Chem-Trials over Las Vegas

Happeh said:
Why are people so unreasonable? A person can know absolutely nothing about a subject, but they have no problem telling people they do not know what they are talking about. They have no problem making jokes about conspiracy theories etc.

Are you saying proposing conspiracy theories without a shred of evidence is 'reasonable'? That making statements that contradict known facts is reaonable? You also state that people who laugh at conspiracy theories don't know what they are talking about. Well, I qualified my experience, as having lived in airforce bases (and therefore knowing pilots) and living near a commercial airport. All you had was 'Some Guy'.

There is reasonable intellectual conversation, and there are those who work by dominance. "What I say goes. I say conpiracy theory. I could care less about the facts of the situation".

What facts have you presented?

People like that are why the world sucks. Instead of going by what is right and wrong, what is scientific and what is not, people go by who screams the loudest or who can act the most purposefully stupid or hurtful.

Oh, boo hoo, the truth hurts does it? Having your pet theories exposed as bullshit causes you pain? Well welcome to the real world. The world only sucks if you have unrealistic expectations of it, and your world view is certainly skewed.
SkinWalker said:
And then there is ignorant and uninformed conversation, of which your posts participate in. All you've done is cite some sort of "conpiracy (sic) theory" at work and absolutely nothing to support that notion with exception of "some guy" with a jar of "something."

Instead of making wild, scaremongering claims, lets see some evidence. Instead of appealing to the significance - junkies and mystery - mongers, lets talk about the facts that surround the issue. The physics are pretty clear. Given the right set of conditions, the right amount of heat, a jet engine will condense the moisture in the atmosphere upon intake and leave a cloud in its exhaust.

Here's another fact: given the right amount of ignorance, a slight quantity of mystery, and someone who is easily impressed by even the smallest significant occurrance will develop a conspiracy theory in which some establishment is out to get us.

Which establishment could it be with regard to contrails? The association of airline pilots? They tire of us all getting free peanuts?

I have no idea what the purpose could be. I do not even know that much about the subject. I recently came across an article that detailed the things I have mentioned.

My problem with your attitude is that you think that it is "conspiracy theory" to believe the governement is up to something. Why? We have right now, in front of our face in the public news, the CONSPIRACY that the intelligence for the Iraq war was falsified. Bush came out on TV and ADMITTED that the intelligence was faulty.

Let me repeat that. The president of the USA admitted they LIED about something.

If they lied about that, they can lie about anything. Why do you think it is a "conspiracy" that they could be lying about these airplanes and their trails? I keep an open mind. If WMD in Iraq was the lie of the centure, they will talk about that in the history books of the year 2500, then it is easily within the realm of possibility that they lied about these airplanes.

I have no proof, but it is possible. You cannot prove I am wrong. Those people ARE liars. Self admitted liars.
phlogistician said:
Are you saying proposing conspiracy theories without a shred of evidence is 'reasonable'?

Are you proposing that asking me for proof that would include the need for millions of dollars, a high tech chemical testing lab, interviewing hundreds of people and bribing hundreds of government officials is "reasonable".

phlogistician said:
That making statements that contradict known facts is reaonable? You also state that people who laugh at conspiracy theories don't know what they are talking about. Well, I qualified my experience, as having lived in airforce bases (and therefore knowing pilots) and living near a commercial airport. All you had was 'Some Guy'.

I said some guy because I do not know his name and I did not keep the article. I am not interested in spending time looking for it again.

phlogistician said:
What facts have you presented?

The facts of the story I read. Contrary to what people think, saying "you are lying" does not mean I am lying. I read the story, I saw the picture of the white stuff in the jar. If I had retained the link, I would give it to you to read for yourself.

phlogistician said:
Oh, boo hoo, the truth hurts does it? .

I don't understand your sarcasm. Wouldn't you like to live in a world where people were polite and reasonable? Where they did not resort to violence to settle intellectual arguments? Where they did not coerce and manipulate people to win a discussion in spite of what the facts say is the truth?

You can ridicule me for wanting to live in a world like that if you choose. That is the world I want to live in. Maybe I can send all the troublemakers from my part of the world over to you since you seem to have no problem with them?

phlogistician said:
Oh, boo hoo, the truth hurts does it? Having your pet theories exposed as bullshit causes you pain? Well welcome to the real world. The world only sucks if you have unrealistic expectations of it, and your world view is certainly skewed.

Pet theories exposed as bullshit? That hasn't happened yet. I have been at this for 5 or 6 years so far.

What I have been exposed to is the fact that the majority of the people in the world have a brain the size of pea. They have normal brain in their head, but they only use a pea sized part of it. The people that actually use their brains usually have an aversion to any truth that might affect them. If I say masturbation makes people sick, and they masturbate, that brain they usually use suddenly goes on vacation and they begin to behave like pea brains.

I have literally met about 5 people in 5 years who actually engaged me in a meaningful and thought provoking discussion about my ideas. That is pretty sad when you think of the thousands of people across the internet with whom I have come in contact with.

