Chem-Trials over Las Vegas


Registered Member
:bugeye: You know, its really strange...waking up to notice that there are streaked, criss-cross patterned jet streams overhead. I woke up this morning to smoke a cigarette on my balcony just to see what looked like a giant tic-tac toe pattern up above me in the sky...and the funny this is, on my way home from work last night I was actually watching the planes over head do this same exact thing.

I have been reading on the internet about this, and supposedly they do this all the time. See, then let off their chemtrial and form a criss-cross pattern like this: (not from las vegas, just an example from the internet)

and then it eventually spreads out and creates this "fake-cloud" effect. it happens all the time here in Las Vegas, and now I am starting to geta little paranoid about it. Supposedly they (las vegas newspapers) have contacted the airport, nellis air force base and all kinds of other people in an effort to find out what is happening. No one comments, and no one will say what it is. When I saw the planes afterwork yesterday they are so high in the sky you can't see any identifying marks, and they don't even look the same as normal jets.
My father was in the Air Force for 20 years, and I was raised out here, so I have seen jets and all that all my life. My dad said that when they were making the stealth airplane they used to spray chemtrail clouds like that at dusk so that they could fly the stealth in and out of nellis with ample cloudcover so people wouldn't see it.

Does anyone have any information about this? I am kinda bugged out. And like I said I am going to start upload pictures of what it is like out here, because it happens at least 3-4 times a week. The sky ends up being covered in chem-trails.
They are called 'contrails' not 'chemtrails'. They occur because jets disturb the air, causing the air to dump moisture. Jets do not choose to make them, or 'let them off'. They are incredibly undesirable from a stealth pov, as they give your position away.

As for making false clouds, that's horse shit. The stealth flies at dusk so it cannot be seen, and so it's own contrails will not be seen.

I live near a commercial airport, and was raised on various airforce bases myself. There is nothing strange about contrails, they just appear when the atmospheric conditions are right.

If you see them regularly spaced, those are air lanes, like lanes of a highway. Spaced to keep jets apart at a safe distance. Criss cross patterns will actually be at different altitudes, but you'll fnd that hard to judge from the ground, them being much closer to each other, than you are to them.

I see them all the time. Quit being paranoid.
I work for a large airframe maker- specifically on the flight line of it's modifaction center. I see military engines oped all the time and there is absolutly nothing added to them that might introduce any chemicals to the contrail. And yes, after 27 years here, I do know what I'm looking at. :rolleyes:
There's plenty of chemicals in them, the exhaust from jet engines! There's probably carbon monoxide and water vapor, soot and unburnt fuel.
well, I understand what you are saying phlogistician, however...why does it happen all at once. Today for instance there were three of those planes in the sky, then came a fourth. They were criss-crossing the sky all at once. (it wasn't like over the course of the day a bunch of different airplanes flew over and created the "effect" of this. it all gets put up across the sky within two hours)
why? And I am not thinking they spray chemicals to harm us or anything else like that...which a lot of conspiracy theorists think. I just heard from my dad that they used to do this in the 90's while the stealth was top secret because they would fly the stealth over las vegas at night and it would provide "cloud-cover" so it wouldn't be seen.
And actually, I have heard from people that yes "contrail" is always present, but they can release a larger amount of it on what they do at air shows and shit like that. (Like in battle, real jets don't spurt shitloads of contrail out) they do that in airshows. Its not typical for them to spew out that much.

Plus, why the secrecy about it? How come our papers in town have asked why this is happening in our skies and we get no response? Why is it so often now? It is just weird, and a little suspicious...thats all I am saying.

Thanks for getting back to me anyways. I am not a conspiracy nut, but this has been freaking out a few people in town.
Pholgiston seems to think he knows everything.

The man said chemtrails, not contrails. He said it on purpose, he did not make a mistake. I was just reading about these. They are different from contrails supposedly.

Some guy in California got a sample of whatever it is in the clouds. He put it in a jar and whatever it was evaporated. He said before it did, he accidentally got a sniff and it almost made him blackout.

No telling what the government is doing. Probably spraying that spanish flu they just resurrected "for study".
They happen 'all at once' because the atmospheric conditoins have to be right for it to happen, for one thing. If there isn't much water vapour in the air, it won't happen. So you see lots when the conditions are right, and none when they aren't, and on those days, you don't see it, and don't think about it.

The fake cloud cover would be pretty useless, wouldn't it? I mean, A stealth would have to fly exactly in the line another aircraft had flown, contrails being very narrow. Easier just to fly when it's dark.

