Catcalling -- creepy or a compliment?

Do you like catcalling?(ladies only)

  • Yes, it is a compliment

    Votes: 11 52.4%
  • No, it is objectification

    Votes: 5 23.8%
  • Other opinion (post it)

    Votes: 5 23.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Oh well, I have NEVER experienced such displays by men.

I have been called out.....Hey Babe...Nice Ass....Whistled at...Beeped at by guys in cars...Had men follow me in stores checking me out.. etc

I can't say I was traumatized by any of it. It even gave me an ego boost sometimes, depending on the man.

I mean really, is it so upsetting that the opposite sex may find you attractive. They might not go about it the right sometimes, but if they don't grab, touch or yell obscenities what is the big deal.

Would you rather go through life, with not one man ever checking you out? I wouldn't.
Oh well........I have NEVER experienced such displays by men.

I have been called out.....Hey Babe...Nice Ass....Whistled at...Beeped at by guys in cars...Had men follow me in stores.....

I can't say I was traumatized by any of it. It even gave me an ego boost sometimes, depending on the man.

I mean really, is it so upsetting that the opposite sex may find you attractive. They might not go about it the right sometimes, but if they don't grab, touch or yell obscenities what is the big deal.

Would you rather go through life, with not one man ever checking you out? I wouldn't.

Well I wasn't brought up to have my self esteem dependent on what someone else thought of me so I do not have the same standards as you do. I could not, for instance, respect a guy who went around doing any of the above, to me that speaks of a lack of civility and self respect to be behaving in such a manner to strange women.
Why do I need to respect a guy who was checking me out?? I don't care about a stranger to think that long about them. It's not like I am going to date them or have a relationship with them so who cares.

You almost sound like you are Gay :eek:
Why do I need to respect a guy who was checking me out?? I don't care about a stranger to think that long about them. It's not like I am going to date them or have a relationship with them so who cares.

You almost sound like you are Gay :eek:

Of course, if I do not get a boost to my self esteem from strange men passing comments on my boobs and ass, I must be gay. :rolleyes:

And not being able to go through life without catcalls and whistles is a sign of heterosexual unambiguity. :p
Whistling is not the only way that cat calls happen. Loud cries are also used as an attention getter, accompanied by grabbing the crotch, making smacking sounds with lips
Smacking sounds with the lips? Are you sure you aren't talking about chimpanzees? I'm %100 with you if you are, they can be very rude and naughty.
I said would you like to go through life with not one man ever checking you out?
(nice twist on my words though)

Both men and women like to know they are desirable to the opposite sex. Women check out men too, they are just more subtle about it.

It's life FFS......
I said would you like to go through life with not one man ever checking you out?
(nice twist on my words though)

Both men and women like to know they are desirable to the opposite sex. Women check out men too, they are just more subtle about it.

It's life FFS......

So is rape but its not on my list either. :rolleyes:

Checking out is not the same as making catcalls. And I have no desire to be attractive to all and sundry.
So is rape but its not on my list either. :rolleyes:

Checking out is not the same as making catcalls. And I have no desire to be attractive to all and sundry.

Of course, bring up rape. Always take it to the extremes in any conversation.

You don't need to worry, not ALL will find you attractive out there. Be brave go out of the house....not every man will be all over you showing you his dick.:rolleyes:
Of course, bring up rape. Always take it to the extremes in any conversation.

You don't need to worry, not ALL will find you attractive out there. Be brave go out of the house....not every man will be all over you showing you his dick.:rolleyes:

Ha! Thanks for your concern. :D
I actually don't understand what's so offensive about a guy showing his dick. I get how guys confronting you and saying aggressively sexual things into your face could be a bit much, but a guy shows you his dick... I would see that as an ultimately submissive manuveur that at worst grades a "zero" on the pleasure meter, not "negative 4000" like women seem to act. No matter how gross a woman's vulva was, just say it's this grotesque meaty abomination with parts confusingly all over the place, if she just showed it to me on the street I think I'd have to be a little appreciative no matter what it looked like. I can't imagine being like "how dare you!", like your genitals aren't worthy of my precious eyes gazing upon them, seems bizarrely arrogant. Even not saying thank you would feel fairly rude.
Like I said, my feelings could only range from absolutely nothing to extremely positive. I don't see how it can go into the negative.
I actually don't understand what's so offensive about a guy showing his dick. I get how guys confronting you and saying aggressively sexual things into your face could be a bit much, but a guy shows you his dick... I would see that as an ultimately submissive manuveur that at worst grades a "zero" on the pleasure meter, not "negative 4000" like women seem to act. No matter how gross a woman's vulva was, just say it's this grotesque meaty abomination with parts confusingly all over the place, if she just showed it to me on the street I think I'd have to be a little appreciative no matter what it looked like. I can't imagine being like "how dare you!", like your genitals aren't worthy of my precious eyes gazing upon them, seems bizarrely arrogant. Even not saying thank you fairly rude.
Like I said, my feelings could only range from absolutely nothing to extremely positive. I don't see how it can go into the negative.

