Catcalling -- creepy or a compliment?

Do you like catcalling?(ladies only)

  • Yes, it is a compliment

    Votes: 11 52.4%
  • No, it is objectification

    Votes: 5 23.8%
  • Other opinion (post it)

    Votes: 5 23.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
LOL it isn't even the same thing. In your scenario Nietz is chasing around another woman. If I walk down the street and a guy whistles at me, I am an innocent bystander.
I did not go out of my way to do anything innapropriate.

I blush because when someone gives me a compliment I usually blush regardless.
Aren't Indians too preoccupied with starving to partake in trivial nonsense like catcalling?

Let's be serious for a moment ...

shorty: You're Canadian, right? Have you ever had the misfortune of flipping accidentally to Vision TV, only to see horny Indian guys hitting on hot Indian girls in music videos? I sure have!
shorty: You're Canadian, right? Have you ever had the misfortune of flipping accidentally to Vision TV, only to see horny Indian guys hitting on hot Indian girls in music videos? I sure have!

geee man...:eek:...isn't there a better topic to talk about?
shorty: You're Canadian, right? Have you ever had the misfortune of flipping accidentally to Vision TV, only to see horny Indian guys hitting on hot Indian girls in music videos? I sure have!

For sure! On saturday mornings I don't know what channel it is but these half naked indian women are dancing and flirting with all the Indian men.
Their music videos look pretty slutty actually.
LOL it isn't even the same thing. In your scenario Nietz is chasing around another woman. If I walk down the street and a guy whistles at me, I am an innocent bystander.
I did not go out of my way to do anything innapropriate.

I blush because when someone gives me a compliment I usually blush regardless.

He's not chasing them. Maybe he's standing around and sees one with great tits and ass and lets her know it. Its life, as you said, its a compliment, women like to know they are attractive to the opposite sex. After all you don't particularly go to places where men are hanging around do you? And you don't know if they are married with three kids or in a live in relationship. But you consider it a compliment anyway. So your presence or absence should not make a difference, if its an innocent compliment.
HAHAH............If you only knew how shy he was you wouldn't even come up with these

You know the 2 scenarios are totally different, and I know better then to try and explain it because you could go on about it for another 5 pages at least.
Yeah I get it that he's shy, its not him I'm concerned about, its your reaction to what you would think of his giving innocent compliments like the ones you receive.
You seem to think that I admire or respect these men that are cat calling. I don't know them from a hole in the wall and could care less. I don't give them much thought. For all I know they are single, married, whatever. It is not my concern because I am not with them.

I do however care what my significant other is out there doing. Do you think he cares if we are out and some guy is checking me out? He sometimes points it out to me. I think he almost takes it as a compliment because I am with him........

We are not going to see eye to eye on this at all.
So you blush at men who "compliment" your tits and ass because it makes you feel attractive, but you don't respect or admire them, even though its an innocent compliment? But its alright for you to receive them but not for nietzsche to give them even though he does not mind strange men checking you out?

You're right we cannot see eye to eye on this. My eyes are already crossed.
What is he going to do if a guy checks me out? Make a big fucking deal about it?
Go over and say something? Start a fight with him?

What is the big deal......

Again, I blush at any kind of compliments from anybody.....It could be a co worker who says " You look extra nice today"

It is not ok for him to go up to a chic and say you have a nice ass and tits..... That is him making a conscious effort to go and do that.

How can I not recieve a compliment if someone yells it out at me??????? What should I do??? Tell them to fuck off? Throw rocks at them??? :bugeye:
Reminds me of the time we were at Casino Niagra and that dirty mexican tried to rub up on your ass(tight pants she deserved it). She was mad as Bells, I was laughing my ass off.
Reminds me of the time we were at Casino Niagra and that dirty mexican tried to rub up on your ass(tight pants she deserved it). She was mad as Bells, I was laughing my ass off.

Ah, now I get you. You let her take care of herself. Thats a good option too. I prefer it myself. I like to fight my own battles. Though it irritates the shit out of me when a friend etc is laughing instead of cheering me on. :p
Everyone's got a limit. I prolly would do something if someone exceeded the universal law of "the right to extend your fist stops at my nose"(or my Girlfriends ass).
Yeah, thats my limit too (my ass)

Used to beat up guys for whistling but that was a long time ago.

Now the don't touch, just look works well.
Orgasms are a right. Having them with or all over someone else is not.

Kadark said:

The point is, the more revealing you dress, the more likely you are to be sexually harassed.

To be more specific: The more revealing a woman dresses, the more likely she is to be sexually harassed by men who have no better respect or use for women.

The problem is that whatever excuses you want to make for the men, all you're doing at this point is reaffirming the feminist suspicion that many men are incapable of seeing women as human beings, but rather view them as sex toys.

Don't blame a woman for a man's lack of self-control.
Reminds me of the time we were at Casino Niagra and that dirty mexican tried to rub up on your ass(tight pants she deserved it). She was mad as Bells, I was laughing my ass off.

I remember it well. That guy was a pig! He did rub up against my butt :eek:
You still get a kick out of it today....You perv :p
To be more specific: The more revealing a woman dresses, the more likely she is to be sexually harassed by men who have no better respect or use for women.

The problem is that whatever excuses you want to make for the men, all you're doing at this point is reaffirming the feminist suspicion that many men are incapable of seeing women as human beings, but rather view them as sex toys.

Don't blame a woman for a man's lack of self-control.

I'm not the one barking at women on sidewalks, nor am I defending the actions of those who do. Maybe if you actually read what other people said, instead of immediately launching a storybook-length diatribe against them, we wouldn't be tangled in this mess! Look, if you want to dress like you've just lost a bet, then by all means, go for it - but don't be surprised when certain men choose to take advantage of your blatant sluttyness (is that even a word?).

Besides, the "men" you're referring to are a minority. They're usually the type who work outdoors and gripe about shitty working conditions and unsatisfactory pay, trying to make light of the melancholic mood around them by making comments to women walking by.
Maybe if you actually read what other people said, instead of immediately launching a storybook-length diatribe against them, we wouldn't be tangled in this mess!

:bravo: This is usually my opinion when I read his posts.

Besides, the "men" you're referring to are a minority. They're usually the type who work outdoors and gripe about shitty working conditions and unsatisfactory pay, trying to make light of the melancholic mood around them by making comments to women walking by.

I agree.... Usually construction workers taking a break on the top of a roof or something.
So its alright for construction workers to "compliment" women. Apparently construction workers do not deserve respect and such like. Not a blue collar thing then?