Christians and Christmas


Debate as to whether a newborn child is an atheist or not is of dubious value. I would suggest its state is neutral if one considers being an atheist a deliberate choice.

A Christian can be someone Professing belief in Jesus Christ, full stop.
An assertion alone has little to no meaning. I can state a belief in Einstein’s special theory of relativity, but what would that mean if I didn’t understand the theory? Similarly a profession of being a Christian is just the tip of the iceberg with all the real substance of the belief underneath. But while relativity has only one objective definition, being a Christian has thousands of definitions.

In the beginning it does take a leap of "blind faith" if you are not the gullible type. But after you've taken this leap, which you must make with at least hope in your heart then not only the bible makes sense, but life does. With these results your faith strengthens and is no longer blind faith.
Faith of this type always reduces to nothing more than belief without a factual basis. In short it is nothing more than gambling.

I don't think there'll be any discoveries in the material world that can be used as material evidence, so you have to choose to believe.
This is the same as saying that it will never be shown that pigs can fly but you are going to believe they can anyway. Your approach is simply stupid (according to Webster).

Note that the concept of a god is an imaginative fantasy. Without a factual basis it can never be any more than that.

I realize that a lot of intelligent people find this stumbling block enough not to pursue it further, not all though.
The correlation is that higher intelligence maps to being less religious.

I am not proficient in the bible yet, but I believe I've made the correct choice.
You echo the danger of a jury who has already decided before examining the evidence. You betray a serious lack of objectivity.

When I talk about opens doors, I mean things like viewing the world from a better perspective, feeling inner peace and having a relationship, that for me is real, with God.
How do you feel when comparing that with your atheist experiences? However, if you have been indoctrinated into Christianity since birth, as your statements imply, then you have yet to experience any true freedom of thought and enlightenment.

Very clear to you perhaps, but not to me and a few billion others.
Only 2 billion are counted as Christian although most of those do not practice their religion in any significant manner ( the sheep ). The other 4 billion people in the world think something else makes more sense. If you want to play the numbers then realize you are in a minority. But then not so long ago pretty much everyone on the planet believed the world was flat.

Truth is not determined by a popular vote, or something that seems to make sense, or something that is pleasant, or depth of a belief (faith), or something that appears just. The best evidence we have for truth in life is that you will die and cease to exist at some point and that reaching that ultimate stage may well be stressful and very unpleasant.

Believing in fantasies such as gods is simple escapism and a refusal to accept reality and take responsibility for your actions. And far far worse is that it discourages concerted actions to solve the real problems that life presents.

Wake up from your fantasy and deal with reality.
Hiya Markx,

Originally posted by Markx
I believe that Jesus was a messiah but I am not a christian.

What messiah might that be?

since I believe that Jesus was a messiah/christ. You need to be more clear about it I think. What do you think? What I am trying to say is, that christ is only a title not a something to believe in.

Well I could say that Allah is just a title and not something to believe in, but you probably believe differently and I respect that.

It's pretty simple. I believe that what is written in the New Testament is true.

Hiya Cris,

Originally posted by Cris

Debate as to whether a newborn child is an atheist or not is of dubious value. I would suggest its state is neutral if one considers being an atheist a deliberate choice.


An assertion alone has little to no meaning. I can state a belief in Einstein’s special theory of relativity, but what would that mean if I didn’t understand the theory?

Similarly a profession of being a Christian is just the tip of the iceberg with all the real substance of the belief underneath. But while relativity has only one objective definition, being a Christian has thousands of definitions.

There was a flaw in what I said, point taken.

Faith of this type always reduces to nothing more than belief without a factual basis. In short it is nothing more than gambling.

But if I say that the bible is the fact then it isn't much of a gamble. The bible exists and I believe what is written in it.

Your approach is simply stupid (according to Webster).

Well I don't think it's that stupid.

Note that the concept of a god is an imaginative fantasy. Without a factual basis it can never be any more than that.

Well I don't believe that what is written in the bible is something that has been conjured up by someones imagination, hence I don't believe God is an imaginative fantasy.

The correlation is that higher intelligence maps to being less religious.

Thanks for the link, it really doesn't count for anything though.

You echo the danger of a jury who has already decided before examining the evidence. You betray a serious lack of objectivity.

I've examined and am still studying the evidence, the bible, even though my studying is far from complete I have faith in the word.

How do you feel when comparing that with your atheist experiences?

What atheist experiences are you talking about?

However, if you have been indoctrinated into Christianity since birth, as your statements imply, then you have yet to experience any true freedom of thought and enlightenment.

