Chem-Trials over Las Vegas

Another dodge duendy, but I think it's safe to say I've got near the mark, and you don't work, and are on sort of sickness benefit, and that it's probably not just a physical disability.

duendy said:
anymore an i am gonna contact you wife andlet her know

Are you now?

Blaming your typing on your keyboard still? You said it was the batteries months ago, not got round to swapping them? And while, yes, your posts have been degenerating with time, they were never that eloquent. Maybe you have a progressive disorder too?
phlogistician said:
Another dodge duendy, but I think it's safe to say I've got near the mark, and you don't work, and are on sort of sickness benefit, and that it's probably not just a physical disability.

me)))no phlo---ohhhh youuu o supeeiorrrrintellect......(fart). you ar just ot geeting i at al. so listen for umpteeenth time. it does not mater WHAT I AM OR DO>what bisness ISIT OF YOURS is what i istryingto get at. you impudent awful character

Are you now?

mer))))yes. if i get her emial me andher isgonna ave a chinwag. can i have itpleease?

Blaming your typing on your keyboard still? You said it was the batteries months ago, not got round to swapping them? And while, yes, your posts have been degenerating with time, they were never that eloquent. Maybe you have a progressive disorder too?
a 'progressive disorder'? thought you'd LOVE that phlo-logic-smodgik
phlogistician said:
I didn't shut him down, I gave him some real information. The guy was concerned unneccessarily about contrails, because a bunch of cranks call them 'chemtrails'.

I hate it when the general public become concerned by scaremongers. The tinfoil hat brigade should be ashamed of themselves for sewing seeds of doubt and paranoia.

Did you hate it when Bush scared people about WMD in Iraq?

Do you hate it when Bush goes on about terrorists when there has not been anything happen since 9/11?

Why is there a difference in the tinfoil hats that you listen to? Why are the ones on the internet bothering you, but the one in the white house doesn't bother you at all?
That would be a classic example of a strawman argument, Happeh. Regardless of anyone's thoughts on the totally unrelated subject of politics and the invasion of Iraq, the skeptical arguments against the "chemtrail" hypothesis of contrails stands. If there is no testable, verifiable evidence, it remains that a bunch of cranks and crackpots are propagating a wild speculation that fits nice with the paranoid delusions of the fearmongering conspiracy theorist.

In otherwords, its all poppycock.
phlogistician said:
I used to live on an airforce base in the '70s, and saw contrails often. Sometimes they would last, sometimes not, dependng on the wind, etc. I see the exact same thing now, living near an airport, but quite a few more, it being busier than the airforce base.
I can second that. Contrails are perceived here, near a major Dutch airport, as an entirely common and harmless phenomenon.

Actually, the whole commotion about them is very unfamiliar to me to the point that before encountering this thread, I wasn't even aware that this was an issue for some people. And, for the love of time, why would one bother to go for a rather wild and unproven speculation, if a simple and perfectly valid physical explanation is at hand?
duendy said:
do you believe that the secret services have newver doen anything experimentally damaging to an unsuspecing community---their own community?
Unless you have evidence to the contrary,,,no.
The secret services may do something "experimentally damaging" (whatever that means :rolleyes: ) to an individual. Not to their own community not with out good cause
If anyone here is really interested in things the US gov is capable of doing to their own might start with a book like 'Clouds of Secrecy". Honestly, I haven't read it but a family member did- they gave me the ho down.
Here's one review I just got from Amazon:

"I have read a few books on the topic recently, and this one is short (~150 pages) and concise. Cole gives well documented examples of bio-warfare "experiments" conducted within the US on it's own populace as well as in Europe. The best part of the book documents the lawsuit of an American citizen who sued the US over the death of a family member who died from the government flu and lost becuase the court said what the feds were doing were not illegal. How nice. Need a quick reminder that the military and judicial branches of the government are not your friend? Get this book."

I was told the book also details some military muckety-mucks testifying that they were going to continue their testing-- yes that means spraying their shit on us. And this was in the 50s and 60s.

Anyone who believes our leaders are above this has got their head in the sand-- maybe thats the way they like it! To admit its true seems to imply some responsibility to do something about it, right? But I don't know what.
For me personally, the slaughter that happened in Oklahoma City was the point of no return. Entirely irrefutable coverup!

Now, lets all go outside and take a deep breath of fresh air!
Mogul said:
For me personally, the slaughter that happened in Oklahoma City was the point of no return. Entirely irrefutable coverup!

