Cephalic phase

All or any stress or infection may alter GIT environment. Lack of O2 in asthma as well as stess may cause some GIT imbalance. Parkinsons disease is also a mental stress. Moreover, The exact reason that the cells of the brain deteriorate is unknown & its some symptoms may be linked ti GIT disturbances:-

Loss of fine motor skills
Difficulty writing, may be small and illegible
Difficulty eating
Difficulty with any activity that requires small movements
Uncontrolled, slow movement
Frequent falls
Decline in intellectual function (may occur, can be severe)
A variety of gastrointestinal symptoms, mainly constipation.

If we study deeply, we may find the relation of GIT imbalances with all or most of the symptoms of all or most of the diseases. Digestive & repiratory systems are our most basic & prominents input systems( other senses hearing, skin sensations & visual are bit differant non physical inputs so can't be thought for physical inputs) which can be linked to root causes or basic understanding for all body systems( but not given much importance).
Actually asthma is now considered to be caused (among other things) by TOO MUCH blood O2, too little CO2 and hyperventilation etc!

Interestingly, GHIT imbalances may CAUSE asthma rather than the other way round. Stomach acid vapour is said to aggravate asthma and asthma and GERD is quite well correlated in people!
Good information. O2 & CO2 are related to Respiratory acidosis/alkaliosis. Acidosis means too much CO2 & alkaliosis means too much O2. There can be some link between stomach acidity & respiratory acidosis. I want to understand relation between GIT pH & internal pH. Do you have any idea about it? Something relevant is mentioned here:-
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In a healthy individual, there should be no relationship. The stomach acid is well regulated and isolated from the blood stream. What happens when u are not healthy is mentioned in the article u gave. I don't know too much more about the subject than that really!
Ok. I am finding some indications of pacreatic bicarbonate relese/holding with control in BS in IR cases. Can any defect in relese of pancreatic juice be related to persistance of high BS in 10 year old type2 with IR case?
John, thanks for much contributions. We had very interesting discussions & will furthur contribute--if some new questions are there.
Hi Kumar!

John you may get the next question when the people at the JREF board have answered this question

"What does this link indicate about GI pH & problems with liver? Ageing & diseasing may be somewhat relevant with constitutional problems. Is it so infections are more related to low stomach acid? What about fatty degeneration of liver?"

Set by Kumar with your above link.

see here

Thought you may find it interesting.

Probably, some inabilities/deficiencies(pre-Dr.S) have initiated me here. Although, no harm in taking second or third opinion. John we shared much more interesting here & hope the same for future. Any problem??
In some people, particularly those with diabetes, insulin resistance syndrome, or liver disease, a genetic susceptibility to iron overload has been reported.
John, high stomach acidity can enhance iron digestion & so its more absorption.

Do you have any idea that which antacids are suitable to chronic constipated(unclear motions) persons & which to others?
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