Case: c20 vs Atheists

Gravity said:
So, where does this leave the billions of people who ''know'' and seek to have a relationship with a DIFFERENT God(s)/Goddess(s), and the many whom have never even had any exposure to Judeo-Christian beLIEfs? I'm talking once again about the **--2/3rds--** of humanity who are not Christians.

There's only one truth. Only one universe, one set of universal laws, and one truth about it to God, the Creator, and what it's all for. If you want to know the truth, then you will not place conditions on that will seek it openly and honestly without any preconceived notions of what you want it to be. It seems that many say they seek the truth, but only if it's what they want it to be, you know? I'm talking about seeking the truth, whatever it is, barring all conditions and consequences. Logically for example, if you seek the truth, as long as it's not that Jesus was God in the flesh, and the truth actually is that Jesus is God in the flesh, then you're going to miss out on the truth. Do you see what I mean?
Lori_7 said:
There's only one truth. Only one universe, one set of universal laws, and one truth about it to God, the Creator, and what it's all for. If you want to know the truth, then you will not place conditions on that will seek it openly and honestly without any preconceived notions of what you want it to be. It seems that many say they seek the truth, but only if it's what they want it to be, you know? I'm talking about seeking the truth, whatever it is, barring all conditions and consequences. Logically for example, if you seek the truth, as long as it's not that Jesus was God in the flesh, and the truth actually is that Jesus is God in the flesh, then you're going to miss out on the truth. Do you see what I mean?

I'd say my main problem is not saying that Jesus was God in the flesh. It's saying that God created some eternal hell and puts people in it. Or if some try to say "They walk in willingly". Sure. ;) Even IF they were "evil". Eternity. Think about it. I can't accept that. I don't especially have a problem with a God who punishes. But I have a huge problem with a God who punishes for eternity, or millions of years or whatever which other religions speak about concerning their hells.
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anonymous2 said:
I'd say my main problem is not saying that Jesus was God in the flesh. It's saying that God created some eternal hell and puts people in it. Or if some try to say "They walk in willingly". Sure. ;) Even IF they were "evil". Eternity. Think about it. I can't accept that. I don't especially have a problem with a God who punishes. But I have a huge problem with a God who punishes for eternity, or millions of years or whatever which other religions speak about concerning their hells.

Do you see that there is "hell" on earth? And that people will choose this "hell" and not turn to Him for help? Do you get the Jerry Springer show where you live? Here, read this...


To Hell And Back

[long cut and paste removed]

After I watched this show, I didn't understand something...and that was why the other beings that were there in hell ran and hid from the light...the light of Christ as He was approaching. Why did they run away from Him? They ran and hid their eyes and so did not get to see what Jesus did for this man! So I asked God why...and He told me because they were afraid of the light...afraid of the truth that it shows...about themselves and their condition. They lived there in lies and in fear and in hatred of themselves and each other and of God. They believed that the light would hurt them, maybe blind them, burn them. When in reality it is the darkness that blinds you, and in the light you can see the truth...and it is the warmth of the light that comforts and heals is the love of Christ that would melt their hardened hearts, as He mended the pieces of their broken souls. But as tortured and miserable as they were, they chose to remain in there in the dark, believing the lies, and living in torment.

You know, I'm no Bible thumper, but I don't think that the Bible says that hell is eternal. If Jesus went there to fetch one poor man who called upon Him to do so, then He would do it for you or anyone else. The only stipulation I can see is that He has to be called upon. I know from knowing Him that is how He is. He never intrudes...he never comes uninvited. With Him, you get what you ask get what you want. Well, actually, He gives you so much more than you could ever expect in your wildest dreams...but you must invite must want Him to.

And hell is not a place of's not about punishment. It's about cause and effect. It's science. It's law. The wages of sin is death, and all of the nasty shit that goes along with death....pain, sickness, loneliness, hate, fear, and on and on. Jesus didn't come to punish us, He came to save us. He didn't come into my life and condemn me, He redeemed me...restored my life...the mess I had made. He didn't chastize me, He loved me and comforted me and taught me so that I didn't have to live in pain anymore and suffer forever doing the same stupid shit over and over It's unconditional a perfect parent...perfect, and one that is invited into your life, not one that butts in intrusively. The only reason that He lets me know when I'm doing something wrong is because I want Him to. This is "conviction"...convicting me of sin...which sounds like it would be awful, but He loves you and you feel His love always and through doesn't's not conditional, no matter what you do. Conviction is not condemnation, and He never turns away from you...ever, no matter what. You have to turn away from Him. With Him, it's always all up to you...if you want what often...when, where, decide. He's not going to become something He's not, and He's not going to lie to you...He's as real as it gets. But it's you who determines just how much reality you want.

