Case: c20 vs Atheists

Excellent Lori, I'm sure your loving god moves you towards such good christian, non-judgemental humor. Praise Joe!

Gravity said:
Excellent Lori, I'm sure your loving god moves you towards such good christian, non-judgemental humor. Praise Joe!


I wasn't trying to be funny...I was serious. Cutting logic? Thought you were kidding cause that's funny. My bad.

And by the way, did you realize that practically all you do is point your finger in judgement and hate? Just wondering if you realized that you were perpetually bitter and sarcastic and judgemental and hateful towards me. Do you ever have anything nice to say? How about respectful? All I ever hear out of you is Christian bashing rhetoric and propaganda. And I find it rather ironic that you would be the one pointing fingers at me.

Fact is that the "logic" that you cite is flawed and full of holes...which makes for a funny comedy routine, but not to be taken as the truth. Which is fine for you, since you're not really interested in the truth, just propaganda. But to me, and to others who actually seek the truth, I was pointing out that it was "funny" that you would take a "comedian" so seriously. And that a comedy routine would be cited as a reference of what you believe about God. So ok Gravity, maybe I was wrong and it's not "funny", but "sad". Is that better? *smooch*


Practice what you preach babe, you constantly preach that anybody who doesn't believe what you believe -- is wrong. YOUR type, conservative xtians, are the ones wanting to take AWAY the rights of others in American. Not me.

Things haven't even gotten really ''sad'' in America yet. I think this place is headed towards outright corporate fuedalistic theocracy -- and that it will be a war of Christians against everybody else. And our children will be bleeding in the streets.

But hey, I guess it fits the myth . . . that OT certainly depicts a loving god . . . .
Gravity said:
Practice what you preach babe, you constantly preach that anybody who doesn't believe what you believe -- is wrong. YOUR type, conservative xtians, are the ones wanting to take AWAY the rights of others in American. Not me.

That's not true. I say that I know God personally, and that He has taught me many things...things which are personal to me, but also allow me to understand other things...including His nature and some of His law. And I say that if you don't know God personally, then it certainly stands to reason that you don't know what I know...period. I don't have a "type"...I blow stereotypes out of the water...I don't fit into to organized religion nor do I seek to....I would never want to take away anyone's rights...I'm practically an anarchist, for I believe in one King, and I'm certainly not political. You know, no matter what I say or attest to, you don't don't want me to fit into your preconceived mold, and so you pretend that I do because it serves your purpose and for no other reason, no matter what I say or do. Take away rights...lmao. I would rather do away with the so called justice system altogether, and rely soley upon my 38 special for my personal protection, but I can't, cause I'm a convicted felon, and I'm not allowed to have a gun.

Things haven't even gotten really ''sad'' in America yet. I think this place is headed towards outright corporate fuedalistic theocracy -- and that it will be a war of Christians against everybody else. And our children will be bleeding in the streets.

Gravity where in the hell are you getting this????? You sound insane, and incredibly paranoid. Christians are a joke to this society...isn't that the whole point of your last post? You only need to look in the mirror and at your own sentiment to see where the animosity lies. It says right in the Bible that it will be the Christians who will be bleeding in the streets in the end times. Don't worry and others who worship this world and this flesh will have it all to yourselves. Christians don't want it...we want something a hell of a lot better.

But hey, I guess it fits the myth . . . that OT certainly depicts a loving god . . . .

The wages of sin is death...take a look doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize that it's true...get over it and move on to something better.

You've got such a hard heart're so bitter. I'm sorry that the sin that has been carried out in His name has hurt you so deeply and jaded you to the truth. People take His name in vain, and witness falsely of Him...many do. You need only to look at what it's done to you to see why God said "Thou shalt not" in those two commandments. It's a lie Gravity, and you're believing it...and it's devastating. You may not want to believe it, but I truly wish for something better for you...I really do. I wish that you knew what I knew. It would melt that hard heart of yours, and you wouldn't be afraid anymore.


Lori_7 said:
I would rather do away with the so called justice system altogether, and rely soley upon my 38 special for my personal protection, but I can't, cause I'm a convicted felon, and I'm not allowed to have a gun.

