chistians are hypocrites

c20H25N3o: I will tell you what a Christian is without going into any millenia. A Christian is aware that when he speaks, God is showing him something. A Christian speaks as though in a mirror, afraid that the reflection he sees will be dissaproving of itself. This is a great mystery but it is true for whatsoever measure you judge your brother you also will be judged by that self same measure as though you are saying it to yourself as in a mirror. Now those who act in hate are just sowing hate for themselves. By your own words are you condemned. For those in Christ there is no longer any condemnation. It is not by good works we are saved nor through favoritism it is because we hear the voice which says "Not guilty" - an innocent verdict that sets our spirits free and is proclaimed to us from God Himself. No one can question God's authority once they have accepted Jesus because the Spirit of God reveals Jesus and in doing so the Father exalts His Son that we may know what pleases Him.
Now the saints who were killed for their faith were killed by whom and for what reason given that I have told you how a Christian's walk with God is. There are powers out their who curse the name of God day and night such is their jealous rage. Powers that seek to malign God so that you His sons, will feel seperated and curse God too. Those wicked entities have but a short time because the work of the cross is done. We the believers become like lambs before God and our hearts tremble because the spirit of the world is still at large and it is an enemy of God and of God's children. But we stand firm in faith growing in the love of Our Lord Jesus and learning to lean on Him as we walk through the valley of the shadow of death.
One day our knowledge of Him will be complete and then we will see God's creation being subjected to Him, the Christ, of which we are a part. Then we will see God's Kingdom for God will rule in our hearts.

M*W: What psychobabble bullshit! Don't you realize you are worshipping the Egyptian Sun God? Therefore, you are definitely NO christian! Quit lying to the world, you idiot!
c20H25N3o said:
The beginning of this process starts with a simple acceptance of "I Am"

I can say that, I am, I am, I am, but what am I beside being me, a human being, in control of my own destiny, using my sense reason and intellect.
obviously you think there something else, in the realms of fantasy.
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: What psychobabble bullshit! Don't you realize you are worshipping the Egyptian Sun God? Therefore, you are definitely NO christian! Quit lying to the world, you idiot!


look in the mirror and say that to your own face! Maybe that will make sense to you. Dare you!


c20: but she's not a xian, and she controls her own mind and destiny, why on earth would she want to do that, you moron.
audible said:
c20: but she's not a xian, and she controls her own mind and destiny, why on earth would she want to do that, you moron.

Grow up Audible eh? You can say what you want without resorting to petty insults hopefully. If your point is worth debating, debate it, otherwise pay attention to your own little tag line - something about shutting up if you have nothing useful to say. If you have to resort to personal insults out of context I can only assume you have nothing to say of interest.
Interest me audible with your wonderful points. The insults just remind me of someone with tourettes syndrome, except they cannot help what they say.


c20H25N3o: look in the mirror and say that to your own face! Maybe that will make sense to you. Dare you!
M*W: I have done exactly that, and what I saw was the false belief in the sun as god. I don't worship the sun nor any gods that be.
M*W, I just thought about this sun-god and I found out that the sun is actually a manifestation of love on a material level, that's why it has created life on earth and done other things like love would do. Everything can be converted because it's all the same energy. These words could for example be converted into music... Everything is an expression of the word (the creative power, christ), every animal, every plant, every insect and so on. The sun however is the representation of the greatest aspect of god, on a material level though. The "ancients" knew this, but when they told it to the lower human egyptians of that time they misunderstood their teachings and for example started to worship the sun as if it were god. But because it represents love it may have served them.
you seem to have a thing about audible, amoeba-man.
he has said nothing worse than M*W, snakelord, and me.
but he seems to get in you craw, why?.
do I get on your nerves oh didums, is it because you keep geting proved wrong.
No. You just lack common manners. But you show yourself up. As long as you keep getting pats on the back though you will feel justified. Strong character that you are.
Well done.


audible said:
do I get on your nerves oh didums, is it because you keep geting proved wrong.

Proved wrong? Where was I proved wrong? How can you convict me guilty of being wrong when I am talking about faith? Are you stupid? Thats like saying "No, your name is not c20 and you cannot prove it is"; to which I reply "Yes it is. It is written" and you say "No its not no its not so there."

A believer may say "I believe in God. I am the smallest thing there is"
An atheist may say "I dont believe in God. I am the greatest thing there is."

Atheist's think they are the greatest whilst the believer's are meak. It is not suprising therefore that atheists enjoy persecuting the believers. But I tell you now, it is cowardice and this makes the meak so very much stronger than you in reality.

Carry on. You make me stronger.


SnakeLord said:
Oh bugger..

David, I hate to say it but that timeline is going to be slightly longer. I forgot that I also have to go through the entire OT aswell. That is unless you're going to claim god and jesus are not the same being? Personally I would probably agree with you if I were religious, because the jesus being god nonsense is exactly that. However, the majority do believe that jesus is god, and as such it would only be fair and accurate to include the OT.

If you have a query or problem with this, kindly let me know. Thanks in advance.
It's been three days - how's that list coming?

You offered the Hypocisies of Jesus, so I will be happy to just have those from the Gospels - if that will cut down on your work load (although I can't say that a good dose of the OT will hurt you any). Yes, I do believe the "jesus being god nonsense" so if you want to include some of that in your list, feel free.
Getting there.. Let's say... Hmm Friday after I've taken my dog to the vets I'll make a long post. K.
SnakeLord said:
Getting there.. Let's say... Hmm Friday after I've taken my dog to the vets I'll make a long post. K.
I'm sorry to keep bugging you about this but I just can't wait. It's Saturday and I'm so looking forward to the list of Jesus' Hypocrisies you promised!