Can Scientists & Mystics Work Together?

Actually, no.

Ah I get it.
It's okay to present incorrect answers to people.

And mysticism, benefits people by presenting answers that are wrong, or not demonstrably correct?

You are being a stiffie who relishes doubful disputations.

The title of the thread is "Can Scientists & Mystics Work Together?" not "Can Science & Mysticism Work Together?", so actually, yes.

You are incorrect that it is ok to present incorrect answers to people and you should therefore stop doing so.

Mysticism nor science are able to present answers or questions, that takes scientists and mystics who have mouths and ears.
Mysticism nor science are able to present answers or questions, that takes scientists and mystics who have mouths and ears.

what dywyydyr means is that what is really being discussed is the methodologies of mysticism and science, and whether such can work together. the question as to whether mystics and scientists can work together is somewhat meaningless--it's like asking if a farmer can work with a carpenter: sure, maybe, maybe not--what's the project? are they building a table, or are they building a chicken coop?

anyhow, i ought to have said ostensibly being discussed, because mysticism has not been adequately defined.
The title of the thread is "Can Scientists & Mystics Work Together?" not "Can Science & Mysticism Work Together?", so actually, yes.
As had been remarked much earlier in the thread - it depends on the project.
However, if the OP meant work together AS scientists and mystics then, by default it's a question of science and mysticism, isn't it?

You are incorrect that it is ok to present incorrect answers to people
Except for the fact that it was the implication in YOUR reply...

Mysticism nor science are able to present answers or questions, that takes scientists and mystics who have mouths and ears.
The practice of science gives answers.
As had been remarked much earlier in the thread - it depends on the project.
However, if the OP meant work together AS scientists and mystics then, by default it's a question of science and mysticism, isn't it?

Except for the fact that it was the implication in YOUR reply...

The practice of science gives answers.

dammit Dywyddyr, i already addressed this one for you. (and my apologies for spelling your name incorrectly above.)
From a Roger Penrose lecture soon to become a book:


String theory has had a kind of tulip-mania fad or craze and now seems
to be in decline. But it is also a kind of religious faith for some of
those who have invested a lot of effort in understanding it.

so there are some die hard believers who will give you elaborate
specious arguments why it is impossible that any of the newer
approaches to quantizing gravity can work

and it lives in a kind of fantasy realm, making no testable
predictions and ungoverned by experimental evidence, so the
researchers indulge in untrammelled mathematical inventiveness

finally such an embarrassing richness of possibilities has emerged
that the distinct variations of the theory have been estimated by its
insiders (Susskind, Douglas) at ten-to-the-100 different base states
and things like the Anthropic Principle, a latter day Hand of God, are
being invoked in a desperate effort to find the right one.
So it has gotten bogged down in its own fecundity.

Doesn't this show that there are mystics who use string theory, who also are scientists in the sense they have great mathematical ability, together with an understanding of quantum mechanics?
I am a very science minded person and spiritual, so yes. Not all mysticism disagrees with science or I could not be spiritual (my mind would fight mysticism way too much).

For me, science wins, but it doesn't cover everything just yet. :)