Celibacy .

Why is that someone expresses a dislike for something, they are bitter but if they agree with a point its, "good man" ???? Religion is the route of all evil - enough said ;)
Why is that someone expresses a dislike for something, they are bitter but if they agree with a point its, "good man" ???? Religion is the route of all evil - enough said ;)
If you want to judge a genre by its worst example you have sufficient means to discard absolutely anything ....
Men and women were created to enjoy one another....if they do not do that then they must be sick....either mentally or physically or both.
I believe it relates to Jesus supposedly being celibate his entire life and the priest are emulating him and the nuns are married to God so unless God comes to them in person then they can't have sex with anyone else because that would be adultery. I myself didn't find celibacy so difficult back when I was in high school, but the idea doesn't sit well with me either anymore. It would be very difficult.

who says jesus was celibate? :confused:

nuns and priests are "supposed" to be celibate so they can concentrate on their "studies" without the interruption of sex. which indeed, is a great interruption.
As a man I enjoy and appreciate sex very much . It is one of life most interesting aspect . The Catholic church does not allow its priests to get married or to engage in sexual activities . Unless you are sick , it is hard to abstain from sex . Many innocent children were abused by some priests and some popes apologized for this sick behaviour . I think celibacy is just another religion crap that has no meaning at all . It is against nature will . If we all practice celibacy it will be the end of the world .

i just ended 8 years of celibacy this past weekend. i'm not sick...was not. i just felt like, because of my circumstances, it was the right thing to do, and i'm very glad i did. i didn't plan on having sex again but, almost miraculously, my circumstances changed. i'm very happy about that too. beyond happy.
A catholic priest has no relationship at all . Yet he dictates to others how they live their lives....hahahaah...!!!.
That is an ignorant remark. A Catholic priest conveys to his congregation how their lives should be led according to the teachings of the Roman Catholic church. He is an intermediary for conveying these instructions, not an originator of them. Consequently he has no need to have personal knowledge of all topics for which he provides guidance and direction.
i just ended 8 years of celibacy this past weekend. i'm not sick...was not. i just felt like, because of my circumstances, it was the right thing to do, and i'm very glad i did. i didn't plan on having sex again but, almost miraculously, my circumstances changed. i'm very happy about that too. beyond happy.

lori thats great for you, however that was your choice and you could end it any day you wanted. Imagin if your carrer was linked to you never having sex though? you fall in love with someone and are left with the choice of giving up everything you have dedicated your life to or giving up someone you love.

That isnt even to mention the fact that you are stripping away a very BASIC surport stucture in human sociaty. For instance lets say you are a trauma psycologist dealing with people pulled out of war zones, child solders, people blown up in terriost acts, people who have lost whole families in bush fires (like in Black sat) ect ect and you come home at night and there is no one there just to cuddle. No one to surport YOU (wether thats in the form of sex, intimacy or wether it is a chance to sit down with them and discuss your pts which some chose to do and some dont), how do you think your OWN mental health is going to be without that?

I am not being specific here, that can be a close friend, male partner, female, multiple partners sexual or not it doesnt matter, everyone is different. However the fact remaines that sexual relationships DO bind humans together and provide a very strong social surport, especially for men.

Male sexual health has been shown time and again to fall faster and further than women's on the death or loss in whatever fassion (including divorce) of a spouse. This is because in general men dont have the sorts of social structures that women have, for alot of men ALL of their friends are either their partner's friends or the partner's of their partner's friends. Some dont even have those they are basically solitary except for there partner.

I havent seen any resurch specifically done on catholic priests (and priests of other sects which are unable to marry) but if that holds true for them as well you are basically stripping them of potentually their OWNLY confidant
and the secret of communion .....?

this is something i wrote in my blog a while ago. just some personal feelings that i kind of went on about for a minute, and then mid-writing it occurred to me that's what it seemed like i was talking about. but this is a personal interpretation...

sunday thoughts...

i refer to myself as a nun, and i mean it. but what i really mean is, that i'm waiting for someone very special. if i were asked who that is, i could say someone who i trust...who i admire...who is strong...enough to be honest...but that's not true. i am really waiting for, who it is that was meant to be...my fate...my soulmate...my destiny. if i were asked what i would want to do with my life, i would say i want to create, feed, foster, nuture, encourage, protect, and defend...to love, develop, grow, learn, teach, and share everything i am and do, with someone who, would share everything they are and do, with me. and to appreciate each other with an unconditional acceptance that never wanes, because it's what we both desire for ourselves and each other, more than anything. a desire to achieve, complete and unbridled intimacy, through complete and uncompromised honesty, which to me, sounds like communion. it's the perfect balance that sustains and perfects life by giving it purpose and meaning. without it, everything i do, is either too important, or not important at all, like if there's nothing resting on the other side of my scale.


now, i started writing that with a mate in mind, but i realize that you can definitely apply that to relationships with all human beings, and to god. it's what god has shown me through the way he interacts with me, and the way i feel about him.

this is something else i wrote that could be relevant as well...

thinking of you...

you can have the greatest achievements
the most disappointing failures
the most paralyzing fear
the most intense joy
the most profound sorrow
and none of it means anything
without someone to share it with
lori thats great for you, however that was your choice and you could end it any day you wanted. Imagin if your carrer was linked to you never having sex though? you fall in love with someone and are left with the choice of giving up everything you have dedicated your life to or giving up someone you love.

