
First off, yes it satire but it brings up points in funny matter that I though you would find to be palatable, second, your religion already has an anti-deity, that would be the devil, and third I'm not trying to convince you of anything. I’ll say it again you are a fun little Christian to debate with.:D

I am a Christ teaching believer , and believer in creation if life .
So tell me what is wrong with that.
Now what atheism have to offer ? Self is the most important thing . How would society function ?
Oh I believe I am far more advanced evolutionary that you. It is the start of the next evolutionary push, the evolution of the psychic spiritual human. Far advanced from our unbelieving animal ancestors.:)
Right..... Because in opposite world our ancestors who were inferior to our physiology but far more intelligent not to believe in man-made deities that they created to explain a world that they couldn’t understand even though they were far more intelligent then modern humans? So the Aztecs sacrifices a human hearts to appease their sun god or the Norse yelling at a Wolf god to scare it away from blocking the sun during a solar eclipse, if they were more intelligent than us then they wouldn’t have done that shit and would have realized that is no supernatural force controlling their world. Their deaths whether it be the culture, civilization or heck the entire species only reassure me that their credibility died with them. Our evolution is pushing away from our superstitious ancestors into much more intelligent, secular Homo sapiens (which is going to take a long time, since 95% of the 7 billion people on this planet still worship non-existent deities)
You ask some dumb questions.
Maybe you should ease-up on the dumb-ass videos. :)

How are they dumb questions? the only dumb question is one that is not asked

If the question: why did god created the world to be a sphere, and not a cube, appeared there, it would not have seemed out of place.

If you really want answers to those questions, then go and find out. The internet is crawling with apologetics, websites, blogs, forums, e-books, and shit. Go look see. :rolleyes:

I am a Christ teaching believer , and believer in creation if life .
So tell me what is wrong with that.
Now what atheism have to offer ? Self is the most important thing

It doesn't really offer anything, I do not have clergy to speak of, no one solid doctrine( in the form of book or text) atheist can be good people too, just last week I helped out at a homeless shelter( and you know why? because they are human beings who require assistance (without having underlying objective to convert them) it is an alternative, it’s more of a personal philosophy and perceiving the natural world without need of external supernatural force that motivates me to get out of bed each morning.
“We are all atheists about most of the gods that societies have ever believed in. Some of us just go one god further.”
― Richard Dawkins
Atheism is more than just the knowledge that gods do not exist, and that religion is either a mistake or a fraud. Atheism is an attitude, a frame of mind that looks at the world objectively, fearlessly, always trying to understand all things as a part of nature.”
― Carl Sagan
“Scientists do not join hands every Sunday and sing "Yes gravity is real! I know gravity is real! I will have faith! I believe in my heart that what goes up, up, up must come down, down, down. Amen!" If they did, we would think they were pretty insecure about the concept.”
― Dan Barker
The deaths of individualism, an endless cycle of conformity, a tenacious alteration of your vision, are you unique in any way?
The hunger, greed and desire to reach a new level higher, musing of an existence prior what have you lost along the way?
Your mind a place of confusion, reckless and non hesitant with your life, are your goals just delusions or dreams
This psychotic devastation now claimed for self preservation, this endless march towards a mirage of salvation, will you see the truth in time?
Surreptitious in your desire, the heart of your flame grows higher with the conversion of thoughts whom are not “inspired”
Those against your causes are undesired, their thoughts you burn with fire, exile them from your wishful paradise
What cost is taken for your bliss from others? In history you fought against the “others”, bloodshed, and persecution in the name of the son of the holy mother?
Are you in a pacified mind, for a force beyond your world will save you from yourself? Your doubts and questions are not allowed.
Are you unique, are you free? Or are you just another one of “his” little lost sheep, he gives you comfort and a pretense purpose, but soon he will end you.
The pulpit his tool, the humans his voice and existence, are you still sure of his presence? March to his word, think not of the absurd, and only listen to “his” words
Think not of the doubt that resonates within your mind; blindly trust the man who says you are blind, thus the cycle continues again
Questions, doubt, will leave you despised and victimized, never interject “him” never question “him” always follow the cause, and clap happily with the applause.
The endless masses plea and prey, they’ll deify anyone for the hope of grace, the mindless dichotomy will temper their peaceful place
God Almighty, Yahweh or Allah there all the same, each just with a different name, the message they preach the lifestyle they convey are each twisted and serpentine in their unique ways.

