christians and jews, do they believe in each others' prophets?

It's a holiday about renouncing Judaism...I wouldn't expect a Muslim to celebrate a holiday renouncing Islam, and I wouldn't expect a Christian to celebrate a holiday celebrating renouncing Christianity.

If anything most of them probably feel like they're slightly better than you for not practicing pagan acts. Are you even serious? Jews should just be 'tolerant' and celebrate a holiday that renounces their religion...which...ironically...falls VERY close to Hannukah, a holiday about rejecting Hellenism and the idea that we should all just be 'tolerant'?

for someone who bitches about people not understanding your religion perhaps you should get your facts straight when criticing another faith that is not what christmas is about.

your comments that christmas is about rejecting Judaism are crazy. its about celebrating the birth of the messiah. the only reason christmas is at the time of year is it was used to convince germanic pagans to convert by adopting parts of Yule. to secondly christianity is fundementally based in Judaism while not a continuation of Judaism(that would be the jewish faith it self) but an off shoot that grew into a non jewish faith.
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for someone who bitches about people not understanding your religion perhaps you should get your facts straight when criticing another faith that is not what christmas is about.

I wasn't bitching, someone said it was rude to not sing Christmas songs.

The birth of the man who brought about a religion which was based in the rejection of another religion - hmm.

What did Jesus reject exactly? For it seems to me that the law was nullified by Paul NOT Jesus...

Peace be unto you ;)

What did Jesus reject exactly? For it seems to me that the law was nullified by Paul NOT Jesus...

Peace be unto you ;)

I actually agree. But if that's what the Christians believed then they would celebrate Paul's birthday,
The account of Jesus's life, from the virgin birth to the loaves and fishes and all the way through to the resurrection, is a series of miracles. If ever there was an extraordinary assertion, the hypothesis that this person actually lived and this was the true story of his life is certainly one of the most extraordinary of all. By the Rule of Laplace (or Sagan's Law), an extraordinary assertion must be supported by extraordinary evidence before anyone is obliged to treat it with respect.

Must? You are free to treat the account of His Life in any way you like, and we are under no obligation whatsoever to respect, recognize, lend credence to, or abide such rudimentary and inverted coping mechanisms which keep one in a state of perpetual ignorance.

We testify of Jesus’ miraculous Life, Death, and Resurrection sincerely and straightforwardly; there is no hidden agenda or intent to deceive…we simply make known to our fellow man the good news that Jesus Christ “has abolished death, and brought life and immortality to light through the Gospel”. ‘Grasping’ this FACT cannot be accomplished by approaching His Word with a skeptical midset, ‘testing’ It by ‘rules’ predicated upon doubt.

If you cannot be honest with yourself, the Honesty with which such statements are put forth (and in which, they find their Genesis) simply will not resonate within.

As He says: "He who has ears to hear let him hear."
I actually agree. But if that's what the Christians believed then they would celebrate Paul's birthday,

your a hypocrite you demand people respect your interpertation of judiasm and than you have attacked christianity with baseless bull shit.
I wasn't bitching, someone said it was rude to not sing Christmas songs.

The birth of the man who brought about a religion which was based in the rejection of another religion - hmm.

Christianity wasn't based on the rejection of Judaism. How in the hell did you come to the conclusion that christianity is based on the rejection of Judaism.

just because the evangelicals reject where their faith came from doesn't mean all christians do.
I actually agree. But if that's what the Christians believed then they would celebrate Paul's birthday,

Ok I see your point...I think Paul has corrupted everything Jesus ever taught and changed his message to the point of no return..

For example when Jesus says that the law must remain until 'all is fulfilled' they interpret it as- Jesus was perfect (i.e completely followed the law)- means he has fulfilled it....

But any person who even thinks about this will find the Christian interpretation as stupid- or at least the interpretation of Paul which is the same as what Christians accept.

Law is created for a purpose- God (you have problem me using this?) didn't create the Law without a purpose- One of those purposes would be that following the Law (100%) would yield them perfect in the sight of God... But the purpose was for all of Humanity.... No one can come up and tell me that the Law was for a single person- the purpose of the Law was for the betterment of Humanity.

Has that purpose been fulfilled? No! When will it be fulfilled? When there is no human because as long as there is humanity there will be purpose to the Law.. That is why Jesus said that not one jot will pass away until all is fulfilled.

If someone can come up and tell me that the purpose of the Law has been fulfilled because of someone came and followed all of it- he is essentially telling me that the purpose of the law was to create only 1 perfect human and not for all of humanity- which I find as a ridiculous claim and in all of Judaism this was never the case.

Jesus 'fulfilled' it- but that is a personal fulfillment- but the purpose of the Law was for everyone- which is not fulfilled.