Hmmmm. What for? And, just out of curiosity - did you find Gawwd (or him you or whatever) in Prison? In an AA/NA type of program?

Christians are a joke to this society

Oh please! Will you quit it with the absolutely idiotic and WRONG Christian=Martyr BS? Christians DOMINATE the USA. Every fucking dollar I spend has a Christian slogan on it, every street I drive down has Christian churches on it . . . and etc. You don't really think that Christians are the abused minority in America do you? 70-80% of this country is Xtian!

And for the rest of your typical blather -- again, I've *been* a reborn . . . but was reborn from that. And not, as you want to belive, from some wound - or even anger. But from reading and thinking. And if I'm anger or ''hard'' here -- its because of fear. Disagree with and discount me all you want, see it as paranoia. But study history, and see how mixing of church and state *always* ends in blood and tears.
This is what I wrote not too long ago in the "seemingly anti-gay" thread about how I feel regarding politics....just so ya know...

I'm so stymied on politics. I don't want what the majority wants. I don't want what the minority wants either. I don't even want this world for crying out loud so what does it matter? I long for the day when it all goes up in flames and we can all start over. This world doesn't make me doesn't satisfy or fulfill me. God does. Only through Him do I find any comfort, love, peace, or joy, and I find so much with's so abundant with Him, while it is so scarce in this world. I find from personal experience that it just doesn't matter what the laws of this land are. The things of this world just don't matter...God will make a way for those who seek Him and love Him regardless of what is happening in this world.

Isn't being a liar and a crook prerequisit to becoming a politician in the first place? Anyone who would hope to enter the race with any good intentions wouldn't make it past go. There is only one King, and there is only one Law...everything else is an illusion created to distract from the take it's place and make you forget about it. So busy, busy, busy creating it, defining it, enforcing it, arguing it...IT'S IRRELEVANT!!!!! The only reason that I obey the laws of this land is because God's Law says to...period. Cause I know that they are at best arbitrary, and at worst soaked in sin. It's all about greed, it's all about power and control. You wanna see sloth? Take a visit to any goverment office in your area...any one, it doesn't matter...and watch the employees for a while. It'll blow your would swear that they were all on acid. Our government operations are ass-backwards and archaic...nothing but a bunch of mindless paper-pushing to produce nice fat paychecks for fat, lazy, stupid, self-serving people. Our government isn't for the's only for the people who are on it's payroll...and I'm not and could never be...cause I'm way too who the fuck cares? The policticians are corrupt, the judges are corrupt, the prosecutors are corrupt, the police are corrupt, and everyone else involved is apathetic and lazy cause the only energy they expend is put towards getting fat off of the system, and it certainly doesn't take much to do that.

Anyway, when it comes to God's Law vs man's law...

There would have to be inherent benefits if man's law were to be based upon God's law or seek to enforce it somehow...just because God's law is perfect. Given, we're gonna screw it up, but at least it's a start in the right direction. My point would be though that if the only reason someone adhere's to or follows God's law is because they are forced to by the law of the land, doesn't that defeat the whole purpose? Doesn't the fact that they are only doing it because they are "forced to" or told to by a man make it worthless? Yes, in fact it does make it worthless. So what is the point? Is it to force your self-righteousness on someone else? Is it to make YOU feel more comfortable? Is it to protect you? I seriously doubt it. Not when it comes to a law like gay marriage for God's sake. No one is forcing YOU to have sexual relations with anyone you don't want to or marry someone of the same sex, so WHAT DO YOU CARE???? Is it to protect your children pehaps? Well, then you should just put them in a big bubble...or maybe home school them and never let them out of the house, or play with the other children because, oh my, the other childrens parents might be sinners, and you're not right? Right. Or better yet, why don't you just move your family and your self-righteous ass off to some remote deserted island and leave the rest of us evil sinners to ourselves to go to hell? Now there's an idea (not from the scripture mind you, and the exact opposite of how Jesus lived His life, but a seemingly popular one among religious folk none the less). The fact is that no one is going to force you to go against the law of God. No one is going to force you to sin. And how hilarious it would be for someone to be concerned about such a thing happening in the first place, as if they don't have enough to concern themselves with considering their own flesh and it's inherent sinful intentions...that's right, point the finger at someone else...yea, the's their fault...yea the's their fault. And to shelter your children and isolate them is not to protect them, but to retard them. Taking the easy way out is sloth you know? Too lazy to teach your children right from wrong? Look at all of the great examples that you could use to show them the difference in the world around you. Keeping a child ignorant of sin and the effects of it is not doing a child any favors. Let the child live...let the child see the difference...experience it if they's how we learn. IT'S WHAT GOD HAS DONE FOR ALL OF US...IT IS HIS WAY...OTHERWISE THERE WOULD BE NO SIN IN THE WORLD TODAY.
And to shelter your children and isolate them is not to protect them, but to retard them. Taking the easy way out is sloth you know? Too lazy to teach your children right from wrong? Look at all of the great examples that you could use to show them the difference in the world around you. Keeping a child ignorant of sin and the effects of it is not doing a child any favors. Let the child live...let the child see the difference...experience it if they's how we learn.

