Can Scientists & Mystics Work Together?

Science has to go against the evidence that is here, to say life started on it's own and that evolution is possible.

That is exactly what the evidence suggests and what science has helped us understand.
But science is supposed to go with the evidence where ever it takes you. Not against the evidence, and make up your own..
Exactly. You must be able to demonstrate your false idea isn't false. You haven't done that.
Actually I have. Can science demonstrate that the start to life and evolution is correct?
I have showed that the evidence from science shows creation. So can science show that it is not?
Science does have several plausible explanations for the origin of life.

What was your evidence that science supports supernatural creation?
The idea of evolution is really a man made idea.

Evolution is not a man made idea. It is a human way of understanding and formulating what is going on in reality. Scientist have been doing experiments on fruit flies and observing many creatures to test the understanding of evolution. Nothing has come up yet to falsify the evolution of species. If you want to ignore the entire scientific research and data on the issue, it's your problem. Yet, evolution is not an idea, it's a fact. Try to live with it. Because it is obvious that you have no intention to conceive the factors of nature such as time, environment, mutation, adaptation, population, heredity or any other phenomenon whatsoever.
I have showed that the evidence from science shows creation.
No you didn't. Where is it? Give the thread number, or write it down again: What is your understanding of evidence or proof, how do you understand something is proven, or disproven (with an example please!), and how does creation fit in evidence.
And the evidence of life and evolution tells you there is no intelligence.

You can not prove creation, because you have no tool, logic, method other than belief. You are talking about vastness of things, universe, humans, and everything else. Fair enough. And your logic goes like that: "If everything are so much and complex, so they can not emerge by themselves, a creator must be behind of everything." Ask yourself "why"? Why do you think that complexity can occur only through a creator? You have raised the human examples (bread, machines, etc.), yet there is no single human being or single time or place behind all these human inventions (factual or fictional); they are the results of accumulation and combination of many individuals accross the planet and throughout millennia.

Anyway, I will not go through the examples from technology, such as how any complicated device (a car, a computer, a scanner, etc.) has evolved throughout centuries. I will just ask you to start to think about two concepts for a beginning: Heredity (history of everything) and the immense time span was (comparing to the life span of an individual, a country, a religion, a species) required to reach actual situation of reality which present itself upon us. Plus don't underestimate the possibilities which may and do arise from the co-existence of things (physical) their environment. It's like thinking of internet environment as a combination of many individual ideas, projects, contributions, demands, as well as technology behind it. No single person could create the internet, no matter how intelligent they were.

I think I can not give you anything more than this. Because idea of evolution is not trying to sell you a brand new belief: The whole idea is to test your belief against reality. Try better devices to see the reality. No matter how better your eyesight is, you cannot see microorganism or distant galaxies without the help of microscopes or telescopes respectively. No matter how intelligent you or somebody else is, you can not create complex mechanisms (internet, cosmos, life) single handedly let alone suddenly.
Yes you can prove creation.
You can theorize all you want , that bread could happen through natural forces. But if you want any bread you have to create it. Science gives people IQ tests, how much of an IQ do you need to make bread.
How much intelligence does it take to send a man to the moon? All the parts have to be created, and built, over years of research. Would you say that was a little intelligence or or a lot. But so far man can't create life, do you think it takes more study , from very intelligent people to be able to do that.

You mentioned telescopes and microscopes, both built with intelligence.

"If everything are so much and complex, so they can not emerge by themselves, a creator must be behind of everything." Ask yourself "why"? Why do you think that complexity can occur only through a creator? You have raised the human examples (bread, machines, etc.), yet there is no single human being or single time or place behind all these human inventions (factual or fictional); they are the results of accumulation and combination of many individuals accross the planet and throughout millennia.
You have answered the question here. These things have all come from intelligent creation. Man builds on other men's learning, until he has enough knowledge to make it. You mentioned telescopes and microscopes, both built with intelligence. People also use the word evolution to mean intelligent progression of knowledge. So does that mean you are saying evolution is really intelligent design, which is creation. Or is that just a corruption of the word evolution.
evolution ... is not something that really happens.

we don't see dogs turning into other kinds of animals. They are dogs.

We don't see legs of a dog coming out of his back or sides or head or anything like that.

Yes, we do. They are called mutations and can happen before birth.

Is there any other part of reality you wish to deny?
Yes you can prove creation.
How, using which method?

Man builds on other men's learning, until he has enough knowledge to make it. You mentioned telescopes and microscopes, both built with intelligence. People also use the word evolution to mean intelligent progression of knowledge. So does that mean you are saying evolution is really intelligent design, which is creation. Or is that just a corruption of the word evolution.

Yes, but humans do exist. Where does this your creator exist, how does it interact with its creation. And you are trying to impose a new concept to creationism: "Intelligent progression of knowledge". In previous episode of creationism, the superintelligent almighty god had created everything out of nothing and suddenly; he created man as a man, rabbit as a rabbit, world as a world. So what happened now? Have you just introduced a new concept of "progressing creator", just as its creations (humans)? Progress means evolution. Are you trying to say "intelligent evolution"?
Yes, we do. They are called mutations and can happen before birth.

Is there any other part of reality you wish to deny?
When we see mutations today they are usually bad for an animal. And we don't see mutations , making new animals from it, they are still dogs. This is the same with people, we see 2 heads, extra arms, legs, even dwarfism, but they are all still people. Mutations do not account for new types of animals.
Originally Posted by hay_you
Yes you can prove creation.

How, using which method?
By using how much intelligence it would take a man to do it. It is a comparative measure.
Making bread, for instance, a 6 or 7 year old could do that if shown. But to physics, maybe a high school student. To build something like a cat, is so far beyond human ability, at this point.
Just compare what it would take for men to do.
Yes, but humans do exist. Where does this your creator exist, how does it interact with its creation. And you are trying to impose a new concept to creationism: "Intelligent progression of knowledge". In previous episode of creationism, the superintelligent almighty god had created everything out of nothing and suddenly; he created man as a man, rabbit as a rabbit, world as a world. So what happened now? Have you just introduced a new concept of "progressing creator", just as its creations (humans)? Progress means evolution. Are you trying to say "intelligent evolution"?
Does science consider intelligence as part of evolution? If so, who is that intelligence?
Does science consider intelligence as part of evolution? If so, who is that intelligence?

I hope you wanted to ask "what is that intelligence". Science consider intelligence as one of the results of evolution, among many other brain capabilities. So intelligence is not behind the evolution of life, it is one of the outcomes of the evolution.

Not that the topic fits the forum.

But a discussion of evolution is not remotely comparative religion, or does everyone participating here support the idea that a discussion pro and con of evolutionary theory is a comparative religion discussion?
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Not that the topic fits the forum.

But a discussion of evolution is not remotely comparative religion, or does everyone participating with to suppor this idea?
Science and creation compliment one another.
The problem is the scientists and religious leaders.

Originally Posted by hay_you
Science and creation compliment one another.
The problem is the scientists and religious leaders.

What are you, a comedian?
It would be funny, if it wasn't so sad. It causes division where none is warranted.
No they don't.

Nope, it's a problem of education.
Were more people to be educated then they'd realise that the two aren't complimentary.
Actually education has done that already. And a lot of people have swallowed it completely. Now it is very hard to get some to think anymore. It probably will take something dramatic, for many to realize that.
Science and creation are really the same thing.
Actually education has done that already.
Well since you persist in the ridiculous and insupportable belief that
Science and creation are really the same thing.
then obviously education really hasn't done it already.

Or maybe you just decided to skip an education.

Now it is very hard to get some to think anymore.
Perhaps people are simply following your lead.