Celibacy .

ops, after reading Lori_7's quote of my post i realised i made a mestake. Where it says "male sexual health" it SHOULD read "male MENTAL health". Sorry for the confusion
Dude, your post made my brain hurt really hard and I have no idea what the hell you are talking about.

Could you be referring to my post #79?

If so, please tell me where your difficulty lies and I'll be happy to explain

OriginalBiggles, Prime

"If so, please tell me where your difficulty lies and I'll be happy to explain

OriginalBiggles, Prime"

Now go eat something John99.
This from Lightgigantic's post #5;
“ Many innocent children were abused by some priests and some popes apologized for this sick behaviour . ” [Mike47's post #1]
And many, many, many more weren't [Lg's comment]

This from John99's post #11in reply to Mike47 also;
Kids are more likely to get abused in school by teachers, bus drivers etc.
In fact many, many, many more. As a a matter of fact it happens every day. Not just in schools but in their own homes. Of course these kids dont get big lawsuits, they get shit and it doesnt even make it in the last page of the newspaper.
I dont agree with celibacy unless that is your personal decision but celibacy alone has nothing to do with molesting children.
[John99's comment]

Having been engaged on numerous occasions with apologists for church-derived paedophilia in many discussion groups since the inception of the latest scandals several years ago, it has become apparent that one of their more decrepit strategems for diverting attention is to tar other unrelated groups with the same brush. One particularly mealy-mouthed writer in MSN groups consulted his priest and was advised to accuse Islam of paedophilia. He ignored appeals for references and couldn't extract them from his all-knowing advisor either.
Lightgigantic and John, equally, fall into this category of heinous apologetics.
Wherever paedophilia is discovered it is a betrayal of innocence, of the imperative that the young be nurtured and educated for the benefit and advancement of humankind.
Priests in particular are charged with this duty, it is for them A SACRED DUTY and the betrayal of that sacred duty is in the eyes of all society, an abomination, a rejection of priestly raison d'etre.
Rather than expending time and effort in diversion, it would behove both apologists well to proclaim in high dudgeon their contempt for the betrayers and the hierarchy that conspired to protect and encourage them.

OriginalBiggles, Prime
The reality is that you find people in positions of power misusing their positions of power. Its the central theme of human history.

To use this to demand that the position, in toto, be dissolved is simply a knee jerk emotional response from (rightly) distraught victims.

After all, how many parents have misused that position? Does this mean we should get rid of parenthood?
How many school teachers have misused that position? Does this mean we should get rid of all school teachers?
How many politicians have misused that position? Does this mean we should get rid of all politicians?

etc etc

I'm not sure whether you are arguing for the dissolution of the position, but that was certainly the context that the statements were made.
this is something i wrote in my blog a while ago. just some personal feelings that i kind of went on about for a minute, and then mid-writing it occurred to me that's what it seemed like i was talking about. but this is a personal interpretation...

sunday thoughts...

i refer to myself as a nun, and i mean it. but what i really mean is, that i'm waiting for someone very special. if i were asked who that is, i could say someone who i trust...who i admire...who is strong...enough to be honest...but that's not true. i am really waiting for, who it is that was meant to be...my fate...my soulmate...my destiny. if i were asked what i would want to do with my life, i would say i want to create, feed, foster, nuture, encourage, protect, and defend...to love, develop, grow, learn, teach, and share everything i am and do, with someone who, would share everything they are and do, with me. and to appreciate each other with an unconditional acceptance that never wanes, because it's what we both desire for ourselves and each other, more than anything. a desire to achieve, complete and unbridled intimacy, through complete and uncompromised honesty, which to me, sounds like communion. it's the perfect balance that sustains and perfects life by giving it purpose and meaning. without it, everything i do, is either too important, or not important at all, like if there's nothing resting on the other side of my scale.


now, i started writing that with a mate in mind, but i realize that you can definitely apply that to relationships with all human beings, and to god. it's what god has shown me through the way he interacts with me, and the way i feel about him.

this is something else i wrote that could be relevant as well...

thinking of you...

you can have the greatest achievements
the most disappointing failures
the most paralyzing fear
the most intense joy
the most profound sorrow
and none of it means anything
without someone to share it with
So you wouldn't recommend a mindset of "this person is meant for my enjoyment", yes?
Post #84 belongs to MGMkZero and it contains;

Originally Posted by OriginalBiggles;

"Could you be referring to my post #79?
If so, please tell me where your difficulty lies and I'll be happy to explain

OriginalBiggles, Prime ”


Megaman Kills Zero.