I sure as hell don't ''isolate'' my children, I shelter them from harm - not knowledge. I have everything from MANY different bibles to thousands of other books on the shelves (yes *thousands*, what do you have . . . a Bible and a TV?) They are welcome to read anything they want. I won't force them to read a book, or not read a book. I suspect my children are far less sheltered/isolated than yours are or would/will be.

You make a typically amazingly arrogant assumption that somehow letting a child free will steer them towards Christianity. Then . . . again *2/3rds of humanity are NOT FUCKING CHRISTIANS* When will you get that?!
Gravity said:
Hmmmm. What for? And, just out of curiosity - did you find Gawwd (or him you or whatever) in Prison? In an AA/NA type of program?

Felony drug trafficking. I used to be a big time pot head and I got set up by a nark for the dea. It's spelled God...and no I didn't "find" Him in prison in some kind of program. But I do know that it was His will that I was in there, and He was there with me that night, and comforted me. I needed Him cause I was really scared, and He was there for me alright.

Oh please! Will you quit it with the absolutely idiotic and WRONG Christian=Martyr BS? Christians DOMINATE the USA. Every fucking dollar I spend has a Christian slogan on it, every street I drive down has Christian churches on it . . . and etc. You don't really think that Christians are the abused minority in America do you? 70-80% of this country is Xtian!

Well sweetheart, this country was founded by Christians!?!?!?! Shit, our founding fathers used to have prayer meetings on the Senate floor back in day. And they came here looking for freedom...freedom to live as you wish and worship as you wish. What you are proposing directly opposes the ideals that this country was founded upon, and is in direct contradiction to the Constitution! The ideals that were born of a Christian faith, and the Constitution that was written and enacted by Christians! Nobody's gonna force you to pray to one's gonna force you to go to one can force you to believe something you don't want to. And those who are born again in Christ are the minority everywhere...which I'm sure contributes to your skewed perception of Him. Organized religion doesn't mean jack...people attest to all kinds of things for all kinds of reasons, but their behaviour sure doesn't back up what they attest to, now does it?? No, it doesn't. Give to Caesar what is Caesar's and to the Lord what is the Lord's. That doesn't exactly promote much of a political campaign now does it? Yea, people slap Jesus' name on all kinds of selfish and malicious intentions, and it's a damn shame. But those people wouldn't know Him if He slapped them upside the head. Which indeed He will. It says in the Book of Revelation that God's wrath will blow organized religion to bits...that is after the antichrist uses it for his own purpose like the cheap whore that it is. Trust me, you have nothing to worry about.

Plus, for crying out loud, with the ACLU at the helm, you can't even mention the name Jesus in public without causing a law suit. I honestly don't see your point at all.

And for the rest of your typical blather -- again, I've *been* a reborn . . . but was reborn from that. And not, as you want to belive, from some wound - or even anger. But from reading and thinking. And if I'm anger or ''hard'' here -- its because of fear. Disagree with and discount me all you want, see it as paranoia. But study history, and see how mixing of church and state *always* ends in blood and tears.

