Cephalic phase


Registered Senior Member
Hello all,

Can you please tell me the awnser of following question:-

1.Cephalic phase: is the taste, smell, sight, hear or thought of any food triggers the cephalic phase.And the cephalic phase is heightened by hunger. 30 - 50% of all gastric secretions occur during the cephalic phase. Now suppose a person just taste, smell, see, hear or think of any food but don't take/consume it. What will then happen to the physiology of body? Will is assimilate/metabolize the inside food substances already present in body related to that food which is sensed? EG.; suppose a person sense(taste, smell,see, hear or think of) sugar or sweet, but don't consume it. Will it metabolize & lower blood sugar present in body or not?

Best wishes.
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Now suppose a person just taste, smell, see or think of any food but don't take/consume it. What will then happen to the physiology of body? Will is assimilate/metabolize the inside food substances already present in body related to that food which is sensed?
Yes, when your body gets hungry and your blood sugar drops, your body will start metabolizing substances that are already present in your body. This is called "starvation".

First it metabolizes your fat reserves, then when those are all gone, it begins breaking down muscle tissue to use that for energy.

So yes, if you get hungry enough, your body will start digesting itself for energy.
Iris, thanks. But suppose a person is not hungry and still he sense any food, will it metabolize food substance present in body related to tasted food or not?

Furthur, will this effect be more (i.e.more secretions) in case smaller/dissolved molecules of any food is tasted insted of raw food?
Pls read the following links:-





In this respect I may also request you to consider & comment on:-

1. "Cephalic phase effect or Sensation effects by any stmuli in relation to the size of molecular particle i.e. if the magnitude of this " Cephalic phase effect" is dependant on the size of molecular particle or on ionic form of any stimuli/food substance?

2. Its(CPE) relation with " Starvation/fasting/ hunger/craving effect". Hunger/craving of any substance can be thought of (a) dependent on its physical/real deficiency where any substance is really deficient in body & to be compensated by actual consuming it (b) dependent on its physiological defficiency due to any physiological disorder i.e. substance is accumulated in system but can not be metabolized/assimilated due to any physiological disorder & so showing its apperant defficiency which can only be corrected by correcting the physiological disorder or temporary by supplementing/giving more & more of that substance which will also worsen the case furthur.
What triggers the pancreas to push enzymes into the duodenum?

A number of factors are involved in pancreatic secretion, and is thought to be divided into 3 phases: cephalic (brain), gastric (stomach), and intestinal. The cephalic phase contributes appx. 25% to the pancreatic response, and is controlled by the vagus nerve. The stimulants are sight, smell, taste and eating of food. The gastric phase contributes 10% to the response, and is also via vagal innervation, mainly through stomach distention as it fills with food. The remainder, some 50 – 75% is due to the intestinal phase, mediated by GI hormones (such as secretin and cholecytokinin, aka CCK), and stimulated by amino acids, fatty acids, calcium, and stomach acid. In addition, the pancreas produces a specific peptide known as pancreatic polypeptide (PP), which acts to negatively feedback on pancreatic secretion; that is, it inhibits enzyme secretion. PP is released in response to vagal nerve stimulation. This is at following link;

But suppose a person is not hungry and still he sense any food, will it metabolize food substance present in body related to tasted food or not?

Furthur, will this effect be more (i.e.more secretions) in case smaller/dissolved molecules of any food is tasted insted of raw food?
Kumar, your body is basically a big chemistry laboratory, with lots of chemical reactions going on every minute of every day. That's what keeps you alive--those chemical reactions going on in your body.

And one of the chemical reactions that takes place is the one that gives your body energy to walk around. Your body does this by digesting food. The food gets digested, the proteins and carbohydrates get processed into energy for your blood and your muscles to use to keep you alive.

Now, your body never shuts down from doing this. If your body ever stopped doing this, you would be what we call "dead".