Love ya,

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Interesting cut n paste Lori
This all from Jerry Springer or have you got a reputable source for it?

If you really have an interest in near death experience you can find the definitive Dutch study (in pdf format) over here
No mention of god I'm afraid (well it is science) but no clear explanation either.
Guess I'll stick with Cerebral Anoxia for now.

And hell is not a place of's not about punishment. It's about cause and effect. It's science.

Err not science, make believe.
You really must learn to tell the difference.
Do you believe in Santa BTW? If not why not?
Dee Cee
Lori_7 said:
I want to let you know when my rock star comes to get me.
Eh? :confused:

Rock star? Who? Jesus Christ Superstar?

You reject God, it's not the other way around...
Ermm this is the same God that kills people for not repenting? Or is that just c20's greatest wish? Hmmm... One would think that if someone strikes you down, then that would constitute a form of rejection. No?

See what I I suppose that you'll blame Him and say He's a big meanie cause He doesn't love you. Oh too bad you can't, cause He does, no matter how much you doth protest, and even if from the distance you put between yourself and Him, and while staring at the back of your head, as you constantly turn away from
How do you know he loves you? Did he ring you up and say 'Lori, I wuv you'?

You're missing a lot. And my rock star is straight edge.

No, just not humble enough...but you make a real good smart ass.
Yes he does doesn't he! Pats Dee Cee on the head... Good boy..

Amazingly judgemental and arrogant? Are you sure you're not exagerating?
No, I don't think he is. You're very arrogant and judgemental. But so is everyone else, so it's kind of a moot point I guess.

The fact that I was pointing out was that you indeed have to be humble to seek God. Not necessarily towards another person, but in your heart, and towards God. It seems that you have to admit to yourself to needing Him in order to want Him...I suppose that it has to do with pride. Just making an honest observation of those who come out here screaming "I DON'T NEED NO STINKING GOD!"
So what you say and what you do are two completely different things? Hmm interesting.

You know Gravity, I'm not trying to be amazingly judgemental or arrogant, but I do not find you to be very intellectually
Nooo you're not judgemental at all... :rolleyes:

It’s like this…you know how it is when you’re in love with someone? How you just can’t get enough of them? See enough of them? You want to spend every second of your life in their company? And even to hear about them is like music to your ears. You want to know what everyone else thinks about them too…what everyone else has to say about them…what they know about them…maybe they know something that you don’t know yet…and you want to know everything.
Yes I know what it's like to love someone and yes I can get enough of him and yes I can see too much of him. I sometimes crave my time alone. No I do not want to spend every second of my life in his company, that would just be grating. No, hearing about him is not 'like music to my ears'. No I don't want to hear what everyone thinks of him or has to say about him. If I want to know about him, I do not need to get that information from others, but from him, himself. And no I do not want to know everything about him, there are some things he should keep private, just as there are some things I wish to keep to myself.

Now, when you give a donation to TBN, they will send you, as a token of their appreciation, a “love gift”.
Have you ever noticed that the 'love gift' you get for your donation is always only worth 50 cents or so, and the rest lines the pocket of the pink haired lady with the bad mascara?

Bells said:
Eh? :confused:

Rock star? Who? Jesus Christ Superstar?

