
:crazy:Riddle me this Aracuca, if god is perfect in everyway, and can do anything and knows everything. Why would he even need to exist, in addition if it is all powerful why would he allow for a opposite force aka lucifer whom he created be allowed to exist? Finally if he just wanted dumb little slaves to worship him without question then why would he put the fruit of knowledge in the garden of eden to begin with? ( i know your going to say " Well it's a test of faith or loyalty" yeah but if he can see into the future and put lucifer on earth with them then he would have the foursight to know that adam and eve would eat it anyway! He's so perfect in everyway and yet he makes mistakes just like we do...hmmm interesting? Personification much?
Do you think us Christians know anything more than you do? If you don't know the answers how are we supposed to know?
I think Arucuca seemed to say "blame yourself if you don't live up to your own standards". Not God for making you imperfect, take the imperfection that you have and make it perfect. That is the message I got. We are all imperfect till you set out to improve yourself, purify yourself, and become perfect.
Well at least give it a try.:)
:deal:Nothing is perfect I, acknowledge that, you sure as hell are not perfect ether, no one but it is counterintuitive to believe that a perfect entity with the power of the universe cannot simply be happy with being everything and being everywhere? I'll repeat this again, why would being such as Judeo-Christian deity require peons to worship him? From my point of view that's no better than Lucifer thinking he’s better than the being that created him. (GOD) He is Omnipotent, Omniscient, beyond the fabric of time and space but somehow in a paradox has Omnipresence. A supernatural being envious or having pride is nothing more than personification of the human psychosis on fictional characters in an ancient book, that once combined with objective interpretations has led to atrocities, segregation, mutilation, war, persecution, genocide and the delay in scientific advancements. I’m not saying you shouldn’t have a religion, but please for the fictional love of your hypocritical deity, and I know it is a long shot being that your Christian in all, just please question the validity and justification of your religious practices and study the impact that religions have had on this world.
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:deal:Nothing is perfect I, acknowledge that, you sure as hell are not perfect ether, no one but it is counterintuitive to believe that a perfect entity with the power of the universe cannot simply be happy with being everything and being everywhere? I'll repeat this again, why would being such as Judeo-Christian deity require peons to worship him? From my point of view that's no better than Lucifer thinking he’s better than the being that created him. (GOD) He is Omnipotent, Omniscient, beyond the fabric of time and space but somehow in a paradox has Omnipresence. A supernatural being envious or having pride is nothing more than personification of the human psychosis on fictional characters in an ancient book, that once combined with objective interpretations has led to atrocities, segregation, mutilation, war, persecution, genocide and the delay in scientific advancements. I’m not saying you shouldn’t have a religion, but please for the fictional love of your hypocritical deity, and I know it is a long shot being that your Christian in all, just please question the validity and justification of your religious practices and study the impact that religions have had on this world.

What kind of drug or stimulant you use , and what is you favorite drink ?
I am an individual living in a democracy, one vote one person, I have very little effect on the world. Yet I devote my life to causes that I am assigned. Huge personal sacrifices endured, but blessed? I hope with success if applied to the nth degree.
You could be right if politics and religion are combined there is room for so called "religions" having an impact on this world.
I don't know if you have understood what I have been saying all along. But what I am advocating is a very personal connection to the Devine for the purposes of self improvement, and betterment of humanity, but doing what is given and not just what feels right.
I don't believe many have done it this way. No one else I know of has come close.
How did you get so brain washed ? do you expect me to watch you satire and convince me of accepting your anti deity . I wonder what influenced you to be so righteous of you thought
Why do you think it's we who are brainwashed?

To a person from another planet who had never encountered humans before, a belief in supernatural creatures and events, with no supporting evidence, would look like brainwashing, whereas lack of that belief would look sensible and normal.

You've been told by your parents and other authority figures that the mythology that comprises your religion is true history, without anyone presenting you with any respectable evidence. You were just told by people you trusted that you should take something this complicated and this important on sheer faith, with no proof. That comes pretty close to brainwashing!

I was never told about either religion or atheism. I developed as an atheist without realizing that there was a name for it, nor that there was an opposing viewpoint with no logic or evidence behind it, nor that any rational person could find "atheism" (now that I knew a word for it) remarkable. It has always seemed to me that religious people have been brainwashed. How else could anyone possibly believe something so utterly, ridiculously absurd?

The Bible looks like a really bad science fiction/fantasy novel. How could anyone think that it's real, without being brainwashed? The legend of the Loch Ness Monster is more believable.
Why do you think it's we who are brainwashed?

To a person from another planet who had never encountered humans before, a belief in supernatural creatures and events, with no supporting evidence, would look like brainwashing, whereas lack of that belief would look sensible and normal.
depends whether the said alien race would be so foolish as a particular class of myopic human who declares (their personal/ persons who share their same ideology) sense perception as the only player in issues of evidence
You've been told by your parents and other authority figures that the mythology that comprises your religion is true history, without anyone presenting you with any respectable evidence.

