Conservation of souls?

There are plenty of good things about religion for many people (community, charity, a moral compass for a rudderless person.) But one of the bad things is a tendency to blame God for everything that happens. "Well, I will get a job, God willing. No, I can't go to school; it's too hard. But if that's in God's plan for me I guess it will happen somehow. If not, who am I to question God?"
I'm a firm believer that life is the rudder that steers the boat. Not everyone will be rich, not everyone can succeed in school, not everyone will avoid cancer. I can't speak for others. For me, I want to be thankful for every moment I draw a breath. Rather than brooding over those things I don't have, I am thankful for those things I do have. All of it will come to an end eventually, but while I'm here, I'm the richest man in the world.
Actually you may have millions of grandfathers, from single celled mindless micro-organisms to every species on the branch that led to homo sapiens.
Thats my point with regard special pleading... at some point someone comes up with an ancestor / cause that has none.
Thats my point with regard special pleading... at some point someone comes up with an ancestor / cause that has none.
Yep, according to Hazen our initial parents emerged through self-assembly of bio-molecules from bio-chemicals, in the form of self-replicating polymers.
:raises hand reluctantly:
Yes, you in the back, in the bow-tie?
Actually, that's the exact same problem we face today with the Big Bang Theory. If the BB creating everything we see, then what created the BB? And what created whatever created the BB?
So, it's not a conundrum specious to God, but to all of existence itself.
The BB is just mainstream science's best view of what gave rise to the universe.
What actually caused the BB to occur... even more wild speculation abounds (the one I seem to see most often is the interaction of branes, which apparently some reckon we might be able to detect...?) but then what gives rise to that, and to that, and to that... until you're standing on the back of turtles that go all the way down. :)
Yep, according to Hazen our initial parents emerged through self-assembly of bio-molecules from bio-chemicals, in the form of self-replicating polymers.
Sure, but then you get to how those bio-chemicals came about, and from there backwards.
"It's no use, Mr. James - it's turtles all the way down."
At some point someone will invoke a "cause of all" that is immune to such "turtling".
I'm a firm believer that life is the rudder that steers the boat. Not everyone will be rich, not everyone can succeed in school, not everyone will avoid cancer.
Do you think that you can take actions to increase your odds of succeeding in school or avoiding cancer? Or is everything 100% out of your hands?
Do you think that you can take actions to increase your odds of succeeding in school or avoiding cancer? Or is everything 100% out of your hands?
You can make efforts to succeed, yes. But if you destined to be hit by a bus tomorrow, there isn't much you can do about it.
But if you destined to be hit by a bus tomorrow, there isn't much you can do about it.
That's a particularly bad example. You can certainly be more careful than usual around buses. In the extreme, you can stay home, where bus-related fatalities are rare.
You can make efforts to succeed, yes.
But if you destined to be hit by a bus tomorrow, there isn't much you can do about it.
?? You can look both ways before you cross the street.
Stop trying to control life.
Now you seem to be saying that you don't have any control over life. And that is one of the big problems with religion - that it tempts people to believe that they are not in control of their own lives. "Why bother exercising if I could get hit by a bus tomorrow?" "Why go to school when the goal is to just surrender?"
Now you seem to be saying that you don't have any control over life. And that is one of the big problems with religion - that it tempts people to believe that they are not in control of their own lives. "Why bother exercising if I could get hit by a bus tomorrow?" "Why go to school when the goal is to just surrender?"
No one is saying not to interact with life. No one is saying don't try. Just don't be surprised if your best plans don't take you where you thought you were going. If we learn to roll with life rather than compete with, things are easier.
No one is saying not to interact with life. No one is saying don't try.
Ah, OK. When you said "Stop trying to control life" I thought you meant to not try.
Just don't be surprised if your best plans don't take you where you thought you were going. If we learn to roll with life rather than compete with, things are easier.
Agreed there. Like the old prayer says:

Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
The courage to change the things I can,
And the wisdom to know the difference.
That's a particularly bad example. You can certainly be more careful than usual around buses. In the extreme, you can stay home, where bus-related fatalities are rare.
The point is we can fall over dead at any time, and eventually we will. I can make the most extravagant plans for life, but in the end they will be not. That's not fatalism, just a matter of fact. What I find is that life brings some really nice things, even when you are not trying.
Ah, OK. When you said "Stop trying to control life" I thought you meant to not try.
There's nothing wrong with effort. If you want to accomplish something, it will require effort. It's that the plan rarely fits into life's results. I've seen people who mapped their careers and realized their goal, only to find it was not so grand.