Jets cannot choose to make contrails. It's not like the trails you see at airshows at all. Contrails form off wingtips mostly, they aren't just exhaust gasses. WW2 propeller driven aircraft created contrails just because of their motion through moist air, for instance.

There is no secrecy about it! There are contrails made by jet liners in moist air, end of story. Who are your papers asking? Not meteorologists, or aviation professionalls, obviously! Our skies are now full of aircraft thank to low cost travel. It simply happens more often, and our skies are crowded.

It's nothing to get freaked out about. You get no response because a lot of people can't be bothered answering questions that sound like they are being asked by a conspiracy nut. well, I can be bothered, and there is nothing sinister going on.

What use could it be, if it were sinister? We don't crop dust from thousands of feet. We don't innoculate our population by putting tonnes of pharmaceuticals in the air, when cc's in a needle work better. You can see for yourself how long it takes for the contrail to dissipate, and how much it does so at the whim of the prevailing wind. Basically, it would be crap as a delivery system.
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Happeh said:
Pholgiston seems to think he knows everything.

The man said chemtrails, not contrails. He said it on purpose, he did not make a mistake. I was just reading about these. They are different from contrails supposedly.

He said 'chemtrails' because he's happened across some pseudoscientific website that incorrectly calls them that. He's not made a mistake, he was just badly informed, and I'm attempting to correct that.

I never claimed to know everything either, that's typical woowoo slander. When something comes up I do know, I'll pipe up, it's that simple.

Some guy in California

'Some Guy' doesn't start a story that is dripping with credibility.

got a sample of whatever it is in the clouds. He put it in a jar

So, 'Some guy' was hanging about at 3,000ft with an empty jam jar? No, sorry, that would have to be jam jar full of water, so he could pour out the water, to take in the contrail. Was he in a hot air balloon, this 'Some Guy'? Private light aircraft?

and whatever it was evaporated.
it was water vapour

He said before it did, he accidentally got a sniff and it almost made him blackout.

Well I grew up in farming country, so I can smell bullshit without passing out.
I'm smelling it right now.

No telling what the government is doing. Probably spraying that spanish flu they just resurrected "for study".

It would be easier and more effective to spray it much, much lower in the atmosphere, and then, in a small area, to see how it spreads. You'd learn nothing from blanket bombing Vegas with the stuff. Are you sure it wasn't 'Spanish Fly' so the hookers in Vegas get more business? Maybe the Illuminati are their pimps, and they are trying to make the world horny? I mean, there's a Pyramid in Vegas, it's starting to make sense, .... ;-)
Happeh said:
Pholgiston seems to think he knows everything.


Some guy in California got a sample of whatever it is in the clouds. He put it in a jar and whatever it was evaporated. He said before it did, he accidentally got a sniff and it almost made him blackout.

At least he isn't citing "some guy," whoever that's supposed to be. I'd take Phlog's informed version over "some guy's" version any day of the week.

Happeh said:
No telling what the government is doing. Probably spraying that spanish flu they just resurrected "for study".

Right.. just any old woo-woo thing that pops your head, eh?

Or, it could just be heat applied to humid air. An explanation that the physics bears out.
If the government really wanted to drug the populace (which they don't) it would be far easier to dope the water supply
phlogistician, thanks for your info, and you are right about a lot. I do not believe anyone has had a sample in a jar or anything like that, and you are right that jets do not choose to release contrail.

I was completely wrong in that statement, and I have done some more investigation. I just want to state that it does take the right atmospheric conditions for the contrail to linger longer than normal, but let me explain the situation better for everyone.

We see jets pass by all a matter of fact I was watching today as I smoked my morning cigarette as a jet flew overhead and left a mild amount of contrail....and within seconds it was starting to dissapear. Within another minute or two I saw another jet start the line, but this one's contrail lingered and lasted long after he had left the viscinity of our city. I believe the hard "contrail" or "chem-trail" whatever is actually still out there towards the southeast mountains. (I smoked that cigarette two hours ago, and it is still up there). Why? Why does one plane's contrail immediately dissapear and anothers' linger and spread in our sky? (Their altitudes where not that different from what I could see, although I have no way to measure precisely. of course).

And yesterday was not of the right weather conditions for contrail to last either. I looked on for my area, and we showed partly cloudy, but when you do the radar scan it shows no moisture in the clouds. Our moisture level wasn't high, and we are the in the mohave desert. Its always dry here, whatever season. It is actually wetter here in the spring. We don't even really get humid except in the spring, and even then not often at all. We;re not known for our moisture here.
Plus like I said...the jets that fly at similar altitudes to the ones that leave these heavy trails don't leave long lasting contrail. (only these specific planes have been doing it).