Reborn my ass...just because you were involved in organized religion does not mean that you were born again. You yourself attest to the fact that the only reason you "believed" was because you hadn't read or thought it through enough. Being born again isn't about reading or thinking or buying into some dogma. When you hear God's voice speak to you and see Him move in your life and feel His presence and His love changes you at your very core and melts your heart and changes your perception of everything, YOU KNOW IT...there IS NO changing your mind. You're not getting it Gravity...this isn't a hobby, it's not some membership to a club, it's not politics, and it's not a doctrine. This is real...real life in your face God that you can not deny.

I've studied history, and I know what you're talking about, and I'm telling you, it's never gonna happen. There's never gonna be another Inquisition Gravity. We are so far from that it makes me wonder what you're trippin' on. The truth is the exact opposite...and that is God's watch it happen if you don't believe me...the demise of organized religion is well on it's way. That whore, drunk on the blood of the Saints and covered in jewels from the wealth of her trade, while riding on the back of the dragon...she'll get what's coming to just watch. As a matter of fact, it will be those with sentiment and beliefs just like you that God will most likely use to destroy her. As it is you who seems to be on some campaign...otherwise, what's all of the propaganda for?

If you knew God, you would not be afraid of anything.

Love ya.
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Gravity said:
I sure as hell don't ''isolate'' my children, I shelter them from harm - not knowledge. I have everything from MANY different bibles to thousands of other books on the shelves (yes *thousands*, what do you have . . . a Bible and a TV?) They are welcome to read anything they want. I won't force them to read a book, or not read a book. I suspect my children are far less sheltered/isolated than yours are or would/will be.

You make a typically amazingly arrogant assumption that somehow letting a child free will steer them towards Christianity. Then . . . again *2/3rds of humanity are NOT FUCKING CHRISTIANS* When will you get that?!

Man, you're so filled with hate and anger. What is up with you? You disturb me. Um...calm down dear, and replace the word "you" with the word "one". I was actually referring to "church people" when I wrote that, not you.

"A Bible and a TV"? Are you serious??? Do you even hear yourself????

Your children may end up being as hateful, afraid, and jaded as you are. I would certainly hope not, but the sin of the father is bestowed upon the are their biggest influence. Then again, maybe your fear and bitterness will turn them off, and they will openly seek the truth for themselves. Because letting a child free will lead them to the TRUTH.

I get that 2/3 of humanity aren't what? What is your point? That maybe in fear, you should relocate? lol. That was a joke btw. The path is narrow...yea, and? I also know that at least 2/3 of those in this country who, because they're involved in organized religion, claim to be Christians, are I said, they wouldn't know Jesus if He slapped them across the face. And when they plead and petition to Him claiming all of the works that they've done in His name, He will say to them, "I never knew you."

And, will you chill out a bit?


FEAR breeds HATE breeds VIOLENCE

Because of Jesus, I'm not afraid of anything. If I feel fear in my flesh, He is there to assure me that what I fear is a lie. And so I come to realize that the only thing to fear is fear itself.
When you hear God's voice speak to you and see Him move in your life and feel His presence and His love changes you at your very core and melts your heart and changes your perception of everything, YOU KNOW IT...there IS NO changing your mind.

I am evidence that that is horrendously false.
Lori: Please limit yourself to one post at a time. If you want to say something else but you have already posted, please use the edit function.
§outh§tar said:
I am evidence that that is horrendously false.

Well then I'm wrong. It's just that I can not imagine it myself in my wildest dreams...knowing His love and power and feeling it and having it change your life and learning so many things that help you in so many ways. His forgiveness, His grace, His unconditional love...His blessing in your life...seeing the fruit of His Spirit...tasting in it. What He has done for me is just so over the top amazingly wonderful. I can not in my wildest dreams imagine ever turning my back on Him. Because of something I read!?!?!?!? Something someone said!?!?!?!?! No way. I have seen things and experienced things in my life from Him that there is just no turning away from...

You know, I don't understand all there is to know...not a drop in the bucket...but I know what God's love feels like...I've had a glimpse of my restoration...and I am so blown away...and so grateful...grateful doesn't even explain it. I am changed forever. How can you turn from that? How? Why would you turn from that? Why? I just do not get it... :confused:



PS...sorry about the multiple posts...word to my mommy.
SouthStar, you grew up in fundamentalist religion in which you were told what to believe, based on selective reading of the Bible. Your intellectual integrity caused you to reject all that. Lori has a personal relationship with Jesus, which is not based on the Bible or on any organised religion, dogma or system of rites. This personal revelation has changed her from being a deeply unhappy person into a profoundly happy person.

