Can Scientists & Mystics Work Together?

There is no such thing as a "dog" or a "cat", or a "human". These are artificial labels we assign to a broad spectrum of variation. When the variation becomes too great, we give it another name. All living things are variations on a single ancestor. If that was named "primordia", we would all still be "primordias", because we are just variations of it.
That maybe true with scientists, but in the real world most people consider themselves to be human.
Well, I think we've answered the question about whether Scientists and Mystics can work together?
There are scientists that have no problem with creation, it is just the 'dinosaurs', that have a problem. ( sorry I couldn't resist that, that fits on so may levels:bugeye:)
The only way a scientist could have no problem with creation is by ignoring (or denying) science at some level.
I am very interested in science, I try to keep up to the new stuff coming out all the time. But you can't confuse science with scientists. The science is real the scientists, make interpretations. Sometimes they are correct sometimes not.
I am very interested in science, I try to keep up to the new stuff coming out all the time.
Unfortunately, especially in your case, "being interested in" and "keeping up with" science doesn't at all conflate with understanding it.
So far the only reason you appear to have even a familiarity with scientific terminology (I say "familiarity" since it's also obvious you assign your own meaning to such terminology) is to deny it.

But you can't confuse science with scientists. The science is real the scientists, make interpretations. Sometimes they are correct sometimes not.
Quite true, but you've shown yourself as incapable of distinguishing correctness and truth from mistakes, ignorance and lies.
Quite true, but you've shown yourself as incapable of distinguishing correctness and truth from mistakes, ignorance and lies.
Actually it all has to fit, for it to be correct. The evidence we see now, and can get from history, and what is reasonable , and what is really known.
When you do this then you realize that what scientists are saying can not be true. There are too many holes in this, the start to life or 'evolution' to have been real.
Actually it all has to fit, for it to be correct. The evidence we see now, and can get from history, and what is reasonable , and what is really known.
That's right. And it does fit.

When you do this then you realize that what scientists are saying can not be true. There are too many holes in this, the start to life or 'evolution' to have been real.
No, what we've actually come to realise is that you're willing to hold on to your insupportable creationist fantasy despite the evidence through the simple expedient of stubbornly preserving your own ignorance.
In a way it's sort of admirable: if one could ever consider "La la la I can't hear you" to be admirable at all.

I must admit that you have changed my perspective on human nature though. I hadn't ever quite understood that it was possible for a person to remain so wilfully blind to actuality.
Besides, Creationists aren't mystics. They think they know, there's no mystery about it.
We know life was created, as to how ,we learn from science and the scientists.
For people interested in science, the how it was done is interesting, filled with discovery.
But most people are interested in other things. For most people , they like their cell phone or internet and like that the satellites are up there so they can watch the hockey game live. When they cook or anything like that, they are not thinking about the science of it.
You "know" creationism was how life came about, so you ignore the science that says otherwise.
There are scientists that have no problem with creation, it is just the 'dinosaurs', that have a problem. ( sorry I couldn't resist that, that fits on so may levels:bugeye:)

There is nothing in the slightest bit regressive about naturalistic evolutionary science.

The evidence that scientstis have is that a human has another human, dogs have dogs cats have cats.

That's because there is a continuous line of descent between species and change is gradual. We look at the state of existing animals now and draw arbitrary lines between species. We can do that because well over 99% of the ancestor species (the "intermediates", as you'd incorrrectly call them) are extinct. But this has already been explained to you.

You are not the same as your mother. If you have children, they will not be the same as you. Think about the implications of that over even the short time of 1 million years. How different will your children's children's children's children's (repeat 400 times) children be to you?

That something 'evloved' into something else is only science fiction.

You've reduced yourself to spouting empty creationist rhetoric. I assume you've run out of actual arguments. Correct?

Offspring better able to survive, and/or causes them to have more offspring. In the first generation, we have 99 unmutated sets of offspring and 1 mutated set. The mutated set all survive while some of the unmutated ones don't reproduce. In the next generation, the proportion of animals with the favourable mutation is larger than 1 in 100. Now it might be 1 in 50, say. The mutated ones are still more successful, leading in the next generation to a further increase in proportions, to 1 in 20 or 1 in 10. And so on and so on until the original "mutants" comprise virtually the entire population of animals. And as these mutant animals come to dominate, they become increasing likely to be fossilised, too.
Do you understand this explanation?

I understand your explanation, this is a theory. Scientists are full of this kind of thing.But did it happen in the real world.

Yes it did. It's simple and obviously true, and even if you don't find it obvious there's ample evidence to show that it happened.

And you have no alternative except the bland "god did it" non-explanation.

If you think this "goes against the facts that we have", you need to explain which facts you're talking about and how the theory doesn't fit those facts. But you cannot.

I told you that evolutionary scientists do know why whales have leg bones inside their bodies. But you're telling me Creationists have no explanation for that.

So, do you admit that evolution is a superior theory in explaining this?

As a creationist we were not given detailed information on the actually making of life.

So you admit that evolution is a better theory. Good. Now we're making progress!

This doesn't make sense, because why evolve at all if you are surviving now just fine.

You're making the mistake of thinking that evolution has a plan. Random mutations are just that - random. Once they exist, natural selection will work on them.

In a sense, though, you're right. Look at alligators. They haven't changed much in hundreds of millions of years, because there were no environmental pressures driving such a change. The same cannot be said for many other species. It is changes in the environment that drive evolution.

The same with reproduction , just dividing is much more efficient, than needing two sex's.

Correct, but it also has a disadvantage - the offspring are identical to the parent. And that means that the entire population of clones is susceptible to the same diseases, the same climatic changes, etc. Sex results in more variation and greater resilience to change in the environment, and that is why it has been naturally selected in many species.
James ......If I comment on your post am I going to get banned? Because if I can't agree, I can not say something that I don't think is right, or that the evidence doesn't support?

James ......If I comment on your post am I going to get banned? Because if I can't agree, I can not say something that I don't think is right, or that the evidence doesn't support?

You're free to disagree as much as you like.

What you are not free to do is to continue to claim that there's no evidence for this or that when the evidence has been shown/explained to you previously. Because that amounts to simple trolling.