No, not Jesus, but to me, the closest thing to Him that is alive and on this earth in the flesh. For it is through him that God will manifest my redemption and my restoration and fulfill all of the desires of my heart. It is through him that I will experience the love of Christ in the flesh. When I look at him, I see God, and every time I look at him, I thank God for the blessing that He has bestowed upon me through him. He is the most amazing man I've ever known, and the most important thing in this world to me. Coming to know him is the greatest thing that has ever happened to me aside from coming to know Jesus Christ Himself, and I love him, I love him, I love him, I love him...
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Lori_7: No, not Jesus, but to me, the closest thing to Him that is alive and on this earth in the flesh. For it is through him that God will manifest my redemption and my restoration and fulfill all of the desires of my heart. It is through him that I will experience the love of Christ in the flesh. When I look at him, I see God, and every time I look at him, I thank God for the blessing that he has bestowed upon me through him. He is the most amazing man I've ever known, and the most important thing in this world to me. Coming to know him is the greatest thing that has ever happened to me aside from coming to know Jesus Christ Himself, and I love him, I love him, I love him, I love him...
M*W: Lori, I may have missed something in your posts, but did you say you have or have not met your rock star yet?
Like a handsome prince, he came to me in the spirit late one night and kissed me. His kiss woke me from a long, dark, and deep sleep. Since then his face is all that I see, his voice is all that I hear, and my desire for him is all that I feel. What he has created sustains me, and what he is creating will sanctify me. I have never longed for anything in this world except for the love of Christ, until now, as I long for his love with everything that is within me. Just like Jesus is the hero who has come to save the life of my spirit, he is the hero who has come to save the life of my flesh. And just as I have given my life to Christ, I will also give my life to heart, my mind, and my body. For it is my destiny in Christ to belong to him, and my purpose in God's will to love him. And I have never wanted anything more, and I will never want for anything again, but to love him...for in him, my joy will be complete, forever and ever, amen.
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Medicine Woman said:
Lori_7: No, not Jesus, but to me, the closest thing to Him that is alive and on this earth in the flesh. For it is through him that God will manifest my redemption and my restoration and fulfill all of the desires of my heart. It is through him that I will experience the love of Christ in the flesh. When I look at him, I see God, and every time I look at him, I thank God for the blessing that he has bestowed upon me through him. He is the most amazing man I've ever known, and the most important thing in this world to me. Coming to know him is the greatest thing that has ever happened to me aside from coming to know Jesus Christ Himself, and I love him, I love him, I love him, I love him...
M*W: Lori, I may have missed something in your posts, but did you say you have or have not met your rock star yet?

Not in the flesh.
Lori_7: Not in the flesh.
M*W: I strongly believe that 'believing makes it so.' I've had a similar experience, and although I am not a christian any longer, I still pray to myself or visualize it in my mind. I prayed hard, too, and my prayers (visualizations) were answered still, even though I didn't believe in God, and I never asked God to grant my desire. Call it what you want to call it, if you believe it is God and Jesus who hear and answer your prayers, then that's wonderful, but YOU have the power to CREATE YOUR OWN LIFE, too! We are NEVER given a WISH without also being given the POWER to make it come true! Believing makes it so. We are creating the lives we are living. Keep praying -- prayer works!
Lori_7 said:
Now, when you give a donation to TBN, they will send you, as a token of their appreciation, a “love gift”. They offer a different gift each month, as many people send donations in on a monthly basis. And one month, for my love gift, I received a video taped documentary called “To Hell And Back”. It was a show about near death experiences, or rather, about several people who had died and then come back to life, as was documented by medical personnel that were present at the scene of the death, and ensuing “resurrection”. These people were interviewed regarding what happened to them during these experiences, and these interviews were shown on the tape.

If this is what I think it is, I have read about it before. What can I say? You don't think TBN has an interest, as a company, to support its viewpoint? Doesn't TBN get money by influencing people to believe in Jesus and send them "love gifts"/donations? So there is a possible MOTIVE for TBN, isn't there? All businesses, and some religions are also businesses in a sense, want to support their own viewpoint, don't they? How do I know the situation wasn't staged or lied about? Why believe this situation over some other Near Death Experiences? I mean, are you just trying to prove to me that the Christian hell is real? Other religions have hells. How do you know it wasn't one of theirs? All sorts of people claim things. Do I accept the one you referred to over any of the others? New Agers? Etc. I think you may consider others Satanic, but that's what you may consider them, based on your own worldview, backed up with the Bible, right? I mean if I tried to prove to you something was real which you personally thought was ridiculous, would you accept it? People lie "all the time". People can also hallucinate and be delusional. This is not to say I KNOW they are, it's to say that it occurs, which I think you agree with. I think I've seen that this Dr whoever exaggerated the claim, if we're thinking about the same thing. But who really knows? I mean, I'm not omniscient. How easy is it to lie about religious claims? What better way to get people into the church than to scare them into it? How do I know that there wasn't some money involved for this story and it was fabricated or partially fabricated to get money? I don't, do I? There can be motives for lying. You're trying to convince me that the Christian hell is real? Is this really what you're getting at? If a Muslim showed you a picture of a miraclous "Allah" writing on various objects, would you then consider being a Muslim? People lie "all the time". It's "scare people into the church". If you can't "scare them into the church", "love them into the church", or vice versa. People can have MOTIVES for such stories. Money. Power. Control. Manipulation.This is such mental manipulation. If you didn't believe in Jesus, I think you would see it as being mental manipulation also.