My intellectual integrity as an atheist and rationalist does not allow me to follow Lori's path; but by God I envy her happiness! I really don't quite understand why everybody's arguing with Lori about her faith. Her discovery has led her out of a despair which I would not wish on my worst enemy. There is a rational basis for claiming that Lori's feelings have nothing to do with a real Supernatural being called Jesus or God. There is no rational basis for claiming that what she experiences is a bad thing in and of itself. Precisely the opposite, in fact, since it is we skeptics who are undoubtedly suffering poorer health and mental well-being than people of faith(scientific fact!).

Clockwood, are you actually a moderator here? Posts on this forum are generally longer than on other forums I've been a member of, and if posters have long answers for each poster who has commented on something, I personally find it more convenient if the responses are broken up into separate posts. Of course, if there has been a rule violation, I accept that. But I'd rather the admonition came from an official moderator, which you do not appear to be (of course I may be wrong).
Lori, what you still don't get - though I've said it before. Is that I'm actually a very warm and loving husband and parent. I'm an honest and passionate person, whom in business people constantly compliment on how honest and human I am in dealing with them.

I spend far for time playing with and hugging my kids than any other dad I know, since I work out of my home.

I am happy, I have a wonderful life! Yes, I am worried about what I see happening to the America I love . . . and unfortunately though it used to be possible to seperate politics and religion, they are becoming intimately intertwined in this country. So, I often vent here. I may type harshly - but I live lovingly. You also have a habit of assuming that in general anybody who doesn't buy into your specific belief system must because of that somehow be twisted, wounded or unhappy in some way. That is simply not true.

Are you projecting?
Silas: Lori has a personal relationship with Jesus, which is not based on the Bible or on any organised religion, dogma or system of rites. This personal revelation has changed her from being a deeply unhappy person into a profoundly happy person.
M*W: Lori's words say she's found happiness in Jesus, but reading between the lines of her posts, she has simply traded one addiction for another. The side of Lori who she presents to the world -- her superficial side -- claims much happiness, but the hidden side of Lori -- the Lori hiding inside that no one ever sees -- is crying out for love.
Silas: My intellectual integrity as an atheist and rationalist does not allow me to follow Lori's path; but by God I envy her happiness!
M*W: Happiness can only come from within. The happiness you envy in Lori is a facade, so don't be fooled by the bright, cheery designs she has painted on herself. Lori pretends the darkness inside does not exist, but it's screaming to come out!
Silas: I really don't quite understand why everybody's arguing with Lori about her faith. Her discovery has led her out of a despair which I would not wish on my worst enemy.
M*W: I don't believe anyone on this forum has 'argued' with Lori's faith. That's personal. The argument comes from the confusion between Lori's inner and outer self, and she sets herself up for the argument each time, because she is dying from the emptiness inside.
Silas: There is a rational basis for claiming that Lori's feelings have nothing to do with a real Supernatural being called Jesus or God. There is no rational basis for claiming that what she experiences is a bad thing in and of itself. Precisely the opposite, in fact, since it is we skeptics who are undoubtedly suffering poorer health and mental well-being than people of faith(scientific fact!).
M*W: I agree with your first statement. Whatever Lori believes is certainly of her own doing. She cries out for Jesus, yet she's desperately hoping to be fulfilled by yet another one of her visions -- the love of a rock star! Unfortunately, her vision of the rock star is what she paints on her facade. My point is don't look for happiness on the outside when it can only be found on the inside.
Silas said:
SouthStar, you grew up in fundamentalist religion in which you were told what to believe, based on selective reading of the Bible. Your intellectual integrity caused you to reject all that. Lori has a personal relationship with Jesus, which is not based on the Bible or on any organised religion, dogma or system of rites. This personal revelation has changed her from being a deeply unhappy person into a profoundly happy person.