You were just told by people you trusted that you should take something this complicated and this important on sheer faith, with no proof. That comes pretty close to brainwashing!
Unless you have a had a dna test done on your parents to assert their claim of being your parents you have larger issues afoot ...
I was never told about either religion or atheism. I developed as an atheist without realizing that there was a name for it, nor that there was an opposing viewpoint with no logic or evidence behind it, nor that any rational person could find "atheism" (now that I knew a word for it) remarkable. It has always seemed to me that religious people have been brainwashed. How else could anyone possibly believe something so utterly, ridiculously absurd?
Unless you grew up in a plastic bubble completely segregated from society its more ridiculous and absurd to believe that your coming to atheism is representative of neutrality on the ideology scene or whatever
The Bible looks like a really bad science fiction/fantasy novel.
So far your presentation of atheism looks like really bad philosophy

How could anyone think that it's real, without being brainwashed? The legend of the Loch Ness Monster is more believable.
The irony is that (unless you have been personally involved in researching events at Loch Ness) you already accepting its non-existence on some other (trusted) authority anyway, so you have just tarred yourself with the same brush

IOW to cut a long story short, the argument that accepting things as real on the (trusted) authority of third parties is a big no-no suddenly renders an absurd view on (practically all) information and knowledge in the 21st century
What kind of drug or stimulant you use , and what is you favorite drink ?

If you are implying that I’m a drug addict based on the reaction that I give against religion and how fast I do it then you are severally mistaken, my reaction time is based on my intellect and knowledge of your religion. I do not partake in any mind alternating substances, as for my favorite drink I’m going to go with liquid h20.
How did you get so brain washed ? do you expect me to watch you satire and convince me of accepting your anti deity . I wonder what influenced you to be so righteous of you thought

I was never brainwashed by any authority figure, I simply began to question the religion, I find that I am far freer as an atheist then as a hypocrite Christian or Muslim or any other follower of a cult (remember cults are religions without political power). I’m free to study all the world religions and draw my own conclusions. That conclusion is sadly that despite the clever façade of preaching love and peace, behind it is history of bloodshed, persecution, corruption and genocide in the name of a deity that they created to explain I world and universe that I didn’t understand yet. You are so much fun to argue with! You vilify my point in way by reacting with more sayings that I’m the one brainwashed or that I’m going to burn in place that I don’t even see a physically real, but the reality is that I am planting the seeds of doubt into your mind as I write this. Have blessed day and please start to think about your religion :thumbsup:
do you expect me to watch you satire and convince me of accepting your anti deity .
First off, yes it satire but it brings up points in funny matter that I though you would find to be palatable, second, your religion already has an anti-deity, that would be the devil, and third I'm not trying to convince you of anything. I’ll say it again you are a fun little Christian to debate with.:D
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The deaths of individualism, an endless cycle of conformity, a tenacious alteration of your vision, are you unique in any way?
The hunger, greed and desire to reach a new level higher, musing of an existence prior what have you lost along the way?
Your mind a place of confusion, reckless and non hesitant with your life, are your goals just delusions or dreams
This psychotic devastation now claimed for self preservation, this endless march towards a mirage of salvation, will you see the truth in time?
Surreptitious in your desire, the heart of your flame grows higher with the conversion of thoughts whom are not “inspired”
Those against your causes are undesired, their thoughts you burn with fire, exile them from your wishful paradise
What cost is taken for your bliss from others? In history you fought against the “others”, bloodshed, and persecution in the name of the son of the holy mother?
Are you in a pacified mind, for a force beyond your world will save you from yourself? Your doubts and questions are not allowed.
Are you unique, are you free? Or are you just another one of “his” little lost sheep, he gives you comfort and a pretense purpose, but soon he will end you.
The pulpit his tool, the humans his voice and existence, are you still sure of his presence? March to his word, think not of the absurd, and only listen to “his” words
Think not of the doubt that resonates within your mind; blindly trust the man who says you are blind, thus the cycle continues again
Questions, doubt, will leave you despised and victimized, never interject “him” never question “him” always follow the cause, and clap happily with the applause.
The endless masses plea and prey, they’ll deify anyone for the hope of grace, the mindless dichotomy will temper their peaceful place
God Almighty, Yahweh or Allah there all the same, each just with a different name, the message they preach the lifestyle they convey are each twisted and serpentine in their unique ways.
I am an individual living in a democracy, one vote one person, I have very little effect on the world. Yet I devote my life to causes that I am assigned..
If you’re a person living in a democracy then you have choice to choose you own cause, not the cause that authority figures have pounded into you since your birth, saying that you just have to follow the cause because it's the more convenient or the one that you have been told to follow is just infallible. You have freewill not predestination, you choose to follow what you think is right or wrong and an individual can make a difference (you seem to have low self-esteem) whether it be being Christian, Muslim, Jew or dangerous radical you have a choice. No one can truly, with 100% certainty assign you to something that you don’t even want to be a part of. Use the trait of our evolution that has allowed us to become the dominate species on this planet and actually think and reason with yourself about the subjective nature of morality, politics, and justice.:idea:
:crazy:Riddle me this Aracuca, if god is perfect in everyway, and can do anything and knows everything. Why would he even need to exist, in addition if it is all powerful why would he allow for a opposite force aka lucifer whom he created be allowed to exist? Finally if he just wanted dumb little slaves to worship him without question then why would he put the fruit of knowledge in the garden of eden to begin with? ( i know your going to say " Well it's a test of faith or loyalty" yeah but if he can see into the future and put lucifer on earth with them then he would have the foursight to know that adam and eve would eat it anyway! He's so perfect in everyway and yet he makes mistakes just like we do...hmmm interesting? Personification much?