Lori_7 said:
And hell is not a place of's not about punishment. It's about cause and effect. It's science. It's law.

But who created this supposed law? God right? So whose fault is it that we're imperfect? Is it really mine? I mean, isn't the idea of the "cross of Christ" to correct some problem, which an omniscient God should have known about in the first place? Really, God created some "law" which he knew would be broken by Adam and effect the world leading them to "eternal death"? Why in the world would he create such a "law" in the first place? He should have known we were just imperfect human beings. So this doesn't make a lot of sense to me. Besides, "laws" do not need to be so strict. Really, to me, it's kind of like saying "If I drive 1 mph over the speed limit, I should go to hell". How is it substantially different?

You simply don't create an eternal hell and put humans in it if you're loving, in my opinion. It's not like God saying "Don't drive off this cliff". Guess what, he created hell and it's merely a natural consequence for being alive. Not for doing anything particularly wrong. Just for being a human being. And even if it was for doing something wrong, so what? Who in the world would expect us to be perfect? How sick is that? Also, he has to get his "wrath" out on a supposedly innocent Jesus. To me, that's also sick.

Really, I'd like to believe that there's a God who loves me personally. I'd like to, but I don't see it.

Sorry, it just does NOT make sense to me. And I know how the Bible tries to argue against other views. I don't need a "natural man doesn't understand the things of the spirit of God because it's foolishness to him" or whatever. Such a statement could be used to justify any religion, no matter how ridiculous. I'd venture to guess most religions don't like people relying on their own reason. Look at this link and see that Ishtar wanted people to look to her, not humans.

Do you think some other religions want people relying on their own reason instead of following the rules of those said religions? I doubt it. This is what I consider mind control.
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anonymous2 said:
If this is what I think it is, I have read about it before. What can I say? You don't think TBN has an interest, as a company, to support its viewpoint? Doesn't TBN get money by influencing people to believe in Jesus and send them "love gifts"/donations? So there is a possible MOTIVE for TBN, isn't there? All businesses, and some religions are also businesses in a sense, want to support their own viewpoint, don't they? How do I know the situation wasn't staged or lied about? Why believe this situation over some other Near Death Experiences? I mean, are you just trying to prove to me that the Christian hell is real? Other religions have hells. How do you know it wasn't one of theirs? All sorts of people claim things. Do I accept the one you referred to over any of the others? New Agers? Etc. I think you may consider others Satanic, but that's what you may consider them, based on your own worldview, backed up with the Bible, right? I mean if I tried to prove to you something was real which you personally thought was ridiculous, would you accept it? People lie "all the time". People can also hallucinate and be delusional. This is not to say I KNOW they are, it's to say that it occurs, which I think you agree with. I think I've seen that this Dr whoever exaggerated the claim, if we're thinking about the same thing. But who really knows? I mean, I'm not omniscient. How easy is it to lie about religious claims? What better way to get people into the church than to scare them into it? How do I know that there wasn't some money involved for this story and it was fabricated or partially fabricated to get money? I don't, do I? There can be motives for lying. You're trying to convince me that the Christian hell is real? Is this really what you're getting at? If a Muslim showed you a picture of a miraclous "Allah" writing on various objects, would you then consider being a Muslim? People lie "all the time". It's "scare people into the church". If you can't "scare them into the church", "love them into the church", or vice versa. People can have MOTIVES for such stories. Money. Power. Control. Manipulation.This is such mental manipulation. If you didn't believe in Jesus, I think you would see it as being mental manipulation also.