My intellectual integrity as an atheist and rationalist does not allow me to follow Lori's path; but by God I envy her happiness! I really don't quite understand why everybody's arguing with Lori about her faith. Her discovery has led her out of a despair which I would not wish on my worst enemy. There is a rational basis for claiming that Lori's feelings have nothing to do with a real Supernatural being called Jesus or God. There is no rational basis for claiming that what she experiences is a bad thing in and of itself. Precisely the opposite, in fact, since it is we skeptics who are undoubtedly suffering poorer health and mental well-being than people of faith(scientific fact!).

Clockwood, are you actually a moderator here? Posts on this forum are generally longer than on other forums I've been a member of, and if posters have long answers for each poster who has commented on something, I personally find it more convenient if the responses are broken up into separate posts. Of course, if there has been a rule violation, I accept that. But I'd rather the admonition came from an official moderator, which you do not appear to be (of course I may be wrong).

Wow...I really appreciate what you've said here. You know, I've been shocked since coming out here and posting in this forum. All this time I thought that it was "church people" who were so close-minded, hypocritical, and judgemental. But unfortunately I've learned through my experience here, that some atheists have them beat by a long shot regarding these traits...and that's saying a lot. It's disappointing...and disturbing. You know, I'm not trying to shove anything down anyone's throat...I have no agenda. I'm not so proud as to think that I have any power to make or even encourage someone to seek the truth about Christ. All I wish to do is to honestly share my experience with others. If someone disagrees with me or has a different belief than I do I don't attack them and get all paranoid about them having some evil plan to try to convert me. After all, I haven't always known what I know now. And I don't expect everyone to believe me, or to understand me. I still should be able to express myself without being attacked...called names, implied agendas, judgemental's so lame. :(

Love you bunches...thanks for being nice to me.
Medicine Woman said:
Silas: Lori has a personal relationship with Jesus, which is not based on the Bible or on any organised religion, dogma or system of rites. This personal revelation has changed her from being a deeply unhappy person into a profoundly happy person.
M*W: Lori's words say she's found happiness in Jesus, but reading between the lines of her posts, she has simply traded one addiction for another. The side of Lori who she presents to the world -- her superficial side -- claims much happiness, but the hidden side of Lori -- the Lori hiding inside that no one ever sees -- is crying out for love.

Oh the magical mystical medicine woman who knows all and sees all. You know what? I've had about enough of your egotistical self-righteous bs. Your "reading between the lines" is another way of saying "making shit up". "The hidden side of Lori" you hear yourself?????? Do you honestly expect people to take you seriously with crap like that??? I'm as honest as it gets babe...brutally honest. I am the real deal. And anyone who actually knows me will attest to that. Just because you don't agree with or happen to like what I say in no way makes it ok for you to say I'm a liar. I am not a liar. You take that back.

Silas: My intellectual integrity as an atheist and rationalist does not allow me to follow Lori's path; but by God I envy her happiness!
M*W: Happiness can only come from within. The happiness you envy in Lori is a facade, so don't be fooled by the bright, cheery designs she has painted on herself. Lori pretends the darkness inside does not exist, but it's screaming to come out!

You wish it was screaming to come out don't you? Wouldn't you just love that? Well hon, you sure are pushing my buttons right now. :bugeye: The fact is that given the way you guys go after me sometimes out here, you all probably see some of the worst of me. I've told you before that I horrify myself all the time with my own behaviour and sentiments. I truly wish that I could be in a way, the fact that you see some bright and cheery "design" makes me happy...kind of surprised in a good way, cause I think that sometimes I can come across as being a bitch...I lack tact...not a diplomat at's that brutal honesty. I desire to be honest without being brutal. You may wish that this was a facade...that I was a liar...and that Christ really hasn't healed my broken heart, and restored my life, and blessed me so abundantly...given me peace and love and joy. That way you can continue to deny Him. But the fact is that I'm telling the truth. Why would I lie? To support my ministry? Oh yea, I don't have one. To support my campaign? Oh yea, I don't have one. To solicit members for my cult? What???? lol...How about because I'm evil and I wish to deceive people for the sheer joy of causing deception and ensuing disappointment? Maybe *shrug*. Or I could be a compulsive liar...some weird personality trait stemming from a desire for attention? Mmmmm...what kind of attention would that be exactly? lol. MW, face it babe, you don't have a don't even have any evidence. And I don't exactly think it's ok for you to just make shit up about me out of the clear blue sky and post it out here as you? I don't make up crap about you just because I wish it to be true and come out here and tell people about it as if it's something I've seen in a crystal ball. You're really discrediting yourself quite a bit.