Can you give an example of "True Freedom of Thought and Enlightenment" that I have not experienced...

Only 2 billion are counted as Christian although most of those do not practice their religion in any significant manner ( the sheep ). The other 4 billion people in the world think something else makes more sense. If you want to play the numbers then realize you are in a minority. But then not so long ago pretty much everyone on the planet believed the world was flat.

You're forgetting the ones that are dead. In anyways, I don't want to start a numbers game either.

Truth is not determined by a popular vote,

I never said it was.

or something that seems to make sense,

It's up to the individual to decide if what makes sense to them can be accepted as true to them.

or depth of a belief (faith),

As above.

or something that is pleasant, or something that appears just.

I never said it was.

The best evidence we have for truth in life is that you will die and cease to exist at some point and that reaching that ultimate stage may well be stressful and very unpleasant.

All pretty good apart from the cease to exist bit.

Believing in fantasies such as gods is simple escapism and a refusal to accept reality and take responsibility for your actions. And far far worse is that it discourages concerted actions to solve the real problems that life presents.

My life has become far better since I accepted Jesus Christ as my saviour. I've held a pretty senior position since I was 26 in my professional career(in which requires rational thought).

Wake up from your fantasy and deal with reality.

I appreciate the wake up call, but I think I'll have a lie in.


I have been on these boards for a while and have learnt a thing or two. The one thing I have learnt is that I could not change your mind as regards religion, so I won't try, in fact I won't try to change anybodys mind as everyone has free will. I ask for the same courtesy from you. Your intentions might seem good from your point of view, but I can tell you they fall on deaf ears.

I hope I didn't come across to stupid.

Originally posted by davewhite04
Hiya Markx,

Please define Allah as a title. It would be interesting to see. Since christ is a title and define as a title, I really would like to see how and where can you find the defination of Allah?.

Thank you.

I hope I didn't come across to stupid.
No, don’t worry. But you do reflect an overwhelming religious approach that has permeated life on this planet for thousands of years. It is difficult for most to ignore that powerful influence and think independently, critically, and objectively and for themselves. Your comments do not yet reflect what you think but what you have been told, and I judge that by the phraseology you use that I have seen many many times before.

But if I say that the bible is the fact then it isn't much of a gamble. The bible exists and I believe what is written in it.
Saying something is fact doesn’t make it fact. If you believe your opponent has two deuces yet they really have two aces, then your belief is worthless. By blindly believing the bible without checking it for factual accuracy then you equally run the risk of being totally wrong. As I said you are gambling and in this case you cannot calculate the odds as I can when playing poker.

Well I don't think it's that stupid.
The concept of flying pigs is a fantasy. To believe it is true is stupid. The concept of a god is equally a fantasy. Why isn’t it equally stupid if either is believed to be true? Why do you make a distinction? Why is believing a god exists any less stupid than believing pigs can fly?

Well I don't believe that what is written in the bible is something that has been conjured up by someones imagination, hence I don't believe God is an imaginative fantasy.
What is the basis for your belief? Do you have any facts to show that God is not a fantasy or are you just basing your belief on what you have been told?

Look very very hard – there is no shred of factual evidence that indicates a god does exist, or could exist. The concept is entirely born of human imagination. If you say otherwise then show me the facts.

Thanks for the link, it really doesn't count for anything though.
The trend indicates that the more we learn and know and the greater our intelligence then the less we are likely to be religious. If the trend continues then religions should be eventually discarded. Wouldn’t it be wise to consider why the more intelligent people tend not to be religious? Perhaps they have realized something that you have not grasped yet.

I've examined and am still studying the evidence, the bible, even though my studying is far from complete I have faith in the word.
OK but you are using the word faith as if it is something of value. This is religious indoctrination since religions can never appeal to reason or facts. Faith simply means to believe something without evidence. It is essentially an appeal to irrationality, and I do not see any value in that approach.

What atheist experiences are you talking about?
The one you clearly haven’t experienced yet.

Can you give an example of "True Freedom of Thought and Enlightenment" that I have not experienced...
No more than I can meaningfully describe a sexual orgasm to a child.

If you have been conditioned and indoctrinated by British religion throughout your life then it will take many years to break away from that noose. The key is to think critically and objectively and not be seduced by what others tell you. Religion plays deeply on the emotions since it cannot appeal to logic, reason or the intellect, and emotions are notoriously the worst methods to use for making rational decisions.

It's up to the individual to decide if what makes sense to them can be accepted as true to them.
The individual is free to choose whatever they wish to believe but do not confuse such beliefs with truth. Believing something is true does not make it true. Truth is independent of individual beliefs.

