A lot of Josephs's facts are false. He makes up facts entirely, he is influenced by dubious sources and he does not really care about reality, and when he gets caught in a lie he reaffirms the lie. That is the pattern IamJoseph has established.
I don't think he should be banned but there should be a warning on Josephs posts like the warnings in packs of cigarettes that believing or remembering any history learned from IamJoseph may be hazardous to your understanding of history. It is better to know nothing than to know something wrong.
Once I get a wrong fact into my head it is hard to get the wrong fact out of my a head. I assume everybody else has the same problem.
Joseph presents like he knows stuff and might be interested in history. Saying some crazy ultra religious superstitious stuff from time to time did not disqualify Joseph as a possible source for historical facts for me; it just raised my guard. Then I found him saying wrong things repeatedly. Now if he says anything interesting that I don't already know about and if I have time, I check his "facts". At least a quarter of those new facts are totally made up by him. Another quarter are badly distorted or from bad sources. A third quarter are mildly distorted or debatable. That is not a good enough track record.
When somebody wants to post things they are not sure of they should put a phrase like "I think" in front of the thought and not present it as facts. Joseph presents everything he says as facts. Joseph rarely presents links for his dubious facts.
On Arabs and Islam the majority of words written about them in English on the internet are from irrationally anti-Arab and Anti-Islamic Biases. The largest minority view points are from irrationally pro-Arab and Pro-Islamic biases. You will find little from a neutral bias written in English about Arabs or Muslims. Joseph hates Arabs and Muslims and he dislikes Christians also. Joseph also dislikes Science when it conflicts with his religious beliefs. Joseph only wanted to see the History that fits with his religion and his hatreds. He only plays at looking interested in history he really is only interested in his religion.
If you believe Mohamed the way IamJoseph believes Judaism then the similarity between Islam and Christianity and Judaism comes from God and what God told his prophets.
If you want look at the situation with the view that the Jewish and Christian and Muslim religions are delusions then you would say that Mohamed was influenced by Judaism and Christianity.
But IamJoseph says "Islamism did suck up to Christianity and the Hebrew bible, only it selected what it thought would win over both these belief systems."
Where does he get that? Did he make it up? What the hell is Islamism? The use of the word Islamism reveals something about IamJoseph and it is not revealing scholarship.
You can find this Idea that Islam was sucking up to the Jewish community in Medina in the the works of Christian historians from the 1800s. I prefer post 1950 historians because I think the standards and source materials available to historians have improved.
Islam haters will also portray things as they like. I don't think IamJoseph remembers any more details than he presented and he can't be bothered to research before he posts. But I can be bothered to research before I post.
According to the story Mohamed and those impressed by Mohamed Were in 620 AD (7 years after Mohamed began public preaching) being oppressed in their hometown Mecca by pagan Arabs and at the same time in Medina Arab pagan tribes and their Jewish tribe allies were getting into blood feuds with other Arab tribes and their Jewish tribe allies and needed somebody neutral to be their arbitrator.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Medina (Arabs were not yet called Arabs and the Jews were probably also Arabs or at least part Arabs.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Banu_Qurayza These were just various clans of people) The Jews and non-Jewish pagan clans in Medina apparently agreed Mohamed from Mecca as their arbitrator. Now what qualified Mohamed as an arbitrator? Apparently he was personally impressive but also he was neither a Pagan Arab nor Jewish. Mohamed was clearly influenced by Judaism but he was not Jewish. Perfect for this arbitrator job.
Now IamJoseph says Mohammed was sucking up to Christians and Jews. I don't think so. I think he was influenced by them. I also don't think IamJoseph's has a quality source for his belief.
Bravo Joseph, you used the phrase "it appears" yay. I can't draw those conclusions from the historical evidence.
None of this should be presented as fact but one "it appears" or other disclaimer per paragraph is good enough for me.
The fact is that Islam converted both by the sword and peaceful means and the peaceful appeal of Islam appears to me to have been more important than coercion.
Why was the time right for Christianity to sweep through the pagan Greco-Roman urban middle class 600 years earlier? I know Jews won't like hearing this but there also appeared to be massive conversions of Pagans to Judaism at the same time as they were converting to Christianity. All these offshoots of offshoots of the cult of Abraham and Moses fill similar roles and have similar appeals to the human psyche.
Ideas evolve from their parent ideas. Islam evolved from Judaism and Christianity when they got into Mohammed's mind regardless whether they got into Mohammed's mind the normal way or some supernatural way.
Similarly most academic scholars say Judaism evolved in part out of the older Zoroastrianism.
This site
http://www.sullivan-county.com/news/mine/jud_zor.htm and others say Jews were not even monotheist until they absorbed monotheism from Zoroastrianism.
There is something true about this lie of thinking. But be wary of believing the details.
Yes Muslims once prayed facing Jerusalem but everything else IamJoseph said is IamJoseph's opinion. Not surprisingly that is not the way Muslims tell the story. Who is more credible on this, Muslims or Muslim-haters?
OK IAmJoseph, here is a test for you. When did Muslims start praying facing towards Jerusalem and when did they stop.