Depends on the timing, I suppose. When you're stumbling back half drunk from a party at 3 am and need urgently to take a pee, the last thing you want is some pathetic wimp flashing you his wiener.
Depends on the timing, I suppose. When you're stumbling back half drunk from a party at 3 am and need urgently to take a pee, the last thing you want is some pathetic wimp flashing you his wiener.

It's not the quantity of dick, it's quality.

The guy was probably drunk too. You can't blame him, at 3am they are desperate and will try and pick up anything.
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Depends on the timing, I suppose. When you're stumbling back half drunk from a party at 3 am and need urgently to take a pee, the last thing you want is some pathetic wimp flashing you his wiener.

I see. You'd rather have sober eyes so you can better appreciate the sight.

I'm talking about normal countries here. Using the most backward, uncivilized nation on Earth as an example of your argument is not a good idea (especially considering the fact that all women are dressed the same there, meaning there is no way we can tell how the men would treat differently dressed women, laws permitting).

Men who think it is okay to target women with their proclivities are just so much dick.

I'm no fan of "cat-calling", and I probably would punch a guy in the face if they did it to my sister, for example. However, if you're going to dress without respect for yourself, then people are under no obligation to treat you with respect, either. Appearance means a lot, whether you like to admit it or not.
Life goes on

Dr. Lou Natic said:

I actually don't understand what's so offensive about a guy showing his dick

And that, in the end, works for you. But the problem with your reasoning is that while you enjoy looking at sexually aggressive men's dicks, not everyone else does.

That you don't see how such things could be negative only reminds us of the limitations of your perspective.

• • •​

Kadark said:

However, if you're going to dress without respect for yourself, then people are under no obligation to treat you with respect, either. Appearance means a lot, whether you like to admit it or not.

I disagree, Kadark. A woman in a burqa is still a human being, and thus deserves a modicum of human respect that includes the right to be free from constant sexual harassment.
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I disagree, Kadark. A woman in a burqa is still a human being, and thus deserves a modicum of human respect that includes the right to be free from constant sexual harassment.


I agree with what you just said. The guys in Sam's video were assholes, especially because they were physically aggressive, unlike regular horny, pussy-deprived pricks who make cheesy comments and laugh maniacally at their own jokes. Clearly, there is a difference between grabbing/humping a woman, and making a chauvinistic comment towards a woman because she was flaunting her ass towards your face, while taking gazelle strides in her low-cut, tantalizing skirt.
I agree there's a difference

Kadark said:

Clearly, there is a difference between grabbing/humping a woman, and making a chauvinistic comment towards a woman because she was flaunting her ass towards your face, while taking gazelle strides in her low-cut, tantalizing skirt.

Indeed, there is a difference. One is against the law. The other is just stupid. And where I'm from, while stupidity is not inherently illegal, neither is it something anyone is or should be obliged to appreciate.

I agree with what you just said. The guys in Sam's video were assholes, especially because they were physically aggressive, unlike regular horny, pussy-deprived pricks who make cheesy comments and laugh maniacally at their own jokes. Clearly, there is a difference between grabbing/humping a woman, and making a chauvinistic comment towards a woman because she was flaunting her ass towards your face, while taking gazelle strides in her low-cut, tantalizing skirt.

Clearly one does not need to take gazelle strides in a low cut tantalising skirt to invite unwanted attention. One can be covered head to toe and some men will still act like turds. Without the unnecessary excuse of being drunk at 3 am to jusify it. Perhaps someone like shorty is more equipped to appreciate the quality of dick, whatever that is.
Clearly one does not need to take gazelle strides in a low cut tantalising skirt to invite unwanted attention. One can be covered head to toe and some men will still act like turds. Without the unnecessary excuse of being drunk at 3 am to jusify it.

The point is, the more revealing you dress, the more likely you are to be sexually harassed.