You ask some dumb questions.
Maybe you should ease-up on the dumb-ass videos. :)

If you’re a person living in a democracy then you have choice to choose you own cause, not the cause that authority figures have pounded into you since your birth, saying that you just have to follow the cause because it's the more convenient or the one that you have been told to follow is just infallible. You have freewill not predestination, you choose to follow what you think is right or wrong and an individual can make a difference (you seem to have low self-esteem) whether it be being Christian, Muslim, Jew or dangerous radical you have a choice. No one can truly, with 100% certainty assign you to something that you don’t even want to be a part of. Use the trait of our evolution that has allowed us to become the dominate species on this planet and actually think and reason with yourself about the subjective nature of morality, politics, and justice.:idea:
Oh I believe I am far more advanced evolutionary that you. It is the start of the next evolutionary push, the evolution of the psychic spiritual human. Far advanced from our unbelieving animal ancestors.:)
Why do you think it's we who are brainwashed?

To a person from another planet who had never encountered humans before, a belief in supernatural creatures and events, with no supporting evidence, would look like brainwashing, whereas lack of that belief would look sensible and normal.

You've been told by your parents and other authority figures that the mythology that comprises your religion is true history, without anyone presenting you with any respectable evidence. You were just told by people you trusted that you should take something this complicated and this important on sheer faith, with no proof. That comes pretty close to brainwashing!

I was never told about either religion or atheism. I developed as an atheist without realizing that there was a name for it, nor that there was an opposing viewpoint with no logic or evidence behind it, nor that any rational person could find "atheism" (now that I knew a word for it) remarkable. It has always seemed to me that religious people have been brainwashed. How else could anyone possibly believe something so utterly, ridiculously absurd?

The Bible looks like a really bad science fiction/fantasy novel. How could anyone think that it's real, without being brainwashed? The legend of the Loch Ness Monster is more believable.

Whatever you post about your belief in excluding the force who put first life together on this planet , you don't have bases , because we don't know the beginning .
You have been convinced by others , or by your short eyesight in chemistry , and you have selected to take a position of me to, as I am an intellectual .
If you are implying that I’m a drug addict based on the reaction that I give against religion and how fast I do it then you are severally mistaken, my reaction time is based on my intellect and knowledge of your religion. I do not partake in any mind alternating substances, as for my favorite drink I’m going to go with liquid h20.

I respect your answer and is great that you are a sober individual, U note there seem to be some anger and appointment in what you find in the bible , those that read the bible , we find somethings that are hard to swallow, I think the New Testament and its teaching for humanity , you will find hard to reject.
I was never brainwashed by any authority figure, I simply began to question the religion, I find that I am far freer as an atheist then as a hypocrite Christian or Muslim or any other follower of a cult (remember cults are religions without political power). I’m free to study all the world religions and draw my own conclusions. That conclusion is sadly that despite the clever façade of preaching love and peace, behind it is history of bloodshed, persecution, corruption and genocide in the name of a deity that they created to explain I world and universe that I didn’t understand yet. You are so much fun to argue with! You vilify my point in way by reacting with more sayings that I’m the one brainwashed or that I’m going to burn in place that I don’t even see a physically real, but the reality is that I am planting the seeds of doubt into your mind as I write this. Have blessed day and please start to think about your religion :thumbsup:

Question I have is what is religion and what is it for. If you look what people have done in the name of umbrella religion , the you will find many appointment. I din't believe every believer should be lumped into the same package.
There are many of us , will not shed blood ( we don't bear arms ), YES WE ARE persecuted, We help the needy , I believe in percent bases we are less fraudulent as the general population .
I don't know it you and we are going to burn.
Your seed planting ( preaching ) I seriously doubt will grow . I don't know what is your chemical background , to discuss seriously about life formation