
What, did you not quote ? and they paraphrased quotes from some one else .

So who cares you believe your way I believe my way . You have no proof if your belief nor your preciously mentioned preaches specially Dawkins.

Do you have proof for your belief? Dawkins is not precious to me nor is your insignifigant life. and trust me i've only stracthed the surface of quotes on atheism and if you don't belive me check this site out.
I don't deify anyone, we are all equal ( in the sense that we all will die) at the end of the day you die, i die and every one you care about will meet the same fate. Why pre-occupy your thoughts of the next world when you should focus mainly on your one life in this world
I not talking about worship of deities, or superstitions. But having the attributes of Gods, all knowing and the ability to see the future and the past. Is this a genetic thing? Can this be evolved into the human condition, it is like an instinct. Not something learnt but still within you.:)
We have all seen that picture of human evolution over the last 2 million years changing from ape like to modern man, but what about the future? What are we going to evolve into in the future?
Definitely smaller, darker skinned, psychic, social-able.
Smaller - population pressure will favour smaller humans
Ozone depletion will favour darker skinned humans
psychic - knowing future will improve decision making ability
Social-able Negative pressure on antisocial behaviour continues.:)
Yes, but for that to happen you will need to kill of f 3-4 billion people in order for species just survive on this dying rock. we consume 110% of resources that can be produced on this planet. by 2020 their will be 9 billion mouths to feed, house, hydrate and provide with medical care. So ether we drastically reduce our population or go extinct via a war over scarce resources in the future. I'll see the results of human nature/evolution at the end of world and i'll ask you one question....where is your god now!
Honor thy father . Is there something wrong with that .. Explain
Thou shall not steel . What is wrong whit this ?
Thou shall not murder . What is wrong with this ?
Do no commit adultery How would you like your wife would do it ?
Have a day of rest from your work . you would not like that if you are a slave holder
Don't covet you neighbor property . Be your self, don't envy
As for me there is only one God, The creator of life
Please tell on how could your humanism improve in that.[/QUOTE
Honor thy father . Is there something wrong with that .. Explain
Thou shall not steel . What is wrong whit this ?
Thou shall not murder . What is wrong with this ?
Do no commit adultery How would you like your wife would do it ?
Have a day of rest from your work . you would not like that if you are a slave holder
Don't covet you neighbor property . Be your self, don't envy
As for me there is only one God, The creator of life
Please tell on how could your humanism improve in that.

What if your parents are abusive assholes who only had you to get an extra 100 dollars from welfare
Subjective, not to clear on what I’m not supposed to steal? Food, Knowledge, Ideas, can I steal if do in the name of your god just the crusaders did!
Subjective, It’s thou shall not KILL, and hasn’t humanity been killing even with that law and better yet they killed for God’s good name,( the delicious hypocrisy)
Having what other’s want is the basis of capitalism, and god command the Jews to take Israel from the Palestinians
Don’t have a wife and even if I did I couldn’t blame her, it’s only natural for our primal instinct to want to diversify the amount of genetic material that goes into reproduction.
I’m not a slave holder, but the Sabbath day is used to worship, doesn’t that seem egotistical coming from the being that the told them to take the day to day to begin with

Any way those rules are good for us humans so we can live in harmony.
If unfortunately your early life was hard so was mine .
I love my parents , It is up to the individual to make his life , the parents had their own , Are you enjoying life, are you facing interesting experience in life , be grateful to your parents , otherwise you would be an aborted fetus .Note : I posted # 60

There are many of us , will not shed blood ( we don't bear arms ), YES WE ARE persecuted, We help the needy , I believe in percent bases we are less fraudulent as the general population .
Any way those rules are good for us humans so we can live in harmony.
If unfortunately your early life was hard so was mine .
I love my parents , It is up to the individual to make his life , the parents had their own , Are you enjoying life, are you facing interesting experience in life , be grateful to your parents , otherwise you would be an aborted fetus .Note : I posted # 60

There are many of us , will not shed blood ( we don't bear arms ), YES WE ARE persecuted, We help the needy , I believe in percent bases we are less fraudulent as the general population .

