Challenge to theists

Advances in knowledge that have yet to be discovered through science are not comparable with false beliefs. You are trying to discredit science because it doesn’t know everything. That is absurd.
Again, you already declare a belief "false" when there is no objective evidence distinguishing if it is so or not, I guess you must know it all already, you the atheists have supreme knowledge of everything, or you believe science has discovered all there is to know already...

A false belief is a false belief regardless of it was scientists who believed or a religious person, I don't see the difference...again you stray away from seeking the truth, you really believe that evidence causes something to become true, when in reality it doesn't....

shaman_ said:
But this is very similar the approach that you are criticising. You agree what we should look at the evidence but you seem to be defending those who believe in things without looking at evidence!
Man, you must not know how to read, let me re-quote what you quoted me saying:
VitalOne said:
You believe whatever based upon your own personal experiences, your own logical conclusions, your own judgement of the evidence, etc....
Where's the contradiction? I said you, meaning you personally look at the evidence you see and judge for yourself...I personally have looked at the evidence and something known as "history" wherein time and time again what scientists believe "reality really is" turns out to either be false or incomplete...

shaman_ said:
Who do you think you are kidding when you write nonsense like that? Do not accuse me of implying things that I certainly did not.
Ok then, let me get this assert that I have "false beliefs" yet at the sametime you say that you don't believe science knows all there is? So where do you grasp the notion that the belief is false from? Is it not from science?

shaman_ said:
Theists are not "postulating possibilities". They believe in fantastic things without evidence.

The same can be said about physicists who believe in the many-worlds theory, copenhagen interpretation, theory of relativity, etc....there is no evidence for them nor against them...just as with God...

shaman_ said:
Are all your arguments based on these false assumptions? Atheism is merely “the disbelief or nonbelief in the existence of any deities” Perhaps you are referring to strong atheism.
Oh come on, there's really no such thing as strong atheism or weak atheism, you might as well say you're agnostic then. Its like a theist saying "well I think its possible that God doesn't exist" I'm a weak theist...just become agnostic

Maybe I should say "most atheists believe that God does not exist, there is no soul, no afterlife, etc...."

shaman_ said:
Gods are a possibility but atheists won’t believe in them until there is some evidence, just as they wont believe in fairies until there is some evidence. It really isn’t that complicated. I'm sure this has been explained to you several times.

shaman_ said:
Strictly speaking atheism has nothing to do with life after death but I will continue. Atheists will not believe in life after death until there is some evidence. I will assume that you believe in life after death without evidence, which seems to be the opposite of what you described above…. Unless you have some evidence for after death survival?

Strictly speaking atheism has nothing to do with life after death. You misrepresent atheism regularly so that may not matter to you.

Ok so there are many theories about life after death. I'm sure many will agree that a theory isn't scientific until it is falsifiable but I will continue. So what about these theories that contradict each other? You have different ideas about what happens when we die - Valhalla, Avalon, reincarnation, heaven ect. Which one do you believe in? You have to look at the evidence and that is what the theists are not doing.
Again this logic is flawed, just look into something known as "history" (your atheistic faith may be blinding you from it), in the past many many things of which there was zero evidence for were proven to be true....your logic still remains fatally flawed "evidence causes something to become true".....hahaha such an unnaturally foolish logic...
Thanks. You've just admitted that you believe in things with no evidence to support you. This is the definition of a delusion. Look it up for yourself. Study it.
So according to you all physicists are deluded, since they believe in the Copenhagen interpretation, many-worlds, etc....or some other theory of which there is no evidence for....but then again someone of your education probably doesn't even know anything about any of these theories....

Whats your definition of delusion again? Believing something to be true when there is no evidence for or against it? So then in ancient times what would you believe? Nothing? I define delusion as believing in something that is false....

superluminal said:
You are completely wrong here. The FSM was "created" (which I take offense to. How do you know He dosen't exist?) to throw into contrast the relationship between things with objective evidence and those without. As a tool to help foster critical thinking, the FSM has done more to foster the authentic search for truth than any other of your made-up gods.
How am I wrong? Its just a logical argument created just for the purpose of ridiculing theists, its not a search for the truth, merely an argument created by an atheist just for the purpose of attempting to disprove theists....again you assert....