There's no need to apologise for your deficiencies. In cases involving the godly such deficiencies are sometimes not of their own doing, so in true atheist fashion I am prepared to be magnanimous and allow that you are either dyslexic or that the English language itself poses difficulties for you. If the latter then it is probable you suffered a US public school education and no one fully recovers from such an early disadvantage. A great countryman of yours, Robert Green Ingersoll, observed with conspicuous sapience;
"College is the place where pebbles are polished and diamonds are dimmed." [note the subtle alliteration]. Nevertheless, it must be a matter of some pride to you that you are illustrative of such noble wisdom from the most distinguished US atheist of his era.

Unfortunately, I don't have the time to translate or to reword my post #79. I suggest you have a friend who speaks both English and your native tongue to translate for you. Have him/her concentrate on the second half of that post, that's where the crux lies. And concentrate on your spelling, USA-ians are pretty dreadful at it.

Good Luck to you and yours

OriginalBiggles, Prime
Lightgigantic #88,
The reality is that you find people in positions of power misusing their positions of power. Its the central theme of human history.
To paraphrase a current assertion; "And many, many, many do not abuse that power." Such an assertion is still irrelevant to the discussion and a propagation of the very strategem you would disavow. Men of the cloth from the highest to the lowest cultivate a sacred public trust and confidence far beyond that of the rest. They are the revered channel between the faithful and their deity. Their responsibility covers ALL in their care and protection. They frequently and loudly proclaim their special and unique station in society. Their own doctrine demands they be responsible for ALL spiritual and temporal care when called upon.
Parents, school teachers and politicians make no such claims and expect no such reverence from their flock.
Be that as it may, I made no call for the abolition or dissolution of religious organisations and decline to be diverted to this side issue, however much I relish the thought.
IMHO, centuries will be required for humankind to mature to a self-reliant, intellectually independent member of the animal kingdom. That association itself is a proud heritage but insufficient by a huge margin for us to presume to a suzerainty of the Cosmos. That we presume to be suzerains of Earth is a wholly unjustifiable pomposity.

OriginalBiggles, Prime
John99 in his posts #91 & #92 remarked; pretty dreadful? that dont make no cense biggles.

The difficulty lies most probaby in the fact that my mode of expression is written English.

PRETTY DREADFUL = Somewhat dreadful, quite dreadful, fairly dreadful, moderately dreadful, very dreadful, awful, terrible, disgusting, outrageous, horrible, unspeakable, painful, atrocious, abominable, horrendous, frightening, fearsome, dire, unconscionable, unbearable, dismal.

In the Oxford Dictionary, the word PRETTY is defined as adj. beautiful, attractive. As adv. fairly. moderately. I have employed something of the hyperbole in my definitions above. It is used in this sense in the USA as well as English-speaking nations throughout the world.
I think it was in the movie ANALYSE THIS, Robert Deniro was asked if some mutual acquaintance was unexpectedly deceased, and he answered; "Pretty much." How would you interpret this response?

OrginalBiggles, Prime
well i would imagine that the kind of relationship i'm suggesting here would be enjoyable. :shrug:

But is that enjoyment secured through the mindset of "this person is meant for my enjoyment" or something more along the lines of sacrifice, giving more than you take etc?

But is that enjoyment secured through the mindset of "this person is meant for my enjoyment" or something more along the lines of sacrifice, giving more than you take etc?

I wouldn't consider it a sacrifice either. I would consider it symbiotic, and a true blessing.