
A person after my own heart...hey! NO! STOP! I need that....

I think my sense of humor doesn't appeal to Robbity...
It wasn't very funny!:)
No, it's a joke, it was an ancient custom to see that courage resideded in the heart of men. Ancient warriors would eat the hearts of slayed men or beast to gain their courage or experince. It was a war tradition or hunter's right of passage.
Fortunatlly modern warriors don't perform that anymore ( note that i said "modern" i know there are still tribal societies that still perfom canablisim) in addition why would i want to eat your heart or have a liter of PIG blood? It's all just about poking gentle fun at a religious figure, who happens to be a cosmic, jewish-zombie from the 4th dimension that seeks to consume your soul through metaphysical means.
Fortunatlly modern warriors don't perform that anymore ( note that i said "modern" i know there are still tribal societies that still perfom canablisim) in addition why would i want to eat your heart or have a liter of PIG blood? It's all just about poking gentle fun at a religious figure, who happens to be a cosmic, jewish-zombie from the 4th dimension that seeks to consume your soul through metaphysical means.
It would be more like the 13th dimension. 11 here as explained, 12th dimension - the Connection and 13th Beyond our existence.:)
Ok, my mistake, a religous figure who happens to be cosmic-jewish zombie from the 13th dimension that somehow does exist but cannot be reached by man but somehow it can reach us and corrupt our intellingence with infautious ideals and pretense purposes for our exsitince. There is that better or should i contiune to rant about it:rolleyes:
“We must question the story logic of having an all-knowing all-powerful God, who creates faulty Humans, and then blames them for his own mistakes.”
― Gene Roddenberry
Ok, my mistake, a religous figure who happens to be cosmic-jewish zombie from the 13th dimension that somehow does exist but cannot be reached by man but somehow it can reach us and corrupt our intellingence with infautious ideals and pretense purposes for our exsitince. There is that better or should i contiune to rant about it:rolleyes:
NO, no, no, keep ranting. I was wondering how many new words I was going to learn?
1. infautious
2. [stopped]:)

Edit : The 12th dimension is the Connection, so I'm not saying it is impossible to reach. This is not reaching in as in 3D or 4D space but 12 D DimensionVerse, for it is not a matter of timing or stretching but projection of your Conciousness into the Other dimension. Or the other way round of the Divine projecting Consciousness back into your "switched on" receptors. Like you sit there in the dark and try to see, or you think you heard something and try to hear. So too you sit in this Dimension and try to pickup the Beyond.
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“We must question the story logic of having an all-knowing all-powerful God, who creates faulty Humans, and then blames them for his own mistakes.”
― Gene Roddenberry

God created life into into cell and programmed it for survival , the cell evolved into cell colony , The colony evolved into organism, like human , human is adapting to the environment and creates habits , Your father and mother created you with their faults. So stop bl aiming God bl-aim your self and your father .
The 12th dimension is the Connection, so I'm not saying it is impossible to reach. This is not reaching in as in 3D or 4D space but 12 D DimensionVerse, for it is not a matter of timing or stretching but projection of your Conciousness into the Other dimension. Or the other way round of the Divine projecting Consciousness back into your "switched on" receptors. Like you sit there in the dark and try to see, or you think you heard something and try to hear. So too you sit in this Dimension and try to pickup the Beyond.
“If it turns out that there is a God...the worst that you can say about him is that basically he's an underachiever.”
― Woody Allen
“Just keep asking yourself: What would Jesus not do?”
― Chuck Palahniuk
“Now, the invention of the scientific method and science is, I'm sure we'll all agree, the most powerful intellectual idea, the most powerful framework for thinking and investigating and understanding and challenging the world around us that there is, and that it rests on the premise that any idea is there to be attacked and if it withstands the attack then it lives to fight another day and if it doesn't withstand the attack then down it goes. Religion doesn't seem to work like that; it has certain ideas at the heart of it which we call sacred or holy or whatever. That's an idea we're so familiar with, whether we subscribe to it or not, that it's kind of odd to think what it actually means, because really what it means is 'Here is an idea or a notion that you're not allowed to say anything bad about; you're just not. Why not? - because you're not!”
― Douglas Adams
God created life into into cell and programmed it for survival , the cell evolved into cell colony , The colony evolved into organism, like human , human is adapting to the environment and creates habits , Your father and mother created you with their faults. So stop bl aiming God bl-aim your self and your father . or
The 12th dimension is the Connection, so I'm not saying it is impossible to reach. This is not reaching in as in 3D or 4D space but 12 D DimensionVerse, for it is not a matter of timing or stretching but projection of your Conciousness into the Other dimension. Or the other way round of the Divine projecting Consciousness back into your "switched on" receptors. Like you sit there in the dark and try to see, or you think you heard something and try to hear. So too you sit in this Dimension and try to pickup the Beyond.
Have you all tried to do this? Have you tried, and tried and tried again? Was there a spark of consciousness that came through? Or was it just nothingness?
I have done it. What about some others!:)
:crazy:Riddle me this Aracuca, if god is perfect in everyway, and can do anything and knows everything. Why would he even need to exist, in addition if it is all powerful why would he allow for a opposite force aka lucifer whom he created be allowed to exist? Finally if he just wanted dumb little slaves to worship him without question then why would he put the fruit of knowledge in the garden of eden to begin with? ( i know your going to say " Well it's a test of faith or loyalty" yeah but if he can see into the future and put lucifer on earth with them then he would have the foursight to know that adam and eve would eat it anyway! He's so perfect in everyway and yet he makes mistakes just like we do...hmmm interesting? Personification much?
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:sleep:I have tried was nothingness just a black room filled with my mass of 128 kilograms, my bed, this computer, a desk and breathalbe air. nothing more, nothing less