Me saying "How do you know God doesn't exist?" is equivalent to your FSM argument...
Totally wrong. Do you know the difference between believing in something and believing something? No actual physicist will ever ever say that he believes in something (unless it's a pet god delusion). They subscribe to different interpretations of QM or some other as-yet unknown aspect of a theory, but they do not "believe in" the given aspect. That would be plain stupid.
HAHAHAHAHAHA....This proves that I was correct, you certainly haven't taken any courses in physics, many physicists assert that they do indeed "believe" in the many-worlds theory, or some other theory, they "believe", just go read books by Hawkins who says he "believes" in the many-worlds theory...

superluminal said:
Mind reader too, are we?
No need to have mind-reading abilities to know that about you....

superluminal said:
Not my definition. You do know that words have well established definitions, don't you?
Yeah, and the dictionary agrees with what I said:
de·lu·sion [di-loo-zhuhn] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
–noun 1. an act or instance of deluding.
2. the state of being deluded.
3. a false belief or opinion: delusions of grandeur.
4. Psychiatry. a fixed false belief that is resistant to reason or confrontation with actual fact: a paranoid delusion.

Yet again you've been proven wrong, wrong, wrong wrong....

superluminal said:
Right. Same as now. I don't "believe in" anything.
Thats impossible....for you an atheist believes that God does not its impossible for anyone to have no beliefs....

superluminal said:
Did you read my post. I told you how you are wrong. Read it again.
Yeah, I also replied to your post, yet again proving you wrong, wrong wrong wrong....
Oh I get it, its perfectly ok for atheists to stereotype theists but not the other way around right?

I implied no such thing. What this leaves us with is you thinking it's ok because you've seen others do it. That's schoolyard behaviour. Either way your statements were inaccurate.

From reading this it appears as if you haven't really read any religious scripture...

Ooh a challenge.. I've read the bible dozens of times and several dozen other ancient texts. How many have you read? How many different texts? Etc..

atheists always say things like "you really believe there's a guy up in the sky" but which religious scripture says that?


To just use the bible as an example:

'But the lord came down to see the city"

'Then the lord came down in the cloud and stood there with him'

'Then the lord came down in the cloud and spoke with him'

'Then the lord came down in a pillar of cloud; he stood at the entrance to the Tent'

'I am the living bread that came down from heaven.'

It would seem this god of yours lives in the sky.

This also causes serious problems with omnipresence. If god is everywhere then he is simply unable to move, because there's nowhere to move to. In saying, it would be impossible for him to "come down" anywhere.

The scriptures say that God is within you, through you, unborn, eternal, the observer, existing before the material world, after, and in between

The scriptures also say he lives in the sky and, in the case of jesus, was born... twice.

this is certainly not comparable to a flying bannana...

Kindly provide some evidence to support your claim. How do you know the flying banana isn't within you, through you yada yada *snore*?

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Again, you already declare a belief "false" when there is no objective evidence distinguishing if it is so or not, I guess you must know it all already, you the atheists have supreme knowledge of everything, or you believe science has discovered all there is to know already...
No the false beliefs I was referring to were “sun is Ra, Thor creates lightning, gremlins cause machinery to break, elves, pixies, demons, loch ness monster”. There is evidence to fairly confidently infer that most of those beliefs are false – agreed? You were comparing this to not knowing about discoveries that have yet to be made. This analogy does not hold. Again you are comparing understanding based on evidence and beliefs formed without evidence.

A false belief is a false belief regardless of it was scientists who believed or a religious person, I don't see the difference...again you stray away from seeking the truth, you really believe that evidence causes something to become true, when in reality it doesn't....
No one believes that VitalOne.

I still have Sagan’s “The Demon Haunted World” sitting on my bookshelf waiting to be read. The candle in the dark metaphor is a good one. Imagine you are walking through a completely dark house with a candle. The candle that is lighting the way does not create what you see in front of you it merely lights it up. Understand? Without the candle (scientific method) how you do you what is there? Imagination? Faith?

Where's the contradiction? I said you, meaning you personally look at the evidence you see and judge for yourself...I personally have looked at the evidence and something known as "history" wherein time and time again what scientists believe "reality really is" turns out to either be false or incomplete...
Our knowledge if the universe is incomplete! Again you are attacking science because it doesn’t know everything. Over the years theories have been proven false and theories have been refined. Are you going to throw out science and embrace fantasy because of this? You agree that we didn’t evolve with all the answers and yet you criticise the search for them. This is all just a desperate attempt and validate the fact that you believe in things without evidence.

