Canned Hunting

I went deer hunting once. I could have easily shot bambi's momma, right through the left temple. I just couldn't do it. I have shot I don't know how many pesky Gopher's on my dad's farm(digging up land so bad you can't even run a swather), but I could not kill such a magnificent beast. I guess it was just because it didn't seem necessary...
Christ how you do dickheads do it, such wonderful majestic creatures, killed so you and little jimmy can have a shite story to tell when youre bored and there's nothing on tv.

What an utterally sad, pointless, reason to kill. What a disgrace.

So you think they shot it, took pics, and walked away?
You're right, that would be dickhead behavior, utterly sad, and a disgrace.

Its not what happened, but that probably doesn't matter to you does it.
Its not that. Who looks at a beauty like that and thinks, where is my gun?
they ate it. We grew up eating antelope, deer, and elk. Kill the older ones, let the younger ones move up, more diversity in the gene pool.

Nature can manage fine by itself !
And.. don't you have supermarkets over there ?
Originally Posted by heliocentric
Christ how you do dickheads do it, such wonderful majestic creatures, killed so you and little jimmy can have a shite story to tell when youre bored and there's nothing on tv.

What an utterally sad, pointless, reason to kill. What a disgrace.
What creates this kind of ignorance? Inhaling too many bus fumes ? A mother who wouldn't allow even a pet cat because it would jump on the counter ?

I'm the last person to defend the average hunter, actually - so many seem to have the basic attitude of the PETA types, only coming to the opposite recommendations for action, plus they litter - but this notion that people hunt because they enjoy killing things is just goofy. And so is the idea that some kind of aesthetic, "wonderful majestic animal" appreciation shows the slightest respect for actual animals and their real lives.
This is the only way we're going to keep species from going extinct. If there's a value put on them.

Otherwise, let's turn that acreage into a subdivision.
This is the only way we're going to keep species from going extinct. If there's a value put on them.

Otherwise, let's turn that acreage into a subdivision.

What a very sad set of priorities humans have. :(
Nature can manage fine by itself !
And.. don't you have supermarkets over there ?

considering humans have been hunting as long as we have been on the planet, I think we are part of nature.

My family LOVES hunting. The killing is secondary and over with in seconds. The hunting is a day(s) long thing.

And saying they should go to the store instead of hunting seems hypocritcal. Why does it matter what meat they eat or who kills it as long as it is done humanely?
This is the only way we're going to keep species from going extinct. If there's a value put on them....

Today's hunters are some of the most staunch advocates for the environment. They see when animals are disappearing. They see when migratory/breeding grounds are being affected.

Anyone heard of Ducks Unlimited? (A conservation group that aids hunters and vice versa). They are huge here, I suppose because we have so much water.
considering humans have been hunting as long as we have been on the planet, I think we are part of nature.

My family LOVES hunting. The killing is secondary and over with in seconds. The hunting is a day(s) long thing.

And saying they should go to the store instead of hunting seems hypocritcal. Why does it matter what meat they eat or who kills it as long as it is done humanely?

There is a big difference between killing and eating wild animals and killing and eating domesticated livestock. Don't you think ?
We have been around for a very short time compared to the rest of life on earth, and there are indications that some animals have gone instinct because of our hunting forefathers too.
I don't think in this day and age we can afford losing species through needless hunting. Already a lot of animal species are extinct or threatened because of us and our wonderful industrialization and the pollution that comes with it. Not to speak of our invasion of natural habitat because of overpopulation.
Yeah, well, I don't think elk, deer, antelope, etc are in any danger of being wiped out here in the US. I think its more humane to eat wild animals vs domesticated. Wanna compare their habitat? When was the last time you saw a cow that starved to death due to overpopulation and the food source eaten up?? When was the last time you saw a duck factory or a deer feedlot?

And hunting is separate from building on and polluting the environment. Again, hunters are staunch environmentalists. They want wetlands saved. They want the forests protected. Canned hunting is cheating and most real hunters find it repulsive. Its about killing and ego, not about hunting.
Again, hunters are staunch environmentalists. They want wetlands saved. They want the forests protected.
I think this is too general. I used to live in a rural area and certainly a good number of the hunters I met were like this. But there were a good number who were not.
Yeah, well, I don't think elk, deer, antelope, etc are in any danger of being wiped out here in the US. I think its more humane to eat wild animals vs domesticated. Wanna compare their habitat? When was the last time you saw a cow that starved to death due to overpopulation and the food source eaten up?? When was the last time you saw a duck factory or a deer feedlot?

And hunting is separate from building on and polluting the environment. Again, hunters are staunch environmentalists. They want wetlands saved. They want the forests protected. Canned hunting is cheating and most real hunters find it repulsive. Its about killing and ego, not about hunting.

I disagree. Hands off nature.. :bawl:
Domesticated livestock is bad enough already..
I think this is too general. I used to live in a rural area and certainly a good number of the hunters I met were like this. But there were a good number who were not.

And not all hunting is like a canned hunt. Not all hunters shoot an animal just to wound it so they can then slit its throat.

Not all hunters are bad.
And not all hunting is like a canned hunt. Not all hunters shoot an animal just to wound it so they can then slit its throat.

Not all hunters are bad.

I think I made it clear that I thought not all hunters were bad, so it seems strange to have you now say this to me. I've come in late to the discussion here. If some people are saying all hunters are bad, I don't agree. I don't think saying all hunters believe in conservation or care about wetlands etc. is really helpful, even when other people are making countergeneralizations that are also false.

Then we get two myths floating around and this is unpleasant for those of us who live in a more nuanced world and have noticed it.
They only want to save nature so they can keep hunting.
In my contacts with hunters I would say you are describing only some of them. I found a decent % who loved, understood and did more for nature than most non-hunters. And then there were others whose way of hunting reminded me of the attitudes rapists have. Then there were more neutral types who never looked at the big picture. It was like picking mushrooms or something.

I mean, I'm a vegetarian and I love many animals much more, I think, than I could love most people. I hate what is happening to nature. But I just don't think hunters are the real problem. Agribusiness, Gene modification, militiary and industrial waste, pesticides, waste in general, overpopulation...

these things seem like real threats to nature.