christians and jews, do they believe in each others' prophets?

Maybe he didn't qualify as the Moshiach/Mashiach?

What does the Torah say about the Moshiach?
The Jews as a group demonstrated a consistent pattern of disobedience and disbelief in their relationship with YHWH. Testimony to this can be found throughout the Old Testament especially in the [believing and, in most cases, obedient] Prophets. The Jewish rejection of their Messiah [Cornerstone] was the capstone of that same pattern of unbelief. The reasons for their disobedience and disbelief are revealed to any who care to learn them by Jews who DID believe and obey...Those reasons can be found/ferreted out through a study of their writings found in the New Testament.

That said, redemption through their Messiah Jesus Christ is intended (and even now still available) for Jews and Gentiles alike, indeed this was The Father's plan all along.
i don't get why the jews didn't follow Jesus when he came along?
It is very easy , because the Jews believe in Moses who came hundreds of years before Jesus . So when someone new came with a new mythology they just ignored him . Good for them ......:) .
I think Its because Jesus was talking in parables.... The Jews thought Jesus was claiming to be God when he clearly was not.... Messiah was not God thus Jesus is not the Messiah.

The Christians ended up doing what the jews did.

Peace be unto you ;)
Yeah Jesus really didn't fit the bill. I'm struggling to recall religious studies that I took years ago here, but I believe the Jewish messiah was supposed to a) be a (human) descendant of King David, b) restore the Davidic throne, c) rebuild the temple.
We should also remember that (1) Jews used to proselytize and (2) Jews were the first Christians.
Photizo your post displays the religious-savy of a Southern Evangelist - with the uneducated claims to back it. Let's dissect all of its problems, then I will give a general overview answering scifes question.

The Jews as a group demonstrated a consistent pattern of disobedience and disbelief in their relationship with ****. Testimony to this can be found throughout the Old Testament especially in the [believing and, in most cases, obedient] Prophets.
If the Jews BCE disobedience landed them punishment, what's the punishment for Europeans animist savages? Your ancestors were far more ruthlessly unlawful - for example; most Jews could read - write - and understand law, most Greek lawyers were illiterate. The Jewish system was more just, and less corrupt.

Your very post displayed callous disregard for your supposed God's name, I think that's against one of your 10, right? Do you even know what these supposed 'disobediences' entailed? Well, in the second temple period I do - I'll give you a hint, they're not discussed in the prophets because there was no prophet at the time. If what caused the destruction of their temple was held upon the non-Jews, then we should expect a second flood any day now.

The majority of Israel's root indiscretions can be read of in the time of Judges, you know that 460 year period where there was only one book written?
The Jewish rejection of their Messiah [Cornerstone] was the capstone of that same pattern of unbelief.
Which part precisely did they reject? Was it the "Love your neighbor as yourself" which had been said by Beis Hillel oh...say...100 years before Jesus was supposedly born? Was it "remove the sty from your eye" that was said by the Rishonim compiled into a book later on from a named source who said it again...hundreds of years earlier? Was it his claim "None of your are righteous, not even one"? You know...the statement which was said by King Solomon (or David) in Psalms? Which statement did they clearly disobey?

The reasons for their disobedience and disbelief are revealed to any who care to learn them by Jews who DID believe and obey...Those reasons can be found/ferreted out through a study of their writings found in the New Testament.
Explain to me how a man who was born in one city in a country, when there were Jews all the way from France to Saudi Arabia...was supposed to be followed by them all? Also explain - how come Paul wrote down the New Testament and spread it a full 220 years after he supposedly died? That's right, for 220 years nobody thought anything or even knew of this man who was killed by the Romans. But miraculously he comes to Paul in his dreams - he writes it down, and suddenly every Jew was supposed to be held to it? Please, if the Messiah came to earth, don't you think God would have an effective way to inform them all...kind of like the one he described in....the prophets?

