chistians are hypocrites

hey snake, jesus wants to turn all kinds of people to god so he can't talk the same way to everyone of them 'cos people are different. although he does talk to them in the same way, but just using different words. that's one reason why he may sound like a hypocrite.

don't you know what a true christian is? i already told you right? the one who follows christ. "he who wants to follow me must forget himself, take his cross everyday and follow me." whoever knows christ knows how a true christian is.

i don't know how to convince you that jesus is not a hypocrite but i know that he is not. i don't know if anyone could convince you right now, but i'm sure that in the end times all people will hear the voice of god, also you, don't you believe? :)
don't you know what a true christian is?

Does anybody? Fuck me, we could be here debating it for the next millennium.

i don't know how to convince you that jesus is not a hypocrite but i know that he is not. i don't know if anyone could convince you right now, but i'm sure that in the end times all people will hear the voice of god, also you, don't you believe?

I'm sure at the end times all people will hear the Irish accent of Lenny the leprechaun, also you. Don't you believe?

Your statement and question are meaningless.
You planning to ask every single hour? Am I entitled to a lunch break or perhaps a snooze? Am I allowed the right to take a piss or a poo? Might I be given the right to walk my dog, have sex with my wife or watch TV?

Thanks in advance for your graciousness.
I see you every ten minutes on other threads which tells me you are not working on the list... My feelings are hurt since I feel I am being ignored. :(
If you were being ignored, you wouldn't be responding to a post I'd left for you, now would you?

As I did mention somewhere, compiling a list from the whole NT takes a while, most likely a week or two. In the meantime I think it's only fair to say I am allowed to speak.
I will tell you what a Christian is without going into any millenia.

A Christian is aware that when he speaks, God is showing him something. A Christian speaks as though in a mirror, afraid that the reflection he sees will be dissaproving of itself. This is a great mystery but it is true for whatsoever measure you judge your brother you also will be judged by that self same measure as though you are saying it to yourself as in a mirror.
Now those who act in hate are just sowing hate for themselves. By your own words are you condemned. For those in Christ there is no longer any condemnation. It is not by good works we are saved nor through favoritism it is because we hear the voice which says "Not guilty" - an innocent verdict that sets our spirits free and is proclaimed to us from God Himself. No one can question God's authority once they have accepted Jesus because the Spirit of God reveals Jesus and in doing so the Father exalts His Son that we may know what pleases Him.
Now the saints who were killed for their faith were killed by whom and for what reason given that I have told you how a Christian's walk with God is. There are powers out their who curse the name of God day and night such is their jealous rage. Powers that seek to malign God so that you His sons, will feel seperated and curse God too. Those wicked entities have but a short time because the work of the cross is done.
We the believers become like lambs before God and our hearts tremble because the spirit of the world is still at large and it is an enemy of God and of God's children. But we stand firm in faith growing in the love of Our Lord Jesus and learning to lean on Him as we walk through the valley of the shadow of death.
One day our knowledge of Him will be complete and then we will see God's creation being subjected to Him, the Christ, of which we are a part. Then we will see God's Kingdom for God will rule in our hearts.

what768 said:
hey snake, jesus wants to turn all kinds of people to god so he can't talk the same way to everyone of them 'cos people are different. although he does talk to them in the same way, but just using different words. that's one reason why he may sound like a hypocrite.

don't you know what a true christian is? i already told you right? the one who follows christ. "he who wants to follow me must forget himself, take his cross everyday and follow me." whoever knows christ knows how a true christian is.

i don't know how to convince you that jesus is not a hypocrite but i know that he is not. i don't know if anyone could convince you right now, but i'm sure that in the end times all people will hear the voice of god, also you, don't you believe? :)

What does it mean to follow Christ? To summarize your post: everybody should create his own brain noise, call it "voice of God" and enjoy the feelings. As long as you have faith that your brain noise is a voice of God - God is real. Very nice way to create personal nirvana. What do your personal brain noises have to do with universal God, truth,...? As long as I have faith in green humanoids communicating with me, it's real. OK. I got it.
dixonmassey said:
What does it mean to follow Christ? As long as I have faith in green humanoids communicating with me, it's real. OK. I got it.

I have told you many times what it is to follow Christ. It is to lay down your life and let Him take over. 'He' being the Holy Spirit which is poured out on those that lay down their life and put on His.
The Holy Spirit is a most wonderful Being and whilst I do not doubt for one moment that He could invent a game whereby we children could play at being green humanoids who communicate with one another, I do not want you to miss the Spirit of His love. It is this that I wish to communicate with you. Nothing else. For in Him we have life abundant. Freely and without charge now that the price for sin has been paid Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Our sins are no longer remembered by Him because we fulfill every commandment by believing on Him.


c20H25N3o said:
I have told you many times what it is to follow Christ. It is to lay down your life and let Him take over. 'He' being the Holy Spirit which is poured out on those that lay down their life and put on His.