Ok then, let me get this assert that I have "false beliefs" yet at the sametime you say that you don't believe science knows all there is? So where do you grasp the notion that the belief is false from? Is it not from science? .
As I said above, that is not what I was referring to but I will respond anyway. Every religion has a different creation story so they cannot all possible be true. Agreed? If you say ‘yes’ then you are asserting that there are people out there with false beliefs. Do you think you know everything VitalOne?

Again this logic is flawed, just look into something known as "history" (your atheistic faith may be blinding you from it), in the past many many things of which there was zero evidence for were proven to be true....your logic still remains fatally flawed "evidence causes something to become true".....hahaha such an unnaturally foolish logic...
You seem to be a very confused person. You say we should form our opinions based on “your own logical conclusions, your own judgement of the evidence, etc....” and then say that this is a flawed approach. How do I make you see this?
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Here is a very interesting argument I stumbled across. No theist I have asked has been able to respond to this argument, they strangely blow it off. I do not understand how this argument does not reveal the foolishness of at least christianity in this example.

So theists, please open your mind for one second and actually read this objectively, and place yourself outside of your religion for once. Imagine how other people must view you. This is just one o many great arguments. I simply can not comprehend how someone could read through this and remain so arrogantly and ignorantly confident that their god is the correct god.

Check out the rest of the site as well it has some neat stuff. This is just part of a complete 50 step proof that god is imaginary.
You don't have to believe everything in the Bible. The Bible is a tool for many things.

If we had enough faith the coin would land whatever side you wanted, but if you test God or do it with bad purpouse you will undermine your faith and it will not work, the faith in God is also the faith in your ability to toss the coin in a way that it lands on that side, or the trust that God through you can toss the coin in that way. If you have enough faith it will work (and if you don't test God (and yes, that is in the Bible)). Once I tossed a coin, and I had a certain confidence that whatever side I decided, it would come up the other way. I told this to my friends and I had no bad intentions but felt that it was a curiosity, and it happened just the way I said, it never landed on the side I wanted, and I tried a good number of times (perhaps not 50 though).

Sure, that wasn't a prayer, but close enough. Oftentimes I have felt this strange feeling before I have succeeded in something extraordinary (like hitting bulls-eye, etc.), perhaps I've felt relieved in a certain way just before I've done it, and I have just known that it would work.

On the argument that the belief in God is just like any fairy tale, I have to disagree, the belief in God is fundamental, and through that belief we can understand most things in the Bible as fundamental. There isn't any conflict that there are other religions, they seem to have similiar ideas, and my understanding of God as fundamental makes me want to pursue that path instead of any other. I would feel in great conflict if I were to pray to multiple gods or do any strange rites that isn't accomplishing anything.

Perhaps, the belief in God doesn't have to be understood in words. Perhaps the ones following other gods etc., have a belief in God, and in their understanding God can be manifested into these other gods. But why would there be so many gods, if all of them is merely a different manifestation in their understanding of the one God?
No the false beliefs I was referring to were “sun is Ra, Thor creates lightning, gremlins cause machinery to break, elves, pixies, demons, loch ness monster”. There is evidence to fairly confidently infer that most of those beliefs are false – agreed? You were comparing this to not knowing about discoveries that have yet to be made. This analogy does not hold. Again you are comparing understanding based on evidence and beliefs formed without evidence.
I agree, but my comparison stands, you say that false beliefs from the past from religion is not comparable to false beliefs from the past in science? Why not?

shaman_ said:
No one believes that VitalOne.

I still have Sagan’s “The Demon Haunted World” sitting on my bookshelf waiting to be read. The candle in the dark metaphor is a good one. Imagine you are walking through a completely dark house with a candle. The candle that is lighting the way does not create what you see in front of you it merely lights it up. Understand? Without the candle (scientific method) how you do you what is there? Imagination? Faith?
Exactly, just as religion says, knowledge is the light of lights, the truth, I will never stop seeking the truth, the actual truth....