Honor thy father . Is there something wrong with that .. Explain
Thou shall not steel . What is wrong whit this ?
Thou shall not murder . What is wrong with this ?
Do no commit adultery How would you like your wife would do it ?
Have a day of rest from your work . you would not like that if you are a slave holder
Don't covet you neighbor property . Be your self, don't envy
As for me there is only one God, The creator of life
Please tell on how could your humanism improve in that.
If the question: why did god created the world to be a sphere, and not a cube, appeared there, it would not have seemed out of place
Once again, why would such a being have any desire to create anything? IT has omnipotence, omnipresence, omniscient, omnibenevolence,( yet somehow in paradox it can exist outside of space and time even though it takes space and time to make a decision or to have omnipresence. It wouldn't want anything or need anything( because according to religous logic it is everything and it makes everything) what would be the point of it's existence if it can do anything or know everything? In addition why would such a being behave so human if it free of human weaknessess and doesn't really need anything form anywhere?
It doesn't really offer anything, I do not have clergy to speak of, no one solid doctrine( in the form of book or text) atheist can be good people too, just last week I helped out at a homeless shelter( and you know why? because they are human beings who require assistance (without having underlying objective to convert them) it is an alternative, it’s more of a personal philosophy and perceiving the natural world without need of external supernatural force that motivates me to get out of bed each morning.
“We are all atheists about most of the gods that societies have ever believed in. Some of us just go one god further.”
― Richard Dawkins
Atheism is more than just the knowledge that gods do not exist, and that religion is either a mistake or a fraud. Atheism is an attitude, a frame of mind that looks at the world objectively, fearlessly, always trying to understand all things as a part of nature.”
― Carl Sagan
“Scientists do not join hands every Sunday and sing "Yes gravity is real! I know gravity is real! I will have faith! I believe in my heart that what goes up, up, up must come down, down, down. Amen!" If they did, we would think they were pretty insecure about the concept.”
― Dan Barker

O, see you do have pastors and preachers, and prophets.
In my earlier days we members of the ACS , and ECS we had our monthly meting , there was a presentation of members work in their lab. I enjoyed the meetings we discussed jobs prospects and so on .
In church , we discuss and read on how to keep up with improving our behavior. Yes we sing , but we don't get drunk as in some of our chemical meting. So what is the big difference ? We are sociable beings .
I am a Christ teaching believer , and believer in creation if life .
So tell me what is wrong with that.
Now what atheism have to offer ? Self is the most important thing . How would society function ?

Nothing is wrong with believing anything as long as you do not have to deny reality in the process (here referring to creationist denial of science).

Atheism has no more focus on self than theism does. The Atheist simply rejects the notion of God, principally the anthropomorphic Father Creator slash Destroyer with all of the myth, superstition and legend that the western tradition and literature brings with this ideology.

Hopefully society does not function due to ideology but due to more practical demands and the innate sense of an ethos which humans normally possess.
Honor thy father . Is there something wrong with that .. Explain
Thou shall not steel . What is wrong whit this ?
Thou shall not murder . What is wrong with this ?
Do no commit adultery How would you like your wife would do it ?
Have a day of rest from your work . you would not like that if you are a slave holder
Don't covet you neighbor property . Be your self, don't envy
As for me there is only one God, The creator of life
Please tell on how could your humanism improve in that.[/QUOTE
Honor thy father . Is there something wrong with that .. Explain
Thou shall not steel . What is wrong whit this ?
Thou shall not murder . What is wrong with this ?
Do no commit adultery How would you like your wife would do it ?
Have a day of rest from your work . you would not like that if you are a slave holder
Don't covet you neighbor property . Be your self, don't envy
As for me there is only one God, The creator of life
Please tell on how could your humanism improve in that.

What if your parents are abusive assholes who only had you to get an extra 100 dollars from welfare
Subjective, not to clear on what I’m not supposed to steal? Food, Knowledge, Ideas, can I steal if do in the name of your god just the crusaders did!
Subjective, It’s thou shall not KILL, and hasn’t humanity been killing even with that law and better yet they killed for God’s good name,( the delicious hypocrisy)
Having what other’s want is the basis of capitalism, and god command the Jews to take Israel from the Palestinians
Don’t have a wife and even if I did I couldn’t blame her, it’s only natural for our primal instinct to want to diversify the amount of genetic material that goes into reproduction.
I’m not a slave holder, but the Sabbath day is used to worship, doesn’t that seem egotistical coming from the being that the told them to take the day to day to begin with
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Once again, It wouldn't want anything or need anything( because according to religous logic it is everything and it makes everything) what would be the point of it's existence if it can do anything or know everything? In addition why would such a being behave so human if it free of human weaknessess and doesn't really need anything form anywhere?