Well, you may just lay down your life and let your brain noises take control. As long as you believer that brain noise is a voice of God, it follows that God took over your life. Very nice way to create personal nirvana. It does not prove a single thing except that it makes you happy (in the broad sense). Personal feelings is all what counts in the believer's worlds.

The Holy Spirit is a most wonderful Being and whilst I do not doubt for one moment that He could invent a game whereby we children could play at being green humanoids who communicate with one another, I do not want you to miss the Spirit of His love.

It could be just brain noise not a holy spirit. Just because you believe some "holy spirit" leads you somewhere, it proves nothing. I believe that universal mind is controlling my actions/destiny, I gave myself completely to universal mind. Therefore, universal mind is real. Right?

It is this that I wish to communicate with you. Nothing else. For in Him we have life abundant. Freely and without charge now that the price for sin has been paid Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Our sins are no longer remembered by Him because we fulfill every commandment by believing on Him.
Universal mind offers abundant life too. Also, it does not torture unbelieving sinners for eternity or even a microsecond. Universal mind is greater than the brain noise you call holy spirit. It leds my life, it makes me happy and whole.

You see, using personal feelings as a proof of existance of something we cannot comprehend, see, feel, touch (brain noise does not count) is oxymoron.
dixonmassey said:
You see, using personal feelings as a proof of existance of something we cannot comprehend, see, feel, touch (brain noise does not count) is oxymoron.

I call it faith. I do not expect to be able to deliver any proof that God Himself has not already set before you.
Tell me though, how does your faith in Universal Mind deal with atrocities caused to the innocent. What benefit does Universal mind say is theirs and what punishment will be exacted to the transgressors who caused those atrocities? I am interested in justice naturally. I am human after all.


c20H25N3o said:
I call it faith. I do not expect to be able to deliver any proof that God Himself has not already set before you.
Tell me though, how does your faith in Universal Mind deal with atrocities caused to the innocent. What benefit does Universal mind say is theirs and what punishment will be exacted to the transgressors who caused those atrocities? I am interested in justice naturally. I am human after all.


Obviously, you cannot. In the faith bussiness, personal satisfaction/content is all what matters. No matter how stupid (from common sense stand point) faith is, as long as it makes believers content, nobody will convince them otherwise. It's not only Christianity. There is a bunch of proofless faiths (which strive to give a proof of their infallibility though), which make people as happy (at least) as you are.

I'm agnostic. I do not believe in the universal mind, etc. It was just an example. As for atrocities, the same question to you. Why does omniknowledgeable God needs atrocity to prove his weird points? What punishment are you talking about? As long as a person commited atrocities in "the name of God"; as long as a person feels that holy spirit leads him; as long as a person have faith in Jesus (salvation rule #1), all attrocities and sins will be forgiven. Hell is reserved for honest losers who did not torture anybody BUT who commited a crime of not accepting Jesus. Who commited a crime of not selling their consciousness for the eternal life carrot. Etc.
Oh bugger..

David, I hate to say it but that timeline is going to be slightly longer. I forgot that I also have to go through the entire OT aswell. That is unless you're going to claim god and jesus are not the same being? Personally I would probably agree with you if I were religious, because the jesus being god nonsense is exactly that. However, the majority do believe that jesus is god, and as such it would only be fair and accurate to include the OT.

If you have a query or problem with this, kindly let me know. Thanks in advance.
dixonmassey said:
Obviously, you cannot. In the faith bussiness, personal satisfaction/content is all what matters.

Is that why Jesus said "Not my will be done but yours" after he had just begged God to take this cup of suffing away from Him?

I too have begged God to take a cup of suffering away from me but he held me in regard and asked me to drink it telling me that the bitterness would turn sweet in my stomach. He was right.

dixonmassey said:
No matter how stupid (from common sense stand point) faith is, as long as it makes believers content, nobody will convince them otherwise.

Such is the nature of 'contentment' :)

Dixon Massey said:
It's not only Christianity. There is a bunch of proofless faiths (which strive to give a proof of their infallibility though), which make people as happy (at least) as you are.

I am happy because I am content. I no longer worry about my life or my death for I know it is in good hands. I have swallowed the worst (at least for me) and whilst it was incredibly bitter (I cannot begin to explain my own suffering), it did turn sweet in my stomach as promised to me. It is that sweetness which is brings forth contentment. In it I know I have shared in the sufferings of Christ, that I physically empathised with my brother in that. This is what we do when we love someone. We share their pain and we share their joy. This is every father's experience when his wife is in labour is it not?
I dont need to provide evidence because God says "I have already done it"

I'm agnostic. I do not believe in the universal mind, etc. It was just an example.

