Circumcision is a crime now in Germany

Um. I can jack off dry. In fact, I've had to pull a quiet one once-or-twice when I was in bed with my boyfriend and I had to avoid waking him up.

Ermm, I don't think Gustav's post and visualisation was in regards to 'jacking off'. I think the "vaseline" (which is really bad by the way) comment and the visual display was more about penetrative sex..

Not the handshake variety.
Sorry but i really have to ask Why would anyone use Vaseline as a lubricant? It's not lubricating. There are water based and even silicon based sold in supermarkets so why would you use that?????? Even massage oil would be better (though it's not recommended because it destroys condoms)
Um. I can jack off dry. In fact, I've had to pull a quiet one once-or-twice when I was in bed with my boyfriend and I had to avoid waking him up.


of course. grip is a known variable

Ermm, I don't think Gustav's post and visualisation was in regards to 'jacking off'. I think the "vaseline" (which is really bad by the way) comment and the visual display was more about penetrative sex..

Not the handshake variety.

it is
the "pocket money" indicates youth which in turn implies jacking off
Ermm, I don't think Gustav's post and visualisation was in regards to 'jacking off'. I think the "vaseline" (which is really bad by the way) comment and the visual display was more about penetrative sex..

Not the handshake variety.

Well, sure if you are one of those lucky few who have the penetrative kind.

Also, please note: Vick's Vap-O Rub should not be used for wanking.
bells said:
Must be an American thing. Doctors here literally discourage it if it is not medically necessary, you cannot do it in any public hospital at all if it is not medically necessary. To put it into some perspective, it is unusual to see a circumcised penis here..

Possibly because parents here are educated and aware that it is not necessary to remove bits of their children's bodies if there is no medical need to actually do so.
Or they have a different judgment of medical need. Or in the Australian medical care system, the judgment in a situation of uncertainty is to reduce costs when possible even at the long term risk of the child's health - wouldn't be the first time.

bells said:
Obviously in the US, parents think it is acceptable to remove their kid's body parts, even when the medical profession deems it unnecessary.. To each their own.
Which brings us back to the topic of banning "their own" from some of the "each".

bells said:
"Clearly no attempt was made to separate out the medically critical circumcisions. The possibility that these would have a higher death rate - from, say, anesthesia, which is commonly local or even absent (inexcusably) in truly elective circumcisions, or hemorrhage and infection and stroke, which would be presumed more common in more serious and difficult procedures such as medically critical circumcisions are likely to be - seems not to have occurred to these professional researchers. At least, they don't mention it or correct for it. It means we have no real way of evaluating the number in the context of this thread.

The declaration that all circumcisions are elective was probably just carelessness and overstatement, rather than agenda driven dishonesty, right?"

And you know no attempt was made to separate out medically necessary circumcisions because of how?
Because of reading the abstract and methods as described by the researchers.
bells said:
The guy went through hospital records, I would imagine they would be detailing if it was medically necessary or not.
Indeed. And such circumstances could easily screw up his stats, and invalidate his conclusions. So his not considering them, separating them out, is a bit startling. So is his explicit claim that all circumcisions are elective. I am unable to come up with exculpation for that.

bells said:
I would be interested to know the time frame of the SIDS deaths.
The ones on the study were within 28 days of birth, according to the researchers who counted them. The ones in the larger world take place over the first year or so, the rate peaking three and four months after birth (during the transition from ape like to adult human larynx and esophageal morphology), according to links I have provided above.
bells said:
However, regardless, the numbers should give some pause for concern. If the circumcision related deaths are from solely elective circumcisions, then I would find that an appalling figure, wouldn't you?
I would compare the rates of premature death circumcised and uncircumcised, lifetime, before becoming appalled.
bells said:
Maybe I am strange in the sense that I don't think deliberately placing babies at risk of death for religious reasons or for cosmetic reasons is a practice that should be supported or encouraged.
I too find the aesthetic argument ethically bankrupt, and the religious aspect of it repugnant. But it's not the only one on the table.

bells said:
"I think it's reasonable, on seeing that invalid comparison in the article, to presume active dishonesty in the author and researcher - a deliberate rhetorical attempt to deceive the reader, as Asguard was apparently deceived."

And yet you say nothing of the African studies which were deliberately flawed and misleading which give rise to supporting circumcision?
I haven't seen the deliberate flaws in the researchers's reports, of those studies. And I haven't seen an argument resting on them alone - they are not centrally important here.

bells said:
Depends. What about the circumcisions for prophylactic health reasons, on the judgment of the parents? Waiting until adulthood clearly wouldn't be fair or sensible in that case - most benefits lost, much greater costs incurred."

More girls contract or come down with UTI's than boys and UTI's is rare in baby boys anyway if the parents practice some level of hygiene. The HIV studies regarding circumcisions were deliberately flawed. Penile cancer is very very rare in the West, because we have clean running water and the facilities to maintain good hygiene and it can also occur in circumcised men. The best way to prevent the spread of any STD is to use a condom or not have sex with multiple partners or to abstain from sex.
So you deflect and obfuscate and avoid dealing with the matter - why?
This just in:

"Religious groups breathed a sigh of relief on Friday as Germany's government promised to protect the ritual circumcision of young boys. The controversy was sparked this summer by a court in Cologne, which ruled against parents seeking to perform the ancient ritual on their babies. A child's "fundamental right to physical integrity" was more important, the court said. The president of the Conference of European Rabbis called the decision the "worst attack on Jewish life since the Holocaust." By pledging to protect the practice, Angela Merkel's government is sending a message: "We want Jewish and Muslim religious life in Germany," said her spokesman."
did it burn, string?
did some go in the phole?

