Celibacy .

Like the pope and others in high places who dictate to the sheeple what to do and what not to do .....;);).

well who gives a fuck what he thinks? lol...

from what i've learned, god doesn't want you to do things or not do things because someone else (even god) tells you to (like an order). god wants you to do what you want to do willingly, and independent of social norms (which include religion).

the way it worked with me...

god gave me an impression, and a vision, of a sexual relationship that was so desirable to me, that i really had no choice but to turn away from social norms, and from what i've experienced in the past. it wasn't an effort, it was something i not only wanted to do, but was completely natural. i developed a negative association with something that was disappointing to me. that's not surprising is it?

so i stood for what i believed in...for 8 years. and now i've got it. :)
well who gives a fuck what he thinks? lol...
Millions and millions follow the Pope so he is a very powerful figure .

from what i've learned, god doesn't want you to do things or not do things because someone else (even god) tells you to (like an order). god wants you to do what you want to do willingly, and independent of social norms (which include religion).the way it worked with me...
Each person sees life in a different spectrum but when it comes to religion and politics most of us are just followers .

god gave me an impression, and a vision, of a sexual relationship that was so desirable to me, that i really had no choice but to turn away from social norms, and from what i've experienced in the past. it wasn't an effort, it was something i not only wanted to do, but was completely natural. i developed a negative association with something that was disappointing to me. that's not surprising is it?

so i stood for what i believed in...for 8 years. and now i've got it. :)
Of course it was too much of an effort .
We are humans and we are geared up by many instincts including sex .
Celibacy comes from Paul's insanity. Paul thought Jesus was going to return in his lifetime. Revelations was supposed to take place 2,000 years ago. That's why Paul said it was unethical to divorce, marry, or have more children. What was the point?

So, what we have is a system that rewards people with innate, deviant thoughts. Most men have such a strong urge to mate with women, that they don't think twice about becoming priests. Some men don't feel this urge to chase women (nature isn't perfect, see siamese twins, conjoined twins, poor eyesight, autism, etc...). These men see this lack of sexual appetite as either a calling to preach, a sign of their strength, or just aren't put-off by the sacrifices required.

So what happens? Paul's insanity leads to a system that attracts pedophiles and puts them in charge of little boys.

Celibacy comes from Paul's insanity.

Paul wasn’t insane. He most likely had ED (erectile dysfunction). If they had medical science back then he could have seen a doctor and got a prescription for Cialis or Viagra. I guess God didn’t know that there is a solution for such things.

"I wish that all men were as I am." 1 Corinthians 7:7

Paul referred to his ED problem as a gift. ;)
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Millions and millions follow the Pope so he is a very powerful figure .

Each person sees life in a different spectrum but when it comes to religion and politics most of us are just followers .

Of course it was too much of an effort .
We are humans and we are geared up by many instincts including sex .

copout, copout, copout.
Huh.....I thought you are no longer in love with celibacy.....;) .
Any moment of celibacy is a complete waste of human time and enjoyment .

hm...obviously you've never been screwed. :p
Screwing is always nice but being screwed is another entire issue .
Nature is as mysterious as it can be .
;) .

and human nature can be very destructive.

i think that everyone should call sex "mating". i think that would help some...

gain a little perspective.
and human nature can be very destructive.

i think that everyone should call sex "mating". i think that would help some...

gain a little perspective.
Sex is fun and REAL fun too .
It has nothing to do with mating .
I can have sex with a million women with no child conceived .
I can have sex with a million women with no child conceived .

Your boys can't swim, eh? Sucks to be you. hehe

Look on the bright side, the fact that you can't breed is a good thing, you won't become the child beater we all know you want to be. :)
Your boys can't swim, eh? Sucks to be you. hehe

Look on the bright side, the fact that you can't breed is a good thing, you won't become the child beater we all know you want to be. :)

You are nuts . That was an example only . You can use condoms, have a vasectomy or the ladies get their birth control.......hahaha...you just like to insult people little moron !!!.
You are nuts .

How did you guess?

.......hahaha...you just like to insult people little moron !!!.

Sorry, I didn't know you were sensitive about your little problem? teehee
Is this a prelude to a dick sizing contest? Who is the bigger dick?