Celibacy .

As a man who really love sex and love ; I just find it so weird and buzzard that a man does not have sex all his life unless he is sick . If people stop having sex it will be the end of the world .
Celibacy for religious purposes is utterly retarded. It doesn't make you a better person, just makes you a very sexually frustrated one. You want to do something good, go do some material good that actually makes life better for someone. Denying yourself sex won't save any children from starving or cure anyone's AIDS.
It wasn't about sex, it was about money. Keeping the priesthood celibate (officially anyway), kept the church's assets with the church.
Celibacy for religious purposes is utterly retarded. It doesn't make you a better person, just makes you a very sexually frustrated one. You want to do something good, go do some material good that actually makes life better for someone. Denying yourself sex won't save any children from starving or cure anyone's AIDS.
M*W: You make a very good comment about lack of sex causing frustration. It can become a lot more perverted than just being frustrated. As Catholic priests have shown us, repressed sexuality rears its ugly head by coming out in a more perverted way, i.e. molesting children. It is psychologically unhealthy to deny one's sexuality.
It wasn't about sex, it was about money. Keeping the priesthood celibate (officially anyway), kept the church's assets with the church.
M*W: Yes, this was how it got started--by greed (isn't that one of the seven deadlies?). However, the psychological implications arose out of sexuality being repressed. Ergo, pedophilia. Why? Because it was easier to victimize small children than adults.
Most pedo's are in heterosexual relationships. Someone will have to check but i believe that statistically this is true, at least according to FBI data. Ergo. Pedo's are born like that.

Edit: At least in the vast majority of cases, as noted by recidivism rates.

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Celibacy for religious purposes is utterly retarded. It doesn't make you a better person, just makes you a very sexually frustrated one.
it would probably make you sexually frustrated

You want to do something good, go do some material good that actually makes life better for someone. Denying yourself sex won't save any children from starving or cure anyone's AIDS.
Try reading up on what newton remarked as his greatest achievement in life or what Gandhi indicated as the most effective means to achieve difficult tasks.
it would probably make you sexually frustrated

Try reading up on what newton remarked as his greatest achievement in life or what Gandhi indicated as the most effective means to achieve difficult tasks.

It would make any normal human frustrated.

If you say it was not having sex, I'll snort at the back of my mouth so hard I'll probably propel myself into the wall.
It wasn't about sex, it was about money. Keeping the priesthood celibate (officially anyway), kept the church's assets with the church.

As people get more educated and more realistic things such as celibacy ought to be something of the past . The whole episode does not make sense at all .
Mike your whole argument cannot be backed up with statistics. People who are celibate do not go on sexual rampages. As a matter of fact the opposite is true.

Now we are left with the question of can people become addicted to sex? If you are getting a lot do you just want more and more? Like a crack head hitting the pipe, if not for that first hit then there would be no binge.

There are people who are celibate by choice, be they male or female does not make any difference. Most are not even religious but do it because they are not with someone they care about enough.

The thing is that this is not your decision to make for people and NO I am not celibate. I think that sex is overrated though, even animals would look at how some of us live and wonder if it is even normal.

Sexuality is a persons own business, i really do not make a big deal about it myself. At one time i did and then i realized that i was being manipulated, conformed to peoples expectations.
IIRC there's a passage in the NT where Judas lays with his head in the lap of Jesus, and also, think of how Judas betrayed Jesus, ... with a kiss.


First of all I see religion as a man made non sense .
There is no proof that Jesus was gay from what you say as in many cultures men kiss men just like a father kisses his son as an example . In many parts of the world men who are not gay kiss men as friends or relatives ( Some parts of Africa , Middle East , Some parts of Asia .....etc ).
Celibacy for religious purposes is utterly retarded. It doesn't make you a better person, just makes you a very sexually frustrated one. You want to do something good, go do some material good that actually makes life better for someone. Denying yourself sex won't save any children from starving or cure anyone's AIDS.

I disagree. At first I thought celibacy was next to impossible for me, but when I actually did it recently and after I went through withdrawal symptoms and stopped thinking about the sex I wasn't having I wasn't frustrated at all and spent more time focusing on other things. If people practicing celibacy for religious purposes were able to move past the temporary frustration it would be quite beneficial if they wanted to spend all of their time focusing on their religion. I mean if that's what you really want to do with all of your spare time.
I disagree. At first I thought celibacy was next to impossible for me, but when I actually did it recently and after I went through withdrawal symptoms and stopped thinking about the sex I wasn't having I wasn't frustrated at all and spent more time focusing on other things. If people practicing celibacy for religious purposes were able to move past the temporary frustration it would be quite beneficial if they wanted to spend all of their time focusing on their religion. I mean if that's what you really want to do with all of your spare time.
And if you can live without food and water of course you will die soon . Sex is necessary and a must for normal people .
You will find that sex is quite prevalent amongst catholic clergy, why do you trhink there are so many scandals involving priests.
But of course. There is no such thing as a pure religion. Lets face it, Catholicism via the Vatican is the biggest lie on the earth.