Can Scientists & Mystics Work Together?

In the atmosphere you see today, with science and creation that is maybe true. But it doesn't have to be. There is really nothing that science has found out that conflicts with creation. The most widely known creation account, from the bible is in complete harmony with the actual evidence from science. So really where is the problem?

I can not see any problem at all. Bible complements science. Science has produced nothing whatsoever to show a single conflict with creation. Especially widely known creation account has complete harmony with anything scientific evidence can submit to our brains. Total harmony...
I guarantee that science will never be able to show this to you until the end of time. That means your understanding will never be shaken.
Why can not science show this? If it actually happened that way , all science would have to do is wait and let it happen again, after all it has been billions of years. If science can't prove it, then that doesn't say much for the theory in the first place. It also brings up the question if science can not prove it why use it in all the science papers, and TV programs and schools. Why doesn't science tell the truth, and say they can't prove it and creation is likely also?
Could you imagine the back lash from the world , and from science itself, when you think of all the stuff, evolution is mentioned in, using a big black marker to cross it all out.
Science has chosen a path, of no return, and they can't even prove it, and will never be able to.
Why can not science show this?
Maybe because it's just useless. And why is it useless, because you give the answer in question format, yet still an answer:

if science can not prove it why use it in all the science papers, and
TV programs and schools. Why doesn't science tell the truth, and say they can't prove it and creation is likely also?
Because science is a delusion created by liars, and it occupies every corner of modern life, yet unable to produce anything which make sense.

Maybe you already know the answer:

Science has chosen a path, of no return, and they can't even prove it, and will never be able to.

Could you imagine the back lash from the world , and from science itself, when you think of all the stuff, evolution is mentioned in, using a big black marker to cross it all out.
Personally I can not, since I know that science is a part of an intentional plan to deceive everyone with unsupported claims such as "evolution". There is no way to prove it, yet some people use science to protect their position, and that's why there is no way they will cross their claims, unless if they come up with a new theory.

If it actually happened that way , all science would have to do is wait and let it happen again, after all it has been billions of years.
Exactly, they claim that they can play with genes and see mutations which would normally take millions of years in nature. But I think this is part of their propaganda.
This is actually right, because logically, if it could, it would have shown them to you as well. If science had any explanatory power, it could already have explained to you, or proved to you that you were wrong. But it can not. If science could not do this, I think science is not valuable other than repeating, copying some already existing creation, or tools through technology. Other than this, it's nothing.
This is true. But science has been saying evolution is a fact. They were better off saying it was a theory. Also you have to realize that evolution is based on ,the assumption that life started from non life on it's own. When science finds out that life needs intelligence , for it to be possible, evolution as science claims now will be just, a myth. Because how do you know a creator did not program all the DNA to slowly change into all the variety of life we see.
Science and industry copy's creation all the time. A movie camera, is just a copy of our eye and brain. We can focus automatically, and see moving images , and calculate depth, and speed, and then move our bodies accordingly. Does not science and engineers try to do the same. Science would like to copy a bird feather, but still is not able too. Sonar and radar were done in creation first.
But I don't minimize sciences achievements , though.There are many things science has learned, and done. Because all things we see are from creation, does not mean science should be of no use or not interesting, it just the opposite of that. The things in the future, that can be learned, will out strip anything science has learned now.

Actual science and creation do more than fitting together: They are actually two sides of the same coin, or required two keys for a same key hole, it's like "intelligent evolution". Whatever science is doing was already said by religions before; and whatever religions promised is what science is doing now. Yet as you mentioned truly, they tend to say different things...
This is absolutely correct. WE are here and real. It took the understanding of what man calls 'science' to create all of this. Science and a creator are the same thing.
Personally I can not, since I know that science is a part of an intentional plan to deceive everyone with unsupported claims such as "evolution". There is no way to prove it, yet some people use science to protect their position, and that's why there is no way they will cross their claims, unless if they come up with a new theory.
This is an interesting statement! I'm wondering what you mean by that?
This is an interesting statement! I'm wondering what you mean by that?

I mean what I say, there are secret and dangerous people behind all these science policy, and their unique intention is to destroy religious thinking and ideas. And according to their plans, they can come up with unproven ideas such as evolution.

Beware of them...
I mean what I say, there are secret and dangerous people behind all these science policy, and their unique intention is to destroy religious thinking and ideas. And according to their plans, they can come up with unproven ideas such as evolution.