That isnt even to mention the fact that you are stripping away a very BASIC surport stucture in human sociaty. For instance lets say you are a trauma psycologist dealing with people pulled out of war zones, child solders, people blown up in terriost acts, people who have lost whole families in bush fires (like in Black sat) ect ect and you come home at night and there is no one there just to cuddle. No one to surport YOU (wether thats in the form of sex, intimacy or wether it is a chance to sit down with them and discuss your pts which some chose to do and some dont), how do you think your OWN mental health is going to be without that?

I am not being specific here, that can be a close friend, male partner, female, multiple partners sexual or not it doesnt matter, everyone is different. However the fact remaines that sexual relationships DO bind humans together and provide a very strong social surport, especially for men.

Male sexual health has been shown time and again to fall faster and further than women's on the death or loss in whatever fassion (including divorce) of a spouse. This is because in general men dont have the sorts of social structures that women have, for alot of men ALL of their friends are either their partner's friends or the partner's of their partner's friends. Some dont even have those they are basically solitary except for there partner.

I havent seen any resurch specifically done on catholic priests (and priests of other sects which are unable to marry) but if that holds true for them as well you are basically stripping them of potentually their OWNLY confidant

you know, on one hand, i've gone through some intense spiritual stuff, and i have to admit that if i had been in a relationship or married while going through it, i know that those aspects of my life would have clashed so much that they would have destroyed each other. my spiritual experience was all encompassing. it took over my life for a while. someone i would have been involved with would have had to have been profoundly understanding during that time, and even then, i just don't think it would have worked. i don't think i would have been able to accomplish, or rather have god accomplish through me, what he did if i had been married.

on the other hand, religion, and the catholic church especially, is so fucked up. you know, they're such an institution. their own city for god's sake, their own government. they think they own god, own christ, and he's for sale, and unless you pay, and you're a card carrying member, you're not getting into heaven. the pope is fucking royalty, and apparently the bishops and nuns get away with murder. they turn their spirituality into a job, that they do get paid for. they segregate themselves from society and then practice a bunch of stupid and meaningless rituals to escape having to be real spiritual people in the real world. they don't understand that those rituals are meaningful, but only in representation of what they're supposed to be when realized in life. it's like, after i read that book "the davinci code" i was talking to my brother about how the monk beat himself with weapons and i didn't understand what purpose that was supposed to serve. my brother, who is an atheist but very educated about history and religion, said that it was supposed to make them closer to god somehow (i forget what he said exactly). but my thoughts about that were, "well maybe if they didn't hide themselves away from the rest of society in some retreat in the mountains or some compound somewhere, they wouldn't have to beat themselves to feel pain and seek god because they would experience the pain that's associated with living a normal life in society".

religion is bullshit.
That is an ignorant remark. A Catholic priest conveys to his congregation how their lives should be led according to the teachings of the Roman Catholic church. He is an intermediary for conveying these instructions, not an originator of them. Consequently he has no need to have personal knowledge of all topics for which he provides guidance and direction.
Is he another God too...?. Just asking and wondering !.
This from Lightgigantic's post #5;
“ Many innocent children were abused by some priests and some popes apologized for this sick behaviour . ” [Mike47's post #1]
And many, many, many more weren't [Lg's comment]

This from John99's post #11in reply to Mike47 also;
Kids are more likely to get abused in school by teachers, bus drivers etc.
In fact many, many, many more. As a a matter of fact it happens every day. Not just in schools but in their own homes. Of course these kids dont get big lawsuits, they get shit and it doesnt even make it in the last page of the newspaper.
I dont agree with celibacy unless that is your personal decision but celibacy alone has nothing to do with molesting children.
[John99's comment]

Having been engaged on numerous occasions with apologists for church-derived paedophilia in many discussion groups since the inception of the latest scandals several years ago, it has become apparent that one of their more decrepit strategems for diverting attention is to tar other unrelated groups with the same brush. One particularly mealy-mouthed writer in MSN groups consulted his priest and was advised to accuse Islam of paedophilia. He ignored appeals for references and couldn't extract them from his all-knowing advisor either.
Lightgigantic and John, equally, fall into this category of heinous apologetics.
Wherever paedophilia is discovered it is a betrayal of innocence, of the imperative that the young be nurtured and educated for the benefit and advancement of humankind.
Priests in particular are charged with this duty, it is for them A SACRED DUTY and the betrayal of that sacred duty is in the eyes of all society, an abomination, a rejection of priestly raison d'etre.
Rather than expending time and effort in diversion, it would behove both apologists well to proclaim in high dudgeon their contempt for the betrayers and the hierarchy that conspired to protect and encourage them.

OriginalBiggles, Prime