On a deeper reading we see that Jesus was talking about things 'coming to pass'- and he was talking about the complete OT- in other words there are prophecies in the OT that must be fulfilled which makes sense. All prophecies must come true before 'heaven and earth' pass away- this is common sense. Has everything in the OT come to pass? NO! So everything in it is still applicable- yes that includes the Ten Commandments :D

And he says it in different ways, basically stating the many things that must be fulfilled... Everything about "Me" the Messiah must be fulfilled.. Everything of the Teachings of Moses must be fulfilled... Everything (in general) in the OT must come to pass....

In no stretch of the mind can one say any of this has happened... Then you have Paul come along and take the easy way out and say - You're all free, lets all become lawless!

Peace be unto you ;)
I wasn't bitching, someone said it was rude to not sing Christmas songs.

The birth of the man who brought about a religion which was based in the rejection of another religion - hmm.

But it *is* rude. It's an expression of you not being able to recognize how secular a holiday Christmas is to the majority of the people singing those songs, and then basing your religious insecurities upon that. :cool:
Christianity wasn't based on the rejection of Judaism. How in the hell did you come to the conclusion that christianity is based on the rejection of Judaism.

just because the evangelicals reject where their faith came from doesn't mean all christians do.

I very much agree. As I mentioned earlier, I don't practice either religion. However, in no way do Christians celebrate the rejection of Judaism during Christmas or any other time of the year. If you have an open enough mind, then sit in on a mass somewhere. The chance that Jews will even be mentioned is exceedingly slim. They are far and away from the minds of most Christians.

Christians on the other hand, seem to be very much on the minds of Jews at all times. Again, it's that built-in, generational inferiority complex that Jews have developed and perpetuated among their children. Many Jews would like to say that that inferiority complex is enforced on them externally. However, it is not.
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Stop saying I have an inferiority complex, I think I'm better than you - and I barely know you.

I don't believe you think that, cheski. You're jewish, and in this thread and you have exhibited all the signs and symptoms of the inferior-feeling breed of jew.

pjdude; you're total lack of comprehension, disrespectful attitude, and sheer ignorance of the world around you shocks me. I didn't attack anyone and no intelligent person would think I did.

Let's listen to Ann Coulter on the topic.
Donny's face says it all.

Lol, "Christians are perfected jews." I love that. She says it because she knows it's a soft spot for jews. They internalize that stuff and view Christian ideas as insults. BTW, if you ever want to get a Jewish person angry, just refer to Jesus as "King of the Jews."

That's another one that gets them seriously (and amusingly) PO'ed. When that term was coined, it wasn't meant as a slight. That is how they view it, though. :cool:
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Lol, "Christians are perfected jews." I love that. She says it because she knows it's a soft spot for jews. They internalize that stuff and view Christian ideas as insults. BTW, if you ever want to get a Jewish person angry, just refer to Jesus as "King of the Jews."

That's another one that gets them seriously (and amusingly) PO'ed. When that term was coined, it wasn't meant as a slight. That is how they view it, though. :cool:

Well, it was meant as a slight against him, because they didn't feel that He was. Which, He wasn't. Eh, it's complicated. If you believe in Him, then he was.
pjdude; you're total lack of comprehension, disrespectful attitude, and sheer ignorance of the world around you shocks me. I didn't attack anyone and no intelligent person would think I did.

Let's listen to Ann Coulter on the topic.
Donny's face says it all.
waah waah wahh the baby got called on his bullshit. Disresepectful is thinking you know more about other people than they do. I can comprehend fine and I'm not ignorant. though like most people on your side of the isle you project. for reading comp where did I say you attacked anyone I didn't I said you attacked christianity. you have been disrespectful to all who have tried to coorect you well ignorant view of christianity. rather than deal with facts you turned this thread into a rant on how people hate jews grow the fuck up.

and its your not you're which is a contraction for you are.
waah waah wahh the baby got called on his bullshit. Disresepectful is thinking you know more about other people than they do. I can comprehend fine and I'm not ignorant. though like most people on your side of the isle you project. for reading comp where did I say you attacked anyone I didn't I said you attacked christianity. you have been disrespectful to all who have tried to coorect you well ignorant view of christianity. rather than deal with facts you turned this thread into a rant on how people hate jews grow the fuck up.

and its your not you're which is a contraction for you are.
Hey pjdude, could you be a little less coherent? You just follow me around from post to post spouting incoherences and non-sequitur's about everything. You post on my profile how I'm a bigot after I ignore you, say things like "that's why everyone hates Jews" and then claim to not be an anti-Semite. You harass fedr808, otheapd and make equally inane arguments with Spidergoat, and as far as I am aware you don't espouse such (unrelenting) inanity with anyone else. You come into a thread you know nothing about, as an atheist whose never read either parties testament thoroughly you still voice your irrelevant opinion. You ironically critique my misspelling while not using (nearly) a single capitalization. support Anne Coulter in espousing her garbage after she clearly supports the view I of Christianity I had previously projected. Well if I met you face to face - I would probably pop you in the jaw you moron. You can go to hell.
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