Beware of them...
This is a world of misinformation, designed to hide , any real answers.
I'm not sure exactly what you mean, but I to do think there is an intentional, purpose from all the institutions of this world. It has always ( at least for man) been there, but is intensified in this time.
This is a world of misinformation, designed to hide , any real answers.
How can you say that, which part of my statement made you think that I gave you misinformation, and I designed above paragraph to hide "any" real answers?
Could you clarify please?
I'm not sure exactly what you mean
Yet you say that it's misinformation, a deception (don't reply with that "I didn't say deception" correction, I know that, I just understood that way)
but I to do think there is an intentional, purpose from all the institutions of this world.
Is it like tangible, known organizations, or some underground secret organizations. Or the ones look like legal (such as universities, United Nations, etc.) but actually play some other games behind closed doors?
It has always ( at least for man) been there, but is intensified in this time.

What has always been there , deceiving other people?
How can you say that, which part of my statement made you think that I gave you misinformation, and I designed above paragraph to hide "any" real answers?
Could you clarify please?

Oh ... I didn't mean you, personally. I meant the world in general. I was interested in your statement , about people intentionally trying to mislead. I wasn't sure what you meant by that. Did you mean an organized group?
Did you mean an organized group?
Did I sound like "unorganised, arbitrary, coincidential, unaware of each other" people? I think such a great plan wouldn't be achieved without an organisation, or group of organizations, located in core institutions of the world...
Is it like tangible, known organizations, or some underground secret organizations. Or the ones look like legal (such as universities, United Nations, etc.) but actually play some other games behind closed doors?
This is a more religious answer, that explains the world we see, and why it is the way it is. I thought it was an interesting comment on your part.
How come it's religious, I didn't get this part. I am talking about man-made organizations...
OK , this religious answer , is in control of man's organizations. This includes religions, governments, education, science , financial, entertainment etc.
OK , this religious answer , is in control of man's organizations. This includes religions, governments, education, science , financial, entertainment etc.

Is there any point, idea, material, thing, I mean anything that you would call "out of religion", or everything is necessarily religious?
Is there any point, idea, material, thing, I mean anything that you would call "out of religion", or everything is necessarily religious?
Put it this way, man's institutions are puppets. Man thinks he is in control, but he is not. That is the reason the world is the way it is. Just about everything man does ends up to be the wrong.
Put it this way, man's institutions are puppets. Man thinks he is in control, but he is not. That is the reason the world is the way it is. Just about everything man does ends up to be the wrong.

Does it include your actions as well? So should we accept everything you say as "wrong" categorically? So if you are thinking that everything man does ends up to be wrong, and you are a member of this species, do you believe that everything you say will end up the wrong?
Does it include your actions as well? So should we accept everything you say as "wrong" categorically? So if you are thinking that everything man does ends up to be wrong, and you are a member of this species, do you believe that everything you say will end up the wrong?
There has always been a few that , get a look at what absolute truth is. This is done in an organized way. But it depends on a few things, one is that it depends on attitude, humility, accurate knowledge, and timing. This sounds a little cryptic,I know. But there is more to this, but I don't really want to get into a religious discussion, in a public forum, it never gets anywhere.
But no one should believe what I say, without proving things to yourself.
My only purpose is to get people to think about things. Many have turned to science, but the reality is science doesn't have the answers. That is why they can't prove it.
There has always been a few that , get a look at what absolute truth is. This is done in an organized way. But it depends on a few things, one is that it depends on attitude, humility, accurate knowledge, and timing. This sounds a little cryptic,I know. But there is more to this, but I don't really want to get into a religious discussion, in a public forum, it never gets anywhere.
But no one should believe what I say, without proving things to yourself.
My only purpose is to get people to think about things. Many have turned to science, but the reality is science doesn't have the answers. That is why they can't prove it.

Hang on a minute, I asked a very simple question over your statement:

Your statement: "Just about everything man does ends up to be the wrong."
My question: Does this statement include you too?

Why did you start "cryptic" (-your own word-) expressions, I didn't get it... You can just say yes, no, or I don't know. I don't even ask for an explanation. If you like, you can give an explanation, it's up to you. All I want to learn is that if your statement includes you. Why is it religious, why is it complicated, I honestly didn't get why...
Some wonder if or how humanity will evolve further.

I mean not simply biological evolution into bigger muscles or other physical attributes, but into a species more adapted to this cosmos.

In that regard, some say humans will evolve into robots while others say humans will evolve into super beings.

How do you see it?

The earliest mystics were the scientists. The earlierst scientists were the mystics. I'd say science is applied mysticism. :)