Fair enough.

DixonMassey said:
As for atrocities, the same question to you. Why does omniknowledgeable God needs atrocity to prove his weird points?

Who are you my friend to challenge the Most High God? The Creator of Heaven and Earth and everything in it including you.

DixonMassey said:
What punishment are you talking about? As long as a person commited atrocities in "the name of God"; as long as a person feels that holy spirit leads him; as long as a person have faith in Jesus (salvation rule #1), all attrocities and sins will be forgiven.

I tell you the truth, if someone attributes the evil they do to the Holy Spirit then they are deceived for God does not do evil. The law is good but it brings death to those who commit evil. I cannot imagine the punishment for those who do evil and then say to themselves and those weak in faith "God is like that. He commits evil because I have committed evil." - Those people are getting their father's confused because their father is the devil who has deceived from the very beginning.
Once you know Jesus and you understand grace, you do not carry on commiting evil so that that grace will increase. That would be foolish and it would have been better for you to have never had known Him at all.

DixonMassey said:
Hell is reserved for honest losers who did not torture anybody BUT who commited a crime of not accepting Jesus.

Yes. For this reason

Acts 2:25

For David says concerning him,'I saw the Lord always before my face, For he is on my right hand, that I should not be moved.' WEB

i.e. Fulfillment of the first commandment "Thou shalt have no other gods before me"

And for this purpose

Acts 2:26

Therefore my heart was glad, and my tongue rejoiced. Moreover my flesh also will dwell in hope; WEB

dixonmassey said:
Who commited a crime of not selling their consciousness for the eternal life carrot. Etc.

i.e. They tried to save their own lives rather than obey the very first commandment of the Law. But as it is written "Whoever saves his own life will lose it, but whoever loses their lives because of me will save it"

^^ This is wisdom but it is hidden from those who do not seek God. For those who seek God, all will be revealed for again as it is written ...

Mark 4:22
For whatever is hidden is meant to be disclosed, and whatever is concealed is meant to be brought out into the open.

And then ...

Mark 4:23

If anyone has ears to hear, let him hear.

So you see Jesus was aware that it was only to those who were actually 'listening' with open hearts, seeking God themselves, that His words would have meaning.

And Paul reiterates this is his letter to the Corinthians

1 Corinthians 1: 18-25

18 For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. 19 For it is written:
"I will destroy the wisdom of the wise;
the intelligence of the intelligent I will frustrate."[3]
20 Where is the wise man? Where is the scholar? Where is the philosopher of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world? 21 For since in the wisdom of God the world through its wisdom did not know him, God was pleased through the foolishness of what was preached to save those who believe. 22 Jews demand miraculous signs and Greeks look for wisdom, 23 but we preach Christ crucified: a stumbling block to Jews and foolishness to Gentiles, 24 but to those whom God has called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God. 25 For the foolishness of God is wiser than man's wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than man's strength.


Everyone is a hypocrite. Christians often do it with style though, that's for sure.

I suppose that probably goes for the population at large though. Across all walks of life, practicality apparently demands people to engage in hypocracy.

Evolutionarily, it's better to survive a hypocrite than to be a dead man of reason.
dixonmassey said:
To summarize your post: everybody should create his own brain noise, call it "voice of God" and enjoy the feelings.

Do you know where this "brain noise" comes from? Do you know who this "I" inside of you is? If you really think something sounds true and nice, it will lead to the truth. Humans have a close connection to god and they are able to hear his voice as an inner voice which always speaks the truth.
wesmorris said:
Evolutionarily, it's better to survive a hypocrite than to be a dead man of reason.

Unless your name is remembered of course. People quickly forget hypocrites. They are thankful they have gone.
what 768 hearing voices in your head is called lunacy, so keep it to yourself before you get ridiculed.
or locked up
the preacher said:
what 768 hearing voices in your head is called lunacy, so keep it to yourself before you get ridiculed.
or locked up

You're wrong! :) The voice in our head is our own voice which every human can hear in a form of thoughts, even you hear it this very second reading this. Then we have a subconscious mind too and it is possible to know this subconscious and its voiceless voice.
what768 said:
You're wrong! :) The voice in our head is our own voice which every human can hear in a form of thoughts, even you hear it this very second reading this. Then we have a subconscious mind too and it is possible to know this subconscious and its voiceless voice.

The beginning of this process starts with a simple acceptance of "I Am"