Why an artist create ? I believe God's nature is to be creative ,He placed His spirit into man, so man is creative
O, see you do have pastors and preachers, and prophets.
Did you see anything that I wrote even calling them that? Or did you automatically assume since I posited some quotes from this humans that i worship their names and pray to posters of them in order to deify them? * looks around room* I don’t see any poster and my only reference to this people are quotes that I don’t commit on when I post them.:bugeye:
Right..... Because in opposite world our ancestors who were inferior to our physiology but far more intelligent not to believe in man-made deities that they created to explain a world that they couldn’t understand even though they were far more intelligent then modern humans? So the Aztecs sacrifices a human hearts to appease their sun god or the Norse yelling at a Wolf god to scare it away from blocking the sun during a solar eclipse, if they were more intelligent than us then they wouldn’t have done that shit and would have realized that is no supernatural force controlling their world. Their deaths whether it be the culture, civilization or heck the entire species only reassure me that their credibility died with them. Our evolution is pushing away from our superstitious ancestors into much more intelligent, secular Homo sapiens (which is going to take a long time, since 95% of the 7 billion people on this planet still worship non-existent deities)
I not talking about worship of deities, or superstitions. But having the attributes of Gods, all knowing and the ability to see the future and the past. Is this a genetic thing? Can this be evolved into the human condition, it is like an instinct. Not something learnt but still within you.:)
Why an artist create ? I believe God's nature is to be creative ,He placed His spirit into man, so man is creative
Art and life are both finite and because of that are precious, their only ONE mona lisa and because of that it is worth millions of dollarsl. If Leonardo Di Vince Created an infinite supply of Mona Lisa they wouldn't be worth penny. If their was trully an afterlife then our lives on this rock would be pointless. " The gods envy us... for everything we see that is beautiful or majestic is of far more value to us than them, for we can only see it a finite amount of times before we die"
Saturnine Pariah,

Once again, why would such a being have any desire to create anything?

We (conditioned souls) desire to live our lives separate from God. God accomodates us by fashioning the universe out of material energy.

IT has omnipotence, omnipresence, omniscient, omnibenevolence,( yet somehow in paradox it can exist outside of space and time even though it takes space and time to make a decision or to have omnipresence.

The Kingdom of God, is a different place to the material world.
You could say, your living room is trancendental to what goes on in a playstation game. You kill, create, kill, create, all day long, but while you are
pulling the strings, it has no effect on you.

It wouldn't want anything or need anything( because according to religous logic it is everything and it makes everything) what would be the point of it's existence if it can do anything or know everything? In addition why would such a being behave so human if it free of human weaknessess and doesn't really need anything form anywhere?

Ask yourself, why would a 35 year old proffesional man, play peek-a-boo, where are you, in a silly high-pitched voice, with his 8 month old child?

It's a human creation and therefore is part of the human condition, it is a character from a book that lives in a make believe world and has supernatural powers and yet has human traits, it has these powers and traits because we created it, and constantly personify our own mentality into its character to make it more relatable. If triangles had it god it would have three sides. As for the whole playing with the baby that called nurturing, plus a baby's innocence is adorable.
cute cat reno thanks to you :thankyou: this thread has reached 4 whole pages of debate,to think that clever poster poseted by you spurred all this this and for that i thank you. I f#@$ing love debating christians.:D
Saturnine Pariah,

It's a human creation and therefore is part of the human condition, it is a character from a book that lives in a make believe world and has supernatural powers and yet has human traits, it has these powers and traits because we created it, and constantly personify our own mentality into its character to make it more relatable. If triangles had it god it would have three sides. As for the whole playing with the baby that called nurturing, plus a baby's innocence is adorable.

This is why I think atheism is stupid.
No matter how educated you are, you cannot go beyond a certain point.
This is why all the great things we enjoy today, such as music, philosophy, art, science, came about by people who believed in God, or some higher being greater than themselves. The ability to go beyond a certain point.

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Did you see anything that I wrote even calling them that? Or did you automatically assume since I posited some quotes from this humans that i worship their names and pray to posters of them in order to deify them? * looks around room* I don’t see any poster and my only reference to this people are quotes that I don’t commit on when I post them.:bugeye:

What, did you not quote ? and they paraphrased quotes from some one else .

So who cares you believe your way I believe my way . You have no proof if your belief nor your preciously mentioned preaches specially Dawkins.