I don't have phole sensitivity issues, though presumably had Vap-O-Rub gotten in there, such a sensitivity would have manifested.

I don't remember the thinking process (I was like XIV years old), but the wonderful "cooling sensation" seemed to be appealing in a sexual way . . . until it actually happened and felt like pepper spray mixed with vaseline.

(Insert Title Here)

Superstring01 said:

I don't remember the thinking process ....

I ... I ... I ....


Of course, I'm the one who learned the hard way why chemical depilatories should not be used on ... ahem! ... "personal luggage".

All I can say about my thought process on that one is that I had done it successfully before without sustaining chemical burns.
This just in:

"Religious groups breathed a sigh of relief on Friday as Germany's government promised to protect the ritual circumcision of young boys. The controversy was sparked this summer by a court in Cologne, which ruled against parents seeking to perform the ancient ritual on their babies. A child's "fundamental right to physical integrity" was more important, the court said. The president of the Conference of European Rabbis called the decision the "worst attack on Jewish life since the Holocaust." By pledging to protect the practice, Angela Merkel's government is sending a message: "We want Jewish and Muslim religious life in Germany," said her spokesman."

That sucks.
I too find the aesthetic argument ethically bankrupt,

I'm not so sure.

That is, I assume that what you refer to as "the aesthetic argument" is something callow like "I think circumcised penis looks better." Which, yeah, that's pretty silly. This is not a choice of paint colors we're talking about.

But my impression is that, in the real world, parents who opt to circumcise children for "aesthetic" reasons are thinking something like "I want my son's penis to resemble that of his father/brothers/other significant models of masculinity he is likely to encounter early in his development, so he doesn't get some idea that he is abnormal or deformed or something." Which, maybe that's a bunch of Freudian pap or paranoia, but it is a genuine ethical consideration about the best interests of the child on its face. This kind of thinking is what led circumcision to become widespread in the USA, and also why it is problematic to reverse that trend - and especially, why rhetoric about how circumcision is a "mutilation" or "deformity" or whatever is counterproductive. Any rhetorical strategy centered on deeming a vast number of males as having "wrong" or "bad" genitalia is going to generate massive resistance, right off the bat.
circumcision is bad. why here people think a male will sex with many, so cut the skin ?.
circumcision is crime, it affects sex life. women don't enjoy circumcised penis.
it gives deep shock to little baby.
circumcision is bad. why here people think a male will sex with many, so cut the skin ?.
circumcision is crime, it affects sex life. women don't enjoy circumcised penis.
it gives deep shock to little baby.

... what? No, really... vert de ferk?

My wife has not once complained about the fact that I am circumcised. I don't recall being "in deep shock" from having it done (in fact, i have NO recollection of it being done)... and how is it a crime?

The only "affect" circumcision has had on me... is that it's easier to keep my penis clean and stop my boxers becoming a greasy mess...
circumcision is a barbaric mutilation
I am, my sons ain't.

And that's your personal choice - if your sons disagree when they come of age, they can get circumcised (though it will hurt a LOT more... and I would imagine would be rather difficult explaining to your boss that you can't come into work for a week or two because you had part of your penis lopped off)
... what? No, really... vert de ferk?

My wife has not once complained about the fact that I am circumcised. I don't recall being "in deep shock" from having it done (in fact, i have NO recollection of it being done)... and how is it a crime?

The only "affect" circumcision has had on me... is that it's easier to keep my penis clean and stop my boxers becoming a greasy mess...
circumcision affects glans. i am not circumcised, my glans is highly sensitive than yours. in the porn movies the actors have circumcised penises, they keep on pounding women.
if they had uncircumcised wand, they would have torn their frenulum. this mindless pounding of women have deep impact on men who do the same, and then keep on thinking why women leave them.
it is a religious 'lie', to turn you away from sex and make of you a 'produtctive' societal member.
the deep shock, you wont remember, everything has effects.
skin can be regrown too, you should try and then have sex, it will feel different. intercourse time will increase.
circumcision has effect on pleasure, not on love.
And that's your personal choice - if your sons disagree when they come of age, they can get circumcised (though it will hurt a LOT more... and I would imagine would be rather difficult explaining to your boss that you can't come into work for a week or two because you had part of your penis lopped off)
Or if they are worried about cleanliness, they can like.. oooohh, I don't know.. wash themselves properly.

Neither of my sons are circumcised and neither was my husband. I taught my sons how to clean themselves and their father explained it all to them in detail. It's a daily part of their shower routine and we have never had a problem in that regard and they don't even think about it.

It isn't very common here and hospitals refuse to do them unless it is medically necessary to, such as the glands are restrictive or too tight when the baby is born and he isn't able to urinate (which they thought my son had and within about 1 minute, did this massive wee and the doctors declared it was all fine). It is an unnecessary surgical procedure and like all medical and surgical procedures, have their own inherent dangers. Infection and loss of sensation, and permanent scarring the least of the concerns. Some children have even lost the tips of their penis and even their penis in accidents, because it is all so small. If my sons decide they want to be circumcised when they are adults, that will be their choice. And frankly, I rather they have that choice than have that choice taken away from them when they were babies.