chistians are hypocrites

Im sorry but I must disagree with the whole "whatevers convienient" comments, the true road of religon should not be stained with the thought of there being no prupose of us being here. I also retort the statement about the ego builder of religon, for all i know god doesnt even know im here I may not play a role in life ;furthermore, I am not in mortal danger and am not sick, yet i pray to God every night before i go to bed.

People like to take the easy way out, and yet many christians do so even though they know its wrong, in that, some people are hypocrites and they might not be saved by praying, but I must keep my morals to never hate, to always love, and last but certaintly not least belive in God. wow....this is my longest post so far! :D
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Hm. The thread is titled "Christians are hypocrites". 11 pages long so far.
I wonder what exactly the alleged hypocrisy refers to.
brought this out of the archive, as there is a lot of talk at the moment, of how wonderful the christians are.

let get back to discussing there hypocrisy.
how about: humans are hypocritical.

that's more like it.

can you forgive them for it?
but are'nt two thirds of the population religious, that would mean the the majority of hypocrites are religious would it not.
Sure, but it's a misleading statement as everyone is a hypocrite.

It's like saying "white people are shitters", when in fact - everybody gotta shit.

I ask again, can you forgive them for it? (the proverbial you of course)

Can you forgive yourself for it?
Yea! they are Hypocrites, however some are more then others!

Wes, asks if we can forgive them? I don't know can we? Can we civilized people forgive theist nut jobs who want to bring the world to it's knees? Really this is what this sorry bastard hypocrite is calling for click

The fucking bastard that owns Diamond Mines in Affrica, multi millionaire, and runs his mines 24-7 non-stop year around with cheap "black labor" Is predicting holy war, not only predicting but wishing for it! Warning of the Rapture my friend! They truly seek to bring this fantasy out!

Can we forgive assholes like this? NOT me! :D