Silas: I really don't quite understand why everybody's arguing with Lori about her faith. Her discovery has led her out of a despair which I would not wish on my worst enemy.
M*W: I don't believe anyone on this forum has 'argued' with Lori's faith. That's personal. The argument comes from the confusion between Lori's inner and outer self, and she sets herself up for the argument each time, because she is dying from the emptiness inside.

That is an outright lie...completely contrary to what I have attested to. I have attested to finding fulfillment only in Jesus my relationship with God through rebirth via the Holy Spirit. I have attested to now being happier and healthier and more fulfilled than I have ever been in my life. Just because you don't believe me, does not mean that I am self-righteous, holier than thou, blankity blank blank...

Silas: There is a rational basis for claiming that Lori's feelings have nothing to do with a real Supernatural being called Jesus or God. There is no rational basis for claiming that what she experiences is a bad thing in and of itself. Precisely the opposite, in fact, since it is we skeptics who are undoubtedly suffering poorer health and mental well-being than people of faith(scientific fact!).
M*W: I agree with your first statement. Whatever Lori believes is certainly of her own doing. She cries out for Jesus, yet she's desperately hoping to be fulfilled by yet another one of her visions -- the love of a rock star! Unfortunately, her vision of the rock star is what she paints on her facade. My point is don't look for happiness on the outside when it can only be found on the inside.

The Holy Spirit is on the inside, and has given me peace, and love, and joy, and understanding. Through Him, I have seen a glimpse of my redemption and my restoration, and yes, I am happy about it. His grace and forgiveness and love is absolutely amazing to me. He has blessed me beyond my wildest dreams...and rock star's not even here yet. And do you know what? Even if he were to never come my way...even if he were not shown to be my husband in Christ...I would still be so grateful and so happy. That God found a way to use use my life to accomplish His help someone. That would have made it all worth while to me, and I could die one happy and grateful lady...knowing that my life meant something...and only because of Him and His love.

And here's some more of my lovely and cheery "facade"...I can not wait until my rock star gets here and I can shove a big ol' slice of humble pie down your big ol' pie hole. Maybe that'll shut you up for a minute while you chew on it.

Love you Medicine Woman!!!!!
If the God that everyone is talking about is the god of the old testament, where in Deuteronomy, for just one instance, giod told Moses to enter into the land of Si'hon and take it for themselves, and ", , ,kill every man woman and littel child", which Moses and his multitude did.

I say, if that OT god ever comes back to this planet, or if he is still here, that we hunt the bastard down and process him through a wood chipper.

geistkiesel said:
If the God that everyone is talking about is the god of the old testament, where in Deuteronomy, for just one instance, giod told Moses to enter into the land of Si'hon and take it for themselves, and ", , ,kill every man woman and littel child", which Moses and his multitude did.

I say, if that OT god ever comes back to this planet, or if he is still here, that we hunt the bastard down and process him through a wood chipper.


Ah, but they chose to ignore or try to reinterpret passages like that - the ones they disagree with. Did you know the Catholic Church, a few hundred years ago, forbid people to just be able to read the Bible on their own. They didn't want people to see those passages without a priest there to spin-doctor the words for them. Then the advent of cheap mass printing tecniques made that kind of control impossible, but fortunately - human nature being was it is - most Christians don't actually READ the entire Bible anyways, just listen to quotes or read the passages they are told to. And those that do read it, willingly just accept whatever spin is put on it for them.

The nice passages, well you can accept THOSE literally - the passages that depict a dark, bloodthirsty, vain and vengeful god? Those you are supposed to *interpret*. Convienient isn't it?!

And some try to just get out from under the entire Old Testament, saying the NT takes priority (though, you know, they still quote from parts of the OT they LIKE). But that doesn't work either - since in Matt 5:17-19 it says that all the OT laws still apply in the NT.

Fortunately for all of us, the existance of an all-powerful being who is still so insecure, vain and angry - is pretty unlikely. But if it WAS true, then *everybody* Christians & Non-Christians alike are pretty screwed!