christianity is a polytheism

To me the Wiki def. leaves it open. The other sites do not.

I did not find one site in my search that referred to Elohim as primarily meaning Angels. Most in fact just flatly said it meant God. Take a look around at respectable Catholic and Jewish sites, you will find the same thing.

How is the "monothesim" in Chrsitianity obvious?

Christians believe the Father is god, the son is god and the holy spirit is god. That adds up to 3. That is not obviously montheistic.
Christians believe the Father is god, the son is god and the holy spirit is god. That adds up to 3. That is not obviously monotheistic.
Christianity, or rather Trinitarian Christianity, sees the three persons of the Trinity as one singular god. Bound by a like substance and mind. One deity; it is clearly monotheistic.

If your view is consistent then no one is a monotheist. Because islam and torah judaisim believe satan/lucifer exists.
Some people do carefully reconcile the confusion and are monotheists, but they are actually pretty rare.

As for myself i believe satan exists along with demons and Angels, they are not god's.
But there are very much like what anthropologists and even Christians call the gods of other religions.

And "work" ing to stay in contact with God. That’s the stuff of religious bondage that denies the gift of forgiveness that Jesus has secured for those who believe Him.
It is not an idea I came up with. It is an idea that many, many Christians believe in.

But perhaps you do not think they are Christians.
How is the "monothesim" in Chrsitianity obvious?

Christians believe the Father is god, the son is god and the holy spirit is god. That adds up to 3. That is not obviously montheistic.

YOu are not reading my posts. I am arguing that Xtianity is polytheistic and or ambiguous.
To me the Wiki def. might leave it open. The other sites do not.

As I said, a change in the definition over time. If you believe otherwise, then illustrate to me where any contemporary Christian doctrine expounds these "three" gods.
YOu are not reading my posts. I am arguing that Xtianity is polytheistic and or ambiguous.

I don't think he was actually responding to your post, but rather the OP (although who fucking knows?), which incidentally seems to be the source of all this confusion (the elohim matter aside--my Torah seems to open with: barashit bara elohim). The title of the thread: christianity is a polytheism. The OP: "they (christians) worship ..." Hmmm.

So are we talking about what "Christianity says..." (doctrine, and rather unique interpretation of the Torah at best), or what (some) Christians believe? Heh. Or as the OP reads: worship.

As with most threads in the religion subforum:

Originally Posted by sifes
lol, this has unsuprisingly become amusing, but we're not going anywhere.
I think my doctrinal question rounds it up nicely. ;)

Ahhh. It bares repeating:

I ask again: even if Christianity were polytheistic - and I entreat those subscribing to this theory to isolate in which doctrine of any contemporary, mainstream branch of Christianity this is actually declared, since the implication is general to the entire religion - so fucking what? So what? Or: what then? Is monotheism somehow specifically more moral than polytheism? More "advanced"? How? By what standard? (The unenlightened will claim a lower body count.)
Also true. I want the "so what?" question answered, but I suspect I already know.
I want the "so what?" question answered, but I suspect I already know.

Whose answer though? (do you already know, that is) I've found this thread surprisingly free of the "typical" (or "usual"), and I do believe that the query in the OP was made in earnest.
Oh, scifes'. He of the whiny OP. To be frank, he's reiterating the old, old islamic slander about Christian polytheism, which gets brought up again and again for the purposes of - well, prejudice, oppression and general bigotry. I believe that it allows one to kick Christians out of the old "People of the Book" category and into the category of "heathen", in the most extreme case, which makes their persecution technically legal. I think scifes is heading in this direction, consciously or unconsciously.
Interesting. I had been reading that "infidels" bit (in the OP) as "humor," but shall revise. I've only been around a month and the agendas are not entirely clear yet.
He may have meant it as humour. I just don't think it likely, I guess.
ugh, what was i thinking, asking a question about christianity in an atheist forum, are there any christians on board to get this show on the road with or should i pack my stuff and leave?

Jews are polytheists, "thou shalt have no other gods before me."

They believe in other gods even if the don't worship them.

Since xtianity and islame are both judaism rip offs...
Buddhists believe in multi gods

Well not really. Buddhism doesn't care about gods, but some buddhist like worshiping them any way, others don't. But as long as you don't let it distract you, its all good.
As I said, a change in the definition over time. If you believe otherwise, then illustrate to me where any contemporary Christian doctrine expounds these "three" gods.
Again. I am not responding to YOU about the Trinity.

you stated that Elohim meant angels. This is clearly false....

Here is the opening to Genesis:

“ In the beginning God created heaven and earth.
Bereshit bara Elohim et hashamayim ve'et ha'arets.

1:2 The earth was without form and empty, with darkness on the face of the depths, but God's spirit moved on the water's surface.
Veha'arets hayetah tohu vavohu vechoshech al-peney tehom veruach Elohim merachefet al-peney hamayim.

1:3 God said, 'There shall be light,' and light came into existence.
Vayomer Elohim yehi-or vayehi-or.

1:4 God saw that the light was good, and God divided between the light and the darkness.
Vayar Elohim et-ha'or ki-tov vayavdel Elohim beyn ha'or uveyn hachoshech.

Elohim is always translated as God, despite it being a plural term.
Oh, scifes'. He of the whiny OP. To be frank, he's reiterating the old, old islamic slander about Christian polytheism, which gets brought up again and again for the purposes of - well, prejudice, oppression and general bigotry. I believe that it allows one to kick Christians out of the old "People of the Book" category and into the category of "heathen", in the most extreme case, which makes their persecution technically legal. I think scifes is heading in this direction, consciously or unconsciously.

Those certainly may be reasons why SOME people wonder if Christianity is a polytheism, but ends up being a useless ad hom when one generalizes. You may think it is obvious why God is in plural form (Elohim), why the Trinity exists, How Jesus could have cried out to himself, and the ways in which Christians relate to the various entities - see my posts on jesus, Mary, God and Lucifer/Satan and the way Christianty if practiced, not simply by latin american and other Christians where polytheism is very hard to deny, but even in Catholic cultures in Europe. There really is quite a bit to work with, even if you are right and it all 'really' makes sense as monotheism.