I'm not quite sure how to respond to this, cause I'm kind of stunned. And please know that I'm not trying to be shitty or anything....but man, did you ever miss the point. Forget about TBN...forget about whether or not it was a true story even. Though I for one believe it to be sincerely...I watched the guy tell it, and I saw his sincerity and his sentiment, and I recognized it, because it is how I feel about Jesus as well. But aside from that...don't you see? Don't you see that what he described as happening in hell is also happening here, on earth, and all around you? It's what is happening with you! And it's what has happened with me. All to a lesser degree, but exactly the same. The beings that run from Him there, are like the beings who run from Him here. Why? For the exact same reasons. I could be that man. Jesus has rescued me from my own personal hell, and from what I would call this hell on earth. He touched me and healed all of my wounds...not so much physical, but emotional. His light shown on me and revealed the truth to all of the lies that I had believed for so long...the lies that had hurt me...believing them had hurt me repeatedly and very deeply. And now that I've met Him, He is with me...He stays with me and is my friend, my Counselor, my Father...and He teaches me and talks to me and helps me in every way...He is there for me. Just like the man in the story had asked Him to be for Him, once back here on earth. And all of the people around me who could see this happen to me...witness this amazing change in me....listen to me tell them all about it. What do they do? They turn and run...they don't look...they don't see. They don't want Him...they don't want to know Him. So they deny...deny me perhaps...definitely deny Him. And why? Because they are afraid of Him...because of the lies. They are afraid He'll hurt them. They are afraid of the light...they don't want to see...the truth...about themselves...about this world...about Jesus. They're afraid of what it all will mean to them...for them. They are afraid of condemnation and know, the very things that I attest to not ever taking place with Christ. They are afraid of the consequences...afraid He will make their lives hard, boring, sad...afraid of having to turn into a church person. I know this because this was once where I was at...long before I met Him. And man, was I ever WRONG. I was sooooooooooooo wrong about Him.

But who created this supposed law? God right? So whose fault is it that we're imperfect? Is it really mine? I mean, isn't the idea of the "cross of Christ" to correct some problem, which an omniscient God should have known about in the first place? Really, God created some "law" which he knew would be broken by Adam and effect the world leading them to "eternal death"? Why in the world would he create such a "law" in the first place? He should have known we were just imperfect human beings. So this doesn't make a lot of sense to me. Besides, "laws" do not need to be so strict. Really, to me, it's kind of like saying "If I drive 1 mph over the speed limit, I should go to hell". How is it substantially different?

You simply don't create an eternal hell and put humans in it if you're loving, in my opinion. It's not like God saying "Don't drive off this cliff". Guess what, he created hell and it's merely a natural consequence for being alive. Not for doing anything particularly wrong. Just for being a human being. And even if it was for doing something wrong, so what? Who in the world would expect us to be perfect? How sick is that? Also, he has to get his "wrath" out on a supposedly innocent Jesus. To me, that's also sick.

The law was created to support eternal life, in love, peace, and joy...the law is pure and perfect. Transgression from that law is sin, and causes death...pain, sickness, and all sorts of suffering that goes with it. God does not wish for us to live in sin, and ultimately will not have us to do so, for it is His creation. The reason that He has allowed for it now, is so that we have knowledge of that we know the difference and understand it...and so that we can make a choice based upon it. Do we want sin and death or do we want an eternal life without it, and with God? To not ever know sin, would be like the difference between reading about something in a book, and experiencing it in real life. God never wants for you to learn something out of a book, no not even the Bible, but to experience it in your life...that is why you are living this life right learn. He knows that this is the only way to truly know, and to truly understand. This flesh, and all of the pain that goes with it is not eternal, and will pass. So let it go, and look to something bigger and better and forever. This is just a step along the way. And when it's purpose has been fulfilled, then let it burn....ashes to ashes...dust to dust....this is not the end....this is not all that there is.

What you choose to see as punishment is merely cause and effect according to the law. And to witness this in life and experience it is not punishment but learning, and God can make it so worth while. More worth while than you could ever possibly imagine. He can make it so good that you would want to live this life for forever, even with the sin and horrible consequences of it....just because He is there in the midst of it, and He is so good to you through it all. He provides for you, and protects you, and fulfills you, and is so there for you in every way that it gets to the point where you almost don't notice the bad stuff just becomes a slight a pesky fly buzzing around here and there.

Conviction and judgement is truth revealed...period. It's not condemnation. We condemn ourselves when we seek to avoid the truth. Don't you see? That is the point! It's a choice! If those beings in hell would have had enough balls to stick around and take a look and find out for themselves what Jesus can do, then they would have KNOWN. The same light would have shown on them, and healed them...and then they would have known the truth....and Jesus would have snatched them right up outta there too. But they didn't...they CHOSE not to turn away and to run from Him. IT IS A CHOICE. You are here to learn what you need to learn to be able to make that choice. What choice are you making?