Smart people are just as susceptible to lemming think as regular people. If a smart person is in a crowd of lemmings and they begin to talk to me, the lemmings still go on with their stupidity. In order to stay part of the crowd, to be "in", the smart person will go along with the lemmings even though they know it is wrong.

You are right. Life is rough. Boo Hoo. I sure hope the next life is on a planet of higher quality people.
I don't know why I waste my time on this. A few minutes on google pulls up a news report specifically talking about the difference between contrails and chemtrails.

Las Vegas residents are increasingly noticing the appearance of chemical trails overhead. They appear EVERY weekend without fail, the only exception being the two weeks after September 11, 2001. Such "chemtrails" are substantially different in appearance to the normal condensation trails left by jet airliners. The difference is that while condensation trails are composed of water vapor that dissipates rapidly, "chemtrails" linger much longer and spread out over time to eventually cover the sky with a thin haze. This week the Las Vegas Tribune begins a two-part article to examine the undeniable and mysterious phenomena of Chemtrails Over Las Vegas.

It says right there in the last line. "Undeniable" when talking about a difference between your contrail and the chemtrails these guys are discussing.
The FAA and NASA state that normal contrails only occur at
33,000 feet and higher. They've suggested planes fly between
24,000 -31,000 to help "cut global warming". Chemtrails are
sprayed well under 15,000 feet, if not low enough you can smell them.
For reference, Mt. Everest is 29,032 feet high.

Why am I doing your research for you?
I will love to see you handle this one. My guess is you will start talking about how the congressmen is a looney.

Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D) has submitted bill no. HR 2977 IH , which proposes a ban on the weaponization of space. One of the weapons systems listed in the bill is "chemtrails"

"The use of this term is significant because until now, all reported governmental inquiries into this issue have been dismissed or denied. Agencies such as the Air Force have routinely called reports of chemtrails "a hoax"

There. 5 minutes on something I care absolutely nothing about. There is a week's reading in those links.
OK, what have you got as 'evidence', ....

Firstly, and article in an online newspaper, about 'chemtrails'. Well, so what of lots of residents worry about perfectly harmless contrails, and fall for this 'chemtrail' story. A large portion of US citizens believe in god too. A widely held misconception, is still a misconception.

Why do we see them more often? Cheap air travel, due to the fact that we don't charge duty on aircraft fuel. Pisses the environmentalists right off, that one.

Are they new? No. Propeller driven aircraft create them too. You don't need jet exhaust therefore, although it contributes, and the supposition that contrails dissipate more quickly that 'chemtrails' is fallacious. It's being selective with the data, and that is not good science. It merely depends on the weather. You can't say how far up these contrails are either, that pure guess work, not science.

I used to live on an airforce base in the '70s, and saw contrails often. Sometimes they would last, sometimes not, dependng on the wind, etc. I see the exact same thing now, living near an airport, but quite a few more, it being busier than the airforce base.

I do get filament like stuff falling on me too, as it happens. It's the pollen from the local trees, they produce a cotton like substance. It's not from the airport.

Here's some balance on contrails;

The Senator, and weaponisation of space. Well, he's since removed the 'chemtrail' part, probably for the sake of credibility. Do I think he was a loony? Wel, no, probably just misinformed, and misled by enough people who were loonies asking him to do something about 'chemtrails'.
phlo...siad you lived on an airbase...? how do you know them chemtrails aint had an effect on DO seem to be actin straaaange lately? just a hypothesis of mine.
duendy said:
phlo...siad you lived on an airbase...? how do you know them chemtrails aint had an effect on DO seem to be actin straaaange lately? just a hypothesis of mine.
I don't think that you should accuse anybody of acting "straaange"
SkinWalker said:
Undoubtedly because of some mental condition. Perhaps the same one that causes the paranoia.

I think I am getting a feel for this place. A lot of haters.

Have you guys noticed? The new generations of people are terrible. They are all haters. They spend all their time trying to see how badly they can hurt each other. I have noticed it getting worse over the past 3 or 4 years. It was bad before but it is getting to the point that it is impossible to have a conversation anywhere on the internet. Any meaningful discussion is attacked by haters who add nothing to the conversation. They spend all their time attacking the people who talk.

Doesn't matter what country. Bulletin boards in the USA and Britain seem to have the same problem
phlogistician said:
Here's some balance on contrails;

The Senator, and weaponisation of space. Well, he's since removed the 'chemtrail' part, probably for the sake of credibility. Do I think he was a loony? Wel, no, probably just misinformed, and misled by enough people who were loonies asking him to do something about 'chemtrails'.

I personally don't care about the issue. It is small potatoes compared to Israeli World Domination.

I did not think it was right the way you totally shut down the guy who started the thread. I knew he was talking about chemtrails and you insisted it was contrail.

That is all I really was interested in clearing up.
i read some people call it project cloverleaf.
I wonder if its credible?

Like what agenda would they have in spraying?
What possible chemical/pathogen and with what purpose?

Some people say its weather control.

Still, you have to wonder how many people postulate about these theories, but also smoke tobacco. Irony anyone?
duendy said:
phlo...siad you lived on an airbase...? how do you know them chemtrails aint had an effect on DO seem to be actin straaaange lately? just a hypothesis of mine.