That you believe something is true which isn’t is simply a delusion. Can you demonstrate that your belief in a god is different to a delusion?

All pretty good apart from the cease to exist bit.
Can you demonstrate that you will not cease to exist at some point in time?

My life has become far better since I accepted Jesus Christ as my saviour.
Can you demonstrate that such beliefs are any different from well established practices of positive thinking, or even just the placebo effect? Both of which are infinitely more likely and demonstrable than the fantasy influence of gods.

I've held a pretty senior position since I was 26 in my professional career (in which requires rational thought).
Working with computers does tend to require rational thinking, but you are not demonstrating that method of thought when applied to your personal life. Rational thought or logic requires evidence in every instance, religions specifically do not use any evidence. How can you justify one side of life that uses reason and the other that does not?

The one thing I have learnt is that I could not change your mind as regards religion, so I won't try, in fact I won't try to change anybodys mind as everyone has free will. I ask for the same courtesy from you. Your intentions might seem good from your point of view, but I can tell you they fall on deaf ears.
My only hope is that you develop the technique of thinking for yourself, critically and objectively and to distinguish between unsubstantiated superstition and truth.

I do not want you to necessarily believe that what I believe is true but I encourage you to discover your own truth by your own ability to think rather than depend on what others think and tell you.
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An Atheist is someone who denies the existence of God and therefore he/she must have knowledge of God beforehand.
This is an out of date definition of atheism that unfortunately still survives in some older dictionaries. It is popular among Christians since they like to think of atheists as irrational since that distracts attention away from their own serious shortcomings. The definition originates from Christian propaganda.

Vienna – you should be ashamed of yourself for attempting to spread such nonsense.

A more precise and current definition of atheism and its current usage is discussed in the sticky thread at the head of this forum.

Hiya Markx,

Originally posted by Markx
Originally posted by davewhite04
Hiya Markx,

Please define Allah as a title. It would be interesting to see. Since christ is a title and define as a title, I really would like to see how and where can you find the defination of Allah?.

Thank you.

Isn't Allah the title or name you use for God? Well Jesus Christ is one name I use for God, that is why it is relevant and where we differ in opinion.

Hope this helps.

Originally posted by Vienna
Katazia, you should be ashamed at wrongly pointing fingers at people for spreading Christian propaganda. Get you facts right in future and don't jump to conclusions, it only makes you look stupid.

Christian propaganda indeed. :rolleyes:

Ahem.... ermm Vienna, read your posts earlier on in this thread. That could be deemed to be Christian propoganda:p

Hiya Cris,

Originally posted by Cris

No, don’t worry. But you do reflect an overwhelming religious approach that has permeated life on this planet for thousands of years. It is difficult for most to ignore that powerful influence and think independently, critically, and objectively and for themselves. Your comments do not yet reflect what you think but what you have been told, and I judge that by the phraseology you use that I have seen many many times before.

There are bible scholars that think the way you describe regarding scripture. I am not a bible scholar, and never will be. If you take the virgin birth for example, scholars and scientists still talk about it now, this to me is stupid. My approach is based on a very strong belief in the word, and with that comes the belief that God and only God can do anything, this is why I came to the conclusion that if I read the words and looked at the evidence as a scholar or scientist I would get nowhere. My logic was if C(God) exists and I was at A, the only way to get to him was through B(Bible). Now the leap from A to B is pretty simple if you can read or listen or feel, but the key is to get from B to C, and I believe the only way to C from B is Believe funnily enough. Critical thinking when studying the Bible is for the people who want to unearth stones that prove that the biblical figure of King David exists or not for example, I'll let other people do that as I don't have the time, this could be called arrogant, stupid or maybe confident.

Saying something is fact doesn’t make it fact. If you believe your opponent has two deuces yet they really have two aces, then your belief is worthless. By blindly believing the bible without checking it for factual accuracy then you equally run the risk of being totally wrong. As I said you are gambling and in this case you cannot calculate the odds as I can when playing poker.

I hear what you're saying here. I really can't explain further why I have got such strong faith. I wouldn't believe as strongly regarding a poker game or flying pigs though.

The concept of flying pigs is a fantasy. To believe it is true is stupid. The concept of a god is equally a fantasy. Why isn’t it equally stupid if either is believed to be true? Why do you make a distinction? Why is believing a god exists any less stupid than believing pigs can fly?

You have presented to me the case for flying pigs. Right, I won't browse the Internet or anything regarding flying pigs as my gut instinct is that it's a load of rubbish, and worthless.

What is the basis for your belief? Do you have any facts to show that God is not a fantasy or are you just basing your belief on what you have been told?