My parent are not abusive assholes, but I’m simply putting up scenario where that rule wouldn't make any difference, and humans don't live in if your loving god wants us to follow "his" rules then he would be more punctual about their enforcement. Secondly, Christians make up the majority, atheist, gays, and other groups that don't belong in your group you persecute!
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Planning for the ruin of this unholy ground and all its vile inhabitants?
What a meanie.
Holy, Unholy both are perspectives of morality or ethical judgment that conflict our minds, I tend not to label such choices, if 1000 people must die for 1000000 so be it, if I need to steal to feed myself so be it, if or if not I have respect for my parents, well then their actions towards me deiced that. I’m just an animal trying to surviving in a urban ecosystem that we as a species created for ourselves. I laugh at terms such righteous, vitreous, or any notion promoted by religious dogma that seeks to restrain or change what we truly are....just animals with a clever mind. I'll see you at the end of the world:cool:
Check List:
One RugerSR-556/6-8 Assualt Rifle
12x 30rd clips=360rounds
one tactical vest with kevlar
one camelback 20gl water capicity
20 MREs
200ft nylon rope
one7in stainless steal knife
3 signal flares
one GPS and Compass
oneTerragraphical map of East Coast
Size 11 1'2 inch steel toed boots
one pair of Binoculars
Sig-Saur P226 9m pistol
i feel like i'm forgeting somting on this list that could help me survive the end of the world? what could it possibly be? ( If any you the say power of religion i'll just ignore it):scratchin:
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Yes, but for that to happen you will need to kill of f 3-4 billion people in order for species just survive on this dying rock. we consume 110% of resources that can be produced on this planet. by 2020 their will be 9 billion mouths to feed, house, hydrate and provide with medical care. So ether we drastically reduce our population or go extinct via a war over scarce resources in the future. I'll see the results of human nature/evolution at the end of world and i'll ask you one question....where is your god now!
And God will ask "Where are you?":)
Holy, Unholy both are perspectives of morality or ethical judgment that conflict our minds, I tend not to label such choices, if 1000 people must die for 1000000 so be it, if I need to steal to feed myself so be it, if or if not I have respect for my parents, well then their actions towards me deiced that. I’m just an animal trying to surviving in a urban ecosystem that we as a species created for ourselves. I laugh at terms such righteous, vitreous, or any notion promoted by religious dogma that seeks to restrain or change what we truly are....just animals with a clever mind. I'll see you at the end of the world:cool:
See even you admit you are evolving back to the animal you came from. Just fit for the slaughter!
We were to learn to be righteous and virtuous for they are they traits the reaper is selecting and resowing.
And God will ask "Where are you?":)

Why would it ask that? It knows everything that has happened and everything that will happen. I'll being stainding over dead bodies and destroyed rubble, killing to survive each day and not caring about anyone else except for myself, my family or friends(unless they threaten me, then i'll have to drop them)
See even you admit you are evolving back to the animal you came from.
We are changeing...we will contiune to be primates, we are just getting better and better at killing each other, our evolution is still in motion, even if we think the inner animal is gone, it's still there just waiting for a crack in our mental armor to escape an unleash the fury of our animalisitc carnarge upon this world that we have created. from sticks and rocks to nuclear weapons we've come a long way as a species, we've perfected newer and better ways of killing each other off the face of this scared planet. I do not deniy my inner animal inside... if i do then i would surely lose my mind. Once again i'll se you dead at the end:mufc:
Why would it ask that? It knows everything that has happened and everything that will happen. I'll being standing over dead bodies and destroyed rubble, killing to survive each day and not caring about anyone else except for myself, my family or friends(unless they threaten me, then i'll have to drop them)
It is a question for you to answer, like a teacher sets questions in an exam, not because the teacher doesn't know the answer but to make you introspective of the shit hole that your life has turned out to be.:)
Check List:
One RugerSR-556/6-8 Assualt Rifle
12x 30rd clips=360rounds
one tactical vest with kevlar
one camelback 20gl water capicity
20 MREs
200ft nylon rope
one7in stainless steal knife
3 signal flares
one GPS and Compass
oneTerragraphical map of East Coast
Size 11 1'2 inch steel toed boots
one pair of Binoculars
Sig-Saur P226 9m pistol
i feel like i'm forgeting somting on this list that could help me survive the end of the world? what could it possibly be? ( If any you the say power of religion i'll just ignore it):scratchin:

all that? hey I was just gonna bring some marshmallows and a coat hanger
Some toilet paper will come in handy when you shit yourself.:)
That's what i was missing! A military grade foldable shovel that can dig and be used as a melee weapon in close quarter battle! I'll need to dig holes for my excrement and for the all the people i kill.:facepalm:
It is a question for you to answer, like a teacher sets questions in an exam, not because the teacher doesn't know the answer but to make you introspective of the shit hole that your life has turned out to be.:)

Right...if my life is shit, then how did i afford this computer, an internet service provider? You see my life as hollow and meaningless without your precious god, I on the contrary love my life and appreciate the one life I get on this planet and the bright future that I have waiting for me before I die or have to kill to keep living, and if the end of the world does come, well then I’ll finally be able to take out my frustrations out on all the people I hate with absolutely no consequences*loads assault rifle* and religious people are my first targets*demented smile* So enjoy the rest of your meaningless day you crazy little lamb* prepairs knives for slaughter of lamb* Lamb is very tasty :D
Right...if my life is shit, then how did i afford this computer, an internet service provider? You see my life as hollow and meaningless without your precious god, I on the contrary love my life and appreciate the one life I get on this planet and the bright future that I have waiting for me before I die or have to kill to keep living, and if the end of the world does come, well then I’ll finally be able to take out my frustrations out on all the people I hate with absolutely no consequences*loads assault rifle* and religious people are my first targets*demented smile* So enjoy the rest of your meaningless day you crazy little lamb* prepairs knives for slaughter of lamb* Lamb is very tasty :D
What you have failed to take into account is a am a stealthy sniper and a very good shot too. Bring it on!:cool:
Give me the specs, what kind of sniper rifle? what is it's caliber, range, rate of fire, action type and how durable or reliable is it, also would you need a spotter to account for wind velocity, humidity, wind pressure, the rotation effect of earth’s gravity, drop rate you know the basic information a sniper needs to account for before making a shot.