No, I said I lived on an airbase in the 1970's. I currently live near a commercial airport.

I am not acting strange recently duendy, that's another straw man you're stuffing, another tangent, another diversion.
Happeh said:
Have you guys noticed? The new generations of people are terrible. They are all haters. They spend all their time trying to see how badly they can hurt each other. I have noticed it getting worse over the past 3 or 4 years. It was bad before but it is getting to the point that it is impossible to have a conversation anywhere on the internet.

I'm certainly too old to be considered 'new generations', and have been using computer networks well before the 'Internet' was public domain.
Happeh said:
I did not think it was right the way you totally shut down the guy who started the thread. I knew he was talking about chemtrails and you insisted it was contrail.

I didn't shut him down, I gave him some real information. The guy was concerned unneccessarily about contrails, because a bunch of cranks call them 'chemtrails'.

I hate it when the general public become concerned by scaremongers. The tinfoil hat brigade should be ashamed of themselves for sewing seeds of doubt and paranoia.
phlogistician said:
No, I said I lived on an airbase in the 1970's. I currently live near a commercial airport.

I am not acting strange recently duendy, that's another straw man you're stuffing, another tangent, another diversion.
like i need you to tell me strange? let me tell you strange. strange is when someone persistently,obsessively keeps asking you what you do for a living. over and over. evn tho the one askin is no friend. is a omplete snide muthafuker.l so it is completely obsvious to everyone but this fukin stalker that his recipient would exchange the time never mind any info about personal details with this sad fwellow. but sd fellow wont listen. and again and agfain keeps askin this same qustion. hving no inight as to how straaaange he is being.
now.....this sameperson who i like some kind of stalker will back up te mental illness scam but yet have no insight into his own shit. ifff u see what i mean?,,,,a total mixed up case if ever there was one.

straaaaaaange. i hve nuthin against straaange. but i dont like snidey strange. te personh being so superior to another i dont like. andyou phlo the logic-man-u-tink-u-r hav been like tat fromVERY begining. you are the best dvertnfor any one with any nonce to stay well cLEAR OF MTERIALISTIC CULT
duendy said:
like i need you to tell me strange? let me tell you strange. strange is when someone persistently,obsessively keeps asking you what you do for a living. over and over.

That's not true, duendy. I keep asking you IF you work for a living, not WHAT you do for a living. Because the question is IF you work. To ask WHAT you did for a living might imply I thought you worked. I don't think you do, so I ask IF.

The only reason I keep asking, is because you keep dodging. So, I have to assume, you are not employed.

evn tho the one askin is no friend. is a omplete snide muthafuker.l so it is completely obsvious to everyone but this fukin stalker that his recipient would exchange the time never mind any info about personal details with this sad fwellow.

Saying 'yes I do work for a living' is revealing personal information? I have asked IF, not WHAT.

But keep dodging duendy, Try and make out like I'm acting weird, when it's actually you being evasive and throwing caltrops.
phlogistician said:
That's not true, duendy. I keep asking you IF you work for a living, not WHAT you do for a living. Because the question is IF you work. To ask WHAT you did for a living might imply I thought you worked. I don't think you do, so I ask IF.

The only reason I keep asking, is because you keep dodging. So, I have to assume, you are not employed.

Ok sicko, let me rephrase...i find it straaange someone will obseesively keep askin nd askin someone over nd over what if they are orking. even after theperson over and over has tol them to min their own business, and last reosrt has to remind them they are an artit and eve that doesn't suffice to quench the ignorant impudence of the one interrogating them.

HOW OLD re you phlo? aren't you ashamed of yourself?....whatare you like. justsay i as unemployed, or disabled. just tell me this, what fukin business IS IT of yours?...

Saying 'yes I do work for a living' is revealing personal information? I have asked IF, not WHAT.

ME))))))BUT phlo joe, why would i evn share any persoal info wit omeone like you. your totlly obnoxious chracter...even mor so than 'Light' and thats rally saying somethin. you imagin your superior....and from there you continue

But keep dodging duendy, Try and make out like I'm acting weird, when it's actually you being evasive and throwing caltrops.
'keep dodging'....hmmm how to get thru to tis 'superior mind'. anyone with ANY maturity. and some postes at tese forums ar very young...younget 14 of late----ould KNOW NOT to interrogate people. to have manners, common courtesy. an that i queston's been asked nd avoidd and tat info about prson rsides fom a click of their name that that should suffice

if you carrie on in my face in front o me in te face s you have been doin, and poke both yer eyes till you couldn't see. that'd knock yer out of you silly childish behviour i assure you

you are a BOY...peter pan with bad manners. anymore an i am gonna contact you wife andlet her know

can i hve her email plese? dont dodge the question. sh'll sort ya out
>>>ND BEFORE YOU ASSUME THE HORRENOUS TYPOS etc re due to chromosomal damage ue to psychdelic debaucheries>>>more fool u> it the bateries comin to n end in me keyboard

clver dick