So since your body never shuts down from doing this, it always needs a reliable fuel source, 24/7. We call this fuel source "food". If no food gets put into your body, your body doesn't simply shut down its chemical reactions and stop trying to digest food--no, what your body does is start using its own resources to get some fuel for its chemical reactions. The first place your body looks for some fuel is in its own fat. If you don't put "food" into your body, it will start burning its own fat to get fuel for its chemical reactions.

After it has used up all the fat, it will start burning its own muscle tissue to get fuel to make its chemical reactions go. It won't stop doing this. If it stops doing this, you become what we call "dead".

Now--none of this has anything to do with whether the body sees, or smells, or tastes "food". This process all keeps on going whether or not the body sees, or smells, or tastes "food". If the body isn't given "food" to use for fuel, it will start using its own fat and muscles for fuel.

It also doesn't have anything to do with whether the person is "hungry" or not--the body keeps right on with the digestive process. Your body keeps trying to digest food and send energy to itself 24/7. Always. Constantly. It never stops. It doesn't care whether you're "hungry" or not, it doesn't care whether you see or smell or taste some "food"--your body is still always working away at "digestion" and making energy to keep itself going.

Is this making sense to you? Your body is a big chemical factory that started the moment you were conceived in your mother's womb, and it won't stop until the day you die. It doesn't care whether it sees or smells or tastes "food", it doesn't care whether you're "hungry" or not--it's still going to keep right on doing those chemical processes that give it energy.

What is your point here?

Your brain cannot control the process of digestion. You cannot tell your body, "Stop trying to find and digest food." It's automatic, your body does it all by itself, it's not up to you.

Yes, the amount of digestive secretions put out by your body vary in relation to what kind of food you send down there--if you send down something really greasy, your gall bladder is going to send out more bile to help digest that fat, whereas if you eat some fat-free crackers, your gall bladder doesn't have to put out so much bile.

But what's your point?

Pls read the following links:-
Three of those links do not work; they are giving me a "Cannot Find Web Page".

And your Google search link just searches for the string "Ce...le Search" which makes no sense.

Sorry, I rewite the above links:-




Furthur, thanks for the detais. It is ok that body process is a continious precess. But differant sensations can effects it. But my point is bit differant. I want to know that suppose if we just sense any food or any other substance but do not consume it. Some secretions due to cephalic phase effect will be there in body. But if we don't consume then what these secretions due to cephalic phase effect will leave/create effects to the physiology of or body system?
Your links are saying that seeing or smelling food--but then not eating it--is what causes a person's insulin levels to fluctuate, and so you're wondering if this is what causes diabetes? Is that what you're getting at?
Iris, Fluctuations in insulin levels due to this effect can be one condition. Several other conditions due to other secretions by this CP effect can also be possible. Thanks for an indication that:-

" Just sensing ocasionally, regularily & severally any food or substance, can as well be a possibile cause of complication/s related to that food or substance due to Cephalic Phase effect apart from its possible treatment".
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I think I can save everybody a lot of time and frustration by a short explanation:

Kumar has conceived the private theory that this CPE effect is not just something that happens in some specific cases, but is a universal effect which can explain how homeopathic and tissue salt remedies function. Kumar is a homeopathic practitioner who also uses tissue salts (go figure :bugeye: ).

The theory is completely unfounded, lacks internal logic, and contradicts the homeopathic paradigm. This has been pointed out to Kumar on at least two other skeptic sites and at least one homeopathic site, but apparantly he just keeps pasting his questions everywhere hoping somebody will provide some straw he can cling to.

Just to sum up (in hopes of saving everybody some time and frustration):

Lack of foundation:
The fact that certain normal body functions are activated on the mere expectation of something, like metabolism on the expectaion of food, does in no way justify the assumption that there exists a universal effect that will activate some body function on any substance, without any substance being actually assimilated.

Lack of inner logic:
Homeopathic medicines ARE actually ingested, so the non-presence idea is based on the assumption that there is no no active substance in them, but then how can it be sensed?

