People are just wastefull. Just take a drive around our neighbourhood on garbage day.
Check out the patio furniture, dressers, baby perfect condition.

I have picked up a few things myself. People are too lazy to have a garage sale,
they rather just load up the landfills.
I wish I didn't care, I do , this one really bothered me. Nothing absolutely nothing wrong with the machine and he says it's fuckin garbage. They shred it so no one will "steal" their garbage. This place already chucks hardly used white paper in the garbage, along with pop cans and all kinds of recycleable stuffs. This kind of thing is a total anathama in Alberta. Fuck I hate Toronto and Ontario.
nietzschefan, if you wanted to be environmentally responsible, you would keep the old copiers, even if it costs more.
What I hate are POS components made these days made to fail after a short period of time so we gotta upgrade to new junk that'll break down so the cycle repeats. Job security I guess so we're always creating and buying new things. Sick cycle.

Too bad things weren't like back in the days when you have a checklist of items to get that'll last your lifetime. Couch? Check. Washer/dryer? Check. Speaker system? Check. Desk, chair? Check. Now we gotta buy those multiple times during our lifetimes. Stupid shoddy workmanship.

- N