Just like with sin or with anything else in this will never truly understand Jesus until you experience Him for yourself...then and only then will you KNOW.

Really, I'd like to believe that there's a God who loves me personally. I'd like to, but I don't see it.

Then you are not looking in the right place...because He is THERE. He is there for YOU. He loves you more than you could ever fathom. You will see.

Sorry, it just does NOT make sense to me. And I know how the Bible tries to argue against other views. I don't need a "natural man doesn't understand the things of the spirit of God because it's foolishness to him" or whatever. Such a statement could be used to justify any religion, no matter how ridiculous. I'd venture to guess most religions don't like people relying on their own reason. Look at this link and see that Ishtar wanted people to look to her, not humans.

Do you think some other religions want people relying on their own reason instead of following the rules of those said religions? I doubt it. This is what I consider mind control.

Rely not on your reason, but on your EXPERIENCE...your KNOWLEDGE. Then and only then will you understand.

And please know that I am not preaching to you. I have lived through every bit of what I am talking about. I have lived it, and so I know.

Just like the beings in hell, it is your fear of condemnation and punishment that keeps you from Him. And in keeping from Him, you condemn and punish yourself, and remain "in hell". But I swear to you upon my life that there is no condemnation or punishment in Christ...only pure and unconditional love. I wish that my words could make you understand, but I know that it is only through your own experience that you will understand. Even so, know that I'm telling you the truth...based upon my own experience.

Love you bunches,

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What's this about C20 leaving? Is that true?

Poor guy -- I thought he was incredibly well-intentioned and civilized, and he actually restored my faith in Christians (if not Christianity) by not being a spaz about his beliefs... :( Take good care, C20!
pixel: What's this about C20 leaving? Is that true?

Poor guy -- I thought he was incredibly well-intentioned and civilized, and he actually restored my faith in Christians (if not Christianity) by not being a spaz about his beliefs... :( Take good care, C20!
M*W: Uhh... are we talking about the same person??? Perhaps you should go back and reread all his posts and get back to us.
Medicine Woman said:
pixel: What's this about C20 leaving? Is that true?

Poor guy -- I thought he was incredibly well-intentioned and civilized, and he actually restored my faith in Christians (if not Christianity) by not being a spaz about his beliefs... :( Take good care, C20!
M*W: Uhh... are we talking about the same person??? Perhaps you should go back and reread all his posts and get back to us.

Perhaps you should clue into the fact that you singled him out hypocritically, attacked him simply because you didn't like what he had to say, you were wrong to do so, and get back to us.
Lori_7: Perhaps you should clue into the fact that you singled him out hypocritically, attacked him simply because you didn't like what he had to say, you were wrong to do so, and get back to us.
M*W: I'm not going to argue with you about this, Lori. c20's posts speak volumes. It wasn't what he said but how he said it over and over and over and over again ad nauseum. Obviously you haven't read all my posts, either, because if you had, you would know that I didn't single c20 out to attack him. He was the attacker to many members on the religion forum. He attacked because he couldn't or wouldn't debate. I don't know about you, but I think the rest of us, with the exception of a few, are here to learn from each other. c20 thought he was above learning anything, so he left.
Medicine Woman said:
Lori_7: Perhaps you should clue into the fact that you singled him out hypocritically, attacked him simply because you didn't like what he had to say, you were wrong to do so, and get back to us.
M*W: I'm not going to argue with you about this, Lori. c20's posts speak volumes. It wasn't what he said but how he said it over and over and over and over again ad nauseum. Obviously you haven't read all my posts, either, because if you had, you would know that I didn't single c20 out to attack him. He was the attacker to many members on the religion forum. He attacked because he couldn't or wouldn't debate. I don't know about you, but I think the rest of us, with the exception of a few, are here to learn from each other. c20 thought he was above learning anything, so he left.

My ass... (|).
yes it is your arse lori, thats in the sling, M*W is totally right, c20 was and is a sociopath, read his posts, and then checkout what a sociopath is it's enlightening.

some of us could see through the facard, a sociopath is skilled at making people listen, and to make people thing they are so so nice.
david koresh, and the rev jimmy jones, were too.

heres a link
and heres a reply by c20, says a lot.
post 5