Incompatibility with homeopathic paradigm:
Hoemopahty's central axiom is that like cures like. Thus, a medicine that gives a certain symptom profile cures an ailment with the same symptom profile. However, the known CPE effects work on things that oppose the symptom profile, like food <> hunger.

I am a little sorry for my apparantly harsh attitude towards Kumar, but it is the result of going through these discussions with him elsewhere, repeatedly, without apparant effect.

Maybe you will have more luck here:rolleyes:.

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Skeptic (662 posts)

Few people are just skeptic, nothing else, no contribution but only destruction/trolling. Let us understand it. We are quite educated & so no irrelevant teaching with vested interests is needed here. All or any concept or system, if it is still existing in mass & well distributed public may be looked into--till it is proved or dead in itself. It is just a duty of science/scientist. All things are not yet researched in ABSOLUTE, no one can say what can come new tommorow. Just a candle light hope & small efforts may make us & our children comfortable then nothing illogical & unjustfied to carry on. It is all up to you.
Best wishes.
Iris said:
Your links are saying that seeing or smelling food--but then not eating it--is what causes a person's insulin levels to fluctuate, and so you're wondering if this is what causes diabetes? Is that what you're getting at?

To cause type II diabetes, the insulin levels would have to be continuously high for long periods so I can't possibly imagine a cephalic effect on diabetes risk.
Hello John,

What about habitual occasional eater? Can these type of person become diabetics? Does herditory factor of diabetes makes a person a habitual occasional eater in pre-diabetes stages?

I think CP effect without consumption can not be a reason of type2 diabetes. On the contrary it may act as bit curative. But occasional habitual eating can be a reason.
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Kumar said:
Hello John,

What about habitual occasional eater? Can these type of person become diabetics? Does herditory factor of diabetes makes a person a habitual occasional eater in pre-diabetes stages?

Not really. To become insulin resistant, u would need elevated insulin levels for quite a long time until the pancreas shuts down. I am sure this time will vary between people (which have different pancreatic powers) but occasional binging will not cause diabetes in most people. It would have ato be a bad diet over weeks and months.
John Connellan said:
Not really. To become insulin resistant, u would need elevated insulin levels for quite a long time until the pancreas shuts down.

Is it sure that insulin resistence is caused by elevated insulin levels for quite a long time? I previously debated of this since I noted that discontinuing of insulin for some time may improve IR condition(as fasting type effect). But no one tried to understand & agreed.
It is one of the main causes of insulin resistance. It is of courese caused by continually high blood sugar levels. Discontinuing insulin will improve IR of course because there are no more elevated insulin levels anymore! Thats what i've already said!
John Connellan said:
It is one of the main causes of insulin resistance. It is of courese caused by continually high blood sugar levels. Discontinuing insulin will improve IR of course because there are no more elevated insulin levels anymore! Thats what i've already said!
John, thanks for information. It indicate that discontinuing/lowering of oral medicines for enhancing insulin secretion or injected insulin(any how reducing insulin level) for some time, in case of type2 diabetes with insulin resistance condition--will benefit IR & blood sugar control. It also indicates that diet/excercise can also effect insulin levels & so IR. Some medicines like metformin, however may benefits in IR. It is quite logical but doctors don't consider & practice this concept. I previously asked ADA about weight loss, weight stay constant or gain weight in diabetes patients. They just told that it depend on insulin. Weight loss means low/no insulin, weight constant means proper insulin, weght gain mean excess insulin working. But this can include both natural secretion and/or by medications. Central obesity is also linked to IR. But the main problem here is how to take risk by discontinuing/lowering of medications?
Kumar said:
Weight loss means low/no insulin, weight constant means proper insulin, weght gain mean excess insulin working.

No, it means excess insulin that is NOT working. If it was working u would be in a state of insulin sensitivity but insulin resistance is when it does not work anymore. Insulin promotes growth and anabolic actions.
No. Insulin resistance means that insulin isn't working remember? Insulin promotes growth and increases metabolism etc. Without insulin working properly, the body kind of shuts down and stores fat and slows metabolism. This is why obese people are generally considered to have insulin problems.