Celibacy .

let's just say like a number of people who have higher post counts here... you are quick to jump to name calling when someone doesn't agree with you and quick to cry foul when it comes back to you....ahhh the benefits of the net... you can say things to people you wouldn't normally say face to face .

what name did i call you?
strange that (as far as i know) no one has yet been willing to discuss the implications of stripping away a vital human surport (ie a sexual partner) which is even more important for men who lack the networks women seem to aquire (for the most part)
there you go thinking again ;)

assuming that since one doesn't agree with others views .. that they don't believe

it kind of boils down to how far woo-woo one gets and there are some pretty far out views
strange that (as far as i know) no one has yet been willing to discuss the implications of stripping away a vital human surport (ie a sexual partner) which is even more important for men who lack the networks women seem to aquire (for the most part)

why is this always more important for men?

the man card...:rolleyes:
since when does the Catholic Church force its priests to be celibate? Its a job requirement, which all jobs have. If they can't follow the job requirements, they can quit.
since when does the Catholic Church force its priests to be celibate? Its a job requirement, which all jobs have. If they can't follow the job requirements, they can quit.
This is an inhuman, unrealistic, unfair and unachievable job requirement that led to hypocracy, lies, sexual diversions, child molestation and pedophilia !.:rolleyes: .
But they knowingly willingly signed up for it.
And celibacy didn't lead to child molestation and pedophilia. The Catholic church's willingness to hide it (not the celibacy requirement) led to a huge job market opportunity for pedophiles. They went where the accessible kids were.
yeah, just for the record, i didn't molest any children while i was celibate. didn't even cross my mind...