But my point was that when you say that "God does not exist because there is no evidence for nor against the idea"..."without evidence God does not exist" you are implying that "evidence causes something to become true"....because you are saying that evidence would make "God" be true...

shaman_ said:
Our knowledge if the universe is incomplete! Again you are attacking science because it doesn’t know everything. Over the years theories have been proven false and theories have been refined. Are you going to throw out science and embrace fantasy because of this? You agree that we didn’t evolve with all the answers and yet you criticise the search for them. This is all just a desperate attempt and validate the fact that you believe in things without evidence.
I'm not attacking science, I'm saying atheists saying someone is a delusional fool to believe in God is false, they say anyone who believes anything else is trapped in a fantasy world, imaginary fantasy...when in reality God is a very real possiblity...this is what I criticize atheism for...

I'm not throwing out science, science is great, I accept science for what it is, a search for the truth based purely on objective evidence, however I think beyond just science knowing that there are many truths science has yet to discover...atheists do not tend to think beyond science, they do not tend to acknowledge that there are many truths science has yet to discover.....yet insist they are right and everyone else is just another delusional fool

shaman_ said:
As I said above, that is not what I was referring to but I will respond anyway. Every religion has a different creation story so they cannot all possible be true. Agreed? If you say ‘yes’ then you are asserting that there are people out there with false beliefs. Do you think you know everything VitalOne?
Thats not really true, if you compare a lot of creation stories there's striking similarities, I mean like they all have something to with the water, God was the causeless one, etc....almost as if they were born from one source (the truth)....

Also Jesus, Buddha, and Krishna all say very similar things, almost as if they were trying to explain the same essential truth to mankind....

shaman_ said:
You seem to be a very confused person. You say we should form our opinions based on “your own logical conclusions, your own judgement of the evidence, etc....” and then say that this is a flawed approach. How do I make you see this?
The confusion is not born from me but from you...I said you form your opinons based on “your own logical conclusions, your own judgement of the evidence, etc....” and I also said that through my own judgement of history I know that many things that were thought of as true were proven either false or incomplete....where's the contradiction?
I implied no such thing. What this leaves us with is you thinking it's ok because you've seen others do it. That's schoolyard behaviour. Either way your statements were inaccurate.
No I'm showing atheists what tactics they use against theists, just using the same tactics back on to them, look around this forum, there's always some atheist saying theists are just a bunch of delusional fools, theists answer every question with "God did", never object to notions like those? So I guess that must mean you're ok with atheists stereotyping theists....but not ok with theists stereotyping atheists..right?

SnakeLord said:
Ooh a challenge.. I've read the bible dozens of times and several dozen other ancient texts. How many have you read? How many different texts? Etc..
Lots of different religious texts...........

SnakeLord said:

To just use the bible as an example:

'But the lord came down to see the city"

'Then the lord came down in the cloud and stood there with him'

'Then the lord came down in the cloud and spoke with him'

'Then the lord came down in a pillar of cloud; he stood at the entrance to the Tent'

'I am the living bread that came down from heaven.'

It would seem this god of yours lives in the sky.
It would be good if you actually quoted the source (you know the Book, Chapter, etc...), I don't know whether you've taken it out of context or not, or if you're just making shit up...all of your above quotes are very vague

Also you ignore all other parts of the Bible which clearly say God is not someguy in the sky, like these:
"Hath immortality, dwelling in the light which no man can approach unto: whom no man hath seen, nor can see" (1 Timothy 6:16).

"Now unto the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only wise God, be honour and glory for ever and ever. Amen." (1 Timoth 1:17)

"One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all" (Eph 4.6)

And Jesus said "the kingdom of God comes not by observation, for behold the kingdom of God is within you" (Luke 17.20-21)

"Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature" (Colossians 1:15)

"By faith he forsook Egypt, not fearing the wrath of the king: for he endured, as seeing him who is invisible" (Hebrews 11:27)

"No man hath seen God at any time. If we love one another, God dwelleth in us, and his love is perfected in us" (I John 4:12)

Its funny, atheists like you seem to ignore anyting contrary to their "God is some guy in the sky idea", almost as if just to preserve and uphold their atheistic faith....

SnakeLord said:
This also causes serious problems with omnipresence. If god is everywhere then he is simply unable to move, because there's nowhere to move to. In saying, it would be impossible for him to "come down" anywhere.