Would you elaborate on the Oklahoma City incident? All that comes to mind immediately was the bombing of the federal building.
"Would you elaborate on the Oklahoma City incident? All that comes to mind immediately was the bombing of the federal building. "

Exactly. Sorry if its a bit off-topic, but the obvious cover-up of the govs involvement and the horrific results of their deeds is forever burned in my mind. Point is, if they will do that to innocent women and children then there is nothing they won't do to further their agendas. No conspiricies? Yea, right. :rolleyes:

Before you ask for evidence, I watched the tube that morning as bomb squads carried two unexploded bombs out of the building on stretchers, yet to this day (far as I know) big brother insists there was only one bomb. And these were not coffee cans-- they were factory-made bombs, big ones. I know where video records are right now to prove it.
Ever hear of General Ben Parton (I'm going from memory)? Retired Air Force explosives expert. He testified before Congress that a fertilizer bomb- no matter how big- could not possibly have done it. It would have required high explosives- which fertilizer is not. His other points were irrefutable. There's much more, but I'll stop here.
spidergoat said:
Isn't anyone concerned about all that jet exhaust in the upper atmosphere?

From an environmental, and global warming perspective, of course. Supposedly contrails do have an affect on global temperatures.

This is no conspiracy though, it's just a byproduct of modern life.

Like our car exhausts produce greenhouse gasses, or the vast number of cows we farm farting gallons of methane.

Contrails are just one thing to think about.
Happeh said:
Did you hate it when Bush scared people about WMD in Iraq?

Yes, and by reading reputable sources, I came to the conclusion that it was a blend of horse shit, and obfuscation, and did not, and still do not, support the war.

Do you hate it when Bush goes on about terrorists when there has not been anything happen since 9/11?

Yes, and the continuing human rights abuses at Guantanemo get my back up.

Why is there a difference in the tinfoil hats that you listen to? Why are the ones on the internet bothering you, but the one in the white house doesn't bother you at all?

The difference is, that WMD was a bunch of horse puckey sold to the masses. 'Chemtrails' are a bunch of horsepuckey sold to the masses. I haven't fallen for either.

Reading reputable source prevents you from making bad choices.

Anyway, the Iraq thing is a distraction from 'chemtrails', for which, there is no evidence of conspiracy, and no rational explanation as to why such a convoluted and ineffecient method of dosing the population would be chosen! Some consistency in the conspiracy would be good too, is it an urban pacification program, or weather control? Seems the WooWoos can't decide amongst themselves, given the observed pehnomena!
Mogul said:
Ever hear of General Ben Parton (I'm going from memory)? Retired Air Force explosives expert. He testified before Congress that a fertilizer bomb- no matter how big- could not possibly have done it. It would have required high explosives- which fertilizer is not.

Fertiliser is ammonium nitrate, which is also an ingredient in high explosives! I have some in a metal cabinet in my cellar I used for making solid rocket propellant.

Check the ink out to see just how devastating fertiliser can be;

This was 'considered the worst industrial accident in United States history', and check out the blast radius figures, people felt the shock 250 miles away.

So if a boat full of the stuff can cause an explosion that big, a truck full can certainly damage a building, rather cutting the legs off the claim about "a fertilizer bomb- no matter how big". Also I can't find a source for this Parton guys claims, care to check the name?
phlogistician said:
Yes, and by reading reputable sources, I came to the conclusion that it was a blend of horse shit, and obfuscation, and did not, and still do not, support the war.

Yes, and the continuing human rights abuses at Guantanemo get my back up.

The difference is, that WMD was a bunch of horse puckey sold to the masses. 'Chemtrails' are a bunch of horsepuckey sold to the masses. I haven't fallen for either.

Reading reputable source prevents you from making bad choices.

Anyway, the Iraq thing is a distraction from 'chemtrails', for which, there is no evidence of conspiracy, and no rational explanation as to why such a convoluted and ineffecient method of dosing the population would be chosen! Some consistency in the conspiracy would be good too, is it an urban pacification program, or weather control? Seems the WooWoos can't decide amongst themselves, given the observed pehnomena!
yes.....trouble with hard headed rationalists (HHRs) like yerself, phlo, is you seem incapable ofgettin inside peoples heads . this takes subjectivity

so for example, an elite. take the aristocracy. have you ever observed em?? if say you went to dine wit them they would immeditately know how 'common' you was, just by yer table manners!

how you held your fork, WHA% cutlery you used, how you skinned a fruit, piece of fish, etc. they would KNOW you was as common as muck.... in their eyes.

to them you are witout BREEDING! are not a gentleman or lady. hence they feel SUPERIOR to you---achem, i know you are familiar with that term

so can you not stretch your imagination to get into te heads of the power elite. the ones that can stage illegal wars and do unbelieveable evil things to children women and men?

and how this same mindset wouldsee its 'own' populace as a 'great unwashed/themob/the masses/'useless eaters'....?...Huh??
duendy said:
yes.....trouble with hard headed rationalists (HHRs) like yerself, phlo, is you seem incapable ofgettin inside peoples heads . this takes subjectivity

You think so? I think I've trained to do EXACTLY that before, duendy. Which is why I ask you certain questions, so I can try and see things from your perspective.

Does it start to fall together, at last?
Whoa now guys. I'm a farm kid. I have used ANFO to remove stumps on several occasions. If a coffee can full of the stuff will remove a hedge stump I see no reason that a truck full can do the damage done to that federal building.Now stick to the supposed "chemtrails"