Canned Hunting

In my contacts with hunters I would say you are describing only some of them. I found a decent % who loved, understood and did more for nature than most non-hunters. And then there were others whose way of hunting reminded me of the attitudes rapists have. Then there were more neutral types who never looked at the big picture. It was like picking mushrooms or something.

I mean, I'm a vegetarian and I love many animals much more, I think, than I could love most people. I hate what is happening to nature. But I just don't think hunters are the real problem. Agribusiness, Gene modification, militiary and industrial waste, pesticides, waste in general, overpopulation...

these things seem like real threats to nature.

Of course, hunters aren't a major problem. But it's the attitude that bothers me. Take fox hunting for example.. that pisses me off.. :mad:
Of course, hunters aren't a major problem. But it's the attitude that bothers me. Take fox hunting for example.. that pisses me off.. :mad:
yeah, I hate that too. It mixes in class anger, for me, also.

I guess my point was that hunters in general are not a problem, when it comes to the destruction of ecosystems, except those that break laws - around endangered animals, for example. That some hunters have very unpleasant attitudes about animals, life, etc. is a real phenomenon. But I don't think this is even most hunters.
yeah, I hate that too. It mixes in class anger, for me, also.

I guess my point was that hunters in general are not a problem, when it comes to the destruction of ecosystems, except those that break laws - around endangered animals, for example. That some hunters have very unpleasant attitudes about animals, life, etc. is a real phenomenon. But I don't think this is even most hunters.

I wouldn't know if it's most hunters.. I just know more than a fraction are like that. Appalling behavior...

Then there are those that are not particularly cruel on purpose and maybe don't give it much thought at all..
I think all hunting is wrong, except when people need to to eat. If there are other means to get food available you shouldn't hunt.
I agree, kiddie brothels are a great psychological outlet for pedophiles as well, it would be sick not to allow them to express themselves.
I mean what kind of society are we living in where we cant let people do what ever they want no matter what the consequences, cuh.

Way to devalue people. I think you might enjoy this thread as well:
I wouldn't know if it's most hunters.. I just know more than a fraction are like that. Appalling behavior...

Then there are those that are not particularly cruel on purpose and maybe don't give it much thought at all..
I think all hunting is wrong, except when people need to to eat. If there are other means to get food available you shouldn't hunt.

Are you a vegetarian?
If not you should know that using available meat in the stores probably caused more suffering to an animal then a hunter did.

My point is that even if other meat is available it is not better for animals if we just buy it in the store and let other people handle the miserable life of the animal and its killing. (as long as hunters follow the laws)

If you are a vegetarian the broad issue is still animals being killed and to focus on hunters in particular is judge those who actually take responsibility for their killing, and, in general are killing animals who got to live vastly better lives. (free range animals an exception).

Its like a war - sadly - there are those, generals, presidents - who send other people to kill for them. If we call the soldiers killers, we really need to focus on those with more responsibility, even if they never got out of their chairs.
Are you a vegetarian?
If not you should know that using available meat in the stores probably caused more suffering to an animal then a hunter did.....

he's not a vegetarian and I've already told him that. :rolleyes: But, he's addicted to his hands free prepackaged wrapped meat.
huh Enmos? lol
That makes me sick.

I think that if people want to hunt, one person should agree to be the victim and the rest of the group should shoot at them.
then you're allowed to hate it.
You're not allowed to hate hunting if you eat the meat from a slaughter house.