That said, redemption through their Messiah Jesus Christ is intended (and even now still available) for Jews and Gentiles alike, indeed this was The Father's plan all along.
It still blows my mind that a bunch of Europeans whose ancestors believed the Oak tree was their god all of the sudden feel that the "Old covenant" no longer applies to them. Let's say it magically doesn't - which part doesn't? Is the Sabbath no longer required? Is taking your Gods name in vein no longer binding? Is not believing in two gods still part of the deal? What about that sentence in the Tanakh that says "God is not a man"...does that not hold anymore either? You never did any of them - so...what's changed?


The basic answer is he didn't fulfill any of the prescribed events. The Jews didn't return to Israel after he came, the second temple wasn't built, there wasn't unending peace in the world, there wasn't pure clarity given to every human being. You know that "...and no sword will cross Israels land again" sentence in your you feel as if that's true today? So which is wrong, your bible - or you?
If the Jews BCE disobedience landed them punishment, what's the punishment for Europeans animist savages?

Degrees of punishment will be based upon the the 'Light' given each culture. The Jews--above all people on earth--were chosen by YHWH to be His covenant people: Noblesse oblige.
Exactly - that's why we have 613+ laws, and you 10-.

It's not surprising that you didn't (couldn't) respond to the rest.

Statements like "That said, redemption through their Messiah Jesus Christ is intended (and even now still available) for Jews and Gentiles alike, indeed this was The Father's plan all along." make you sound like Ann Coulter, you shouldn't say them.
Exactly - that's why we have 613+ laws, and you 10-.

I'm a Christian. Distinct from either group, and no longer under either set of Laws. You however, are indeed under the Law. Gude ruck. The only thing you will gain from your efforts at obedience is the knowledge of how far your [weak] attempt falls short of the intended/DEMANDED 'target' i.e. Perfection.

It's not surprising that you didn't (couldn't) respond to the rest.

What's not surprizing is your reaction to my original post. It's spot on, ergo your tirade. I chose not to respond to the frenzied parrotings of an automaton: All you need to know is contained in my first reply.

Statements like "That said, redemption through their Messiah Jesus Christ is intended (and even now still available) for Jews and Gentiles alike, indeed this was The Father's plan all along." make you sound like Ann Coulter, you shouldn't say them.

More like the early Jewish evangelists. Coincidently they also were discouraged from testifying concerning the Jewish Good News by the 'religious' ausore-ah-tease. However--like them--In Christ, I choose to listen to, believe, and obey YHWH, my Father. Shalom.
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I'm a Christian. Distinct from either group, and no longer under either set of Laws. You however, are indeed under the Law. Gude ruck. The only thing you will gain from your efforts at obedience is the knowledge of how far your [weak] attempt falls short of the intended/DEMANDED 'target' i.e. Perfection.

What's not surprizing is your reaction to my original post. It's spot on, ergo your tirade. I chose not to respond to the frenzied parrotings of an automaton: All you need to know is contained in my first reply.

More like the early Jewish evangelists. Coincidently they also were discouraged from testifying concerning the Jewish Good News by the 'religious' ausore-ah-tease. However--like them--In Christ, I choose to listen to, believe, and obey YHWH, my Father. Shalom.
You're a nothing. But excuse me for being a little uncomfortable when the first response to "What's the difference between Jews and Christians" is - "The Jews as a group demonstrated a consistent pattern of disobedience and disbelief in their relationship".

You see how my answer to his question is based on my beliefs, and not on yours? Your answer is "The Jews disobey" - the fact you've defined yourself by me is flattering.

You are Jew CheskiChips?

Peace be unto you ;)

We have a lot of diversity here at the forum.... Didn't know any jews here.

Shalom ;) (Peace be unto you)
i don't get why the jews didn't follow jesus when he came along?

They where probably looking for a military leader who would defeat the Roman occupiers and make Judah the centre of world power.

They did not understand Jesus because He was not the Messiah they thought He would be. He was not the kind of Messiah they wanted.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
I'm not sure, but I do know that there is a longstanding inferiority complex deeply rooted in the minds of modern day Jews due to Christians. They make them feel as though they only have half of a religion.