I contacted my local news investigator, George Knapp. (KLAS-TV) LAs Vegas. He does all sorts of news stories, and he has investigated everything from mob ties here in Las Vegas, to UFO sightings here in the Valley. He's been on national news as well for his work, and he is a pretty reliable guy when it comes to finding out information.

He said he has been looking into this for a few years now, and has had many speculations about it. He said he has no positive information from anyone that it is scheduled or done on purpose, however he has found a lot of suspicion about it. No one can explain completely what is going on and it does create suspicion. No "war-games" are going on at Nellis, and even if there were they wouldn't be doing fake combat excersises over a major city. He said that until there is more information it is just suspicious but harmless.

And just to comment about the stealth issue....they didn't do it so the planes would follow direct lines over the clouds. The cloudcover wasn't necessarily to completely hide the jets, it was more or less just a simple cover so people didn't pay attention tot he skies. If people just see a gathering of clouds, well at least especially at night, they do not stare at the sky or the stars...they just ignore the sky cause they can't see much of anything. (Especially here in Vegas, because we only see a handful of stars anyways. The city's lights are so bright they reflect light into the sky which blocks out most of the smaller stars' visibility to us. We seem to notice planes a lot more out here because of the lack of stars. People are always mistaking planes for stars out here...well kids anyways). It just keeps your attention away from the sky, thats all I am saying. (The planes would actually stick to the line of the mountains, because the mountains lead to the break in the valley where Nellis Air Force base is. No one lives by those mountains, except base personel...when you get closer to the base.)
We get em all the time. They last for hours. If they are not a delivery system, how come all the women around here are fat and toothless, and all the Mexican women are pregnant! Huh!?!
phlogistician said:
Well I grew up in farming country, so I can smell bullshit without passing out.
I'm smelling it right now.

Me too. That is why I know you are full of it. I am constantly amazed by how people who have never heard a story immediately say it is all lies.

The man had the stuff in a jar you fool. He had a picture of it. It was not water or water vapor. It was a clump of something that fell from the sky after the airplanes went overhead.

This stuff has been reported in various places. What is intriguing is that the stories are saying that environmental labs will not test the material. That sounds like government interference to me.
Happeh said:
The man had the stuff in a jar you fool. He had a picture of it. It was not water or water vapor. It was a clump of something that fell from the sky after the airplanes went overhead.

So it was a clump of something that fell from the sky now? It wasn't collected from a 'chemtrail' as you first stated? Have you not noticed how your story has changed?

This stuff has been reported in various places. What is intriguing is that the stories are saying that environmental labs will not test the material. That sounds like government interference to me.

Yeah, reported, and well tested, and well known. It was probably, as stated by Communist Hamster, 'Blue Ice'.
Why are people so unreasonable? A person can know absolutely nothing about a subject, but they have no problem telling people they do not know what they are talking about. They have no problem making jokes about conspiracy theories etc.

You know what? If I want to be an asshole, i could do that to. When someone says "Scientists say that masturbation is good for you", I can say "Ya, and so did daffy duck".

My comment has no bearing on the subject at hand. It is nothing more than a verbal slap in the face. Do you slap people in public just for the heck of it? I doubt it.

There is reasonable intellectual conversation, and there are those who work by dominance. "What I say goes. I say conpiracy theory. I could care less about the facts of the situation".

People like that are why the world sucks. Instead of going by what is right and wrong, what is scientific and what is not, people go by who screams the loudest or who can act the most purposefully stupid or hurtful.
Happeh said:
There is reasonable intellectual conversation, and there are those who work by dominance. "What I say goes. I say conpiracy theory. I could care less about the facts of the situation".

And then there is ignorant and uninformed conversation, of which your posts participate in. All you've done is cite some sort of "conpiracy (sic) theory" at work and absolutely nothing to support that notion with exception of "some guy" with a jar of "something."

Instead of making wild, scaremongering claims, lets see some evidence. Instead of appealing to the significance - junkies and mystery - mongers, lets talk about the facts that surround the issue. The physics are pretty clear. Given the right set of conditions, the right amount of heat, a jet engine will condense the moisture in the atmosphere upon intake and leave a cloud in its exhaust.

Here's another fact: given the right amount of ignorance, a slight quantity of mystery, and someone who is easily impressed by even the smallest significant occurrance will develop a conspiracy theory in which some establishment is out to get us.

Which establishment could it be with regard to contrails? The association of airline pilots? They tire of us all getting free peanuts?