The scriptures also say he lives in the sky and, in the case of jesus, was born... twice.
In Christianity, there's a trinity, the Son, the Father, and the Holy Spirit, the Father who is in heaven has a physical body like Jesus, the Holy Sprit above all does not have a material form...

SnakeLord said:
Kindly provide some evidence to support your claim. How do you know the flying banana isn't within you, through you yada yada *snore*?

Well its very simple, you see the flying banana argument was created soley for the purpose of ridiculing a faithful theist. Also, banana's can't fly, case closed....and the flying banana has never been described as being within you, etc...
Also, banana's can't fly, case closed.

Airtight case.

theists answer every question with "God did", never object to notions like those?

It depends, but not really. If you weren't intending to end a conversation with "god did it" you wouldn't be a theist and hence we wouldn't be discussing religious issues here and now. I myself will use the bible and the 'god did this' stance when debating with theists because it's what they understand and how they view the world. This in turn is what leads to the problems because after some poking they begin to realise that they don't know the first thing about their own god. I find some debates challenging - god/religion is not one of them.

So I guess that must mean you're ok with atheists stereotyping theists....but not ok with theists stereotyping atheists..right?

Without sounding rude but I don't really care who does what. We live once, I generally don't have the time to care about such triviality. You can say whatever you want to say but I will point it out when you make an inaccurate statement.

Lots of different religious texts...........

Such as?

It would be good if you actually quoted the source (you know the Book, Chapter, etc...), I don't know whether you've taken it out of context or not, or if you're just making shit up...all of your above quotes are very vague

And you dare accuse me of not reading religious scripture...

Gen 11:5, Exod 34:5, Numb 11:25, Numb 12:5, John 6:51 etc

Also you ignore all other parts of the Bible which clearly say God is not someguy in the sky, like these:
"Hath immortality, dwelling in the light which no man can approach unto: whom no man hath seen, nor can see" (1 Timothy 6:16).

Nothing in that sentence implies that this god is not a guy in the sky. He dwells in the light, (the sun perhaps which.. well is in the "sky" so to speak). Given that he's in the sun it's quite obvious that no man can see him, (when you look at the sun you go blind)..

The question here is.. are they talking about the sun itself? No man can approach or look at it.. Sounds very much like the sun to me.

Ok, you're bound to argue against that but I would ask that for just a moment you give it some thought.. What if you've based all your life, all that energy, all your focus on nothing more than a big ball of fire? It seems so pointless.

"One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all" (Eph 4.6)

It goes on to say.. 'When it says 'he went up', it must mean that he had gone down to the deepest levels of the earth..'

Further to which, I didn't "ignore" anything, I used intelligence to come to an answer out of contradiction. If this god is everywhere then he cannot move. In saying, he can't go up or down. He loses his omnipresence on the very basis that he can go up and down - and, because he consistently comes down on a cloud, it stands to reason that this non-omnipresent being lives up in the sky.

Its funny, atheists like you seem to ignore anyting contrary to their "God is some guy in the sky idea", almost as if just to preserve and uphold their atheistic faith....

1) I didn't "ignore" anything.

2) Whether there's a god in the sky, under the bed, down the toilet or everywhere is utterly irrelevant to "upholding atheistic belief". If anything, the sky man idea has come from the religious themselves.. They often use the terms "our father up in heaven", (which implies that he lives up in the sky), "jesus came down from heaven", "jesus ascended to heaven" etc etc etc.. They all imply that god dwells up in the sky. Even when religious people are praying they tend to look skyward. Hell, in your very next statement you even tell me he lives in the sky:

the Father who is in heaven...

See? The evidence to suggest that "heaven" is in the sky: Not only did jesus ascend, (go up), to heaven, not only does the new jerusalem come down from heaven, but also dozens if not hundreds of other statements that show 'heaven' is up in the sky, or indeed is the sky, without room for disagreement. In Revelations: 'but fire rained down on them from heaven', 'then I saw an angel coming down from heaven', etc etc etc.

Well its very simple, you see the flying banana argument was created soley for the purpose of ridiculing a faithful theist.

Inaccurate. That's like saying the christian god was created just to piss off the jews, (the christians take the jews god for their own, and that god of the jews ends up being killed by the jews).