As I've stated earlier in our discussion, my basis for my belief is that it makes sense to me. No, not what you would consider fact in anyway. Partly, as I did go to sunday school.

Look very very hard – there is no shred of factual evidence that indicates a god does exist, or could exist. The concept is entirely born of human imagination. If you say otherwise then show me the facts.

You're not going to like this but (the same old rebuke) you don't have any evidence that a God Doesn't or couldn't exist. But since you asked the question I'll answer, you either take what is written in the Holy Bible and its teachings as fact or fiction. This is the only fact I need, the existence of the word.

The trend indicates that the more we learn and know and the greater our intelligence then the less we are likely to be religious. If the trend continues then religions should be eventually discarded. Wouldn’t it be wise to consider why the more intelligent people tend not to be religious? Perhaps they have realized something that you have not grasped yet.

Learn and know more about what exactly? My brother fits snuggly in the high intelligence department( BS.H in Mathematic modelling and a Masters degree in Astrophysics. and a good job). He is an athiest, yet he has never even picked up a bible, is he a genius for disregarding something that you claim to be fiction without considering it? He has time on his side(hopefully, he is only 31) to evaluate his position. His religion as it stands could be called science. He is a top bloke though :)

OK but you are using the word faith as if it is something of value. This is religious indoctrination since religions can never appeal to reason or facts. Faith simply means to believe something without evidence. It is essentially an appeal to irrationality, and I do not see any value in that approach.

If our great scientists had no faith then we would be missing out on some wondorous discoveries. Your disregard for faith is strange, do you have faith in yourself?

The one you clearly haven’t experienced yet.

Good look with your amazing experiences!

No more than I can meaningfully describe a sexual orgasm to a child.

Yeah, the child wouldn't want to know in anyway.

If you have been conditioned and indoctrinated by British religion throughout your life then it will take many years to break away from that noose. The key is to think critically and objectively and not be seduced by what others tell you. Religion plays deeply on the emotions since it cannot appeal to logic, reason or the intellect, and emotions are notoriously the worst methods to use for making rational decisions.

I haven't been led by the hand my entire life, hardly at all come to think of it. My mother is in the Salvation Army but we never or rarely discuss religion. My dad never does unless I bring it up and you know about my brother. I don't attend a church on a weekly basis either.

My religious belief doesn't effect my rational decision making.

The individual is free to choose whatever they wish to believe but do not confuse such beliefs with truth. Believing something is true does not make it true. Truth is independent of individual beliefs.


That you believe something is true which isn’t is simply a delusion. Can you demonstrate that your belief in a god is different to a delusion?

Well delusion can mean a false belief etc. So it's not a case of me proving it to be right, it's a case for you to prove me wrong, me not millions. A relationship with God is a personal thing that at this time is purely experienced by the individual, some people experience the Holy Spirit in numbers but for me it's been a personal thing and it's very real to me. I will appear delusional to you perhaps, but I really couldn't care less, I'm confident that I'm not delusional. I do fear fanatics of any religion as they are delusional in my opinion.

Can you demonstrate that you will not cease to exist at some point in time?

No. What do you think I am? A psychic :)

Can you demonstrate that such beliefs are any different from well established practices of positive thinking, or even just the placebo effect? Both of which are infinitely more likely and demonstrable than the fantasy influence of gods.

One difference springs to mind, Jesus Christ Son of God. I will admit that I haven't studied many other beliefs etc. but might get back to you on this one after I do.

Working with computers does tend to require rational thinking, but you are not demonstrating that method of thought when applied to your personal life. Rational thought or logic requires evidence in every instance, religions specifically do not use any evidence. How can you justify one side of life that uses reason and the other that does not?

tend?? personal life?? Studying religion isn't all I do in my personal life. Would you consider playing Chess, Golf and Fishing rational?

It makes sense to me. Some of the moves Bobby Fischer played(Chess) seemed irrational to many experts at the time, but to him made sense, and he was pretty good at it. This might be a bad example, but what I mean is every mind paints a different picture.

My only hope is that you develop the technique of thinking for yourself, critically and objectively and to distinguish between unsubstantiated superstition and truth.

You come across as if you think I'm a dumby, I do think objectively, critically etc.I just don't use these methods with Gods word. You cannot convince me otherwise Cris.

I do not want you to necessarily believe that what I believe is true but I encourage you to discover your own truth by your own ability to think rather than depend on what others think and tell you.

I am discovering my own truth thanks, it just differs from yours that's all.

Thanks for responding, your posts always make me think, which is good :)