You cannot substantiate the claim in either case. It is entirely plausible, (given the nature of the discussion), that the flying banana zapped some mystical telepathic something or other into my brain and forced me to mention him.

The only way you can substantiate your claim is if you're omniscient. In the meantime you just need to have faith - that's all the flying banana demands. Believe it for no good reason.. well, to give you a good reason: believe it because if you don't you'll burn for eternity.

Also, banana's can't fly

Prove it. They might not want to do it while you're watching, but they can. In either case, this is an omnipotent banana... It can do whatever the hell it wants.

and the flying banana has never been described as being within you

What kind of an argument is that? That something needs to have been written about by ancient shepherds to be true? Further to which, the banana has no desire to be "within you".. Why would it want to be stuck up 6 billion bumholes simultaneously? (and that's just the humans.. it doesn't take animals into account).
That's it? Consciousness tells you, inescapably, that there is a god?


Ok. What evidence do you have to support this other than that science hasn't yet pinned down the biochemical mechanisms of consciousness?
(hasn't yet??? what makes you so sure it will, apart from faith?)

This brings us back to the stalemate of the high school drop out. Please correct me if I am wrong, but there is NO WAY to establish evidence for a person who lacks the application of processes required to perceive evidence.

Just as a high school drop out makes there statements of confidence due to an absence of the theoretical and practical knowledge about sub atomic particles, a person who has not applied the conditions for knowledge recommended by persons established in the field (usually normative scriptural recommendations endorsed by saintly persons) is not in a position to validate or confirm claims.

What would a drop out make of the 'evidence' for an electron?

Perhaps a better question, however, would be what are the processes that enable the perception of evidence

kind of a big question, but the over view is that if one traces the source of one's consciousness
The "stalemate" you mention above seems to exist only in your mind, since it has been successfully refuted and dismissed by the reasoned, adding to the evidence for delusion among the religious proponents. It isn't helping your case much, LG.
The "stalemate" you mention above seems to exist only in your mind, since it has been successfully refuted and dismissed by the reasoned, adding to the evidence for delusion among the religious proponents. It isn't helping your case much, LG.
then it begs the question why you don't simply refute it rather than making claims that solely require faith in order to be feasible.

If you can provide an example of how evidence can be perceived for validating or invalidating a claim made for advanced knowledge (like say an electron) without meeting prerequisites of theory, practice and values .... then perhaps we would have evidence that you are not relying on something that only exists in your mind

This has already been done. You seem to be the only one with a burning desire to keep beating a dead horse.
I haven't the time nor the inclination, since it has been done several times and you consistently refuse to acknowledge it. Perhaps its a failure of comprehension; perhaps you're merely trolling with this same nonsense. It truly is a worthless analogy and appears to appeal only to the deluded. Whatever the case may be, and based on previous debunkings of the analogy, its obvious that regardless of what anyone will say, you will come back and use it over and over and keep challenging others to "summarize" their objections.... yada, yada, yada....
I haven't the time nor the inclination, since it has been done several times and you consistently refuse to acknowledge it.
I see - its beyond your resources at this point of time
Perhaps its a failure of comprehension; perhaps you're merely trolling with this same nonsense.
perhaps if you were so sure of your (apparently numerous) refutations you could post a link or summarize them

It truly is a worthless analogy and appears to appeal only to the deluded.
so in other words your refutation is "you are wrong because you are wrong"
Whatever the case may be, and based on previous debunkings
I think you might have been successful in deluding yourself that you have refuted it

of the analogy, its obvious that regardless of what anyone will say, you will come back and use it over and over and keep challenging others to "summarize" their objections.... yada, yada, yada....
don't forget, there is always the option of linking, just to save the precious skin cells on your fingers

Ahh... the old, "let me bait him psychologically with taunts of 'nana nana nur nur' until he gives and does what I want" trick.

I've pulled that very trick on you more than once, LG. I'd have thought you might realize I'm not swayed by it.
Ahh... the old, "let me bait him psychologically with taunts of 'nana nana nur nur' until he gives and does what I want" trick.

I've pulled that very trick on you more than once, LG. I'd have thought you might realize I'm not swayed by it.

you realize that the time you have spent trolling could have been used in refuting (or linking) the claim that you claim to have refuted?